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"I am an American", Ha Ha!!!!!!

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Oct 30, 2001, 1:11:56 PM10/30/01
You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.


Rolf Boland wrote:

> How could anyone avoid the demented commericals being aired by some
> "Civil Rights" agency of the Government? Face after face, mostly
> persons of "color", proclaiming, "I am an American". At one time this
> may have been less offensive. But with the flooding of America by
> legal and illegal immigration it simply points up a problem; the
> coming Balkanization of the USA. It is as ridiculous as a White person
> appearing on Chinese TV and proclaiming, "I am a Chinamen".
> A nation is a group of people sharing a general culture to include a
> common biological ancestory, a common history, and a common lanquage.
> Call it like it is; America is NOT a nation. It is a political state
> growing more each year like the old Soviet Union. A hodgepodge of
> races and lanquages. It's fate will be the same. A breakup.
> The sad thing is we let it happen during the past 30 years.
> Rolf
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Still Only $9.95 -
> With NINE Servers In California And Texas - The Worlds Uncensored News Source


Oct 30, 2001, 1:46:12 PM10/30/01
--=Cochise |=-\\----/-=] Guardian=-- wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:11:56 GMT, Jan <> opined:

>>You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
>>believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.

> You are aware that this is a nation of laws, and that illegal immigration is a crime, que no?



Oct 30, 2001, 4:06:35 PM10/30/01

"--=Cochise |=-\\----/-=] Guardian=--" wrote:

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:11:56 GMT, Jan <> opined:

>You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans

>believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.

You are aware that this is a nation of laws, and that illegal immigration is a crime, que no?

George W. Bush is so pro-Mexican that if you hit him with a stick, prizes would fall out of him.
That traitor needs to be impeached.

& why is he a traitor? because his wife is Hispanic? You are just a stupid white-supremist asshole!


Oct 30, 2001, 4:09:14 PM10/30/01

"--=Cochise |=-\\----/-=] Guardian=--" wrote:

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:46:12 GMT, Jan <> opined:

It appears that Rolf wants these vile squatters removed. He's not an American then?
& who are these vile squatters? Illegal immigrants [a lot of them are white] or non-white people?


Oct 30, 2001, 5:47:12 PM10/30/01
I hope it happens in my lifetime.

"Rolf Boland" <> wrote in message

> Call it like it is; America is NOT a nation. It is a political state
> growing more each year like the old Soviet Union. A hodgepodge of
> races and lanquages. It's fate will be the same. A breakup.

> Rolf

Mark Steirer

Oct 30, 2001, 7:15:08 PM10/30/01

Jan <> wrote in message

> You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
> believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.

What do you mean by "equality"? And how do you figure he doesn't believe in
these things?


Oct 30, 2001, 7:51:56 PM10/30/01
Jan <> wrote in message news:<>...

Jan, you are just parroting the same old baloney. America has changed
and not for the better. Looking at history gives us no reason to think
that it will not shatter internally.



Oct 30, 2001, 9:04:32 PM10/30/01
"al953" <> wrote in message

& why is he a traitor? because his wife is Hispanic? You are just a stupid
white-supremist asshole!

The wife of G.W. Bush,Laura(Welch), is Not Hispanic.
The wife of his brother,Jeb, the Govenor of Florida is married to a Mexican
woman named Columba(formerly Columba Garnica Gallo).
That just makes you a stupid Asshole
Do not use HTML on USENET stupid.

Mark Steirer

Oct 31, 2001, 1:02:16 AM10/31/01

Winston <> wrote in message

> "al953" <> wrote in message
> & why is he a traitor? because his wife is Hispanic? You are just a stupid
> white-supremist asshole!

What irony! This guy's too uneducated to know how to spell his insults.

> The wife of G.W. Bush,Laura(Welch), is Not Hispanic.

We know that. Is there a point to your ramblings?


Oct 31, 2001, 1:17:48 AM10/31/01
On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 17:47:12 -0500, "Darrin"
<> wrote:

>I hope it happens in my lifetime.

If your young it will, go the US census bureau and look at the
statistics, by 2050 the mid projection is for 500 million Americans.

