By David Guyatt
July 1996
>From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research
Agency (DARPA), with up to 70-80% funding provided by the
military, set in motion operation PANDORA. This project was to
study the health and psychological effects of low intensity
microwaves with regard to the so called "Moscow signal" -- an
episode when the US embassy Moscow was bombarded by Soviet
microwaves... Pandora research included (under US Navy funding)
studies demonstrating how to: induce heart seizures, create leaks
in the blood brain barrier, and the production of auditory
hallucinations. Despite attempts to render the Pandora programme
invisible to scrutiny, FOIA filings revealed memoranda of Richard
Cesaro, Director, DARPA, which confirmed that the programme's
initial goal was to "discover whether a carefully controlled
microwave signal could control the mind." Cesaro urged that
these studies be made "for potential weapons applications."[20]
World Opinion is Not Ready for This
Following immense public outcry, Congress forbade further
research and demanded that these projects be terminated across
the board. But as Victor Marchetti, a former CIA agent later
revealed, the programmes merely became more secret and built-in a
high element of "deniability."[21] Despite the fact that many of
these projects revolved around the use of narcotics and
hallucinogens, projects ARTICHOKE, PANDORA and CHATTER clearly
demonstrated that "psychoelectronics" were a high priority.
Indeed, an anonymous informer (humorously known as "Deep Trance")
told author John Marks; that beginning in 1963 mind control
research strongly emphasized electronics.
[20] Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report released under
FOIA. Also see Anna Keeler. Capt Paul E. Tyler, MC, USN paper
entitled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity
Conflict" (CADRE 1986) is also relevant in this connection.
[21] In an interview with John Marks. CIA veteran Miles
Copeland admitted to a journalist prior to his death that
"The congressional subcommittees which went into this sort
of thing got only the barest glimpse."
>From _The Search for the Manchurian Candidate_ by John Marks, 1979
Chapter 12:
What -- if any -- success the ORD men had in creating heart attacks or
in any of their other behavioral experiments simply cannot be
said. Like Sid Gottlieb, Steve Aldrich is not saying, and his
colleagues seem even more closemouthed than Gottlieb's. In December
1977, having gotten wind of the ORD programs, I filed a Freedom of
Information request for access to ORD files "on behavioral research,
including but not limited to any research or operational activities
related to bio-electrics, electric or radio stimulation of the brain,
electronic destruction of memory, stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery,
hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, microwaves, and ultrasonics." I
also asked for documentation on behavioral testing in U.S. penal
institutions, and I later added a request for all available files on
amnesia. The Agency wrote back six months later that ORD had
"identified 130 boxes (approximately 130 cubic feet) of material that
are reasonably expected to contain behavioral research documents."
Considering that Admiral Turner and other CIA officials had tried to
leave the impression with Congress and the public that behavioral
research had almost all ended in 1963 with the phaseout of MKULTRA,
this was an amazing admission. The sheer volume of material was
staggering. This book is based on the 7 boxes of heavily censored
MKULTRA financial records plus another 3 or so of ARTICHOKE documents,
supplemented by interviews. It has taken me over a year, with
significant research help, to digest this much smaller bulk. Clearly,
greater resources than an individual writer can bring to bear will be
needed to get to the bottom of the ORD programs.
Mind Control: TT&P ==>
Allen Barker