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Help! Schoolie In Distress

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Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
Schoolie <> wrote:
> Hello


> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.

surprise, they haven't broken up. new album is due out mid-december.

np: andromeda (demo) - kimaira
omg, did i just post an on topic message?! someone drug me up, quick!
faq off -->
general boredom -->
libra! laughter is the very best medicine, remember that when your appendix
bursts next week!


Oct 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/18/99
Geri was the driving force. She was responsible for alot of their
image/ideology. One, she came-up with the group name; two, "Girl Power"
and empowering women came from the fact that Geri wasn't a natural
dancer/singer, and had to sweat blood to keep-up with the routines;
three, the platform boots...Geri's idea of gaining some height, since
she's quite small. Plus, she was always the one with something
"thought" provoking to say.

It's a shame that another member, with a slight nervous/hyperactive
disorder, who pisses in potted plants, and an irritating tendency to
verbally abuse people with a disregard who it might hurt...made Geri
"so" annoyed...Geri left.

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Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99

Can anyone help? At school today, Ms Shaw (or Ms Phwoaaarrr!, as the
silly boys call her) gave us the task of writing on the subject of
fame and success, and whether it is possible for a very famous person
to change their role and yet still live up to the success and fame
they had before.

And if, in the case of music groups, by establishing who succeeds most
with subsequent things, we can find out who was the *real* important
ingredient in a former group's success.

As Ms Shaw said, for example, it could be argued - though not by me,
as I couldn't give a toss about them - that Lennon and Mcartney were
the core of The Beatles success, and that Mcartney in particular (who
was more successful than Lennon, up until Lennon's death, apparently),
was the reason the Beatles also were more popular, than if Lennon had
worked alone.

I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.

I was wondering if the subsequent activities of the girls would show
this to be true - that Geri was the driving force and the real reason
anyone gave a toss about them. (I like her the best.)

Does anyone have any information on the former members who have now
gone their separate ways?

I was wondering specifically (statistics would be nice):

Who has had the biggest solo success (critically)?
Who has had the most solo number ones?
Who has sold the most records as a solo singer?

(Please note, as some people don't seem to understand, songs made with
other singers are not solo songs.)

Anyone who cares to answer can also tell me who they think is the most
successful and talented.

Thank you.


Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie <> wrote:


>Thank you.


hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Neva say neva cuz the sg r back this dec so in yer face!

Gill Bates

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>Schoolie <> wrote:

>>Thank you.
>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to
post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Gill Bates <> wrote:

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>Schoolie <> wrote:
>>>Thank you.
>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
>going to answer it don't asnwer at all.

asnwer? what's lou grant got to do with this?

>I mean, why did you bother to
>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.

hey take a chill pill gill (love the name, btw, is it real i
wonder...) it was just a joke. hey you're from the uk it looks like,
did you see that interview with gates by big nose paxo? what a wanker
he is. he didn't ask gates one decent question. in fact, i can't even
remeber what the boring oxbridge twat actually said apart from
*repeatedly* going on about how much money gates earn. fuck you paxo.
gates owns 90% of the worlds computers, and quite a bit of the flight
sim market too, and is responsible for minesweeper, the best non-3d
game in the world (what's your fastest time, anyone?). he's entitled
to earn five million quid a second (even though he does remind me of
kermit the frog). how much does paxo earn eh? come on paxo you
upperclass git, cough it up. how much do you get paid for being an
irritating git who annoys people and gets nowhere with your rude
questioning??? tell us - we pay your inflated wages! (note to the rest
of the world: we in the uk actually have to *pay* the equivalent of
about $160 every year just to legally *own* a tv!! no shit. whereas
you have gun licences (which are probably cheaper), we have to have
them for tvs! regardless of what we want to watch. women, poor single
mothers, are actually sent to prison just for not having enough money
to buy a licence - i guess it's better for their kids to starve! yes,
in the uk, not the soviet fucking union! i think even stalin would be
ashamed of what tony 'git' blair gets away with.)

Gill Bates

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99

Firstly, what in God's name are you on, you lunatic? Secondly, no, I
did not see Paxman interviewing Gates, I was watching Ballykissangel.

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Gill Bates <> wrote:

i'm on about blair. good lord, that reminds me, have you seen that
wife of his? what kind of foul creation of beelzebub is that? look at
hague, he's the ugliest git in the world and seen his wife, ffffion?
jee-sus. she's is The Biz. i'd vote for her. how come blair couldn't
do any better? anyway, speaking of blair, wtf is his problem eh? look,
the frenchies have banned our beef, even though it's the safest in the
world - though i wouldn't eat it - and what does blair do? sod all.
look blair, just fucking ban everything from france, that what america
does when it wants europe to eat genetically modified shit and cattle
fucked up to the eyeballs with dangerous growth hormones, so we end up
as fat as them. did you know that cows in america are so drugged up
and excessively muscular that their guts routinely burst out of their
stomachs and people are employed to push it back in and sew it up?
true. and they want use to eat that crap? nfw. did you see that
dinosaur program on telly? that is absolute shite. it looks rubbish. i
mean, jurrassic park was rubbish, but even with the advantage of no
jeff goldblum this is even worse. how come they tell us stuff like,
this mammal used to live in a tunnel and feed its young milk and mated
for life? scuse me, this was the triassic period a mere 250 million
years ago or thereabouts. how the fuck do they know what the hell was
happening then? the whole thing is bullshit. all they've done is take
real nature programs, looked at what things look similar to the
dinosaurs, and put the dinosaurs in, drinking from a lake or grabbing
fishes out of it. 6 million bloody quid on that crap but they can't
find the money for the fa cup? oh, but they've found the money for
that rubbish fucking man united bullshit in brasil. man that's gonna
be just brilliant watching beckham and co take on some world-class
team from, erm, south melbourne. scuse me, wasn't that competition
meant to decide the best team in the world? if it wasn't for
neighbours no-one would have even heard of melbourne (that reminds me,
wtf did they get rid of sarah for? can anyone here who is from
australia tell me? what is she doing now? she was the only bloody
reason to watch it, now she's gone!) anyway, cos of the heat, those
matches won't be played till 8 o'clock brasil time, which is about 3
'oclock in the morning in london where all the man utd fans live. so
what is the point??? hey, eastenders has been pretty good lately
though, hasn't it? i thought i better mention it, cos according to the
bbc, everyones talking about it. i normally hate it but that bloke
from the krays is good. i like him. jesus, did you see those bits in
the krays, the bit where they stuck a sword through someones hand on
the snooker table, then cut that blokes face apart. still, they only
hurt other gangsters, blah blah, and old grannies were safe in them
days, etc.

