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Secrets of Astrology - How to Interpret Planets __ __

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Jun 3, 2002, 1:42:19 AM6/3/02

The Key Signatures of the Gods chart demonstrates
the relationship of the planets AS their sidereal
modalities are transposed among the twelve forces
of the planets in the iris or signs of the zodiac.

These signs are *fixed* relative to the center of
human hearing, which is nearest middle C, even as
piano tuning and tempering evolved over centuries
to its present state. The instrument is tuned and
calibrated to the human ear--but never vice versa.

Our center of hearing defines what we call middle
C. This is the inferior sign of Mars, named Aries,
just as every C is on the octave of Aries--either
above, or below, the middle C. Realize here, that
this term "inferior" pertains specifically to the
planets whenever they are receding--away from the
Earth i.e. they are Gods in separation against us.

Whereas, this term "superior" pertains to planets
whenever they are closing the distance between us.
The superior signs begin with Cancer, followed by
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and then
Capricorn, the superior sign of Saturn. As Cancer
& Leo are both superior and inferior signs, since
the distances of the Sun and Moon to the Earth do
not vary that widely, i.e., not nearly so much as
do the other planets. The waxing Moon is superior,
whilst the waning Moon is inferior (the distances
are not commensurate with lunar phases). Also Sun
is superior after sunset & inferior after sunrise,
just as evening & morning were the first day. See?

Aquarius is the first inferior sign of Saturn yet
is the superior sign of Uranus--just as Pisces is
the inferior sign of Jupiter, yet is the superior
sign of Neptune. Pluto, like Mars, is superior to
Scorpio--whereas Pluto at the center is the white
light of the Gods converging together in the iris,
the primum mobile, the empyrean (derived from the
ancient Latin motto, "coelvm empirevm habitacvlvm
Dei et omnivm electorvm", which means, "heaven in
practice is the habitation of God -and- wholly by
election"; thus is heaven-on-earth where all nine
heavens above Earth do converge on our experience
(you MUST understand this to recognize astrology).

REMEMBER what the terms "superior" and "inferior"
mean: superior are closing benefic while inferior
are receding malefic. Both are necessary: evening
and morning, superior and inferior, just as "yin"
and "yang" complete the circle of life...male and
female created he them. See? With male and female
superior called Autumn & Evening--the fall of man
resulting in the ~ 23d26m20s tilted axis of Earth
at this writing (obliquity is gradually reducing),
whereas male and female inferior are cast down to
earth in *separation* from the heavenly sphere of
soul's disembodied consciousnesses i.e. incarnate
into a NEW body and time for temporal experiences.

The oversoul and soul eventually find at-one-ment
(let the discerning discern, life is exponential).

NOW: understand the 7 x 12, the 84 key signatures
of the Gods. Each of the 7 sidereal modalities is
composed of seven contiguous tones, i.e. a series
of whole and half steps in the chromatic iris, or
zodiac as it is called astrologically. Modalities
are transposed onto the 12 signs of the zodiac as
they are transposed onto the black and white keys
of a piano, or any chromatically-tuned instrument
(understand the whole and half steps in the iris).

On the white keys- only, these notes are diatonic.
Just remember that diatonic are composed of seven
planets in their respective-order; whereas twelve
chromatic ensigns are the *forces of the planets*.
Know this and understand the Edgar Cayce readings.
The forces or signs are caelestial, & terrestrial
(caelestial is sidereal, terrestrial is our Gaea).

This transposition of the seven, unique planetary
modalities onto the "twelve black and white keys"
of the zodiac results in 84 unique aspects of the
planets possibly obtainable in the zodiac. Now we
must remember that there are two, primary zodiacs
in astrology: the terrestrial plus the caelestial
(ref. Astrology FAQs in the beginner's reference).

Fundamental to proper understanding of the zodiac
and the sidereal planetary modalities transposing
therein is to remember that each mode is composed
of seven planets in their sidereal order. This is
key to understanding astrological forces, even to
understanding horoscopes--to a level of precision
heretofore very well-known in ancient times & yet
utterly forgotten in these so-called modern times
(that's because "astrologers" are the antechrist).

I emplore you to know the planetary relationships
of each modality in each sign of the zodiac as on
each key of the piano, as magnets circle the atom,
as magnets circle their sun and suns circle their
galaxies, as super-clusters are epicyclic circles
to greater & greater conformances to astrological
principles of cosmology--as the whole co-forms as
this whole and as its parts co-form as this parts.

For astrology charts, refer to the Key Signatures
of the Gods chart to see how each planet-in-signs
react in each sign, both terrestrial & caelestial,
both subjective & objective since each planet has
its fixed sidereal modality. As a result, planets
who enable each of the seven modalities among the
terrestrial and caelestial zodiacs--these planets
are fixed according to their sidereal order which
defines their modes RELATIVE to the other planets.

In summary remember that each mode is composed of
seven planets, with each mode varying only by the
order of the planets. Don't treat modes like only
the tonic planet, but much rather understand that
each of the 7 primary modes relies on all planets
who enable it. See? Do this, and you'll be nearer
to understanding how charts are to be interpreted,
how each chart is to be adjudicated! Do this, and
you'll know why song is so pertinent to astrology,
why music is the highest form of expression. Okay?

Very Truly Yours,
Daniel Joseph Min

*Key Signatures Of The Gods:

*Min's Star Charts Homepage:


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