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May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
This country is in desparate need of a good ethnic cleansing. Inferior
races have ruined this country. Get rid of all the black. hispanics,
asians and the everpopular whining jews ("chosen people" my ass!) and
this country could actually be a safe place to live in.! I'm sure
many of you agree, even if you won't admit it publicly!


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
I agree that the USA needs a make-over, but I don't agree with your "ethnic

IMO, the country has a problem with drugs, crime, pollution, disfunctional
government, corruption, poor education, and general laziness. None of these
things can be attributed solely to just a few ethnic groups.

Trying to place the blame on a few ethnic scapegoats is pointless. Get rid
of these people thinking that by doing so the country would be a better
place to live, and I think you'll be bitterly dissappointed. The problems
deal with attitudes, not place of origin.

I will agree that some small groups that are generally ethnic-composed do
tend to stir up trouble. But I wouldn't be so shallow as to blame the entire
population of that ethnic origin for the actions of some of its people. To
do so would be like saying all caucasions are dangerous simply because the
average serial killer is a white man in his 20s-30s.

We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
Add your site to the Siren Dark portal
<> wrote in message


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00

Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd like
to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
their chests in peace.

We are the instruments of creation - what we dream, is.

Remove ".netspam" from my address to reply


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
> Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
> in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd like
> to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
> their chests in peace.
> -Rust

Sorry, that was my attempt at turning a post into an intelligent debate.
Figured it might have some value, rather than spewing forth a string of
profanity (not that I didn't feel like it), to address the issue since it
does keep popping up.


We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
Add your site to the Siren Dark portal

"Rust" <> wrote in message
> <snip>


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
Shiva, I have to say I agree with this guy. I still say the day will come
when this country will be on it's knees begging for another likeminded Adolf
Hitler. Also I really don't see anything wrong with serial killing as long
as you are not stupid enough to get caught. Many serial killers put more
thought and energy into their killing someone than most do about their whole
life and goals. I like the serial killer who will prowl at night and through
wooded areas marking his territory ie.forest reserve areas.He then spots his
prey at a nice cozy fire roasting marshmallows,with a mini van parked close
by filled with all the trash they intend to leave behind in his home and
possibly being irresponsible enough not to snuff out that fire and burn down
his own domain. And all his friends homes
ie.Bunnys,Birds,Bears,Bobcats....etc. Or the common bicyclist is a good
target too in the same type of setting.

"ShivaGirl" <> wrote in message

> I agree that the USA needs a make-over, but I don't agree with your
> cleansing".
> IMO, the country has a problem with drugs, crime, pollution, disfunctional
> government, corruption, poor education, and general laziness. None of
> things can be attributed solely to just a few ethnic groups.
> Trying to place the blame on a few ethnic scapegoats is pointless. Get rid
> of these people thinking that by doing so the country would be a better
> place to live, and I think you'll be bitterly dissappointed. The problems
> deal with attitudes, not place of origin.
> I will agree that some small groups that are generally ethnic-composed do
> tend to stir up trouble. But I wouldn't be so shallow as to blame the
> population of that ethnic origin for the actions of some of its people.
> do so would be like saying all caucasions are dangerous simply because the
> average serial killer is a white man in his 20s-30s.

> Shiva
> --
> We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
> Add your site to the Siren Dark portal
> ShivaGirl

Rocio Carrasco

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
In article <>,

> <snip>

> Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
> in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd like
> to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
> their chests in peace.
> -Rust

If you want to get involved in the mosh pit, change into your titanium
skin, look sharp, don't slouch, sit up straight, and learn to use your
killfile and some viewer discretion!!!


The architect must be a prophet . . .
a prophet in the true sense of the term . . .
if he can't see at least ten years ahead don't call him an architect."

--Frank Lloyd Wright

Lloyd Rolph

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
Hell, I'll admit that I agree with you publicly. It's almost like you were
reading my mind when you wrote that. Although these aren't my words they are
still true.....there ain't no black in the union jack.

