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UPDATE: FAQ ver.97

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David ;o

не прочитано,
7 дек. 1993 г., 03:36:0407.12.1993


v. 0.97


Table of Contents:

A> Introduction to alt.syntax.tactical

B> Questions Frequently Asked

00> What is tactical syntax?
01> What do those long words mean?
02> What do you get when you put those words into an alt newsgroup?
03> Why is tactical syntax important to us?
04> What kinds of topics will be discussed on a.s.t?
05> Have certain ethnic groups or women as a gender been biased
by syntactical tactics?
06> What languages make the best and worst use of syntax?
07> What are some of the hidden secrets of syntax?
08> How and why has syntax changed over the years?
09> Can studing[sic] other types of languages (sign, braille, etc.)
help us understand our own tactical syntax?
10> In case of emergency, who should we contact?
11> What other newsgroups might I find interesting?
12> Who is out to get us?
13> Who is an a.s.t approved author?
14> What is the Tertiary Syntatical Cycle?

C> Summary


A> Introduction to alt.syntax.tactical

Welcome to the FAQ for alt.syntax.tactical. This newsgroup was
created the week of November 22, 1993. It was founded for the
purpose of offering an oasis to those seeking intensive and
concrete forum to discuss issues surrounding the mystique of
"tactical syntax" or "strategic sentencing".


B> Frequently asked questions

0> What is tactical syntax?

It is structure, and structure is meaning. That is the point
of this newsgroup. Part of the tactics is to steal language
back from the academics who would have us believe that the
real meaning of language can only be found in areas which can
be understood only by them, not by "the rest of us".

1> What do those long words mean?

tactical = An expedient for achieving an end. The science of
using strategy to gain military objectives. Skillful
maneuvering to achieve a goal.

syntax = The way in which words are put together to form
sentences, clauses and phrases.

2> What do you get when you put those words into an alt newsgroup?

Alt.syntax.tactical is dedicated to serving those who are both
attracted to and repulsed by the myriad of options regarding
the structure, logisitics, ethics and morality of
sentences/clauses/phrases. This group will NOT debate grammar
in it's intrinsic form, nor debate the correct and incorrect
forms of spelling. Words, isolated. mean nothing to us.
Words, tactfully arranged, mean everything.
alt.syntax.tactical will attempt to present itself as a forum
for those searching for better ways to communicate through
utilizing the ultimate good deeds of others through both
debate and causal/friendly suggestion. Alt.syntax.tactical
should function as a freeform information branch to get a
better grasp of how and why syntax makes an impact on not just
our own lives, but the lives of our nuclear families and human
civilization as well.

3> Why is tactical syntax important to us?

The great debate of our century has been how the great
personalities of our time have worked their communicative
"magic". One might ask if the Brittish would have survived
without the brilliant syntx of Winston Churchill. Or one
might ask is the Nazi's would have even been given a blinking
chance to create the Third Reich without the brilliant, albiet
malevolent, syntax of Adolf Hitler. What makes good syntax?
We find that the more tactical the syntax is the better that
syntax is.

To understand the importance of syntax in the Modern,
flame Postmodern and Macromoderno age, it is essential to
acknowledge the contribution of semantics and language
mechanics. We must understand the contived and manipulative
effects of social/political/interpersonal propaganda. Can
syntax help you get a discount when purchasing items in a
retail store? Can syntax make or break an international peace
treaty? What is the subjective bias of syntax relative to the
teeming population of mass humanity and objective reality.

4> What kinds of topics will be discussed on a.s.t?

* The Psychology of Syntax.

* Verbal and Non-Verbal gestures and their effect on Syntax.

* Syntax under the manipulative effect of hypnosis.

* Dyslexia/Schizophrenia and Syntax

* Syntax under the effects of drugs and alcohol

* The Syntax of Slang

* Situational Syntax

* The History and Development of North American Syntax

* Sex, Syntax and the 90's

* Violence and the Syntax dialectic

* Syntax and propaganda in Cold War Russia

5> Have certain ethnic groups or women as a gender been biased by
syntactical tactics?

Yes. Within the Specific and General domains of syntax,
language and diction have been used by various factions of
meta-institutions to support the downsizing and exploitation
of women and members of ethnic groups.

6> What languages make the best and worst use of syntax?

Typically, languages with larger vocabularies (Romance) lend
themselves to more tactical approaches to diction than
languages with smaller vocabularies (i.e. Serubian).

7> What are some of the hidden secrets of syntax?

Join the Newsgroup and find out. We will tell you. Hint: It
has nothing to do with dolphin squeaks.

8> How and why has syntax changed over the years?

As fluid as a river in the desert, syntax has flowed with
change. Change is a natural evolution from the sea to the
trees, the question is not so much how and why, but when and

9> Can studing other types of languages (sign, braille, etc.) help
us understand our own tactical syntax?

Of course it can. But for the most part, we only care about
English. Although, we would like to learn to swear in other
languages. Look out for the alt.syntax.tactical 'Insulting
Foreigners' FAQ coming to a.s.t soon!

10> In case of emergency, who should we contact?

Please post your problem first, but in case of emergency, you
can e-mail to VICE-PR...@WHITEHOUSE.GOV

11> What other newsgroups might I find interesting?

Other a.s.t reccomended newsgroups include:

12> Who is out to get us?

The professionals who want to reduce language to:
(1) semantics (that is, little tiny bits which can only be
studied with an electron microscope), or
(2) "deep" structures which can only be studied by

13> Who is an a.s.t approved author?

Thomas Hardy - In the examination of the uses of Syntactical
Fiction as a means to brainwash an unyielding public, one of
the nineteenth century authors who best personifies this
effort is Thomas Hardy, specifically in his novel, "The Mayor
of Casterbridge" in which he presents moral dilemmas at an
astounding rate and everything runs in intense cycles of
threes. There is not a single aspect of the book that does
not contain this Tertiary Syntatical Cycle<TSC>.

14> What is the Tertiary Syntatical Cycle?

TSC is probably the most powerful and oft used tactic in the
attack on unsuspecting minds. Take comedians: All comics tell
a joke a maximum of three times. The will get a bigger and
better laugh the second and third telling. No competent comic
will say a joke a fourth time. This is a violation of TSC and
is not to be tolerated. TSC is also the reason that Hollywood
produces Trilogies. The Lord of the Rings is perfect in its
trimetry. There is a purpose behind TSC and we must all see
and use this tactic as a matter of common rule and not as an
optional choice. We have no Optional Choices!


C> Again, welcome to alt.syntax.tactical. We hope you join us in our
discussions and learn. please use the knowledge acquired for good,
not evil.

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