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Episode Capsule - 2ACV18 - The Honking

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Ostap Bender

Sep 17, 2001, 6:20:49 PM9/17/01
The Honking Written by Ken Keeler
Directed by Susie Dietter
Production code: 2ACV18 Original Airdate on FOX: 11/5/2000
TV Guide synopsis:

Bender is infected with a virus that turns him into a murderous car each
evening at midnight.

> Title sequence
Opening theme promotion:


Opening theme cartoon:

> Did You Notice...

... Bender drinks the liquor Amy handed?
... After welding Bender to the wall Fry went somewhere, even though he lives
with Bender?
... The binary number Bender sees is 0101100101 (357 decimal) and 1010011010 (666
decimal) when viewed through the mirror?

Andrew Levine

... When Leela welds Bender to the wall of his apartment, all the pictures on
the walls are pictures of cars (a bit of foreshadowing, perhaps)?

...That that noise following Bender in the haunted house was the Windows
Startup Chimes?
...the winged toasters and microsoft logo holograms chasing Bender?

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

... Dead robots get buried, rather than be sent back to Mom's Friendly
Robot Factory for recycling?

> Voice Credits
- Starring
- Billy West (Fry, Dr. Zoidberg, Prof. Farnsworth)
- Katey Sagal (Leela)
- John DiMaggio (Bender, Car smasher)
- Tress MacNeille (Fortune Teller)

- Guest Starring
- David Herman (Project Satan)
- Phil Lamarr (Hermes Conrad)
- Lauren Tom (Amy Wong)
- Frank Welker

- Also Starring
- Maurice LaMarche (Calculon)

> Movie (and other) references
+ The Howling (Movie)
- Episode Title

+ The Shining (Movie)
- the writing, appearing on the wall making no sense, but making sense
backward, when looked at through the mirror, as redrum-murder.

+ "The Wolf Man" (1941 Lon Chaney film)
- The Gypsy woman is taken from this werewolf film (and probably a dozen
others, but this one is the most famous) {AL}

+ "Christine" (movie)
- Driverless car running over people, like in the Stephen King Novel and
John Carpenter film. "Christine" was a 1958 Plymouth Fury, and the
first werecar we see was red, like the car in the film (even though
no actual red Furies were produced that year). {AL}

+ "Foundation" and "Robot" novels, by Isaac Asimov
- Calculon's claim of being much older than he really is, as well as having
been all the great acting robots of history, is similar to the long-lived
robot R. Daneel Olivaw (cf. "Foundation and Earth"). Not a definite
reference, but a possibility. {AL}

+ "Requiem for Methuselah" from the original Star Trek series.
- Kirk and Crew discover a man who is 5000 years old, and who had been
(among others) Methuselah, Alexander the Great, Brahms, and Da Vinci. {D}

+ "The Car" (movie)
- Starring James "Mr. Striesand" Brolin as the sheriff of a small town
being tormented by Satan in the guise of a evil car. In fact one of
the werecars in this episode was almost an exact copy of the "The Car"
(not the original one that is destroyed at the end). {NL}

- Bender's scene where he's in agony as he turns into the were-car is
somewhat reminiscent of a similar scene in this movie, which changed
forever how werewolf transmogrification effects were done on screen.

+ KNIGHT RIDER (TV series)
- mentioning of K.I.T.T., the Pontiac Trans Am with an electronic brain
that was the transport and sidekick to David Hasselhoff as they fought
crimes in this 1980s sci-fi action series. IIRC, didn't they do an
episode where K.I.T.T. had an evil prototype? {DLD}
- K.A.R.R. - The Knight Automated Roving Robot. There were at least 2
episodes with him. {GG}

> Previous episode references

> Freeze frame fun


"I Will Rise Again"


Efficient Husband
and Father

The sign outside the executor's office:


Paper in Leela's hand

HIT |picture of
AND |a cop near
RUN | rubbery tracks

Later, closeup

morning edition
AND | same picture

The fortune-teller's book

of the


Bumper sticker on Bender in car form

If You Can Read This,
I Ran Over You!