Do to birth control and abortion the European stock is not reproducing
itself. This is why Social Security is in trouble. Today 76% of
America is considered as white, that includes all groups as self
described other than Asian, Black and Native America The white race is
aging fast with the highest median age. If you take out hispanics as a
separate group and Arabs it declines to 61% and in 25 years when baby
bombers start dying whites will become a minority, even if you don't
factor in immigration of which 33 million people have entered the US
since 1990.

In 1900 there was 100 million Americans in 1940 140, million today
there is approximately 288 million Americans with the largest
population increase coming in the last 20 year period.

Anyone wonder why resources are getting scarce?
By 2100 ther will be 1,024,000,000 living in the US if current
immigration patterns hold out.

However unlike the 1800s it is much easer to travel to the US today
than ever in history. The only thing that may change the patterns of
immigration is a severe decline in living standards do to the
increased population and declining resources.

With one billion people the US won't have to worry about the Greens
not wanting forest cut down, because there won't be any, or any more
room for animals except in Zoo,s

Cheers and no I am not worried, I will long be dead! Just don't dig
up my cemetery or I'll come back and haunt you!


Oct 31, 2001, 2:56:17 AM10/31/01
D. Long wrote:

> x-no-archive: yes

> "Jan" <> wrote in message


>>You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
>>believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.

> So Rolf's pointing out that immigration is Balkanizing
> the country means that he's not an American and doesn't believe
> in equality, openness and liberty?

That immigration creates a number of problems and tensions is an
observable fact; that's not what I talk about.

But reading his posting makes it obvious that he is reacting strongly to
'persons of color'; ie. he's probably a racist. This is further
confirmed by his concept of what constitutes a 'nation': a group of
people sharing 'biological ancestry'.

It is 'funny' how people can talk about 'the American way' and 'equal
opportunity' etc, and still in their hearts think that this is only for
people of the right colour and ancestry. Don't you agree, that if these
ideals are for real, then they are for everybody, no matter their skin
colour, religion, or other factors?



Oct 31, 2001, 2:59:55 AM10/31/01
Mark Steirer wrote:

Equality: that all humans are born equal and have the same basic rights
- the so called human rights.

As for whether Rolf believes in this - it doesn't take a lot of academic
skill and hair-splitting analysis to see that he is expressing racist
views, and racists don't believe in the equality of all humans.




Oct 31, 2001, 3:13:53 AM10/31/01
Chelsea007 wrote:

> Jan, you are just parroting the same old baloney. America has changed
> and not for the better. Looking at history gives us no reason to think
> that it will not shatter internally.
> Chelsea

Hi Chelsea,

This may surprise you, but I basically agree with you. America has
changed a lot for the worse in recent years, not least because of Bush
an his cabinet of horrors. I was pulling out these American ideals to
illustrate the absurdity of Rolfs rant - but at the same time, it is my
impression that a lot of common Americans actually believe sincerely in
these things, as opposed to most politicians, apparently. it would seem
that American politicians don't represent the opinions of the people, so
whether USA is actually a democracy may not be quite certain.

I don't know if USA will fall apart - I think that there will
necessarily be a number of changes in the country's general structure
and behaviour - for two reasons at least: American foreign policy (as
well as the American, multinational companies) has traditionally been
too much bullying and abuse of power, which creates an ever growing
opposition in the world. Terrorism is directly related to this. And
secondly, America has based it's power almost solely on economic growth
rather than something more sustainable; since the world is a limited
place, the basis for American power is vulnerable. So, America will have
to change in fundamental ways - the only question is whether it happens
peacefully or not, and whether it will require a major recession with
tens of millions of unemployed.



Oct 31, 2001, 3:28:01 AM10/31/01
In article <>, Jan <>

Let me play devil's advocate here: would your summation of racist views
include support for Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set-asides?
Do these programs "believe in the equality of all humans"?

> /jan


Oct 31, 2001, 4:34:10 AM10/31/01
D. Long wrote:

> Has it occurred to you that those you refer to as
> "persons of color" are often from some third-world
> country where the values, attitudes, and behavior
> don't exactly lend themselves to progress, and
> that those people often bring with them those
> values, attitudes, and behaviors? Pointing out
> differences and incompatibilities isn't racist;
> it's pointing out matters of fact.