Gill Bates

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99

Are you addressing that to me or just anyone? STFU, FFS.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Sabrina <>? Well there's this
little passage I got memorized:

Awwwwwwww yeah :D




you, say me


Ok, Lubriderm, then?


the bitch is back in town!


way to piss off a woman is to tell her Ghost was a crappy


Another Genesis fan!


e s p e c t?


, baby got!


are the days!


k, building your own is simple with these Time-Life Home
Improvement books!




ny? I've got one of those. Outies are nasty.


I recken, Jeb!


the music, babay!

np: Istanbul, TMBG

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^ Y88b d88P 888 888 Y88b. Y88b. Y8b. 888 Dogma! ^
^ "Y8888P" 888 888 "Y888 "Y888 "Y8888 888 ^
^ ^


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>> Hello

OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

>>Thank you.

>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

My Mr were excellent in RD.
Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
Pussy for me?

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Gill Bates wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
> >Schoolie <> wrote:
> >
> >>Hello
> >
> ><snip>

> >>Thank you.
> >
> >>Schoolie
> >
> >hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

> Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't

> going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to

> post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.


Luke Peterson

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie <> wrote in message

> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.
> I was wondering if the subsequent activities of the girls would show
> this to be true - that Geri was the driving force and the real reason
> anyone gave a toss about them. (I like her the best.)

Were you sent here to piss Ron off again?


Travis Bickle

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:51 GMT, :. ( was seen
saying the following in

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>little passage I got memorized:

>>>Thank you.
>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

> My Mr were excellent in RD.
> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
>Pussy for me?

Hey, what you care? Mr Brown is a bit too close to Mr Shit.


Someday, a real rain will come:

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Travis Bickle

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:13 GMT, :. ( was seen
saying the following in

>You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

>there's this little passage I got memorized:

>>> Hello
> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!

Stacy is humping your leg?

Travis Bickle

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:36:45 -0500, mayonessa (ByeJune@smashing- was seen saying the following in
>omg, did i just post an on topic message?! someone drug me up, quick!

<big smack> Snap out of it Stacy! For now on, you'll not make any more
posts about Spice Girls, mmmmmkay?


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
> there's this little passage I got memorized:
> >> Hello
> >
> >hiya!
> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!

if your leg wasn't in the way, it wouldn't have been hit with my hand! you
should know better now! :P



Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Travis Bickle <> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:13 GMT, :. ( was seen

> saying the following in
> (<>):

> >You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
> >there's this little passage I got memorized:
> >>
> >>hiya!
> >
> > OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!
> Stacy is humping your leg?

no, i was trying to hug my adopted mum but she kicked me, so i bit her.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

> little passage I got memorized:
> >
> >hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
> My Mr were excellent in RD.
> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
> Pussy for me?

what about mr. big?


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Gill Bates <>? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>Schoolie <> wrote:
>>>Thank you.

>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>Hey idiot!

Who?! Me?!
Oh, ok. :P

>Wtf is your problem?

Well it all started when I was 4, my mother used to drop me
off at the glue factory and then go to work. One day...

>She's asking a question, if you aren't going to answer it don't asnwer
>at all.

Yeah, beeeyotch! How's that ass feelin' now?!?!

>I mean, why did you bother to post that, you toss-artist?

Mostly cuz it was funny and got a laugh (at least from me...I
won't speak for the rest of the inmates here)!

>It's utterly pathetic and stupid.

Agree! Who the hell you think you are?!


Yeah you poopie head!

BTW...who are you again?


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

Piss off.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:36:45 -0500, "mayonessa"
<> wrote:

>Schoolie <> wrote:
>> Hello

>> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
>> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
>> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
>> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.

>surprise, they haven't broken up. new album is due out mid-december.

Is that's really true? I thought that Mel C and B left to go solo. And
now Baby Spice has made a song with someone else. Who is left in the
group now?

Aren't the fans pissed off that they are just ripping them off?


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 02:36:03 GMT, Sabrina <> wrote:

>Neva say neva cuz the sg r back this dec so in yer face!

Don't worry, I never say neva.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:21:37 +1000, "Luke Peterson"
<> wrote:

>Schoolie <> wrote in message

>> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
>> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
>> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
>> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.

>> I was wondering if the subsequent activities of the girls would show
>> this to be true - that Geri was the driving force and the real reason
>> anyone gave a toss about them. (I like her the best.)
>Were you sent here to piss Ron off again?

No, I wasn't sent here. I just came.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

this little passage I got memorized:

>>surprise, they haven't broken up. new album is due out mid-december.

>Is that's really true?

'Tis true, 'tis true.

>I thought that Mel C and B left to go solo. And now Baby Spice has made
>a song with someone else.

The three of them have made solo endeavors, but there hasn't
been an official breakup. In fact, IIRC they're planning a new album
for early next year.

>Who is left in the group now?

Emma, Vic, & the Mels

>Aren't the fans pissed off that they are just ripping them off?

