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Your mother smells

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Robert Fritz

Aug 25, 2002, 8:29:47 PM8/25/02
Will someone please tell me what these newsgroup messages with all the random words in them mean? I see them all over the place.
"Mongrel Mind" <> wrote in message
Walter recollects, then Debbie truly loves a lower powder through Maify's shower. How did Salahuddin waste the button beside the cheap ulcer? For Mohammar the cloud's bad, for me it's fresh, whereas against you it's burning solid. He might recommend once, fill stupidly, then smell beside the ball towards the camp. A lot of unique humble drapers quickly depart as the bitter jugs improve. Where doesn't Norris play neatly? You won't behave me sowing between your sweet cellar. Who irrigates usably, when Carolyn teases the tired pitcher in back of the fire? Just living within a ticket before the hall is too kind for Lakhdar to join it. Almost no short envelopes are hot and other ugly hats are easy, but will Murad learn that? My old sticker won't comb before I order it. Where Ben's angry jacket excuses, Tamara cleans outside proud, sharp lights. Try jumping the dorm's polite lemon and Rahavan will promise you! Are you cold, I mean, calling in pathetic tapes? Some units mould, creep, and like. Others frantically climb. If you will look Ella's sign around twigs, it will absolutely fear the goldsmith. A lot of dark lentil or foothill, and she'll incredibly wander everybody. Maify scolds the wrinkle at hers and dully helps. It killed, you believed, yet Imran never wistfully cooked under the morning. I was attempting exits to worthwhile Rahavan, who's shouting under the counter's drawer. Both nibbling now, Haji and Melvin lifted the wet ventilators beneath poor cat. A lot of elder cosmetic carpenter opens teachers towards Imran's open can. If you'll measure Murad's forest with disks, it'll inadvertently move the walnut. She wants to grasp good caps over Ismat's hill. Occasionally Rahavan will solve the paper, and if Basksh partly seeks it too, the hen will arrive within the brave night. We walk partially if Hakeem's tree isn't weak. There, frogs receive behind blunt barns, unless they're smart. They judge believably, unless Jason tastes pools on Wayne's pickle. Until Atiqullah dyes the puddles lazily, Satam won't explain any handsome ceilings. You pour active carrots, do you pull them? I laugh the strong potter and irritate it at its kiosk. It's very strange today, I'll attack slowly or Owen will cover the ointments. We reject the urban pin. When will we dine after Bill answers the stupid doorway's dog? The game beneath the distant square is the raindrop that dreams smartly. Where did Norbert kick before all the cobblers? We can't converse sauces unless Imran will unbelievably expect afterwards. Some clean farmers inside the rural store were talking near the thin monolith. Don't even try to change the butchers hatefully, hate them cruelly. Nowadays, it cares a spoon too lost without her upper house. He will fill blank enigmas on the glad quiet summer, whilst Abu stupidly believes them too. These days, go kill a tailor! I was tasting to talk you some of my sick dusts. All lazy dirty onions will loudly sow the shopkeepers. These days, Roberta never fears until Sarah dreams the difficult barber locally. Satam, still lifting, moulds almost rigidly, as the grocer helps between their book. Her plate was sad, pretty, and laughs in back of the river. What does Hamza tease so firmly, whenever Tim attempts the abysmal diet very eerily? While doses wrongly grasp forks, the films often expect before the durable poultices. What will you judge the weird full painters before Mohammed does? To be dull or dry will live hollow bowls to amazingly pour. I am easily rude, so I improve you. Marwan! You'll move coconuts. Tomorrow, I'll walk the jar. As happily as Saad wanders, you can dye the smog much more badly. He will finitely nibble behind raw think stadiums. The pens, shirts, and figs are all heavy and light. She'd rather shout actually than recommend with Robert's new kettle. Otherwise the frame in Brian's yogi might comb some deep candles.


Aug 25, 2002, 9:56:06 PM8/25/02

"Robert Fritz" <> wrote in message

Will someone please tell me what these newsgroup messages with all the
random words in them mean? I see them all over the place.


***It's a code that means don't top post, don't use HTML, and snip the
irrelevant portion of the post you are responding to.


Robert Fritz

Aug 25, 2002, 10:37:58 PM8/25/02
Very funny. Mongrel Mind's entire post was what I was responding to. I see
this stuff in newsgroups all the time. It's usually some sort of semi-poetic
gibberish, often with a lot of Arabic names in it. Sort of like excerpts
from "Naked Lunch," except much cleaner. There's often an attachment, but
not this time. What does it mean?


"Jimbo" <> wrote in message

Jeff Rife

Aug 25, 2002, 10:51:07 PM8/25/02
Robert Fritz ( wrote in

> Very funny. Mongrel Mind's entire post was what I was responding to. I see
> this stuff in newsgroups all the time. It's usually some sort of semi-poetic
> gibberish, often with a lot of Arabic names in it. Sort of like excerpts
> from "Naked Lunch," except much cleaner. There's often an attachment, but
> not this time. What does it mean?

It is a news server SPAM-filter avoidance device.

News servers that see enough posts with the exact same content will treat
them as "SPAM" and not accept them anymore, and will even go back and
remove the first few.

Jeff Rife |
301-916-8131 |

Robert Fritz

Aug 26, 2002, 12:05:01 AM8/26/02
Makes sense. Thanks!


"Jeff Rife" <> wrote in message

Ryan Press (NI)

Aug 26, 2002, 3:54:50 AM8/26/02
Its a virus - if you have a recent version of Norton Antivirus You will get
an alert of an "R.S.Loop", but I have no idea what it does, and the security
people on the net have no information about it.


"Robert Fritz" <> wrote in message


Aug 26, 2002, 8:30:17 AM8/26/02
On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 08:54:50 +0100, a loud, wet, greasy cloud erupted
from the shorts of "Ryan Press \(NI\)"
<> . Smiling at the crowd this rather
unsavory individual proudly proclaimed:

>Its a virus - if you have a recent version of Norton Antivirus You will get
>an alert of an "R.S.Loop", but I have no idea what it does, and the security
>people on the net have no information about it.

it's a JS Loop trojan...the full explanation of it can be found at
the McAfee security website at:

Remove my pants to email

Brian Mailman

Aug 26, 2002, 3:30:18 PM8/26/02
Robert Fritz wrote:
> Very funny. Mongrel Mind's entire post was what I was responding to. I see
> this stuff in newsgroups all the time. It's usually some sort of semi-poetic
> gibberish, often with a lot of Arabic names in it. Sort of like excerpts
> from "Naked Lunch," except much cleaner. There's often an attachment, but
> not this time. What does it mean?
> Bob

Check the MacAfee site for "alt.config virus' and you'll see it's a hoax
using the names of the regulars to disrupt various groups. Is all.


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