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How do I Make a Phone Ring?

0 مرّة مشاهدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة

Peter L. Rukavina

غير مقروءة،
15‏/11‏/1992، 7:51:07 ص15‏/11‏/1992
I am assisting a novice theatre director in staging a play. We need
to make a stand-alone, not-connected-to-phone line phone ring. I
assume this involved a battery, switch and some wires. Which ones and
what voltage battery?

Peter Rukavina pruk...@trentu.ca
The Systems Group Research Project t...@trentu.ca
Champlain College Room D163 Telephone: (705) 748-1297

[Moderator's Note: Perhaps some readers will respond direct to Peter
with advice for his project. PAT]

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