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Bill Gates gives away $1000?

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Boogie Man

Dec 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/3/97

I keep getting crap about Bill Gates forwarding mail and will give
each of the people on the forward list $1000. I know it's crap, but I
can't find anything on the internet about the hoax. I checked
symantec, AFU, snopes, CIAC -- nothing.

I know it's crap, I don't know where I can find a URL to which I can
point the people that forward it to me.

Anyone know about this?

Here's the message:

>>>>> > >>>Hello everybody,
>>>>> > >>>My name is Bill Gates. I have just written up an e-mail
>>>>> > >program
>>>>> > >>that traces everyone to whom this message is forwarded to. I
>>>>> > >>experimenting with this and I need your help. Forward this to
>>>>> > >everyone you
>>>>> > >>know and if it reaches 1000 people everyone on the list will
>>>>> receive
>>>>> > >$1000
>>>>> > >>at my expense. Enjoy.
>>>>> > >>>Your friend,
>>>>> > >>>Bill Gates
>>>>> > >>

Lon Stowell

Dec 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/3/97

In article <>,

Boogie Man <> wrote:
>I keep getting crap about Bill Gates forwarding mail and will give
>each of the people on the forward list $1000. I know it's crap, but I
>can't find anything on the internet about the hoax. I checked
>symantec, AFU, snopes, CIAC -- nothing.

You really need to lay off the British beef.

Is there any other medical condition you are afflicted with
that would lead you to think these inane questions are at
all related to urban folklore?

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