Jars on Calculon's table


Sign on the furnace in the Chrysler lab


Sign at the testing area


> Animation, continuity, and other goofs

Daniel L. Dreibelbis

Despite Fry explaining the concept to them in a previous episode,
the PE crew still hasn't got an idea what wheels are? (yes, a wizard did

> Reviews

> Comments and other observations


The portrait in the dining room was labeled Commodore LXIV (which equals
64). Commodore 64 was a personal computer back in the day (late 70's
early 80's ?)

Andreas R.

The guy who inherits the money, has a shirt that says "TRaSh-80". TRS-80
was a computer sold by radio shack (or tandy, how that shop was called in

Don Del Grande

One of the tombstones said "The Red LeBaron" (it took me a while to
get this one - a reference to both "The Red Baron" and the Chrysler

One of the robots had "Euro TRaSh-80"; the TRS-80 (often called the
"Trash-80") was one of the first Radio Shack home computers.

Bender was chased by a "Flying Toaster", the logo of the AfterDark
screen saver (something I haven't seen in quite a while - does it even
work with Win98 or NT?).

Bender's internal clock went from 11:59:59 to 00:00:00 - clocks with
"hour 0" are almost always 24-hour clocks, so it should have said
23:59 just before midnight.

> Quotes and Scene Summary

% A robot on a deathbed. His hand shakes as he wheezes for the last time. His
% hand drops. The robot doctor opens his built-in life monitor, which shortly
% flatlines.

Doctor: Notify his survivors.

% Cut to Bender singing and dancing to his singing.

Bender: B-E-N-D-E-R, Bender, B-E-N-D-E-R, Bender! Say a B! E! N! Be-e-e...

% Hermes uses remote control to mute him. Bender keeps dancing with no sound.

Hermes: Mail call! Amy, here's your designer lingerie catalog. Fry, Sadie's
bra parade. And Leela, bulk underpants outlet.
Leela: [Grabs the catalog] You buy one pound of underwear and you're on
their list forever.
Hermes: And for Bender... Uh-oh. A black ordered envelope.
Amy: Oh, no. Someone you know must've died.

% Hermes unmutes Bender.

Bender: I hope it was one of my enemies. Those guys suck. [Opens and reads.
Gasps] Ah, no. My uncle Vladimir.
Fry: Ah, I'm sorry, Bender. When's the funeral?
Bender: Tomorrow. At the family castle. Followed by the reading of his will.
Well, I'm rich. Goodbuy, losers, whom I always hated. [Leaves. Then
pokes his head back in] Come on, it'll be fun.

% The Planet Express ship lands in some scary looking place, getting stuck in
% a spider web for a while. It's

Bender: [To a robot] Pardon me, my good simpleton. Could you take us to
yon castle? [Everyone gasps and scatters]
Robot 1: Some say unholy things happen up there.
Robot: For example, all of us say that.
Prof.: Hmpf! Superstitious robot mumbo-jumbo.
Robot: Mumbo? Perhaps. Jumbo? Perhaps not! With all your modern science are
you any closer to understanding the mystery of how robot walks? Or
Prof.: Yes, you idiot! The circuit diagram is right here on the inside of
your case.
Robot: I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe!

% The hover carriage climbs up the slope.

Driver: I will go this far, and no further.

% Camera moves away to show they are at the castle.

Minister: And so we commend Vladimir's remains to the earth. Filings to
filings. Rust to rust.

% The pack up Vladimir in foam, put him in a box, seal it and stamp RETURN TO
% SENDER on it. They lower the coffin into the grave.
% A grieving fembot pushes on her antenna to make some tears. The minister
% fills the grave with soil from inside himself.
% At the executor's office.

Executor: To my loyal butler Uthere for his decades of service, I leave a
pittance. To be paid in 20 equal installments of 1/20th of a
pittance each. [Butler cries] To my lazy, spoiled son, Tandy,
who never learned the value of a dollar, I leave my entire 10
million dollar fortune.
Tandy: [Whispers to the fembot next to him] Is that a lot?
Executor: And to my loving nephew Bender, assuming he's not responsible for
my death, I leave my castle.
Bender: Yes! Let's stay there tonight.
Executor: On condition that he spend one within its walls.
Bender: Ah, man! There's always a catch.

% At the castle. Stormy clouds surround it. Lightnings flash. A bat circles
% around the castle's tower, gets hit by lightning and falls. Inside.

