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Ted Bundy, still sizzling after all these years

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Chris Kelly

Dec 28, 2000, 11:04:49 PM12/28/00
For a bit of an experiment, I posted a picture of executed
mass-murderer Ted Bundy to this babe/hunk rating site:

After 303 votes, he got a 6.1 rating. It probably could have been
higher because I changed to a better photo midway, but a) they kept
the first photo's dimensions so it's scaled and b) they make the
voting inactive after a certain number of votes.

Despite being shown handcuffed and in a prison jumpsuit, he got almost
50 votes of 7 or higher:

1: 55
2: 57
3: 60
4: 26
5: 37
6: 23
7: 22
8: 12
9: 9
10: 2

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