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Two new SRFI editors!

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Shriram Krishnamurthi

Jan 27, 2002, 11:56:32 PM1/27/02
Dear Schemers,

Dave Mason and Shriram Krishnamurthi are retiring from SRFI
editorship. We were present when the process came to life, in
Baltimore in 1998; it has produced some excellent libraries, and has
since even become a model in other communities also. These are all

Lately, however, we haven't been able to give the process the
attention it deserves -- we haven't eagerly solicited SRFIs, nor have
we shepherded them particularly aggressively. These are signs that
our other commitments aren't letting us spend as much time on SRFIs as
an editor should. That's bad for Scheme.

The departure of these editors is not a sign of weakness of the SRFI
process, but rather of its strength. Nobody cares who edits a weak
language process, and it's usually difficult to find new editors. For
a strong process, however, people clamor to know what's happening, and
outstanding new editors are readily available.

The Scheme community is clearly in the latter camp. Indeed, we have
two terrific replacements: Francisco Solsona and David Rush (thus
maintaining the Dave-parity of the editorial board). Mike Sperber,
meanwhile, remains a trusty editor. We thank him for keeping this
process running all this while. Thanks also to those who were willing
to serve, but whose services weren't necessary at this time.

Please continue to contribute to the SRFI process -- if not by
defining a SRFI, then at least by discussing it, so both the
discussion archive and the final document are valuable artifacts.
Indeed, we recommend you crush the new editorial board with
submissions. (-:


Mar 22, 2014, 2:56:48 PM3/22/14
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