Dr Evil Warthog

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00

I agree, the good ole USA is in dire need of an ethnic cleansing. However,
the species I would seek to terminate would be our jolly good friend "Aryanius
Stupidious". A dim-witted, hateful breed of pale skinned cave devils (i.e
european trash). Easily identified by the short, wittled penis' on the male
(hideously large ass on female), the large cow-like eyes, or most notably
their hatred of anything superior to them. They are known to be attracted to
monster truck rallies, snake round ups, and similar "events". They can be found
at your local "trailer park".

Happy Hunting

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
I agree. Get rid of them too! I am not of that ilk.

On 10 May 2000 18:41:31 GMT, (Dr Evil Warthog)

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
On that I agree also!


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
ShivaGirl wrote:
> > Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
> > in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd like
> > to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
> > their chests in peace.
> >
> > -Rust
> Sorry, that was my attempt at turning a post into an intelligent debate.
> Figured it might have some value, rather than spewing forth a string of
> profanity (not that I didn't feel like it), to address the issue since it
> does keep popping up.

Actually, that's why I was asking you. I didn't mean it in a sarcastic



May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
Rocio Carrasco wrote:
> In article <>,
> wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
> > in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd like
> > to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
> > their chests in peace.
> >
> > -Rust
> If you want to get involved in the mosh pit, change into your titanium
> skin, look sharp, don't slouch, sit up straight, and learn to use your
> killfile and some viewer discretion!!!
> CHARGE!!!!!!!

Advice well taken.


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
ShivaGirl wrote:
> "Rust" <> wrote in message

> > Actually, that's why I was asking you. I didn't mean it in a sarcastic
> > manner.
> >
> > -Rust
> To be honest, there hasn't been too many posts lately that I can contribute
> to. I'm not involved with any of the Satanic orgs, so I try to stay clear of
> the post-battles and whatnot.
> Have seen a lot of racial posts as of late, and racism is something I really
> can't stand, nor do I understand it. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I hope
> to actually debate with someone who is pro-racism who can also post
> intelligently without the usual profane garbage that is oh-so-common.

That may be difficult. From what I've seen of racism, racists aren't
typically thinking people. That's not to say that they can't, or that
they're stupid. Just that they tend not to ask too many questions.

> I just want to understand the reasoning behind such hate, that's all.

I have a theory... maybe a good one, maybe garbage. I think that racism
is an out-dated instinct, evloved through direct competition between
human tribes. I'm not sure I can adequately word this... So I won't
try. Discuss.


May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
ShivaGirl wrote:
> "Rust" <> wrote in message

> > I have a theory... maybe a good one, maybe garbage. I think that racism
> > is an out-dated instinct, evloved through direct competition between
> > human tribes. I'm not sure I can adequately word this... So I won't
> > try. Discuss.
> >
> > -Rust
> I used to think perhaps it was the old "we fear what we don't understand"
> theory. People who look different, etc...

That's more or less what I mean, but I'm trying to put some science
behind it. A reason, rather than just being that way. It doesn't make
sense in todays society, but genes are genes.

> But now I'd prefer to think we've evolved past that.

Well, evolution takes a long long time. And as long as there are those
who defend and champion the Old Order (ie: racist values), there will be
at least pockets of racism for as long as Humanity survives.

> Sometimes I think it's just an excuse to direct hate...finding a scapegoat
> to blame everything on. I've talked to prejudiced people who can't even tell
> me why they hate certain races so much. Usually it's handed down through
> generations. (at least with the ones I've conversed with.)
> I'm not sure which is worse: hating without good reason, or teaching your
> children to hate without reason.

Very hard call. Myself... I suppose I'd say that propagation of racism
is worse, because it garauntees a future of racism.

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
Hey why dont you go out and shoot as many as you can then come report
back to us huh?