You're trying to steer this discussion away from the sensitive
expression 'persons of colour', aren't you? If what you mean is 'persons
from some third-world-country', it would be more reasonable to say that
and avoid an expression that tends to be inflammatory. Referring to skin
colour as if that was the main point in distinguishing the culture,
attitudes, behaviour etc of people is racism, simply. Skin colour is
only skin colour.

> The issue isn't about color; it's about culture.

But haven't you just said that it is a question of colour - see your
reply above?




Oct 31, 2001, 4:38:40 AM10/31/01
white_phosphorous wrote:

> Let me play devil's advocate here: would your summation of racist views
> include support for Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set-asides?
> Do these programs "believe in the equality of all humans"?

Please clarify - what is 'Affirmative Action' and what exactly are the
'minoroty quotas' and 'set-asides', you are referring to? Let's for the
time being assume that I am totally ignorant, but willing to learn.



William Scott

Oct 31, 2001, 4:05:47 PM10/31/01
lvaughn wrote:

> However unlike the 1800s it is much easer to travel to the US today
> than ever in history. The only thing that may change the patterns of
> immigration is a severe decline in living standards do to the
> increased population and declining resources.

As if that's the only reason for decline in those things. Are you saying
that there won't be any societal deterioration due to the population
going from majority White to majority non-white?

Once non-whites are able to out-vote whites, America will rapidly cease
to be "America" in all the usual senses. It will become just another
third world pest hole of filth, lethagy, inefficiency, suppression,
corruption, and decline.

From B. Scott


Oct 31, 2001, 4:20:41 PM10/31/01

William Scott wrote:

Obviously you are not an American.
Americans are busy United, fighting a war against terrorism.

Why don't you send the American Fighting men and women in Afghanistan and
aboard ship or flying bombers that the African-Americans among them are less
than first rate- or that Mexican-American or Asian-Americans are less than
top notch and all fightin g to help save America.

Screw you BillyBob!

> --
> From B. Scott

Mark Steirer

Oct 31, 2001, 6:10:34 PM10/31/01

Jan <> wrote in message

> D. Long wrote:
> >
> > Has it occurred to you that those you refer to as
> > "persons of color" are often from some third-world
> > country where the values, attitudes, and behavior
> > don't exactly lend themselves to progress, and
> > that those people often bring with them those
> > values, attitudes, and behaviors? Pointing out
> > differences and incompatibilities isn't racist;
> > it's pointing out matters of fact.
> >
> You're trying to steer this discussion away from the sensitive
> expression 'persons of colour', aren't you?

To the contrary, it appears that you continue to steer it toward that
phrase, for no reason other than to display some pretense of moral
superiority. I have news for you -- there is nothing morally wrong with
wanting to live among members of one's own race, so you can drop your silly

Mark Steirer

Oct 31, 2001, 6:19:32 PM10/31/01

Jan <> wrote in message

> Mark Steirer wrote:
> > Jan <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
> >>believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.
> >>
> >
> > What do you mean by "equality"? And how do you figure he doesn't
believe in
> > these things?
> >
> Equality: that all humans are born equal

What does "born equal" mean?

> and have the same basic rights
> - the so called human rights.

I'm not familiar with any so-called "human rights". Do you mean "natural
rights" -- i.e., the right not to have your life, liberty, or property taken
through aggression? If so, a belief in equality is inconsistent with
imposing mass immigration on a nation. Such immigration policy is an
aggressive act depriving "equal" humans of their liberty and property. Your
perspective implies that Americans are subordinate -- i.e., not equal -- to
the foreigners who want to immigrate.

> As for whether Rolf believes in this - it doesn't take a lot of academic
> skill and hair-splitting analysis to see that he is expressing racist
> views, and racists don't believe in the equality of all humans.

You're a racist by your own definition!

Steve from Colorado

Oct 31, 2001, 12:49:01 PM10/31/01

"lvaughn" <> wrote in message

While I agree with most of what you say, you fail to listen to the people
who took control of this country after the bombings. They are debating over
who will get the limited smallpox vaccinations and who will be given
protection when the biological war begins. You and everyone else in this NG
should realize that the same forces that killed PROP 187 and who talk in
this NG about the big "contribution" that illegal aliens make have made
their vote readily apparent. This is no longer a debate about some
theoretical demographics in 25 years -- it is about the allocation of
vaccines NOW. We are at war and we must make it clear that if we or our
sons and daughters are going to be expected to fight a war in Afghanistan --
then the people in power damned well better allocate the life-saving
vaccines and antidotes for chemical warfare among Americans and not illegal
aliens and terrorists that are here on some visa or green card. If you live
near a nuclear power plant -- some iodine tablets might be in order.