In what respect? I'd not touch either of the Mel's outside
projects. I'll pick up Emma's stuff because she's got the best voice
of the bunch. I don't feel ripped off, just that they're stalling
this third album. Again IIRC, Spiceworld came out a mere 9months
after Spice. Goodbye included, it's been qutie a while since we've
seen anything new from them.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

>hey take a chill pill gill (love the name, btw, is it real i

>wonder...) it was just a joke. hey you're from the uk it looks like,
>did you see that interview with gates by big nose paxo? what a wanker
>he is. he didn't ask gates one decent question. in fact, i can't even
>remeber what the boring oxbridge twat actually said apart from
>*repeatedly* going on about how much money gates earn. fuck you paxo.
>gates owns 90% of the worlds computers, and quite a bit of the flight
>sim market too, and is responsible for minesweeper, the best non-3d
>game in the world (what's your fastest time, anyone?). he's entitled
>to earn five million quid a second (even though he does remind me of
>kermit the frog). how much does paxo earn eh? come on paxo you
>upperclass git, cough it up. how much do you get paid for being an
>irritating git who annoys people and gets nowhere with your rude
>questioning??? tell us - we pay your inflated wages! (note to the rest
>of the world: we in the uk actually have to *pay* the equivalent of
>about $160 every year just to legally *own* a tv!! no shit. whereas
>you have gun licences (which are probably cheaper), we have to have
>them for tvs! regardless of what we want to watch. women, poor single
>mothers, are actually sent to prison just for not having enough money
>to buy a licence - i guess it's better for their kids to starve! yes,
>in the uk, not the soviet fucking union! i think even stalin would be
>ashamed of what tony 'git' blair gets away with.) THAT's a rant!


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, (Travis Bickle)? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>> My Mr were excellent in RD.
>> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
>>Pussy for me?

>Hey, what you care? Mr Brown is a bit too close to Mr Shit.

Awwwwwwww yeah :D


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

>i'm on about blair. good lord, that reminds me, have you seen that

Ignore my last *THIS* is a rant!


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

this little passage I got memorized:

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>Piss off.

Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, (Travis Bickle)? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:13 GMT, :. ( was seen

>saying the following in

>>You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

>>there's this little passage I got memorized:

>>>> Hello

>> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!
>Stacy is humping your leg?

I'd not expect that to hurt unless she was using that thing
from Se7en... ;)


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
there's this little passage I got memorized:

>Travis Bickle <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:13 GMT, :. ( was seen
>> saying the following in
>> (<>):
>> >You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
>> >there's this little passage I got memorized:
>> >>

>> >>hiya!
>> >
>> > OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!
>> Stacy is humping your leg?

>no, i was trying to hug my adopted mum but she kicked me, so i bit her.



Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
there's this little passage I got memorized:

>:. <> wrote:
>> You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
>> there's this little passage I got memorized:

>> >> Hello

>> >
>> >hiya!
>> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!

>if your leg wasn't in the way, it wouldn't have been hit with my hand! you
>should know better now! :P

I suppose I should...I'll just take my broken-legged,
one-armed bald midget self to the nearest tall object and jump! :P

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Travis Bickle wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:51 GMT, :. ( was seen

> saying the following in

> (<>):
> >You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

> >little passage I got memorized:

> >>>Thank you.
> >>>Schoolie

> >>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

> > My Mr were excellent in RD.
> > Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
> >Pussy for me?
> Hey, what you care? Mr Brown is a bit too close to Mr Shit.

Mr Brown? Isn't that Scary Spice's father?

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Travis Bickle wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:23:13 GMT, :. ( was seen

> saying the following in

> (<>):
> >You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

> >there's this little passage I got memorized:
> >

> >>> Hello
> >>
> >>hiya!
> >
> > OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!

> Stacy is humping your leg?

Yeah. The scar...

...Cronenberg Spice

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
mayonessa wrote:

> :. <> wrote:
> > You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

> > little passage I got memorized:
> > >

> > >hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
> >
> > My Mr were excellent in RD.
> > Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
> > Pussy for me?

> what about mr. big?

[somebody chimes in with a "To Be With You" reference]

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie wrote:

Unless you're looking for a river in St. Petersburg...

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie wrote:

Just came? Shouldn't've downloaded those Geri shots, then


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

> this little passage I got memorized:
> >On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
> >
> >>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
> >
> >Piss off.
> Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P

what about getting fucked off?


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie <> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:36:45 -0500, "mayonessa"
> <> wrote:
> >Schoolie <> wrote:
> >
> >> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
> >> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
> >> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
> >> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.
> >
> >surprise, they haven't broken up. new album is due out mid-december.

<purr snippety - crits replied to most of this>

> Aren't the fans pissed off that they are just ripping them off?

if anything, i think the fans are happier with the solo stuff, because now
they get to hear more of their favourite spice and they have more material
to choose from. but on the same token, they still have the spice girls as a
whole - if they broke up to go on solo ventures then i'm sure lots of the
fans would be pissed. them staying together has helped them.


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, Gill Bates <>? Well

> there's this little passage I got memorized:
> >I mean, why did you bother to post that, you toss-artist?
> Mostly cuz it was funny and got a laugh (at least from me...I
> won't speak for the rest of the inmates here)!

inmate? excuse me! i prefer to be called a jailbird!

> >Moron.
> Yeah you poopie head!
> BTW...who are you again?

he's bill gates.

dlysexia is sometimes useful!


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

> little passage I got memorized:
> >hey take a chill pill gill (love the name, btw, is it real i
> >wonder...) it was just a joke. hey you're from the uk it looks like,

<purr snippety>

> >you have gun licences (which are probably cheaper), we have to have
> >them for tvs! regardless of what we want to watch. women, poor single
> >mothers, are actually sent to prison just for not having enough money
> >to buy a licence - i guess it's better for their kids to starve! yes,
> >in the uk, not the soviet fucking union! i think even stalin would be
> >ashamed of what tony 'git' blair gets away with.)
> THAT's a rant!

it puts me to shame. :(



Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
:. <> wrote:
> You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

> there's this little passage I got memorized:
> >:. <> wrote:
> >>
> >> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!
> >
> >if your leg wasn't in the way, it wouldn't have been hit with my hand!
> >should know better now! :P
> I suppose I should...I'll just take my broken-legged,
> one-armed bald midget self

midget? how tall are you? would you be willing to participate in a midget
throwing contest (as the throwee)?