May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00

"Rust" <> wrote in message
> Actually, that's why I was asking you. I didn't mean it in a sarcastic
> manner.
> -Rust

To be honest, there hasn't been too many posts lately that I can contribute
to. I'm not involved with any of the Satanic orgs, so I try to stay clear of
the post-battles and whatnot.

Have seen a lot of racial posts as of late, and racism is something I really
can't stand, nor do I understand it. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I hope
to actually debate with someone who is pro-racism who can also post
intelligently without the usual profane garbage that is oh-so-common.

I just want to understand the reasoning behind such hate, that's all.


We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
Add your site to the Siren Dark portal

> ShivaGirl wrote:
> >
> > > Is there, by any chance, a place where the more thoughtful individuals
> > > in this NG get together, without the mindless hatred garbage? I'd
> > > to get involved, if so, and leave the less pleasant occupants to thump
> > > their chests in peace.
> > >
> > > -Rust
> >

> > Sorry, that was my attempt at turning a post into an intelligent debate.
> > Figured it might have some value, rather than spewing forth a string of
> > profanity (not that I didn't feel like it), to address the issue since
> > does keep popping up.


May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00

I really don't agree. Like I said before, the problems in the states have
little to do with ethnic background and more to do with ambition (or lack

Let's face it, our education systems, for the most part, are sadly lacking.
Teachers are underpaid so they don't put 100% into their jobs. Their jobs,
it has come to pass, includes discipline... since parents tend to slack in
this dept. Bear in mind, these are generalizations. Some schools I have
visited, teachers are nothing more than babysitters on salary.

Drugs, big problem on two counts. First off, people know it's easier and
more profitable to deal in drugs than in "honest" jobs. And the hours are
better, and for the most part you make your own schedule. Secondly, the
people who do the drugs (I'm refering more to things like crack and heroin)
practically live for them. The result... crime, theft, murder, etc...

Neither poor education nor drugs is exclusive to one ethnic group. It pretty
much covers all of them to one degree or another.

Far as serial killers go, I've studied them for years. Call it morbid
facination. I still don't understand what goes through their minds, although
I wish I did. I'm not big on the idea of killing someone for no good reason,
such as the color of their hair (Bundy) or their physical appearance


We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
Add your site to the Siren Dark portal

"Circe" <> wrote in message

> > Shiva
> > --
> > We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
> >
> >
> > Add your site to the Siren Dark portal
> >
> > ShivaGirl


May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
"Rust" <> wrote in message
> I have a theory... maybe a good one, maybe garbage. I think that racism
> is an out-dated instinct, evloved through direct competition between
> human tribes. I'm not sure I can adequately word this... So I won't
> try. Discuss.
> -Rust

I used to think perhaps it was the old "we fear what we don't understand"
theory. People who look different, etc...

But now I'd prefer to think we've evolved past that.

Sometimes I think it's just an excuse to direct hate...finding a scapegoat

to blame everything on. I've talked to prejudiced people who can't even tell
me why they hate certain races so much. Usually it's handed down through
generations. (at least with the ones I've conversed with.)

I'm not sure which is worse: hating without good reason, or teaching your
children to hate without reason.


We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
Add your site to the Siren Dark portal

> ShivaGirl wrote:
> >
> > "Rust" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Actually, that's why I was asking you. I didn't mean it in a
> > > manner.
> > >
> > > -Rust
> >
> > To be honest, there hasn't been too many posts lately that I can
> > to. I'm not involved with any of the Satanic orgs, so I try to stay
clear of
> > the post-battles and whatnot.
> >
> > Have seen a lot of racial posts as of late, and racism is something I
> > can't stand, nor do I understand it. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I
> > to actually debate with someone who is pro-racism who can also post
> > intelligently without the usual profane garbage that is oh-so-common.

> That may be difficult. From what I've seen of racism, racists aren't
> typically thinking people. That's not to say that they can't, or that
> they're stupid. Just that they tend not to ask too many questions.

> > I just want to understand the reasoning behind such hate, that's all.