Nov 1, 2001, 1:33:59 AM11/1/01
In article <>, Jan <>

You're not a U.S. citizen, are you?
Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set asides are government
programs and/or edicts that insure a certain percentage of "minorities"
(which includes women btw) are represented in jobs and government
contracts, regardless of merit. It is government imposed racism (or
sexism, as regards to women).


Nov 1, 2001, 2:08:20 AM11/1/01
white_phosphorous wrote:

> You're not a U.S. citizen, are you?
> Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set asides are government
> programs and/or edicts that insure a certain percentage of "minorities"
> (which includes women btw) are represented in jobs and government
> contracts, regardless of merit. It is government imposed racism (or
> sexism, as regards to women).

No - I am not American. I am a foreigner who once, not long ago used to
think of America as a nation of people who loved peace and freedom. It
has been a sad awakening to see how that nation is now little more than
a 'capitalist Soviet Union' if one can imagine such a strange
combination of the worst of both worlds. It has been like seeing one's
best friend suddenly reveal himself as a perverse and malicious
hypocrite. I still cling on to the imagination that most Americans are
not like that; at least I try.

The problems in America are not due to immigration of 'lower races' or
'persons of colour' or any such thing. The problems you have and have
had for a long time are due to the fact that in America nothing is more
important than the profits of the ruling caste of wealthy families. The
war now is about that, as I think you know. The solution is not to clamp
down on those who haven't had a fair chance in life, but to rid the
people who drag you down of their power.



William Scott

Nov 1, 2001, 4:13:05 AM11/1/01
Jan wrote:
> white_phosphorous wrote:
> >
> > You're not a U.S. citizen, are you?
> > Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set asides are government
> > programs and/or edicts that insure a certain percentage of "minorities"
> > (which includes women btw) are represented in jobs and government
> > contracts, regardless of merit. It is government imposed racism (or
> > sexism, as regards to women).
> >
> No - I am not American. I am a foreigner who once, not long ago used to
> think of America as a nation of people who loved peace and freedom. It
> has been a sad awakening to see how that nation is now little more than
> a 'capitalist Soviet Union' if one can imagine such a strange
> combination of the worst of both worlds. It has been like seeing one's
> best friend suddenly reveal himself as a perverse and malicious
> hypocrite. I still cling on to the imagination that most Americans are
> not like that; at least I try.

You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

From B. Scott

William Scott

Nov 1, 2001, 4:18:39 AM11/1/01
Henry wrote:
> William Scott wrote:

> > Once non-whites are able to out-vote whites, America will rapidly cease
> > to be "America" in all the usual senses. It will become just another
> > third world pest hole of filth, lethagy, inefficiency, suppression,
> > corruption, and decline.
> >
> Obviously you are not an American.
> Americans are busy United, fighting a war against terrorism.

We wouldn't have had the WTC attack except for our open borders that
allowed the bastards to come here in the first plave. Aliens with known
connections to terrorist groups were allowed to come here, wander around
without restrictions, plan and then carry out the attack. If it wasn't
for the open border nitwits, we wouldn't be "fighting a war against
terrorism" overseas.

> Why don't you send the American Fighting men and women in Afghanistan and
> aboard ship or flying bombers that the African-Americans among them are less
> than first rate- or that Mexican-American or Asian-Americans are less than
> top notch and all fightin g to help save America.