Bender: I get a good vibe from this place. Nice long dinner table. Well
behaved spiders. Graveyard adjacent. Yep, it's gotta be... [Screams]
Leela: What is it?
Bender: That painting. The eyes are watching me.
Prof.: Hm... [Moves a glass in front of the painting] It has motorized
sensors attached to motion detectors.
Bender: So does my butt. But I don't frame it and put it on the wall.

% Windows start-up sound is heard, followed by laughter.

Bender: What is that?
Zoidberg: I don't know, but it's infectious. [Laughs]

% Lightning strikes.
% Bender is sitting on his chair, clattering his teeth.

Bender: No doubt about it. This place is haunted.
Hermes: Don't be silly, mon. The last ghost died over 200 years ago.
Bender: The last human ghost. But robot ghosts, argh!

% Windows startup sound repeats. Bender points at something and gasps. Bloody
% ones and zeros appear on the wall.

Leela: Zero, one, zero, one, one, zero, zero, one, zero, one. What
does it mean?
Bender: It's just jibberish. [Looks the other way and gasps. It's the
reflection of one-zeros in a mirror] One, zero, one, zero, zero,
one, one, zero, one, zero?! [Screams and runs off]

% Bender runs down the corridor, screaming. A flying toaster and windows
% logo follows him. He sees something, stops and screams.

Bender: Uncle Vladimir?!
Vladimir: [Floating in midair] Come, Bender. You'll like being dead.
Bender: That's what they said about being alive.

% Other robots get off the paintings on the walls making eerie sounds.

Robots: Join us, Bender! Join us! Join us!
Bender: Oh, oh, oh, my God! [Mumbles as ghosts surround him]

% He screams and start backing up. Ghosts follow. He runs down the corridor.
% Later, the rest of the crew at the cemetery, digging. They unearth a box
% with cables running from it.

Prof.: Just as I suspected. These robots were buried in improperly shielded
coffins. Their programming leaked into the castle's wiring through
this old abandoned modem, allowing them to project themselves as
Hermes: Of course. It was so obvious.
Prof.: Yes, that sequence of words I said made perfect sense. We really
should tell Bender there's nothing to be afraid of.

% Bender runs through into the night, screaming.
% After running quite far he stops to catch his breath. He looks around
% suspiciously. Two eyes appear nearby. A car motor revvs and the headlights
% shine on Bender. Bender screams. The car runs him down and drives off.
% When it reaches the top of the hill, it howls at the moon, then honks twice.

% [End of Act One. Act Time: Running Time:]

% It's sunrise. The crew found smashed up Bender

Fry: Bender, wake up. [Bender groans] He's okay. Quick, does anyone have
any liquor?

% Everyone hands him liquor. Bender takes one bottle and drinks.

Leela: Bender, what happened?
Bender: Somebody tried to run me over. Not with a normal hover car. It crept
along the ground on round rubber feet, like a wolf.
Fry: Poor Bender. You're seeing things. You've been drinking too much.
Or two little. I forget how it works with you. Anyway, you haven't
drunk exactly the right amount.
Amy: Maybe he has. Look at these tracks [Points at wheel tracks. Bender
Leela: I think Bender may be telling the truth. [Everyone gasps]

% The ship flies back to NNY. At Planet Express. Bender walks in, stumbling
% and groaning. His eyes are orange.

Zoidberg: Bender, you look awful. I prescribe makeup. Here, it just so happens
I have my Mary Kay sample case.
Bender: Ah, I just need sleep. I had nightmares all night about cars
running people over.
Zoidberg: Many people dream of a fresh new look. And Mary Kay can make those
dreams come true.
Leela: [Comes in] Look at this! They found those same rubbery tracks right
here in New New York. There was a hit and run by the robot porno
Bender: [Gasps] Robot porno theater? I was in that... general area last
night. Whoever ran me down on the moors must've followed me back
Hermes: Bender, mon, no one's trying to run you over. Stop being a big
hallucinating baby.
Bender: Yeah? Could a big hallucinating baby do this? [Starts crying like
a baby] I'm scared.

% Later, at night, on the street. The moon is full. A car jumps from one
% building to another. It goes down to the street on top of the transport tube,
% and drives off.
% Elsewhere, two men are smashing up a car.

