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[AAA] Triple-A Report 10/5

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Oct 5, 1992, 1:30:17 PM10/5/92
AAA Report Oct. 5, 1992 Broadcast on Galavision (Galaxy 1 ch. 19)
from Queretaro, Queretaro DF; Rivera, Morales, Bermudez announcing;
initial discussion of Fishman as rudo.

Match 1: rudos: El Picudo, Heavy Metal, Psicosis
technicos: Mister Magneto, Super Calo, Winner

Primera: highlight: Super Calo pinned Psicosis with a flying body
press from the post, this after two tilt-a-whirls in a row on
Secunda: highlight: Psicosis dq'ed after (I think) jabbing Super Calo
in the eyes trying to get his mask off.

Comments: Mister Magneto is, I think, new, and a major effort was being
made to get him over. He's not very flashy, though. Psicosis wasn't
as hot as he can be; on a good night he's one of the best on the planet.
This match was full of tilt-a-whirls; I counted seven.

Match 2: rudos: Rocco Valente, Tony Arce, Vulcano
technicos: Rey Misterio, Jr; Volador; Misterioso

Primera: highlight: Misteriosos triple teamed, but outcome of caida
obscured by commercial (!) Rudos took it, apparently
Secunda: Misterioso did a back somersault shooting star from the top
rope for a pin on (I think) Rocco. Incredible move.
Tercera: highlight: Only Misterio in ring, tripled again; rudos tried
to wedge mask off Misterio and were dq'ed. Outside ring, RMJ took
a pretty brutal thrashing.

Comments: I hate this rudo team; they all look the same, work the same, and
wear identical outfits and masks. This tends to confuse those of us with weak
Spanish skills... also, I was surprised that the same ending was used in both

AAA rankings: technico # 1 -- Lizmark
rudo # 1 -- Martha Villalobos
pareja -- Konnan / Perro Aquaya
trio -- Los Dinamita
relevante -- La Briosa losing mask to Martha Villalobos
lance -- the "wookie shooting star" from last week

Match 3: rudos: Ice Killer, Jerry Estrada, Blue Panther
technicos: Hijo de Lizmark, Hijo de la Tineablas, Super Astro

Primera: highlights: Super Astro did a back somersault into a Frankensteiner
onto Estrada; also did his flying backwards shoulder block out of
a somersault onto (I think) Panther.
Secunda: highlights: Lizmark did a very stiff tilt-a-whirl on Estrada;
Super Astro yielded in a submission side-stretch by Panther.
Tercera: Ice Killer lost his mask, but got it back on; Super Astro got
Panther in a Frankensteiner to a small package.

Comments: Super Astro looks to me to be about 5'6" or so (Estrada is 5'9",
and towers over SA), but what a worker. As good as Psicosis / Octagon etc. are,
I'd rather watch Astro than anybody in AAA / EMLL and like him as well as
anyone in Japan... Also, SA has a new mask covered with (surprise) shooting

Match 4: rudos: Espanto Jr., Mascara Ano 2000, Fishman
technicos: Hijo de Santo, Lizmark, Perro Aguayo

Primera: Stiff for AAA. High point was _stiff_ posting of Aguayo, after
which Aguyo got mask from Ano 2000.
Secunda: Fishman's mask tore, and you could see his face; Espanto tried to
bite off Santo's mask; Aguayo juiced from forehead; Fishman took
what looked like a potato chair shot from Santos (right on the skull,
with nothing intervening); Santos dove through second / third rope
onto Espanto; Aguayo pinned by Ano 2000 after second stiff chair
shot. Afterwards, Aguayo promised revenge on Mascara ano 2000.
Comments: As stiff as AAA gets. More juice than in a while on AAA. Aguayo
reminds me for some reason of Dory Funk Jr. Most realistic chair shot since
Sting nailed Cactus Jack by accident... No real standout match, but pretty
entertaining. No Konnan, no Octagon, but Super Astro makes up for it...

Mark West WE...@UNCA.EDU "It's Vader Time!!!"
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