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Largeint.h still missing in Release Candidate

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Oct 26, 2001, 12:55:48 PM10/26/01
In VC++ 6.0 there was a file in vc98\include called largeint.h. It is
missing in VC7. Please put it back. I've had to copy it from my VC6 folder
to get my project to compile. I mentioned this when Beta 2 came out but
nobody replied. Note: largeint.lib is still there, it's just the include
file that's gone.


Andrea Ferro

Oct 27, 2001, 9:48:39 AM10/27/01
"Ted" <> wrote in message

Curious. I have VC7 beta 1 and it is there.

Eventually they removed it in beta 2, but I did not yet install it.


Andrea Ferro

Brainbench C++ Master. Scored higher than 97% of previous takers
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Carl Daniel

Oct 27, 2001, 12:15:30 PM10/27/01

"Andrea Ferro" <> wrote in message

> "Ted" <> wrote in message
> news:e7cAx8jXBHA.1608@tkmsftngp05...
> > In VC++ 6.0 there was a file in vc98\include called largeint.h. It is
> > missing in VC7. Please put it back. I've had to copy it from my VC6
> folder
> > to get my project to compile. I mentioned this when Beta 2 came out
> but
> > nobody replied. Note: largeint.lib is still there, it's just the
> include
> > file that's gone.
> Curious. I have VC7 beta 1 and it is there.
> Eventually they removed it in beta 2, but I did not yet install it.

Confirmed. I have beta 2 installed - the .lib is there, the .h isn't.


Sven Groot

Oct 28, 2001, 3:11:21 PM10/28/01
Perhaps because the 64-bit integer is a native type for the VC7 compiler and
it can do all those things using the normal operators. I don't know that for
sure, it just would make sense considering what's in the largeint.h of VC6.

Sven Groot

"Ted" <> wrote in message news:e7cAx8jXBHA.1608@tkmsftngp05...

Brandon Bray [MSFT]

Oct 29, 2001, 8:54:34 PM10/29/01

Hi Ted,

The largeint.h and largeint.lib were originally from the Platform SDK.
The PSDK has since removed these files. As a normal cleanup, we removed
files that no longer shipped with the PSDK. The largeint.lib file somehow
fell through the cracks and remained. We will be removing that from the
next release of Visual Studio (the one after Visual Studio .NET).

Of course, you have mentioned the work around. Just copy these files from
VC6 into your current project.

Brandon Bray
Visual C++ Compiler Team

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