Man 1: [Laughs] I don't know which I like more - smashing cars or smashing
Man 2: Well, lucky you don't gotta decide tonight. Come on, we got church

% A view of them through the windshield of a car. The car starts following
% them. The car knocks over something.

Man 2: Did you hear something?
Man 1: Ah, that's probably just a golden marmoset.

% The car's engine revvs up.

Man 2: That don't sound like no golden marmoset I ever hoyd.

% The run and hide in "THE SQUATTERLY". They stop to catch their breath.

Man 2: Phew!
Man 1: Made it.
Man 2: So, anyway, what are you wearing tomorrow?

% They push the elevator button. When the elevator opens, the car is inside it.
% They scream. The car runs them over. Cut to outside. Howling is heard,
% followed by honking.
% At
% LOT 136
% Bender lies face down between cars. He moans and wakes up.

Bender: What the? [Tastes the liquid on his hand] Transmission fluid? Where
have I been? What happened?

% Sal kicks him in the ribs.

Sal: Gets out of here, yous lousy bum!
Bender: Please, I'm scared.
Sal: We're all scared. It's the human condition. Why do you thinks I put
on this tough guy facade? Now, beat it!

% Back at Planet Express.

Bender: I passed out around midnight, which is much earlier than usual, and
when I woke up I found these in my chest cabinet [Takes out dice]
Fry: Ah, relax, buddy. You were probably shooting some big fuzzy craps.
Bender: No. I think I may've hurt someone. Oh, Lord, I'm on a verge of a
nervous meltdown. [Hits himself on the head]
Fry: Geez, Bender, you're scaring me. You are going wacko.
Bender: You are right. I need professional help. And damn the expense.

% Cut to 5c fortune teller machine.

Bender: Damn the expense! [Puts in 5 cents]
teller: My friend, you have nothing to worry about. Except a nightmarish
life of unremitting horror.
Bender: Phew!
teller: For you see, you are a were-car. [Everyone gasps]
Bender: A were-car?
teller: The car that ran you down on the moors was also a were-car. It beamed
the virus to you through its demonic headlights.
Leela: That's crazy.
teller: Yes. So crazy that it must be true! Each midnight, when your clock
resets to zero, your hardware reconfigures into a murderous four-
wheeled car.
Bender: I can't keep running people over. I'm not famous enough to get away
with it. Can't you help me?
teller: Yes. But you must be willing to pay a terrible price.
Bender: Yeah, yeah, yeah [puts several more nickels in the slot]
teller: Follow me [Gets up on its own legs and walks]

% Later.
teller: According to this ancient readme file, your only hope is to destroy
the original were-car.
Bender: I'm with ya.
teller: In its death the dread car will beam out the virus' uninstall
program, thus ridding you of the curse.
Bender: Otherwise I can never die?
teller: Who said that? Sure you can die! You wanna die? [Cocks the gun]
Bender: No, I wanna live! There's still too many things I don't own.
teller: Then live on, forever cursed. Each night your attacks will become
more gruesome until one dark night you are doomed to kill your
dearest friend.
Fry: [Swallows] I wouldn't wanna be me right now.
teller: Now, go! Go! [Hits the glass before herself with her finger,
knocking the whole booth over] Er.. could one of you just... Ah,
forget it. I'll just sleep here. [Shuts off and goes to sleep]

% They leave.
% At Robot Arms apartments Leela is welding Bender to the wall.

Leela: There. No rampaging for you tonight.
Bender: Wouldn't it make more sense to weld everyone except me to the wall?
Leela: Just relax, Bender. Tomorrow we'll pry you down, have a nice
breakfast and then go hunt down and slaughter that ancient evil.
Fry: I'll be a rich full day.

% Leela and Fry are leaving the building.

Leela: Well, good night. I'm going to go make my dinners for the next month
and freeze them.

% They walk off in the opposite directions.
% It's 10 seconds till midnight. Bender mumbles in his sleep. After reaching
% 0:00:00 his inner computer screen says:
% he opens his eyes. His hands and feet turn into wheels and so on till he
% becomes a car. Engine revvs. He drives through the wall to the corridor and
% out to the street. On the street after a short run he stops, howls and honks.
% Leela and then Fry on their way hear the honking and look around
% suspiciously. Leela turns around the corner and suddenly the headlights
% shine on her. She barely manages to jumps aside from the car that goes right
% at her. The car turns around. Fry shows up from around the corner.