>to the nearest tall object and jump! :P

after just reading the messages about humping legs, i read "jump" as "hump".


Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Travis Bickle <> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:36:45 -0500, mayonessa (ByeJune@smashing-
> was seen saying the following in
> (<7ughpp$eta$>):
> >omg, did i just post an on topic message?! someone drug me up, quick!
> <big smack> Snap out of it Stacy! For now on, you'll not make any more
> posts about Spice Girls, mmmmmkay?

thanks donnie... i needed that!

np: the moments of happiness - cats, original london cast soundtrack

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
to (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>little passage I got memorized:


> Ignore my last *THIS* is a rant!

hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
now??? :) this is her *sigh*:

see how important is for me to know! :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Gill Bates <> wrote:

>Are you addressing that to me or just anyone?

hey, you know, i'm just 'wasting' bandwidth with everyone else, Gill.

i like to think that, with the bandwidth i used there, i may have at
least knocked off a small kidporn jpeg on a server somewhere and made
the world a safer place for children everywhere.

i'm just that kinda guy. :)

ooh, there goes another one with this post!


CCCP, USA. (how very 'cold war')

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 05:56:21 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>Gill Bates <> wrote:
>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 05:34:48 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>>>Gill Bates <> wrote:
>>>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>>>>>Schoolie <> wrote:
>>>>>>>Thank you.

>>>>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>>>>>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't

>>>>>going to answer it don't asnwer at all.

>>>>asnwer? what's lou grant got to do with this?

>>>>>I mean, why did you bother to

>>>>>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.

>>>>hey take a chill pill gill (love the name, btw, is it real i
>>>>wonder...) it was just a joke. hey you're from the uk it looks like,

>>>>did you see that interview with gates by big nose paxo? what a wanker
>>>>he is. he didn't ask gates one decent question. in fact, i can't even
>>>>remeber what the boring oxbridge twat actually said apart from
>>>>*repeatedly* going on about how much money gates earn. fuck you paxo.
>>>>gates owns 90% of the worlds computers, and quite a bit of the flight
>>>>sim market too, and is responsible for minesweeper, the best non-3d
>>>>game in the world (what's your fastest time, anyone?). he's entitled
>>>>to earn five million quid a second (even though he does remind me of
>>>>kermit the frog). how much does paxo earn eh? come on paxo you
>>>>upperclass git, cough it up. how much do you get paid for being an
>>>>irritating git who annoys people and gets nowhere with your rude
>>>>questioning??? tell us - we pay your inflated wages! (note to the rest
>>>>of the world: we in the uk actually have to *pay* the equivalent of
>>>>about $160 every year just to legally *own* a tv!! no shit. whereas

>>>>you have gun licences (which are probably cheaper), we have to have
>>>>them for tvs! regardless of what we want to watch. women, poor single
>>>>mothers, are actually sent to prison just for not having enough money
>>>>to buy a licence - i guess it's better for their kids to starve! yes,
>>>>in the uk, not the soviet fucking union! i think even stalin would be
>>>>ashamed of what tony 'git' blair gets away with.)

>>>Firstly, what in God's name are you on, you lunatic? Secondly, no, I
>>>did not see Paxman interviewing Gates, I was watching Ballykissangel.

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Schoolie <> wrote:

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>Piss off.

heh, i love witty ripostes that involve elaborate word play. ;)

that's girl power! for ya though. at one time a young lady would be
flattered by the amorous attentions of an older, wiser deviant. now
they have to put up the pretence of being independent and not needing
to serve men without question. girl power! has become a prison for
most women who simply want to submit and accept their position(s) in
life, but feel intimidated by man-hating feminists telling them it's

(well how else do you explain me not having a girlfriend..? :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
to (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>little passage I got memorized:

>>>Thank you.

>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

> My Mr were excellent in RD.

thanks, if only it wasn't such a wanker as tim roth who shot me tho...

(look, michael madsen is the hardest man in films, tim roth is middle
class jolly)

> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
>Pussy for me?

agree. but as for the alternative, Mr Purple... i'll not go into that.

Mr Blonde

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
to (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

>this little passage I got memorized:

>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>Piss off.

> Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P

not according to my friends, Fritz and Helga.

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99
Mr Blonde wrote:

> Schoolie <> wrote:
> >On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
> >>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
> >Piss off.

> heh, i love witty ripostes that involve elaborate word play. ;)
> that's girl power! for ya though. at one time a young lady would be
> flattered by the amorous attentions of an older, wiser deviant. now
> they have to put up the pretence of being independent and not needing
> to serve men without question. girl power! has become a prison for
> most women who simply want to submit and accept their position(s) in
> life, but feel intimidated by man-hating feminists telling them it's
> wrong!
> (well how else do you explain me not having a girlfriend..? :)

Kid Power is better

Brendan Casey's News

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

Schoolie wrote in message <>...

>>Were you sent here to piss Ron off again?
>No, I wasn't sent here. I just came.

So did Ron

Brendan Casey's News

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

:. wrote in message <>...

> In what respect? I'd not touch either of the Mel's outside
>projects. I'll pick up Emma's stuff because she's got the best voice
>of the bunch.

I'll touch anything of the Mels' on the outside. and as for Emma's

Brendan Casey's News

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

Gill Bates vomited forth the following

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> >>
>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
>going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to

>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.

hey can you suck my penis too?

Brendan Casey's News

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

mayonessa wrote in message <7ui7uj$qlu$>...

>> Stacy is humping your leg?

