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idl-font-lock.el: Highlighting for CORBA 2.3 IDL

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Eric Eide

Sep 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/1/99
Below is `idl-font-lock.el' version 1.3, a GNU Emacs Lisp file for highlighting
CORBA IDL. This new release of `idl-font-lock.el' is an update for CORBA 2.3.

Instructions for use are contained in the file itself. The file ends with the
comment `;; End of file.' Besides appearing below, `idl-font-lock.el' is also
available via the Web at:

Note that CC Mode 5.25 has minor problems indenting some of the new CORBA
Objects-by-Value syntax. I've already submitted patches to the CC Mode
maintainers, but in the meantime, it is easy to fix CC Mode 5.25 for CORBA 2.3
by adding to `idl-mode-hook', e.g.,

(add-hook 'idl-mode-hook
(function (lambda ()
(setq c-conditional-key "%%%%%%%%%" ;; Should never match.
c-class-key "\\(struct\\|union\\|interface\\|valuetype\\)"
c-method-key nil
c-baseclass-key nil
c-access-key nil

Happy highlighting!



;;; idl-font-lock.el --- Font Lock configuration for CORBA IDL files

;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 The University of Utah and
;; the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah (CSL).
;; Copyright (C) 1992-1995, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Amdahl Corporation.
;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ben Wing.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
;; version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
;; more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
;; this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
;; Place #330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

;; idl-font-lock.el,v 1.3 1999/08/30 17:35:27 eeide Exp
;; Author: Eric Eide <>
;; Maintainer: Eric Eide <>
;; Created: 1998/02/03
;; Keywords: idl, languages, faces

;; LCD Archive Entry:
;; idl-font-lock|Eric Eide||
;; Font Lock configuration for CORBA IDL files|
;; 1999/08/30 17:35:27|1.3|~/misc/idl-font-lock.el.gz|

;;; Commentary:

;; This file provides the data that Font Lock Mode needs in order to decorate
;; CORBA IDL (`.idl') files. The Font Lock patterns will match and highlight
;; all of the keywords and types defined in the CORBA 2.3 specification. There
;; are also patterns for highlighting operation names, attribute names, case
;; clauses, and preprocessor directives.
;; If you do not know what Font Lock Mode is, this file will not help you ---
;; you will have to look elsewhere if you want to learn about Font Lock itself.
;; Similarly, this file does not define a major mode for editing CORBA IDL
;; files. If you need IDL Mode, get the CC Mode package, version 5, from the
;; World Wide Web at <>.
;; Once you have configured Font Lock Mode and installed CC Mode version 5, you
;; can load this file in order to get highlighting in IDL Mode buffers. Put
;; this file where Emacs can find it (i.e., somewhere in your `load-path') and
;; then add the following lines to your `.emacs' file:
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.idl\\'" . idl-mode) auto-mode-alist))
;; (require 'idl-font-lock)
;; The patterns for highlighting C preprocessor directives were adapted from
;; those in the `font-lock.el' file distributed with XEmacs 20.3. Hence the
;; long copyright notice at the top of this file.
;; This package has been tested with XEmacs 20.4 and CC Mode 5.25. Note that
;; CC Mode 5.25 has problems indenting some of the newer CORBA 2.3 syntax.
;; This will presumably be fixed in a future version of the CC Mode package.

;;; Code:

;; Load `font-lock' so that we can figure out how to configure and install
;; ourselves.
(require 'font-lock)

(defvar idl-font-lock-preprocessor-face-name
;; If this Emacs doesn't provide `font-lock-preprocessor-face', we use
;; `font-lock-reference-face' instead to highlight preprocessor directives
;; (because that's what Emacsen without `font-lock-preprocessor-face' use).
;; We assume the `font-lock-reference-face' exists.
(let ((has-preprocessor-face-p
(if (fboundp 'find-face)
(find-face 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
(facep 'font-lock-preprocessor-face))
(if has-preprocessor-face-p
"Name of the face used to highlight preprocessor directives in IDL Mode."