I'd try to answer, but I can't make sense of your unintelligible

From B. Scott

Steve from Colorado

Nov 1, 2001, 8:43:08 AM11/1/01

"Jan" <> wrote in message

You make some valid and good observations, but I disagree with you that
immigration into this country is not a problem. Have you ever been south of
our border? What possible good can come out of adding millions of people
into our country who will help drain our aquifers faster, use up our oil and
cause our fertile farmland to be paved over with sprawling cities to make
room for them? You must come from one of those overcrowded nations in the
Indian subcontinant, I would imagine, to state that the problems in America
can be summed up in one paragraph, and that immigration of is not one of

Mark Steirer

Nov 1, 2001, 9:54:35 PM11/1/01

Jan <> wrote in message

> white_phosphorous wrote:
> >
> > You're not a U.S. citizen, are you?
> > Affirmative Action, minority quotas and set asides are government
> > programs and/or edicts that insure a certain percentage of "minorities"
> > (which includes women btw) are represented in jobs and government
> > contracts, regardless of merit. It is government imposed racism (or
> > sexism, as regards to women).
> >
> No - I am not American. I am a foreigner who once, not long ago used to
> think of America as a nation of people who loved peace and freedom. It
> has been a sad awakening to see how that nation is now little more than
> a 'capitalist Soviet Union' if one can imagine such a strange
> combination of the worst of both worlds.

Sure, it's what the Wall Street Journal crowd is shooting for. I'm not a
fan of such a concept myself.

> It has been like seeing one's
> best friend suddenly reveal himself as a perverse and malicious
> hypocrite. I still cling on to the imagination that most Americans are
> not like that; at least I try.

Do mot confuse the government with the people.

> The problems in America are not due to immigration of 'lower races' or
> 'persons of colour' or any such thing.

The importation of different races from different cultures speeds the
degeneration of liberty in the US. It's a symptom rather than the problem
itself, but the growing number of immigrants makes the solution ever more
difficult to achieve.

> The problems you have and have
> had for a long time are due to the fact that in America nothing is more
> important than the profits of the ruling caste of wealthy families.

And the security of a particular ethnic group.

> The
> war now is about that, as I think you know. The solution is not to clamp
> down on those who haven't had a fair chance in life, but to rid the
> people who drag you down of their power.

Easier said than done.


Nov 2, 2001, 3:20:55 AM11/2/01
Steve from Colorado wrote:

> You make some valid and good observations, but I disagree with you that
> immigration into this country is not a problem. Have you ever been south of
> our border?

No - you mean Mexico? Never been there.

I don't say that immigration doesn't carry problems with it; of course
it does, but these are not the real issue. It isn't imigration from
Mexico that has caused the extremely bad reputation that America has in
the muslim countries, just to take an example. America has been building
up that reputation over the last century or so; especially since WWII.
Some people tell me that USA give 'so and so' in form of different aid
projects, but that's only part of the truth - unrestrained multinational
companies exploit the world's poorest countries ruthlessly, so a bit of
aid here and there doesn't amount to all that much. One thing we will
have to do is to impose legal restrictions on multinational companies -
if we don't, it will be incredibly hard to turn things around.

> What possible good can come out of adding millions of people
> into our country who will help drain our aquifers faster, use up our oil and
> cause our fertile farmland to be paved over with sprawling cities to make
> room for them?

Again, I don't think the real problem is the number of people. One has
to live according to one's means. I remember going to California a few
years ago, and what struck me with horror was the way big corporations
simply squander water on horrible lawns everywhere. I wandered around in
the area near Oracle (not to point them out as particularly bad) - they
all had huge areas covered with 4 inches of grass, which was sprinkled
several times a day just to keep it alive. One wasn't allowed to
actually use these lawns for anything, so what was the purpose? When one
lives in a desert, saving water makes sense, I'd say. You don't need
huge cities that cover all of the farming land to acommodate the number
of immigrants.

> You must come from one of those overcrowded nations in the
> Indian subcontinant, I would imagine, to state that the problems in America
> can be summed up in one paragraph, and that immigration of is not one of
> them.

I must? I'd better over there, then.

Of course one cannot state all the problems of America in one paragraf.
But I think that I have pointed out _the_ main problem.



A Baster

Nov 2, 2001, 11:26:33 AM11/2/01

Those commercials are just reminders from the civil rights High Church
(est 1965), that you are converted nation and must remember your
catachism. It's a joke for anyone who sees it, the purpose is
transparent. Americans are a mix of ancestery, yeah woopee, but the
american tribe is something else altogether.

