any suggestions would be very helpful!
you don't need the phosphate for your HPLC method.
Go for 5-Methylcytosine hydrochloride, CAS: 58366-64-6
and adjust the pH via buffer.
58366-64-6 is from ABCR, Chimex and Synchem.
Kind regards
Tobias Kind
I have checked our suppliers (UK) and they only supply the Hydrochloride of
the cytosine molecule you mention. It seems to me that you are going to have
a tough search on this one.
How are you performing the assay? If you are using UV I doubt that the
phosphate form would have significantly different characteristics from the
Hdrochloride form in solution.
Try an assay that targets actual neucleotide. If you have to end up
compromising on the chemical form of the standard at least you will have
significant comparative data from your various treatments all other things
being equal etc.
Good luck
"Jim Broker" <> wrote in message