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Aug 3, 1994, 11:39:16 AM8/3/94

Well here is an intersting brief summary of a very thourgh rollout
done by expert backgammon. I am just quoting the results that were
performed by jerry Godesy that were published in the chicago point

# of rollouts was very large---- 27,216 for each move,thus very small
stastical error

1. 2-1 is only roll were all moves give negative equity
2. best equity for 4-1, 4-3 is moving both back men up, how many do this?
3. slotting with 2-1, 4-1, 5-1 gives worst equity.
4. for rolls 6-2,6-3,6-4, split to 18 point is superior.

here are some results

roll play pts/game
2-1 13/11, 24/23 -.005
24/21 -.008
13/10 -.029
24/22, 24/23 -.038
13/11, 6/6 -.045
4-1 24/20 24/23 .006
13/9 24/23 -.017
13/8 -.034
24/20 6/5 -.043
13/9 6/5 -.064
5-1 13/8 24/23 .001
24/18 -.016
13/8 6/5 -.064
3-2 24/21 13/11 .017
13/10 24/22 .011
24/21 24/22 .001
13/10 13/11 -.009
13/8 -.034
8/5 13/11 -.062
5-2 13/8 24/22 .004
13/8 13/11 .004
13/8 6/4 -.036
4-3 24/20 24/21 .028
24/20 13/10 .014
13/9 24/21 .008
13/9 13/10 -.013
5-4 13/8 24/20 .041
24/15 .014
13/8 13/9 .009
13/4 -.033
thats it for moves that aren't obvious

Tom (chameleon)

Gerald E Mortensen

Aug 3, 1994, 6:49:55 PM8/3/94
to wrote:

: Well here is an intersting brief summary of a very thourgh rollout

: done by expert backgammon. I am just quoting the results that were
: performed by jerry Godesy that were published in the chicago point
: newslettter.

: # of rollouts was very large---- 27,216 for each move,thus very small
: stastical error

: 1. 2-1 is only roll were all moves give negative equity
: 2. best equity for 4-1, 4-3 is moving both back men up, how many do this?
: 3. slotting with 2-1, 4-1, 5-1 gives worst equity.
: 4. for rolls 6-2,6-3,6-4, split to 18 point is superior.

i was a little surprised also at how little equity swings on the first

its clear that Expert BG really doesn't like the slotting plays. its
possible that it just isn't very good at playing that "style" of
game. anyone with experience with Expert BG have an opinion about


** Gerald E. Mortensen (Jay) Syracuse Research Corp. ***
** Research Engineer Merrill Lane ***
** (315)426-3269 -- Syracuse, NY 13210 ***

John Bate

Aug 4, 1994, 1:13:20 PM8/4/94
In article <31odn4$>, () wrote:

> Well here is an intersting brief summary of a very thorough rollout
> done by expert backgammon.

[Very interesting data for 7 opening rolls deleted.]

> thats it for moves that aren't obvious

How about posting the rest of them? Please? I'd even like to see
the figures for 3-1 and 6-1 just to see how much equity expert backgammon
estimates that you have after those opening rolls.

Dr. John A. Bate, Assoc. Professor | Phone: (204) 474-6791
Dept. of Computer Science, U. of Manitoba | FAX:(204) 269-9178
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA R3T 2N2 |

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