(defvar idl-font-lock-keywords
(let* (;; `idl-token' matches a CORBA IDL scoped name. Note that `_' is
;; treated as a word constituent by Font Lock Mode; see the `put' form
;; at the end of this file.
(idl-token "\\(\\sw\\|::\\)+")

;; `int-literal' matches an integer literal.
(int-literal "\\([0-9]+\\|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\\)")

;; `const-expr-and-ws' matches a constant expression and any
;; surrounding whitespace.
(const-expr-and-ws "\\(\\sw\\|::\\|\\s-\\|[-|^&<>+*/%~()]\\)+")

;; `op-type-spec' matches an operation/attribute type specification as
;; defined by the CORBA IDL grammar.
;; The expression "\\(\\sw\\|:\\)+\\(\\s-*<[0-9]+\\s-*>\\)?" would be
;; simpler but is wrong; it doesn't match `long long'.
;; Multi-token types.
;; Strings.
(concat "w?string\\s-*\\(<\\s-*" int-literal "\\s-*>\\)?")
;; Fixed-point numbers.
(concat "fixed\\s-*\\(<"
const-expr-and-ws ",\\s-*" int-literal
;; A scoped name; catches single-token built-in types, too.

;; The forms for highlighting preprocessor directives were adapted from
;; `c-font-lock-keywords-1' in XEmacs 20.3's version of `font-lock.el'.
;; They are matched first so that subsequent rules don't interfere, e.g.,
;; highlight `defined' in `#if defined(foo)' as an operation name.

;; Filenames in `#include <...>' preprocessor directives.
'("^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+\\(<[^>\"\n]+>\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face)

;; `#define'd macro names.
'("^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\\(define\\|undef\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)"
2 font-lock-function-name-face)

;; Symbol names in `#if/elif ... defined' preprocessor directives.
(list "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\\(el\\)?if\\>"
(list "\\<\\(defined\\)\\>[ \t]*(?\\(\\sw+\\)?"
nil nil
(list 1 idl-font-lock-preprocessor-face-name)
'(2 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t)

;; `#pragma's defined by CORBA 2.3; see Section 10.6.5 of the spec.
(list "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*pragma[ \t]+\\(ID\\|prefix\\|version\\)\\>"
1 idl-font-lock-preprocessor-face-name)

;; Other preprocessor directives.
(list "^[ \t]*\\(#[ \t]*[a-z]+\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
(list 1 idl-font-lock-preprocessor-face-name)
'(2 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t)

;; Now come the forms for highlighting IDL syntax.

;; Built-in types.
(list (concat
;; The integral types.
;; The floating-point types.
"float" "\\(long\\s-+\\)?double"
;; The remaining primitive types.
"w?char" "boolean" "octet" "any" "void"
;; The standard `Object' and `ValueBase' types.
"Object" "ValueBase"
;; Template types.
"sequence" "w?string" "fixed"
;; Constructed types and things that are like constructed types.
"enum" "struct" "union" "exception" "interface" "valuetype"
"native" "typedef"

;; Keywords that are like type modifiers.
(list (concat
;; `abstract' interfaces and valuetypes.
;; `custom' marshaling of valuetypes.

;; I believe that `const', `private', and `public' should be
;; viewed as language-construct-introducing keywords and not as
;; type modifiers. `const' introduces declarations of constant
;; values; `private' and `public' introduce valuetype state
;; members.
;; The IDL type of an entity should be viewed as separate from
;; the language class of the entity itself. For example, the
;; declaration `public long foo;' should be read as: `foo is a
;; public member of type long'; not as: `foo is a member of type
;; public long'.
;; If you disagree with this view, then you should put some or
;; all of the following keywords here:
;; "attribute" "const" "factory" "in" "inout" "oneway" "out"
;; "private" "public" "readonly"

;; Keywords, except for built-in types and type modifiers.
(list (concat
"attribute" "case" "const" "context" "default" "factory" "FALSE"
"in" "inout" "module" "oneway" "out" "private" "public" "raises"
"readonly" "supports" "switch" "TRUE" "truncatable"