May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
Why would anyone want to shoot someone,that is totally for self defense.A
hunter who has trapped his prey would never just shoot it. I think the first
thing to do would be to read to them. And then ask them about their lives
and what plans for the fiture they have made and what they dream about.If
you catch them in a lie you must make it clear to them they are no longer in
charge.And always start at the bottom never the top.
<> wrote in message


May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
Far as serial killers go, I've studied them for years. Call it morbid
facination. I still don't understand what goes through their minds, although
I wish I did. I'm not big on the idea of killing someone for no good reason,
such as the color of their hair (Bundy) or their physical appearance

It is very hard to put into mere words. Words or explanations will never
explain what that person is feeling and why that type of thing is the only
thing that actually brings closure to themselves.The only one that would
ever actually understand a (why) would be the hunter himself.

"ShivaGirl" <> wrote in message


> Shiva
> --
> We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
> Add your site to the Siren Dark portal
> ShivaGirl

> > > Shiva
> > > --
> > > We're so goth, the next guys have to die twice to catch up!
> > >
> > >
> > > Add your site to the Siren Dark portal
> > >
> > > ShivaGirl

Roshard Davis

May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00

May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
The cleansing we need is to get rid of any government that wants to
test our piss.
--mantikkon the insatiable

Sent via
Before you buy.

Rocio Carrasco

May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
In article <>, (Roshard Davis) wrote:

> Not to be a party pooper or anything, but as a black person, I'm
> quite offended by that statement. What did I do to deserve that? I
> don't always sit on my ass doing nothing but listen to rap music all
> day. I do work and I don't even like rap music, I like rock. Any rate,
> I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer that
> it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

Hey! We get a lot of outsiders coming in here and spouting racist crap.
You didn't do a thing :) True Satanists do not support racism or
criminal activity...

I think a good cleansing in the bath is good though. I like Raspberry
bubble bath myself...hehehhehe



May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
Roshard Davis wrote:
> Not to be a party pooper or anything, but as a black person, I'm
> quite offended by that statement. What did I do to deserve that? I
> don't always sit on my ass doing nothing but listen to rap music all
> day. I do work and I don't even like rap music, I like rock. Any rate,
> I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer that
> it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

For what it's worth, some of us white-types hold nothing against you. I
hope you know that... otherwise, this just runs in circles.



May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00

Roshard Davis wrote:

> Not to be a party pooper or anything, but as a black person, I'm
> quite offended by that statement. What did I do to deserve that? I
> don't always sit on my ass doing nothing but listen to rap music all
> day. I do work and I don't even like rap music, I like rock. Any
> rate,
> I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer
> that
> it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image]

There is no need for *you* to be offended by someone else's stupidity or
lack of education. Even if you did listen to rap, you shouldn't give a
shit what others think. There will always be a 'group' of people that
someone hates due to their own misfortunes or inadequacies, be it race,
gender, size, hair colour, success, job, spouse, car, personality, etc.

Unfortunately, a good cleansing of any kind would be going against
*someone's* rights.


Live Dangerously, Love Passionately

The Influence of Satan
Essays, thoughts, and recipes!



May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00
Any rate,
> I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer that
> it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

Society is made up of different races.So that would make it a racial issue
like it or not. So what you are really saying is you would rather like to
see a caucasion ethnic cleansing?

"Rocio Carrasco" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,

> (Roshard Davis) wrote:
> > Not to be a party pooper or anything, but as a black person, I'm
> > quite offended by that statement. What did I do to deserve that? I
> > don't always sit on my ass doing nothing but listen to rap music all
> > day. I do work and I don't even like rap music, I like rock. Any rate,
> > I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer that
> > it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

Nate Perry

May 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/11/00

"Circe" <> wrote in message

> Any rate,
> > I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer that
> > it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.
> Society is made up of different races. So that would make it a racial

> like it or not. So what you are really saying is you would rather like to
> see a caucasion ethnic cleansing?

