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What have you done in REXX lately (REPOST)

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Anthony Green

Jul 10, 1993, 10:49:16 AM7/10/93
I have recently added a REXX interface to GDB, the GNU debugger. The OS/2
binary and source code will be distributed as part of emx 0.8g.
Watch the appropriate OS/2 news groups for availability announcements.
Here is a snippet of documentation....

---- CUT HERE -------------------------------------------------------------

The REXX command of GDB invokes the OS/2 REXX interpreter. The
argument of the REXX command is interpreted as REXX program. RX is an
alias for the REXX command. Important: use single quotes instead of
double quotes in REXX commands as GDB treats double quotes specially.

(gdb) rx say 'Hello World!'
Hello World!

Once the REXX interpreter has been invoked, the default subcommand
handler is GDBRX. This means that any commands REXX doesn't
understand get passed back to gdb for processing. Any output from gdb
gets passed back to REXX through the standard result variable
RC. Example:

(gdb) rx do i = 2 to 4; 'p 'i; say rc; end
$1 = 2
$2 = 3
$3 = 4

This is where the real power of the REXX command lies. It makes it
really easy to hack together quick and dirty debugging functions. For
instance, \emx\bin\logargs.cmd is a REXX program that logs all
parameters used in calls to a given function. You invoke it with

(gdb) rx call logargs

logargs.cmd assumes that you have loaded the program, and have breaked
somewhere in it (since it starts off with a 'continue').

When you run it you get something like this:

cd \emx\test
gdb version.exe
(gdb) b main
(gdb) set sw off
(gdb) set cl on
(gdb) run
(gdb) rx call logargs
logargs 1.1
Enter function name:

And you end up with a very useful loginfo.txt file:

*** logargs 1.1 --- 20:02:33 02 Jul 1993 ***
s=0x100b7 "VCPI ", n=1
s=0x100c1 "XMS ", n=2
s=0x100cb "VDISK 3.3", n=4
s=0x100d5 "DESQview ", n=8
s=0x100df "287 ", n=16
s=0x100e9 "387 ", n=32
s=0x100f3 "OS/2 2.x ", n=512
s=0x100fd "-t ", n=1024
s=0x10107 "-ac ", n=2048

where each line represents the parameters passed to bit().

When analyzing RC, note that newlines are represented by two
characters, CR and LF.

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Here is the logargs program mentioned above..

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/* logargs.cmd -- for GDB */

version = '1.1'
say "logargs" version

say "Enter function name:"
parse pull functionName

'break' functionName
parse var RC 'Breakpoint 'breakNumber' at 'breakAddress':' remainder
if breakNumber = '' then do
say RC

say 'Running...'

done = FALSE
call lineout 'logargs.txt', '*** logargs 'version' --- 'time()' 'date()' ***'
do while (done == FALSE)
if (substr(RC, 3, 10) \= 'Breakpoint') then
done = TRUE
else do
parse var RC prejunk '('args')' postjunk
call lineout 'logargs.txt', args
say RC

---- CUT HERE -------------------------------------------------------------


Note: reply to "roboco!".


Anthony T. Green 343D St. Clair Ave W, Toronto, Ontario M5P 1N3

Home (416) 968-0817 Internet: roboco!
Office (416) 340-0887 UUCP : ...!uunet!utai!roboco!green

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