On 30 Oct 2001 18:09:30 GMT, (Rolf Boland) wrote:

>How could anyone avoid the demented commericals being aired by some
>"Civil Rights" agency of the Government? Face after face, mostly
>persons of "color", proclaiming, "I am an American". At one time this
>may have been less offensive. But with the flooding of America by
>legal and illegal immigration it simply points up a problem; the
>coming Balkanization of the USA. It is as ridiculous as a White person
>appearing on Chinese TV and proclaiming, "I am a Chinamen".
>A nation is a group of people sharing a general culture to include a
>common biological ancestory, a common history, and a common lanquage.

>Call it like it is; America is NOT a nation. It is a political state
>growing more each year like the old Soviet Union. A hodgepodge of
>races and lanquages. It's fate will be the same. A breakup.

>The sad thing is we let it happen during the past 30 years.


Nov 3, 2001, 2:39:40 AM11/3/01

Mark Steirer wrote:

The entire history of the end of European colonialism around the world has been
littered with revenge killing and attacks on people of European descent once
colonial rule ends. The New World Order folks see the U.S.A., Australia,
Canada, New Zealand and Belize as no different than Rhodesia, South Africa,
Angola, Mozambique, Hong Kong and so on. To see the future the NWO people have
for whites in the U.S., just look at Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, or perhaps
even Algeria. The new paradigm for the white nations that remain is like that
of South Africa. The whites are the bogeymen and the Third World people of
color are seen always as victims who share no responsibility in their own
inferior economic and military position on the world stage. The fact that
China, Japan, India, Malaysia (and more recently Pakistan) have done exceedingly
well in competing on the world stage in the scientific, technological, and
economic arenas as non-white peoples doesn't seem to alter the perception by
some that white countries are, by definition, all more or less variations of the
Third Reich. In order to create a virtual (white ruled) South Africa out of
every predominantly white country -- one must first flood it with "refugees" and
janitors from the Third World just looking for "freedom" or a way to climb out
of the economic hell that their own people sustain and nurture in nations where
they are the majority. Once they have gained control of our nation, we will be,
by definition, a Third World nation. We will go from the nation that put men
on the moon to a nation that pleads with its people to illegally enter better
nations and send money back home so a school can have running water or a road
can be paved. Perhaps we will send textbooks to our nationals in Canada in
Spanish language so they can learn their culture that goes back to Mexico. Or
maybe with global warming the European people who built the U.S. will migrate
north and continue to sustain Western Civilization while the new majority of
people in the original 48 states who migrated from Mexico, Central America, and
elsewhere will run a nation of convenience stores, janitorial firms, and radio
stations in the tradition of their own homelands. Only time will tell.


Nov 18, 2001, 3:17:16 AM11/18/01

Jan <> wrote in message
It's not all that relevant but... in a way it is important. America is NOT a
democracy. It's a republic. It's a big difference. If one believes the
results of various polls, even the ones on non-anti-illegal alien sites such
as the various newspapers, etc. If a vote were taken today the majority
would vote to eject the illegal invaders and the borders would be sealed.
And, the majority appears to support a moratorium on legal immigration then
resume it at much reduced numbers.

If America were a democracy the issue would be voted upon and it's likely
the problem of illegals would be solved.


Nov 18, 2001, 3:18:35 AM11/18/01

al953 <> wrote in message
> "--=Cochise |=-\\----/-=] Guardian=--" wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:11:56 GMT, Jan <> opined:
> >
> > >You're right, Rolf: you're not an American. Happily real Americans
> > >believe somewhat more in things like equality, openness and liberty.
> > >
> > >/jan
> >
> > You are aware that this is a nation of laws, and that illegal
immigration is a crime, que no?
> >
> > ////////////////////////
> > -----------------------
> > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> > George W. Bush is so pro-Mexican that if you hit him with a stick,
prizes would fall out of him.
> > That traitor needs to be impeached.
> & why is he a traitor? because his wife is Hispanic? You are just a stupid
white-supremist asshole!

Dam it, dog vomit... ye steaming turd on the lawn of American socity.... you
forgot bigot and neo-Nazi. C'mon, if you're gonna' be proper dog vomit you
have to get with the program!!!!!!