;; Attribute names.
(list (concat
;; The regexp below was an attempt to weed out false matches in
;; ill-formed IDL. But it doesn't really help much --- given that
;; the keyword `attribute' is already required --- and including
;; the extra anchor causes some valid cases not to highlight, e.g.,
;; `/* readonly */ attribute long val;'. So I took it out. My
;; goal after all is to highlight correct IDL correctly, not to
;; avoid highlighting incorrect IDL.
;; "\\(^\\s-*\\|[{\;]\\s-*\\|readonly\\s-+\\)"
;; Use an anchored match: there may be several attribute names.
(list (concat "\\(" idl-token "\\)\\s-*[,;]")
nil nil
'(1 font-lock-function-name-face)

;; Value initializer (`factory') names.
(list (concat
;; Use an anchored match: this helps us highlight the name even if
;; there is intervening gunk, as in `factory /* foo */ init();'.
(list (concat "\\(" idl-token "\\)\\s-*(")
nil nil
'(1 font-lock-function-name-face)

;; Operation names.
(list (concat
;; Again, the regexp below was an attempt to weed out false matches
;; in ill-formed IDL. Weeding is more important here than in the
;; attribute case because an `op-type-spec' can match any single
;; token. But again: (1) it doesn't help enough to be worthwhile;
;; (2) it prevents certain valid syntax from highlighting; and (3)
;; my goal is to highlight correct IDL, not to avoid highlighting
;; incorrect IDL.
;; "\\(^\\s-*\\|[{\;]\\s-*\\|oneway\\s-+\\)"
;; Use an anchored match: we don't know how many groups were used to
;; match the `op-type-spec'.
;; A side effect of using an anchored match is that we may highlight
;; what appear to be multiple operation names, although IDL allows
;; only one. Also, we can highlight operation names even if there
;; is intervening gunk, as in `string<gunk> opname();'.
(list (concat "\\(" idl-token "\\)\\s-*(")
nil nil
'(1 font-lock-function-name-face)

;; XXX --- Future enhancement: highlight the names of modules, interfaces,
;; structs, unions, enums, exceptions, and typedefs?

;; Case clause values.
;; Note that the value may be an arbitrary constant expression; hence the
;; complicated regexp. Also note that `case' and `default' are already
;; highlighted because they are keywords.
(list (concat "\\<case\\(" const-expr-and-ws "\\):\\($\\|[^:]\\)")
"Expressions to highlight in IDL Mode."

;; Tell Font Lock Mode about `idl-font-lock-keywords' and IDL highlighting.
(put 'idl-mode 'font-lock-defaults
nil ;; Not keywords-only.
nil ;; Don't fold case when matching keywords.
((?_ . "w")) ;; `_' is a word constituent when highlighting.

;; If this Emacs uses `font-lock-defaults-alist' instead of symbol properties
;; to find Font Lock data, insinuate ourselves into that alist.
(if (boundp 'font-lock-defaults-alist)
(setq font-lock-defaults-alist
(cons (cons 'idl-mode (get 'idl-mode 'font-lock-defaults))

;; We're through!
(provide 'idl-font-lock)

;; End of file.

Eric Eide <> . University of Utah Dept. of Computer Science . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX

Pierre Herve

Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
Hi all,
Sorry but i can't manage to tell my emacs to load the .el file and have it

Thanks. Houria.

Eric Eide

Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
"Pierre Herve" <> writes:

> Sorry but i can't manage to tell my emacs to load the .el file and
> have it work.

In order for me to help you, you'll have to be more specific. What exactly
doesn't work? What does Emacs say?


david victor smullen

Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
hi eric,
i think you have the wrong person. i would help you if i could but i
don't know what you are talking about.
have a good day.

Eric Eide wrote:
> "Pierre Herve" <> writes:
> > Sorry but i can't manage to tell my emacs to load the .el file and
> > have it work.
> In order for me to help you, you'll have to be more specific. What exactly
> doesn't work? What does Emacs say?
> Eric.

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