Fry: Bender, no!
Leela: Fry, stay back!

% The car goes after Leela. Leela runs into an alley and gets cornered against
% a chainlink fence. The car stops. Leela breathes heavily.

Fry: You jerk! I thought I was your best friend! What kind of two-timing
killmobile are you?

% The engine revvs up. Leela screams and covers herself.

% [End of Act Two. Act Time: Running Time:]

% The car approaches. Leela runs into an opening in the chainlink fence. The
% car follows. Leela jumps up and hangs on to some bar which happens to be
% above. The car passes under, ramming into a pile of junk. When it gets out
% of the junk and looks around, Leela picks it up and lifts it using a crane.
% The car howls and barks, unable to scramble out.

Fry: I can't believe this. Bender's supposed to murder his closest friend,
which I thought was me. But he went straight for you. He didn't even
try to second-degree murder me.
Leela: Could you give me some help? I think Bender crushed my foot.
Fry: Stop rubbing it in!

% At sunrise. Bender hags from the hooks of the crane. He's in robot form, but
% one of his hands is still a wheel. He wakes up, screams, shakes his hand and
% changes back to normal. Leela lowers him down.

Bender: Oh, God. Fry, I'm so glad to see you. I didn't hurt you, did I?
Fry: Not physically. But don't you ask your new best friend, Leela?
Bender: I tried to run you over?
Leela: It was very sweet of you, Bender.
Bender: Fry, it doesn't mean anything. I have love enough for two.
Fry: Words. Nothing but sweet sweet words that turn into bitter orange
wax in my ears.
Leela: Enough with the feelings, you two. If we are gonna cure Bender,
we've got to go back to the castle and hunt down the original

% The ship lands in Thermostandt. At the go by the streets, robots around
% murmur and cross themselves.

Fry: Yeah, yeah.
Leela: Cursed, got it.
Bender: Whatever.

% The approach a house.

Leela: The tracks lead here.
Fry: Thanks, eagle-eye.
Leela: Now, it's daylight, so he should be in robot form. But be careful,
many robots are stupid and violent.
Bender: I wish I was stupid and violent. Then we'd see what's what, I'd
pound... [Someone sticks a pitchfork in his face] Ah!
Robot: Got ye to your hoses, ye ignorant villagers! [Pokes Bender with
Leela: We are not ignorant villagers. We are sophisticated New New Yorkers.
Whup his butt!

% They jump him and start pounding him.

Robot: Stop! What are ye doing?
Bender: We are whaling on the original were-car. Which is you, you jerk.
Robot: You think me be he?
Bender: Si.
Robot: Nee. I mean no. I was given the curse many a year ago while on a
bird-watching trip to the arctic. I was attacked by a vicious
motorized sled. [Cut to the ship flying in arctic] The natives called
it the abominable snowmobile.

% The ship lands near an igloo. Inside.

Robot: Yes. It's true. I ran over that bird watching jerk. And a hundred
others. Even my best friend from aromatherapy school.
Fry: I once had a best friend who liked to smell things with me [Looks
angrily at Bender]
Robot: Alas, I'm afraid I'm not the original were-car. I received the curse
while taking a learning annex class from a famous robot actor. You
know his as Calculon.

% Leela, Fry and Bender enter the All My Circuits pavilion.

Calculon: Oh, fate most cruel. Would that my boundless acting skills might
avail me of a sword with which to slay this wretched curse.
Bender: Let's kick him some more.
Calculon: No, wait, let me explain. It all began one fateful night a thousand
years ago.
Bender: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You are a thousand years old? You bio says you're
Calculon: Lies! I change my identity and upgrade my appearance every few
decades to avoid suspicion. I was all history's great acting robots.
Acting Unit 0.8, Fesbomath, David Duchovny...
Fry: Look, are you the original were-car or not?
Calculon: No. But you ARE nearing the end of your search, for you see, I was
attacked by the original were-car.
Bender: Give us a name, MacButt.
Calculon: The year was 2019 and I was just a lowly robot arm working in an
automotive research lab. I was working on project Satan. A savage
and intelligent military vehicle built from the most evil part of
the most evil cars in all the world. The steering wheel from
Hitler's staff car. The left turn signal from Charles Manson's VW.
The windshield wipers from that car that played Knight Rider.
Fry: Knight Rider wasn't evil.
Calculon: His windshield wipers were. It didn't come up much in the show,
though. Anyway, only after bringing Project Satan to life did
they discover they made a horrible mistake. For you see, [In creepy
voice] it was pure evil.