Nov 18, 2001, 3:22:30 AM11/18/01

D. Long <> wrote in message

> x-no-archive: yes
> "Jan" <> wrote in message

> > D. Long wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Has it occurred to you that those you refer to as
> > > "persons of color" are often from some third-world
> > > country where the values, attitudes, and behavior
> > > don't exactly lend themselves to progress, and
> > > that those people often bring with them those
> > > values, attitudes, and behaviors? Pointing out
> > > differences and incompatibilities isn't racist;
> > > it's pointing out matters of fact.
> > >
> >
> > You're trying to steer this discussion away from the sensitive
> > expression 'persons of colour', aren't you?
> Actually, I'm trying to clarify the issue. Skin color isn't
> the issue. Skin color is irrationally tangental to the issue.
> The issue is values, attitudes, and behavior.

> > If what you mean is 'persons
> > from some third-world-country', it would be more reasonable to say that
> > and avoid an expression that tends to be inflammatory. Referring to skin
> > colour as if that was the main point in distinguishing the culture,
> > attitudes, behaviour etc of people is racism, simply. Skin colour is
> > only skin colour.
> I'm glad we agree.

> > > The issue isn't about color; it's about culture.
> But haven't you just said that it is a question of colour - see your
> > reply above?
> Maybe your confusion arises from the fact that people
> from third-world countries are often of different skin
> color and often have their own values, attitudes, and
> behavior that are incompatible with those of the
> American culture. It's the values, attitudes, and
> behavior that are obnoxious, not the color of
> someone's skin.
Good luck. Logic doesn't work well with those propagandized to view the
world as basically composed of races and ethnicities and that virtually any
comment about society, government, economics, etc. must obviously correlate
with race, ethnicity, etc.


Nov 18, 2001, 3:24:50 AM11/18/01

Jan <> wrote in message
Sheesh!!!!!! Gimme some credit ye viewer with the racsim blinders on. I
have already not only assumed but have become quite convinced thou art
ignorant. Not totally... but, ignorant nonetheless. Likely not your fault,
thoiugh. I betcha yer' one of America's protected classes insulated from
life in the slums.


Nov 18, 2001, 3:27:00 AM11/18/01

lvaughn <> wrote in message
Admittedly the issue is quite complex. However, with enough terribly boring
reading, one can discover that if the politicians used social security only
for what it was originally intended for that there would be trillions of
dollars in reserve and that the system would be solvent eternally.


Nov 18, 2001, 9:05:13 AM11/18/01
I would be glad to vote you and your kind out out the USA. Aren't you lucky
there are laws protecting minorities such as yourself?

Obbop wrote:

And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free, and the land of the brave!
Francis Scott Key


Nov 18, 2001, 2:26:06 PM11/18/01

Henry <> wrote in message

> I would be glad to vote you and your kind out out the USA. Aren't you
> there are laws protecting minorities such as yourself?

Akin to the patriots during the Revolutionary War.


Nov 18, 2001, 10:07:10 PM11/18/01

"William Scott" <> wrote in message

> We wouldn't have had the WTC attack except for our open borders that
> allowed the bastards to come here in the first plave. Aliens with known
> connections to terrorist groups were allowed to come here, wander around
> without restrictions, plan and then carry out the attack. If it wasn't
> for the open border nitwits, we wouldn't be "fighting a war against
> terrorism" overseas.

So we were slack about patrolling our borders and restricting immigration
into the U.S.
It's probably something in our water or air that causes such laxness.
That's the same laxness the aboriginal natives exhibited when ole Chris
Columbus and the other "aliens with known connections to terrorist groups"
first asked to come ashore.
Had those aboriginal natives ("open border nitwits") enforced a better
immigration policy, the New World wouldn't be having the racist problems
that have plagued it ever since then.

Just imagine how much better (different, at least) our Atlantic coast would
be today had the Native Americans successfully eliminated those British,
French, Spanish, German, Dutch, and Polish "bastards that came here in the
first place" during the 1500's and 1600's. The Native Americans tried
their best to purify the Jamestown (Virginia) settlers. Too bad that
Pocahontas was a fifth-columnist that chose to aid Captain John Smith. Those
filthy (white) European immigrants brought smallpox pestilence to the
Americas, for which the aboriginals let Sir Walter Raleigh take tobacco back
to Europe. <g>

"William Scott" <> wrote in message

> lvaughn wrote:
> > However unlike the 1800s it is much easer to travel to the US today
> > than ever in history. The only thing that may change the patterns of
> > immigration is a severe decline in living standards do to the
> > increased population and declining resources.
> As if that's the only reason for decline in those things. Are you saying
> that there won't be any societal deterioration due to the population
> going from majority White to majority non-white?