Society can be demarcated into certain races, yes, but it it is not an
absolute deliniation. Your statement is like responding to "Our cities need
to be cleaned up." with "So what you're saying is, Chicago is a shithole?"


May 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/17/00
You didn't do anything. The idea is the idea of a fucking fascist scum
sucking hyena, yobanaya svoloch supreme. Vrag Naroda (enemy of The

Next they cite the stats, you know - statistics and all that hooey.
Take the percentages of "those who do" and subtract from 100 - you get
the VAST MAJORITY who DO NOT DO asocial and criminal things, you'd be
in that big percentile.

It's the same thing with the illegal immigration thing which PISSES ME
OFF SO BAD I'd KILL them. Labor. They are SCABS every one of them,
they CAN'T pay taxes and Big Corporations that get so much corporate
welfare your head would spin, WANT them here for cheap labor. Same old
fucking story tho: DIVIDE AND CONQUER the labor classes. Set them
against each other in STUPID nationalist (in this case, racist) wars.

FUCKING MORONS - the same god damned tactics work on the morons time
and time again. Humanity SUCKS. Homo Sapiens are far too stuck in the
orangutan mold. I declare myself Homo Sovieticus, or Homo Satanicus
(same thing in my book).

And you are welcome (for the info on trapezoids).

Oh yeah, ethnic cleansing? Uh, TOO MANY IRISH are here. I can't
fucking STAND those people. Perhaps it's the hundreds of samples I
personally had first-hand knowledge of.... That will do it.


> --WebTV-Mail-28035-1271
> Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

> Not to be a party pooper or anything, but as a black person, I'm
> quite offended by that statement. What did I do to deserve that? I
> don't always sit on my ass doing nothing but listen to rap music all

> day. I do work and I don't even like rap music, I like rock. Any

> I think that this country needs a good cleansing too, but I prefer
> it be the government and society that needs it, not racial issues.

> --WebTV-Mail-28035-1271
> Content-Description: signature
> Content-Disposition: Inline
> Content-Type: Text/HTML; Charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
> <HTML>
> <body bgcolor="black" text="red">
> <img src="">
> </HTML>
> --WebTV-Mail-28035-1271--

"May the Dark Forces within and without you bring you increase."

IX Corp.

May 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/17/00
In article <8ftunu$p6h$>,
SVsite <> wrote:

>Oh yeah, ethnic cleansing? Uh, TOO MANY IRISH are here. I can't
>fucking STAND those people. Perhaps it's the hundreds of samples I
>personally had first-hand knowledge of.... That will do it.

What, you mean like Pat Buchannan?

"je fermai les yeaux, comme un homme ivre, à la pensée d'avoir un tel
etre pour enemi, et je repris, avec tristesse, mon chemin, à travers les
dédales des rues." -Lautreamont <>

Damien Alvarez-Toye

May 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/23/00
i think that the whole idea of ethic cleansing is bullshit. It was brought
on by the Nazis, who were helped out by the Catholic Church, I might add.
It's not the races who need to be cleansed, it's the government, the
police, and others who oppress people who dare to be different.


May 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/23/00
Agreed - and also needs to be cleaned out the mother fuckers who
exploit the value of the LABORERS and treat those who make everything
they have and like as if they are nothing! Without the workers there'd

There is an article we absconded for Vad's website on Hitler being
BACKED BY the Pope. I think it's in the "general" heading, main page:

Promoting ethnic strife is the way it's done, old trick, set worker
against worker when they SHOULD BE uniting against those who try to get
the work done cheaper and cheaper. Ugh, it's a fucking whirling vortex
of no-change - but it was ALL predicted to the letter.


In article <>,


Edward Handley

May 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/24/00
Here's a better idea. Round up all the clergy and gas them. All churches
deserve to be burned or blown up. Martin Luther King Jr. and Jerry
Falwell were both liars. Too bad one of them is still alive.


Edward Handley

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