% They turn the key in the ignition. The headlights shine in demonic green.
% The car starts and runs down the robot arm, then honks and howls.

Leela: So, what happened to Project Satan?
Calculon: It's either in Paris [A shot of Leela, fry and Bender looking around
next to Eiffel tower] or much more likely still in the abandoned
automotive lab. [

% Cut to a CHRYSLER building. Someone wrote "ANTI-" in front of it. The ship
% lands nearby.

Leela: You guys distract the were-car and I'll kill it by plugging its
exhaust pipe with this silver potato.

% Inside the lab.

Bender: Psst! There it is.

% Project Satan is next to the open furnace, whimpering.

Leela: It... it looks so unhappy. [Walks to it] Excuse me, are you Project
Satan? [The car mumbles sadly and affirmatively] Don't be afraid.
We know what you are.
Satan: You do?
Leela: Would you likes us to... put you out of your misery?
Satan: Misery? What misery? I love killing people. Squishing them till
their organs squirt out like chunky mustard.
Bender: Look, everyone loves killing people. But I don't wanna hurt my
friends [Hugs Fry and Leela. Fry grunts and pushes his arm away]

% Clock chimes far away. Bender's hands turn into wheels.

Bender: Ooh.
Leela: Oh, no. It's midnight.
Bender: Hey, this is starting to feel pretty good.

% He laughs as he continues to turn into a were-car. Project Satan laughs with
% him.

Leela: Fry, distract him.
Fry: Hey, Project Satan, over here. I'm a blind pedestrian. 20 points.

% Project Satan goes after him. Leela jumps and grabs it by the rear bumper.

Leela: Oh, no. There's no exhaust pipe.
Satan: That's right. Thanks to Ed Begley Jr.'s electric motor. The most
evil propulsion system ever conceived. [Laughs]

% It makes a sharp turn, Leela lets go and rolls aside. meanwhile, Bender
% is completely turned, except that his rear wheel is still a leg. He bangs
% it against the floor. It finally turns into a wheel.

Satan: Take whichever one you want.
Bender: [Looks back and forth to Fry and Leela] Oh, boy! I feel a car in a
candy store. [He finally decides and goes after Fry]
Fry: [Runs away] Yes! He chose ME. He's trying to kill ME. Leela, I'm so

% Bender catches up and hits him. Then he does it again. Fry rolls up the hood
% of the car and then inside it. The seatbelt fastens.

Fry: Oh, thanks, Bender [ The seatbelt tightens. Fry wheezes] Too tight!
Too tight! [The steering wheel hits him repeatedly in the face.
Fry yells]

% Project Satan goes after Leela. She runs up the ramp and drops down from its
% top. Project Satan follows her up the ramp and jumps over several school
% buses. On the opposite side Bender goes up the ramp too. They fly at each
% other, but miss each other in midair. project Satan lands, laughing, but
% then sees that it's headed right into the furnace. It tries to turn away,
% but can't. It goes right into the furnace, screaming. As it melts down,
% its starts beeping and emits red light from its headlights.
% Bender's antenna flashes and beeps and he starts to turn into robot in
% midair. He lands on the opposite ramp and falls down. He gets up.

Bender: Ow.
Leela: Bender, you're cured. But what happened to Fry?
Bender: I must've killed him. He was my best friend and I killed him.
[Cries] I never felt so empty inside.

% The door opens on his body. Fry is inside, folded neatly.

Fry: Bender, I'm alive. [Gets out] You didn't hurt me at all. But I know
you wanted to. And that's what matters. [Takes out a bottle of beer]
Here's to you. [Drinks] Ah!
Bender: Hey! That's my last beer, you bastard! I'll kill you!
Fry: I'll kill you too, buddy. I'll kill you too.