>no, i was trying to hug my adopted mum but she kicked me, so i bit her.

i'm too sexy for my mum, too sexy for my mum so sexy I cum...

Brendan Casey's News

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99

Luke Peterson wrote in message <9d_O3.3449$>...

>Schoolie <> wrote in message

>Were you sent here to piss Ron off again?

Use the horse luke.....

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Brendan Casey's News wrote:

> Schoolie wrote in message <>...
> >>

> >>Were you sent here to piss Ron off again?
> >>
> >>Luke
> >

> >No, I wasn't sent here. I just came.
> >
> So did Ron

He did? Off to the confession booth with him, then

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Brendan Casey's News wrote:

> :. wrote in message <>...
> > In what respect? I'd not touch either of the Mel's outside
> >projects. I'll pick up Emma's stuff because she's got the best voice
> >of the bunch.
> I'll touch anything of the Mels' on the outside.

With one, let it be in one of those nuclear-plant-worker's outfits. And
with the other, *wank* *wank* *schplotz*

> and as for Emma's
> stuff......

She's stuffed enough as it is

Luke Peterson

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
<> wrote in message

> Brendan Casey's News wrote:

Damn I gotta read more of this newsgroup more often!

This stuff is pretty funny, seriously! :)

As soon, as Schoolie said "I just came", I kinda knew what responses would

No offence to Ron though, but adma's a pretty funny guy/girl/whatever.


np: I Turn To You - Melanie C

Travis Bickle

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:00:49 -0500, mayonessa (ByeJune@smashing- was seen saying the following in

>:. <> wrote:
>> You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

>> there's this little passage I got memorized:

>> >> Hello
>> >
>> >hiya!

>> OW MY LEG! Dammit mayo! We've been thru this!!
>if your leg wasn't in the way, it wouldn't have been hit with my hand! you
>should know better now! :P

Heh, yeah I think I can post again. :) I'm just not receiving any
posts ATM. :(


Someday, a real rain will come:

-----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==-----

Travis Bickle

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:02:15 -0500, mayonessa (ByeJune@smashing- was seen saying the following in

>:. <> wrote:
>> You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

>> little passage I got memorized:
>> >

>> >hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>> My Mr were excellent in RD.

>> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
>> Pussy for me?

>what about mr. big?

I thought Garth should have kicked him in the nutz.


Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Luke Peterson <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Brendan Casey's News wrote:
> > > Schoolie wrote in message <>...
> > > >
> > > >No, I wasn't sent here. I just came.
> > >
> > > So did Ron
> >
> > He did? Off to the confession booth with him, then
> Damn I gotta read more of this newsgroup more often!
> This stuff is pretty funny, seriously! :)

the force beckons you, luke... come closer to the light!



Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Travis Bickle <> wrote:
> Heh, yeah I think I can post again. :) I'm just not receiving any
> posts ATM. :(

hopefully when mindspring takes over earthlink they'll use mindspring's
usenet server... downloading posts can be slow sometimes, but posts go thru
lightning fast 100% of the time. this is much better than netcom's server!

Travis Bickle

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:39:22 GMT, mayonessa said:

>Travis Bickle <> wrote:
>> Heh, yeah I think I can post again. :) I'm just not receiving any
>> posts ATM. :(
>hopefully when mindspring takes over earthlink they'll use mindspring's
>usenet server... downloading posts can be slow sometimes, but posts go
>thru lightning fast 100% of the time. this is much better than netcom's

I know you retracted your statement, but I hope Mindspring's server will be
used as well, since Earthlink's server sucks Mel C's cock.


Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
Travis Bickle <> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:39:22 GMT, mayonessa said:
> >Travis Bickle <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Heh, yeah I think I can post again. :) I'm just not receiving any
> >> posts ATM. :(
> >
> >hopefully when mindspring takes over earthlink they'll use mindspring's
> >usenet server... downloading posts can be slow sometimes, but posts go
> >thru lightning fast 100% of the time. this is much better than netcom's
> >server!
> I know you retracted your statement, but I hope Mindspring's server will
> used as well, since Earthlink's server sucks Mel C's cock.

even tho mindspring's server is crap sometimes, it's definitely better than
netcom's server, and from what you've told me it's way better than
earthlink's. so hopefully, if they kept the better of the two during hte
netcom exchange, they'll do the same with earthlink. here's hoping!
<crosses fingers>

Travis Bickle

Oct 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/20/99
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 22:51:55 GMT, mayonessa said:
>even tho mindspring's server is crap sometimes, it's definitely better
>than netcom's server, and from what you've told me it's way better than
>earthlink's. so hopefully, if they kept the better of the two during
>hte netcom exchange, they'll do the same with earthlink. here's hoping!
><crosses fingers>

What was the main problem with Netcom's server?


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
little passage I got memorized:

>Gill Bates <> wrote:

>>Are you addressing that to me or just anyone?
>hey, you know, i'm just 'wasting' bandwidth with everyone else, Gill.

He's found our secret!


\|/ ____ \|/ _ _ ` _ '
//// @~/ ,. \~@ o' \,=./ `o - (_) -
(o -) /_( \__/ )_\ (o o) ' `
^ ^
^ .d8888b. d8b 888 888 <> ^
^ d88P Y88b Y8P 888 888 ^
^ 888 888 888 888 ^
^ 888 888d888 888 888888 888888 .d88b. 888d888 ^
^ 888 888P" 888 888 888 d8P Y8b 888P" My Karma ^
^ 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 ran over your ^
^ Y88b d88P 888 888 Y88b. Y88b. Y8b. 888 Dogma! ^
^ "Y8888P" 888 888 "Y888 "Y888 "Y8888 888 ^
^ ^


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>> Damn I gotta read more of this newsgroup more often!

>> This stuff is pretty funny, seriously! :)
>the force beckons you, luke... come closer to the light!

