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Yes, I *have* gone insane

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David Hines

Apr 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/14/95
What happens when I'm up late at night, listening to Leonard Cohen
and thinking about B5?

This is what.

"Waiting For Straczynski's Eep"
by David Hines

a filk of "Waiting For The Miracle," by Leonard Cohen

Baby, I've been reading
the newsgroup night and day.
My killfile grew quite large;
it threw a lot of posts away.
I didn't answer email
(and I know you sent me some),
but I was waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come.

I know that you're a Trekker,
but, you see, I'm not that kind.
I know how that must hurt you,
but, honey, to my mind
the franchise has been lagging.
Stick a fork in it; it's done!
So now I'm just here waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come.

Ah, I feel so damned impatient
I wish he'd tell us soon.
I'm feeling oh so anxious;
just one eep would be a boon.
I got Chris Franke's soundtrack,
but it sounds like bubble gum
when you're waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come.

Waiting for Straczynski's eep -
it's all I seem to do.
Jeff Jarvis doesn't like B5,
but then, he likes "Earth 2..."

What is there to do
when the reruns keep a'-comin'?
What can one fan do
once the fan mail's sent and done?
Nothing you can do;
you'll just have to go on waiting -
waiting for Straczynski's eep to come.

I dreamed about Straczynski;
it was just the other night.
He showed me a new episode
called "Sleeping in the Light."
It tied the arc together;
I woke up feeling numb -
and I was waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come...

I know, let's watch first season;
I've not seen it in a while.
Back then G'kar was bad,
and Londo made us smile.
The parallels are vicious,
and the metaphors are wild,
and we're still waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come.

What is there to do
when the reruns keep a'-comin'?
What can one fan do
once the fan mail's sent and done?
Nothing you can do;
you'll just have to go on waiting -
waiting for Straczynski's eep to come.

When they ask you of my loyalty
(they just might send ben Zeyn)
if they ask you if I'm faithful
and they want to scan your brain,
if you simply can't resist them
there's no need to play it dumb:
I'm proud to say I'm up here waiting
for Straczynski's eep, for Straczynski's eep to come.

David "I know I'll regret this in the morning" Hines
and I think JMS will regret this even more...

Apr 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/15/95
Bed rest. Plenty of fluids. Aspirin every 6 hours. And one very
heavy mallet-whack every two hours. You'll get better, I promise.


(*who wonders if suggesting mallet-whacking is really such a good
idea, what with the whole Jocelyn Elders thing....)

nancy sauer

Apr 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/17/95
to wrote:
: Bed rest. Plenty of fluids. Aspirin every 6 hours. And one very

Well, mallets are probably less provocative than baseball bats....

Nancy M. Sauer <*> "Then you will come to think of things in
Disciple of Bread Do: a wide sense and, taking the dough as the
The Way of the Way, you will see the Way is dough.
Flour Warrior In the dough there is virtue, and no evil."

Chris Carter

Apr 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/17/95
In article <>, wrote:
: Bed rest. Plenty of fluids. Aspirin every 6 hours. And one very
:heavy mallet-whack every two hours. You'll get better, I promise.

I recommend slamming an unabridged dictionary into your forehead, rather
than the bi-hourly mallet-whack. The dictionary is better for that seismic
resonance that a mallet simply can't produce.

Chris Carter -- (Fidonet 1:105/302.23) Unaffiliated with Teleport.
On the Internet / bewhiskered / like a bear /
He's posting here / but she's elsewhere -- Burma-.Sig <*>

Michael May

Apr 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/17/95
to (David Hines) wrote:

> What happens when I'm up late at night, listening to Leonard Cohen
> and thinking about B5?

> This is what.

> "Waiting For Straczynski's Eep"
> by David Hines

> a filk of "Waiting For The Miracle," by Leonard Cohen

[mega-munch, ummm-tasty]

Two thumbs up! Thanks David, that was well done!

- /| <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> | michael may ==
\`O.o' Just Say `NO' to Rugs | Disclaimer: HEY! That's MY disc!
={___}= - the American Hardwood | I speak only for myself and the
` U ' Floor Association | the large Wombat in the corner.


Apr 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/21/95
Glad to hear I'm not the only one!

Mumbles on about minbari and lenier and gets confused and wanders

Tis by caffine alone I set my mind in motion
the thoughts acquire speed the hands acquire shaking
the shaking becomes a warning
Tis by caffine alone I set my mind in motion

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