> Once non-whites are able to out-vote whites, America will rapidly cease
> to be "America" in all the usual senses. It will become just another
> third world pest hole of filth, lethagy, inefficiency, suppression,
> corruption, and decline.

And while you're at it, let's not forget the "societal deterioration" that
those drunken Irish "Micks," and those lethargic Italian "Dagos," and those
money-lending Jews brought to our pure soil when they immigrated from

"Rolf Boland" <> wrote in message

> How could anyone avoid the demented commericals being aired by some
> "Civil Rights" agency of the Government? Face after face, mostly
> persons of "color", proclaiming, "I am an American". At one time this
> may have been less offensive. But with the flooding of America by
> legal and illegal immigration it simply points up a problem; the
> coming Balkanization of the USA. It is as ridiculous as a White person
> appearing on Chinese TV and proclaiming, "I am a Chinamen".
> A nation is a group of people sharing a general culture to include a
> common biological ancestory, a common history, and a common lanquage.
> Call it like it is; America is NOT a nation. It is a political state
> growing more each year like the old Soviet Union. A hodgepodge of
> races and lanquages. It's fate will be the same. A breakup.
> The sad thing is we let it happen during the past 30 years.
> Rolf

By jingo, isn't it amazing that America never before had any problem
assimilating immigrants until 1970 ("the past 30 years")? Such jingoism is
amazing. By that line of reasoning, German-Americans and Japanese-Americans
probably weren't suspicious to the real Americans during World War II. How
did American school teachers of the 1950's and 1960's ever get away with
describing the U.S. as being a great melting pot? Where was the House
Un-American Activities Committee when we most needed it? <g>

After an immigrant has been in the U.S. for twenty or thirty years, doesn't
that immigrant then share the same "general culture" and "common history"
that any other American experienced during that same period?

If you are lucky, your grandchild probably is going to share "a common
language" and is going to marry and breed with a descendant of immigrants,
so your great-grandchild thus will share that "common biological ancestry"
that you deem to be so important to our national identity. Ah, the joyous
pitter-patter of tiny little feet that grandparents dote upon. Just give
it adequate time, and the interbreeding of our children and our children's
children might resolve some of the societal problems that excessively worry
Rolf and William (who probably are typical products of an American free K-12
public school education). <g>

Gee whiz, folks.
I love a good rant as much as the next red-blooded American, but where are
hiding all of the "professional" anthropologists that supposedly lurk at
this newsgroup?
Why do our college-educated role models exhibit so little opposition to the
anti-immigrant racists?
[Heck, I'm depending upon those working immigrants to be paying their taxes
for my Social Security benefits during my retirement years <g>]
Makes me wonder about those pesky letters I get from my alma mater
University begging for me to donate even more money to their endeavors.
I'm aghast that my tax money and the tax money of my ancestors didn't better
educate Rolf and William. [But then, even providing a computer with spelling
checker doesn't aid the literacy of some posters.] <g>

Bye for now.
From the grand and glorious People's Republic of Ann Arbor,
Five square miles surrounded by reality.


Nov 19, 2001, 5:36:55 AM11/19/01

thc <> wrote in message

Hee hee. My Mick forebearers fooled ya'll. Great grandpappy snuck into
Canada, headed west until he passed out drunk. Awoke. Said this is too damn
cold... headed south.... and planted his Mick ass in Missouri with the horse
thieves and bank robbers. That'll teach ya'll to tighten up your borders. Of
course, times were different back then. The world was a much less crowded
place and folks died younger. Didn't have the drain on resources and
overcrowding you American Gringo scum have now. But..... the border's still

Stoopid Gringos!!!!!!! Even the stoopider Micks were able to fool yah. Must
be downright embarrassing when the even-stoopider than the Micks greasers
can slip through. OLE!!!!!!!

Viva La Micks!!!!!!! Just a tad higher on the smart scale than Spics!!!!!!

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