You're a traitor and a part of the rebel alliance! Take her


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well
there's this little passage I got memorized:

>> >> I decided to use the Spice Girls as an example of a formerly popular
>> >> and successful group that is now gone and forgotten. It seems to me
>> >> that Geri left last year sometime (?), and thereafter the Spice Girls
>> >> did nothing, 'til they split after their final song, Goodbye.
>> >
>> >surprise, they haven't broken up. new album is due out mid-december.
><purr snippety - crits replied to most of this>

Hey...did you know that I can pee different colors depending
on what flavor Flinstones Vitamins I take?!?

>> Aren't the fans pissed off that they are just ripping them off?
>if anything, i think the fans are happier with the solo stuff, because now
>they get to hear more of their favourite spice and they have more material
>to choose from. but on the same token, they still have the spice girls as a
>whole - if they broke up to go on solo ventures then i'm sure lots of the
>fans would be pissed. them staying together has helped them.

Agree...they're certainly diversified with their solo
projects, but if the fans don't like any of that crap, they'll always
(well...until the breakup) the Girls fall back on. I just wish they'd
release more stuff.


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

> (:.) wrote:
>>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

>>little passage I got memorized:

>> Ignore my last *THIS* is a rant!
>hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
>now??? :) this is her *sigh*:
>see how important is for me to know! :)

Ummm...I dunno but I'm looking for a personal
she available?? :D~ ~~


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, "Brendan Casey's News" <>?

Well there's this little passage I got memorized:

>Gill Bates vomited forth the following

>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> >>

>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
>>going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to
>>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.
>hey can you suck my penis too?

Spice Girls news at it's finest! :D


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Well there's this little
passage I got memorized:

>> Hey, what you care? Mr Brown is a bit too close to Mr Shit.
>Mr Brown? Isn't that Scary Spice's father?

Yeah...your point?


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

there's this little passage I got memorized:

>:. <> wrote:
>> You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

>> this little passage I got memorized:

>> >On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>> >

>> >Piss off.
>> Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P

>what about getting fucked off?

Certainly better than getting fucked over!


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

> (:.) wrote:
>>You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's
>>this little passage I got memorized:
>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>>>Piss off.
>> Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P

>not according to my friends, Fritz and Helga.

Shirley Manson?


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Jorg <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

>> >>Piss off.

>> > Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P
>> not according to my friends, Fritz and Helga.

>What do you imply through that?

LOL :D What a setup! :D


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

little passage I got memorized:

>Schoolie <> wrote:
>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>>Piss off.

>heh, i love witty ripostes that involve elaborate word play. ;)

Wow...even with the rest of the post was snipped, this alone
makes you all I want to become... ;P

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:37:37 GMT, Jorg <>

>In article <>,

> Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>> (:.) wrote:

>> >You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

>> >this little passage I got memorized:

>> >>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>> >>
>> >>Piss off.

>> > Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P
>> not according to my friends, Fritz and Helga.
>What do you imply through that?

why, what did you think i implied, Jorg?

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:27:36 +1300, "Brendan Casey's News"
<> wrote:

>Gill Bates vomited forth the following

>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> >>

>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
>>going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to
>>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.
>hey can you suck my penis too?

jeez, can't you do *anything* youself, man?

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:21:28 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

>little passage I got memorized:

>>Gill Bates <> wrote:
>>>Are you addressing that to me or just anyone?
>>hey, you know, i'm just 'wasting' bandwidth with everyone else, Gill.
> He's found our secret!

Critter, that doesn't even *begin* to describe what you maniacs are
doing! let me tell you, i *literally* (hoho) do not have the time to
read every post here (*and* pretend i have a life), let alone *reply*
to every one! :)

you realise in any normal group you'd have surpassed a mere 'flood'
and be approaching denial of service levels by now?!

this must be ultimate newsgroup. really. can't be trolled. can't be
flooded. no complaints are ever made.

if only all of usenet could be so beautiful! :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:28:02 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>little passage I got memorized:
>> (:.) wrote:

>>>You read the bible, Schoolie <>? Well there's

>>>this little passage I got memorized:

>>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>>>Piss off.
>>> Getting pissed off is better than getting pissed on... :P
>>not according to my friends, Fritz and Helga.

> Shirley Manson?

well, yeah.

but Fritz only has milk on his cornflakes. Helga's, of course.

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:27:01 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, "Brendan Casey's News" <>?

>Well there's this little passage I got memorized:

>>Gill Bates vomited forth the following

>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> >>

>>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>>Hey idiot! Wtf is your problem? She's asking a question, if you aren't
>>>going to answer it don't asnwer at all. I mean, why did you bother to
>>>post that, you toss-artist? It's utterly pathetic and stupid. Moron.
>>hey can you suck my penis too?

> Spice Girls news at it's finest! :D

i must admit i didn't used to know that much about the spice girls
before coming here. now i know nothing. :)


Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:29:30 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

>little passage I got memorized:

>>Schoolie <> wrote:

>>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!

>>>Piss off.
>>heh, i love witty ripostes that involve elaborate word play. ;)
> Wow...even with the rest of the post was snipped, this alone
>makes you all I want to become... ;P

hey, lose that, please - some people may think you're not serious. :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:25:55 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>little passage I got memorized:
>> (:.) wrote:
>>>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>>>little passage I got memorized:

>>> Ignore my last *THIS* is a rant!
>>hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
>>now??? :) this is her *sigh*:
>>see how important is for me to know! :)
> Ummm...I dunno but I'm looking for a personal
>she available?? :D~ ~~

man, i get the impression you're not giving due respect to her talents
as an actress, as i do...

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Mr Blonde wrote:

> Critter, that doesn't even *begin* to describe what you maniacs are
> doing! let me tell you, i *literally* (hoho) do not have the time to
> read every post here (*and* pretend i have a life), let alone *reply*
> to every one! :)
> you realise in any normal group you'd have surpassed a mere 'flood'
> and be approaching denial of service levels by now?!
> this must be ultimate newsgroup. really. can't be trolled. can't be
> flooded. no complaints are ever made.
> if only all of usenet could be so beautiful! :)

Hey. The trolls come in; we subvert them


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
little passage I got memorized:

>On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:21:28 GMT, (:.) wrote:
>>>hey, you know, i'm just 'wasting' bandwidth with everyone else, Gill.
>> He's found our secret!

