while (<>) {
1 while s/\t+/' 'x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e;
(taken from the Gospel According to lwall, Chapter 3, pg. 105, footnote 31)
When I run it in 3.044, it works fine, but when I try it in 4.000 or
4.003, it acts as if length($`) is 0; i.e., as if $` is not bring set.
I have not seen anything in the documentation which indictates that this
behavior change is intentional. Am I missing something?
INTERNET ckc...@mit.edu
UUCP ...!mit-eddie!mit-athena!ckclark
BITNET Use a ouija board.
No, you're right. There was a bug in 3.044 having to do with recursion
if the RHS called the subroutine containing the current substitution. In
fixing this, I managed to "unfix" $`. It will be fixed in patch 4.
Sorry. My testing organization is either too small, or too large, depending
on how you look at it. :-)