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Tehrani citizens say Israel is responsible for Muslims' problems

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Dec 14, 2001, 7:32:48 PM12/14/01

marg bar esraeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel

Tehran, Dec 14, IRNA -- Fasting people of Tehran here on Friday blamed
the Zionist Regime of Israel for all the problems and calamities
befalling on the Palestinian nation, the Middle East and the world of
Tehrani citizens in a resolution, read out at the end of their
rallies marking the World Qods Day, voiced their all-out support for
the Palestinian nation and raised resent and outrage against the
"terrorist" Zionists.
The resolution said continuation of holy Qods' Intifadha will

undoubtedly end in liberation of the noble Qods and annihilation of

the Zionist Regime despite Zionists' crimes.
It stressed that support for the bloody uprising (Intifadha) is
undoubtedly, the "Islamic and humane" duty of all nations and
the Muslim and independence seeking states.
It added, "We believe that the US' unsparing and all-out support
for the Zionist Regime has been the most important factor for growing
suppression and massacre of the Palestinian nation by occupiers of
The US turns a blind eye to the terrorist measures of the Zionist
regime and ignores the repeated, blatant and extensive violation of
human rights in the occupied lands, read the resolution, adding that
by extending financial, political, military and security assistance
(to Israel), the US prepares the ground for further massacre of
Palestinian nation and is in practice the number one accomplice of
Israel in all the crimes it has been committing.
"The Iranian nation strongly condemns the support of the White
House rulers for Israel's crimes and stresses that the support
offered to the "terrorist butchers" of Palestine by the US and the
governments such as the "worn-out and colonialist" regime of the UK
would be kept in minds of the world nations and would not be
forgotten," continued the resolution.
The ralliers criticized the global community for keeping silent
against release of lists, containing names of those targeted for
assassination, as well as against assassination of the people.
The resolution said the global communities claiming to defend
human rights as well as other centers and communities do not abide
by their responsibilities in practice and even call the Palestinian
combatants "terrorists"!
The resolution labeled the Zionist Regime of Israel as standard
bearer of terrorism. It said the Muslim nation of Palestine and holy
Qods' Intifadha are manifesto of justice seeking and any person,
country or center anywhere in the world that claims campaigning
against terrorism should support the justice seeking cause of the
Palestinian nation and strongly and explicitly condemn the terrorist
measures of the Zionist Regime.
"We announce that the "cancerous tumor" of Israel is the most
important threat to the Middle East region and the world of Islam and
confrontation against this malignant tumor is the rational,
Islamic, humane, national and regional duty of Muslim states," read
the resolution.
"We call on all Muslim states and centers such as the Organization
of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Arab League to show more
moves, and solidarity and adopt strong measures in condemnation of the
Zionist Regime and support for Intifadha," further said the
Use of power and wealth as well as facilities of the world of
Islam and Muslim states' public opinion at the international
communities and adoption of such measures as threatening the US and
other supporters of Israel to severance of ties can be practical
steps towards promotion of Intifadha, according to the resolution.
The Tehrani people called for formation of Islamic court to try
war criminals of the Zionist Regime, especially (Israeli Prime
Minister) Ariel Sharon, the notorious "butcher" of Sabra and Shatila.
They called on the Judiciary of the Islamic establishment to
arrange preliminaries for formation of the Islamic court.
The attendants renewed their allegiance with the Father of the
Islamic Revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic the late Imam
Khomeini and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei and said they consider liberation of holy Qods as a
"strategic" aspiration.
They said they will continue pursuing the freedom seeking
aspiration in light of unity among all Iranian nation, the three
branches of government and all the political wings and groups under
the guidelines of the Supreme Leader.

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