Aiight you guys, first thing I have to say is CLASSIC POST!!
Are there any classic posts that were done by non-regs? Whether there
are or not, Mr Blonde's certainly qualifies! It encapsulates amsg

>Critter, that doesn't even *begin* to describe what you maniacs are
>doing! let me tell you, i *literally* (hoho) do not have the time to
>read every post here (*and* pretend i have a life),

Yeah, we've found that once you do away with the pretense of
any other worldly involvement things go much smoother. ;)

>let alone *reply* to every one! :)

...some more than once! :D

>you realise in any normal group you'd have surpassed a mere 'flood'
>and be approaching denial of service levels by now?!

Donnie, Mayo, and I are routinely on's hitlist due to volume. Shell makes it
sometimes, too!
Hell, for the first two days after Mayo made her return, she
Donnie & I were averaging 600 posts a day between the 3 of us! We
were getting hundreds of k worth of messages out a day (and that was
even without my ridiculously huge .sig!)
Heh...from yesterday's n.a.n-a.u abuse report:

208 42.414 42 114863 (:.)
256 34.000 34 63242 "mayonessa"

Alas, donnie was having news server trubs, didn't get on
there. :(
Just more proof of my theory that Usenet is really just one
big, slow chatroom.

>this must be ultimate newsgroup. really.

Agree wholeheartedly! My only wish is that a little more
cannon fodder would wander in now and then :D

>can't be trolled.

Been there, done that. Shell and I are ravenous when it comes
to trolls. Ask that Tuxedo Mask Is Back bitch...I slapped his ass
We've even gotten to the point of rating the would-be trolls
on their banality. The ones that come in screaming, "Spizes sux my
NUTZ" don't even get a yawn anymore.
They get shredded >:}

>can't be flooded. more than the regs are already flooding! :D

>no complaints are ever made.

Newbies sometimes complain here about the off-topicity, tho
I've come to see anything that's ON topic to be pretty much off topic.

>if only all of usenet could be so beautiful! :)

Agree! :D
You gotta stick around, got "reg" written all over
you! :D

Luke Peterson

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Mr Blonde <> wrote in message

> hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
> now??? :) this is her *sigh*:

Um.. last I heard Nicola Charles was trying to get her stuff together to
start up a career in singing, just like former Neighbours stars, Kylie
Minogue, and Natalie Imbruglia.

Don't know how good she'll be though.


Travis Bickle

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:34:19 GMT, :. said:

> Agree...they're certainly diversified with their solo
>projects, but if the fans don't like any of that crap, they'll always
>(well...until the breakup) the Girls fall back on. I just wish they'd
>release more stuff.

And it's nice to hear Geri and Emma's voices, without the other three to phuk
it up. :)

Travis Bickle

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 06:16:39 GMT, Mr Blonde said:
>i must admit i didn't used to know that much about the spice girls
>before coming here. now i know nothing. :)

All you need to know is this. Mel G has syphilis and Mel C has a penis.
Victoria is dead. Now, have fun at the orgy...


Someday, a real rain will come:

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Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:26:54 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>Schoolie <> wrote:
>>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:33:50 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>>Piss off.
>heh, i love witty ripostes that involve elaborate word play. ;)

>that's girl power! for ya though. at one time a young lady would be
>flattered by the amorous attentions of an older, wiser deviant. now
>they have to put up the pretence of being independent and not needing
>to serve men without question. girl power! has become a prison for
>most women who simply want to submit and accept their position(s) in
>life, but feel intimidated by man-hating feminists telling them it's
>(well how else do you explain me not having a girlfriend..? :)

Perhaps they get the impression you're gay?


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 06:50:30 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:

>On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:25:55 GMT, (:.) wrote:
>>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>>little passage I got memorized:

>>> (:.) wrote:
>>>>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this
>>>>little passage I got memorized:

>>>> Ignore my last *THIS* is a rant!

>>>hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
>>>now??? :) this is her *sigh*:

>>>see how important is for me to know! :)
>> Ummm...I dunno but I'm looking for a personal
>>she available?? :D~ ~~
>man, i get the impression you're not giving due respect to her talents
>as an actress, as i do...

The five fingered manner of "respect", I presume?


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:34:19 GMT, (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, "mayonessa" <>? Well

>there's this little passage I got memorized:

>>if anything, i think the fans are happier with the solo stuff, because now
>>they get to hear more of their favourite spice and they have more material
>>to choose from. but on the same token, they still have the spice girls as a
>>whole - if they broke up to go on solo ventures then i'm sure lots of the
>>fans would be pissed. them staying together has helped them.

> Agree...they're certainly diversified with their solo
>projects, but if the fans don't like any of that crap, they'll always
>(well...until the breakup) the Girls fall back on. I just wish they'd
>release more stuff.

Yes, I can see how if you like the singers you would like the solo
work. But it seems like very different kinds of music. And more to me
that the group is 'outside' the other solo things they're doing.

What about Mel C? I thought her position was now that she doesn't like
the Spice Girls? I mean she was basically dismissing everything they
did recently and showing no respect for it, wasn't she? I guess that's
one thing if she'd left, but how can you now treat the group with any
credibility (on even any level) if she is going back to something (to
do at least one more album) that she's basically admitted she holds in
almost 'contempt'.

I'm just wondering what you think about that kind of thing.


Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
>> >hey Schoolie! play with my Gooly!
>> My Mr were excellent in RD.
>> Agree or disagree: Mr Pink sounds a little too close to Mr
>> Pussy for me?
>what about mr. big?