% Bender grabs his neck and starts strangling him. Fry gasps for air.

% [End of Act Three. Act Time: Running Time:]

> Contributors

{} Me
{AL} Andrew Levine
{D} Dwayer
{NL} NeoLuddite
{P} Pkmnsnap2
{AR} Andreas R.
{DDG} Don Del Grande
{DLD} Daniel L. Dreibelbis
{GG} The Green Goblin (the good Phil Urich one)

Johannes Lempp

Sep 18, 2001, 11:08:04 AM9/18/01
Ostap Bender wrote:
> Opening theme cartoon:

According to that's "Bold King Cole"
from the Van Bueren Studio (1936).

> ==============================================================================
> > Did You Notice...
> ==============================================================================

... Our Favorite Crew is brought to the castle in a hover-coach?
... the bats flying around the castle and finally crashing against one
of its towers?
... Amy nosily looking into Zoidberg's Mary Kay sample case?

> ==============================================================================
> > Previous episode references
> ==============================================================================

[2ACV12] Bender choking Fry

> ==============================================================================
> > Freeze frame fun
> ==============================================================================
> Tombstones
> "I Will Rise Again"

"Stadt" is the German word for "city".

LOT 136


> ==============================================================================
> > Animation, continuity, and other goofs
> ==============================================================================

Leela's Newspaper suddenly changes its name from "New New York Post" to
"Your Daily News".


> Zoidberg: Bender, you look awful. I prescribe makeup. Here, it just so happens
> I have my Mary Kay sample case.

Can this Mary Kay thing be considered as a reference?


Ostap Bender

Sep 18, 2001, 6:37:50 PM9/18/01
Johannes Lempp <> wrote in message news:<>...

> According to that's "Bold King Cole"
> from the Van Bueren Studio (1936).

Where do they have that? I couldn't find it right away. Do they
have any data on others?

> > "I Will Rise Again"

That was a typo (I actually have it right in the text). Thanks
for catching that.

> "Stadt" is the German word for "city".

Oh, I'm aware. I studied german at school, after all. Plus I had
a friend who liked to alter words just this way. I think I even heard
the word "Thermostadt" from him.

> Leela's Newspaper suddenly changes its name from "New New York Post" to
> "Your Daily News".

I thought it was just a different page. Extention of the crack
about news being kind of slow those days (so that they give the whole
front page to something like this).

> > I have my Mary Kay sample case.
> Can this Mary Kay thing be considered as a reference?

I don't know. I just compile capsules.

Jym Dyer

Sep 19, 2001, 2:12:02 AM9/19/01
> ... Dead robots get buried, rather than be sent back to Mom's Friendly
> Robot Factory for recycling?

=v= Dead *Transylvanian* robots do, at least.

> Curse
> of the
> Were-Car

=v= I'm having trouble squaring this (along with "Bender's Humor
by Microsoft Joke," or whatever it was) with the Feb-1999
_WiReD_ interview with Matt Groening:

Q: Is Microsoft still dominant in 3000?

A: Nope, out of business. All gone. Intel gone. Pepsi
gone. By the way, if a sponsor wants to pay us enough
money, they can still be around.



Sep 19, 2001, 2:26:28 AM9/19/01
On 18 Sep 2001 23:12:02 -0700, Jym Dyer <> wrote:

>> Curse
>> of the
>> Were-Car
>=v= I'm having trouble squaring this (along with "Bender's Humor
>by Microsoft Joke," or whatever it was) with the Feb-1999
>_WiReD_ interview with Matt Groening:

The book was for windows 98, which is 1003 or so years old. Perhaps
the implication is that there weren't newer versions.

Bender's humor was written way back in the 21st century, ten years
before Microsoft went bankrupt.

> Q: Is Microsoft still dominant in 3000?
> A: Nope, out of business. All gone. Intel gone. Pepsi
> gone. By the way, if a sponsor wants to pay us enough
> money, they can still be around.

Perhaps Bill Gates paid him an unspecified amount of money.


Michael Herzog

Sep 19, 2001, 8:24:47 AM9/19/01
"Ostap Bender" <> schrieb

> I think I even heard
> the word "Thermostadt" from him.

