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Public Spirited Citizens Such As You

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David Botteron

Jan 10, 1994, 12:55:00 PM1/10/94
"Public Spirited Citizen's Such As You" - Greatest Hits
I'll ask the questions first and then give the background:
1. What is the joke with the punchline:
'Ding dong, dammit! Ding DONG!'?
2. What is the joke that answers the question:
'Why is Walter Mondale nicknamed 'Fritz'?'?
3. What is this address:
Joke Tracking Center PO Box 011509 Miami, FL 33101?
In this column, Dave talks about loving jokes, especially this 'ding dong'
joke from camp when he was 11.
Then he talks about how hard it is to find out where a joke really comes from.
Then he proposes spreading the 'Fritz' joke and asking the alert readers to
send a post card to the address so he can track how the joke spread through
the country.
I think the column is from 1983 since he mentions a 1983 Chevette.
4. Was there a column that published the results of the tracking?
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