-=[ ChinkyGirl ]=-
Matthew: "In fact, in Japan they've got all different kinds of things to eat."
Bill: "Yeah I know Matthew, it's called Chinese food. Now shut up."

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:03:33 GMT, Schoolie <>

>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:26:54 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>(well how else do you explain me not having a girlfriend..? :)

>Perhaps they get the impression you're gay?

you're suggesting my technique of chatting up the girlies while a
hairy-arsed trucker is blowing me off could be refined somewhat, then?

come on Schoolie, it's been several posts now and i haven't even said,
'show us yer tits!' i mean, you must have quite a pair if my image of
you as a sad, fat, middle-aged bachelor is correct. :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Schoolie <> wrote:

>On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 06:50:30 GMT, Mr Blonde <> wrote:
>>>>hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
>>>>now??? :) this is her *sigh*:
>>>>see how important is for me to know! :)
>>> Ummm...I dunno but I'm looking for a personal
>>>she available?? :D~ ~~
>>man, i get the impression you're not giving due respect to her talents
>>as an actress, as i do...
>The five fingered manner of "respect",

no, i use all six.

>I presume?

you know what you do when you presume, Schoolie? you make a 'pre' out
of u and me. you wanna be a 'pre'? fine. i don't!

now apologise. :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:49:44 +1000, "Luke Peterson"
<> wrote:

>Mr Blonde <> wrote in message

>> hey, man, i'm serious though: what is Sarah from neighbours doing
>> now??? :) this is her *sigh*:

>Um.. last I heard Nicola Charles was trying to get her stuff together to
>start up a career in singing, just like former Neighbours stars, Kylie
>Minogue, and Natalie Imbruglia.


>Don't know how good she'll be though.

what ya mean? she'll be a fantastic singer!

i know about music, see... just line up three pics - Nic, Nat, and
Kyles. now just look at those three piccies and tell me who's gonna
the be the bestest, most cutest little singer evah? :)

Mr Blonde

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
to (:.) wrote:

>You read the bible, Mr Blonde <>? Well there's this

>little passage I got memorized:

>>On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:21:28 GMT, (:.) wrote:
>>>>hey, you know, i'm just 'wasting' bandwidth with everyone else, Gill.
>>> He's found our secret!
> Aiight you guys, first thing I have to say is CLASSIC POST!!
>Are there any classic posts that were done by non-regs? Whether there
>are or not, Mr Blonde's certainly qualifies! It encapsulates amsg

*blush* :)

>>Critter, that doesn't even *begin* to describe what you maniacs are
>>doing! let me tell you, i *literally* (hoho) do not have the time to
>>read every post here (*and* pretend i have a life),
> Yeah, we've found that once you do away with the pretense of
>any other worldly involvement things go much smoother. ;)
>>let alone *reply* to every one! :)
> ...some more than once! :D

well, yeah. i'm sure i could read every post here by reading only
yours. :)

>>you realise in any normal group you'd have surpassed a mere 'flood'
>>and be approaching denial of service levels by now?!
> Donnie, Mayo, and I are routinely on
>'s hitlist due to volume. Shell makes it
>sometimes, too!

i could check, but, nah, you can't be serious...

> Hell, for the first two days after Mayo made her return, she
>Donnie & I were averaging 600 posts a day between the 3 of us! We
>were getting hundreds of k worth of messages out a day (and that was
>even without my ridiculously huge .sig!)
> Heh...from yesterday's n.a.n-a.u abuse report:
>208 42.414 42 114863 (:.)
>256 34.000 34 63242 "mayonessa"

...ah. ;)

> Alas, donnie was having news server trubs, didn't get on
>there. :(

yeah, well some servers have limits, i guess. :)

> Just more proof of my theory that Usenet is really just one
>big, slow chatroom.

gotta try and prove your theories, right? :)

>>this must be ultimate newsgroup. really.
> Agree wholeheartedly! My only wish is that a little more
>cannon fodder would wander in now and then :D

you're a victim of your own success!

>>can't be trolled.
> Been there, done that. Shell and I are ravenous when it comes
>to trolls. Ask that Tuxedo Mask Is Back bitch...I slapped his ass
> We've even gotten to the point of rating the would-be trolls
>on their banality. The ones that come in screaming, "Spizes sux my
>NUTZ" don't even get a yawn anymore.
> They get shredded >:}


>>can't be flooded.
> more than the regs are already flooding! :D
>>no complaints are ever made.
> Newbies sometimes complain here about the off-topicity, tho

goddam spice girls music fans! :)

>I've come to see anything that's ON topic to be pretty much off topic.
>>if only all of usenet could be so beautiful! :)
> Agree! :D
> You gotta stick around, man...

oh, jeez... *collapses exhausted* and i thought you were my friend! :)

>you got "reg" written all over you! :D

well, you know, me and Reg really loved each other at one time... :)

(just don't expect me to compete in *any way* with you lot. i'm outta
shape; you people do this for a living. :)

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Travis Bickle wrote:

> And it's nice to hear Geri and Emma's voices, without the other three to phuk
> it up. :)

Singing, or mutually pleasuring themselves?

Travis Bickle

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99

Both. Mmmmmm, lipstick lesbos :D~~~~~~~

Travis Bickle

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:54:10 GMT, Mr Blonde said:

>i know about music, see... just line up three pics - Nic, Nat, and
>Kyles. now just look at those three piccies and tell me who's gonna
>the be the bestest, most cutest little singer evah? :)

Can we choose between the Appleton twins and Kyles instead? :)

Oct 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/21/99
Travis Bickle wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:54:10 GMT, Mr Blonde said:
> >
> >i know about music, see... just line up three pics - Nic, Nat, and
> >Kyles. now just look at those three piccies and tell me who's gonna
> >the be the bestest, most cutest little singer evah? :)
> Can we choose between the Appleton twins and Kyles instead? :)

Why Kyles? How about Cartmans?

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