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why i quit collecting before i got started. hhhrrmmpphh!

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Mar 29, 1995, 3:00:00 AM3/29/95
my comic collecting days have begun and finished within the same week. the
unscroupulous practices of my local dealer have prompted me to wonder how anyone

ever gets started collected comics. 1st, the other day i go to get a gen13 tpb,
as several of you had brought to my attention as existing(thanks), and the guy
says "no that's not out yet, and i doubt there will be one. BUT, i do have a
gen13 #1 in mint condtiion that you should scrape up for $#35, if you really
want to read it, because soon you won't be able to find any of themn." needles
to say, i was wary of this guy. next, i go out today because i have a copy of
The Avengers #16 which books for $75, and he tells me is worth nothing, "burn
it". (flames invited here, because i don't really know if that's true).
But my point is, if someone is new to this, why try to make the fast
buck?j since my experiences are so far all bad, ive decided to just buy the tpbs
of comics that look interesting, i'll leave the actual collecting to shysty
business men who take advantage of everyone they can. (and you know what else,
didn't appreciate being treated as a doof either, c'mon i'm an adult, buddy).
i thought comics might be fun, when i first looked through wizard and combo last
week, but i see it's just business as anything else is. To all you ggood guys
out there, no offense, but i think some people need to check themselves.
thanks for letting me vent.

Jeff Deason

Mar 29, 1995, 9:35:02 PM3/29/95

Yes, some folks do need to check themselves, and it sounds like your
dealer is one of them (and probably won't be in business long). You
should do yourself a favor, though, and not judge the entire comic
sales industry on the actions of ONE retailer. I have had some
genuinely spectacular experiences in my life due to comics and shopping
for them. One of my best friends that I've known for over a decade got
to know me primarily because of comics.

As for you being an adult, why not demonstrate it by using proper use
of capital letters when they are warranted? (And by not letting one
bad experience form the basis for all future opinions about anything.)
No offense intended from me, either, and none taken.


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