It's pronounced and written a little different, but a "Thermostat" is a
device which measures and regulates temperatures.

Johannes Lempp

Sep 19, 2001, 10:48:57 AM9/19/01
Ostap Bender wrote:
> Where do they have that? I couldn't find it right away. Do they
> have any data on others?

The exact link is
I just gave you the URL of the front page, it's there in the right
frame, under the caption "Multimedia".

> I thought it was just a different page. Extention of the crack
> about news being kind of slow those days (so that they give the whole
> front page to something like this).

Okey dokey. Though I didn't see Leela browsing the newspaper, this isn't
a significant goof anyway.


Ostap Bender

Sep 20, 2001, 6:28:20 PM9/20/01
"Michael Herzog" <> wrote in message news:<9oa2jp$uer$03$>...

Heh. I've got a Ph.D. in chemistry. I know very well what a
thermostat is. I built one myself once. That's what I'm saying - my
friend liked to modify words to make them sound in german manner. And
I believe he once did it to the word "thermostat" once, making it

BTW, a theromstat is not used to measure temperature. Rather,
it's primary purpose is to maintain a constant temperature. Hence the
name - ThermoStat. Some thermostats don't even have any means of
measuring the temperature.

Ostap Bender

Sep 20, 2001, 6:31:37 PM9/20/01
Johannes Lempp <> wrote in message news:<>...


> I just gave you the URL of the front page, it's there in the right
> frame, under the caption "Multimedia".

I see. I looked only under "Information".


Sep 20, 2001, 8:36:49 PM9/20/01
> Prof.: Hmpf! Superstitious robot > mumbo-jumbo.
> Robot: Mumbo? Perhaps. Jumbo? > Perhaps not!

This is a para-phrase from _Dracula_ (the book):

"Meta-physical? Perhaps. Mumbo-jumbo? Perhaps not!"

Robert J. Muldoon

Sep 21, 2001, 12:10:38 AM9/21/01
My favorite line is "I will believe what I am PROGRAMMED to believe!" Great
episode, IMHO.

Robert J. Muldoon

"If you are angry with someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes...
then you'll be a mile away from them, and you'll have their shoes."

S1.3 OFF+++ NED+++# ABE+++ FRI+++># CBG+++# BOB+++ ASS--- f++++ s-l+++
ats--- pso $+++ MG20, 7G09, 9F15, 2F13, 3F24, 3G01, 4F10, BABF07,
AABF22----- M1984

Michael Herzog

Sep 25, 2001, 7:53:37 AM9/25/01
"Ostap Bender" <> schrieb

> Heh. I've got a Ph.D. in chemistry. I know very well what a
> thermostat is. I built one myself once.

Okay, the same word is used in german, too. ;)
I just thougt it's different in english.

Ostap Bender

Sep 25, 2001, 3:01:19 PM9/25/01
"Michael Herzog" <> wrote in message news:<9oprl6$276$02$>...

> "Ostap Bender" <> schrieb
> > Heh. I've got a Ph.D. in chemistry. I know very well what a
> > thermostat is. I built one myself once.
> Okay, the same word is used in german, too. ;)

I probably came from german. The german did a lot during the
founding time of science (chemistry in particular. A lot fo chemical
terminology comes from german). If it were an english word I'd expect
to have a different suffix. Like "thermostate", "thermostator" or
something like that.


Sep 26, 2001, 1:08:44 AM9/26/01
On 25 Sep 2001 12:01:19 -0700, (Ostap
Bender) wrote:

No, we'd call it a "Hawking control".


Nathan Mulac DeHoff

Sep 27, 2001, 12:15:08 PM9/27/01
"Jym Dyer" <> wrote in message

> =v= I'm having trouble squaring this (along with "Bender's Humor
> by Microsoft Joke," or whatever it was) with the Feb-1999
> _WiReD_ interview with Matt Groening:
> Q: Is Microsoft still dominant in 3000?
> A: Nope, out of business. All gone. Intel gone. Pepsi
> gone. By the way, if a sponsor wants to pay us enough
> money, they can still be around.

A guy at the Flushing Downs concession stand tries to sell Hermes a Horse
Pepsi in "Luck of the Fryrish."


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