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Tropical Astrology FAQ ..

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Παράβλεψη και μετάβαση στο πρώτο μη αναγνωσμένο μήνυμα

Daniel Ioseph Min

μη αναγνωσμένη,
2 Φεβ 2002, 10:21:29 π.μ.2/2/02

Q1. Is tropical astrology in fact based on the seasons?

A1. Yes. Tropical astrology is based on the zodiac of
Earth's tropical year, affecting Earth's seasons.
There are two primary seasons, winter and summer,
commencing on the autumnal then vernal equinoxes,
respectively. These two "times", as the ancients
called it, are sub-divided at the seasonal peaks,
which are the winter and summer solstices. These
four quadrants of tropical time are what we know
as seasons today, fall & winter, spring & summer.

The tropical zodiac is our tropical year equally
divided twelve ways, but due to Earth's slightly
eccentric orbit (0.01671), this division of time
is not exactly equal, but is equal by degrees to
the Earth's vernal equinoctial point. To measure
exactly equal months of the year, we must divide
the year at its cardinal seasonal markers, which
are the equinoxes & solstices, with each season
chronologically trisected between these markers.

Q2. So if tropical astrology is based on the seasons,
then how come tropical charts show every zodiacal
month of the year as concurrently happening. Only
one of the twelve zodiacal months of the year can
be active at a time, right? What's going on here?

A2. This is because common tropical astrologers
have confused the time of year with a place
on the caelestial sphere. What they call a
"sunsign" is actually the zodiacal month of
of the tropical year. That's why the Sun is
the only element in any tropical chart that
is always correct, since the Sun is the only
caelestial body which shows us what zodiacal
month of the tropical year it is & how many
tropical days into that month have elapsed.

Q3. What's a tropical day? Don't you mean solar day?

A3. No. The tropical day equals one-thirtieth of
the tropical month. These are called degrees
by tropical astrologers, since they measure
from the vernal point. These are not exactly
equal increments of time, however, as stated
above. Precise division between the seasonal
markers is required to yield a truly precise
tropical zodiac. Taken per present long-term
average, one mean tropical day equals 1/360th
of one mean tropical year = 365.24219878/360,
or about 1.0145617 mean solar days by modern
standards of measurement. That's the average
tropical day. This varies slightly over each
year, and over each season (between cardinal
points) of the year. By contrast, you can be
sure there are always precisely 360 tropical
days per year, but the length of days varies
slightly on a strict, per-season basis. See?
Similarly, each tropical day is divided into
sixty tropical minutes; each tropical minute
is divided into sixty tropical seconds.

But all that really matters is the moment of
calculation. That's the specific season of a
specific year trisected between its cardinal
points. That's the most accurate calculation
of the tropical zodiac, for that date & time
within the specific season of a specific year,
but few astrologers go to this much "trouble".
Reference to the vernal point is satisfactory
for most purposes, since the time of tropical
year is not pertinent to astrological charts,
other than to see which planets rule or fall,
exalt or debilitate, all during that specific
zodiacal month of that specific tropical year.
That's all that tropical astrology really is.

Q4. So let me get this straight. You're saying that
tropical astrology divides the year twelve ways
and that each twelfth is a zodiacal month. Then,
over the course of each year, during each month,
certain planets rule & fall, exalt & debilitate,
with regard to that month, or more precisely to
that third of that season of that year. Correct?

A4. Yes that's exactly correct. Now you understand.
Each tropical month is active only in realtime.

So you see today's "tropicalists" can't really
distinguish between a time of year and a place
on the caelestial sphere. They imagine planets
in all twelve months of the tropical year when
only one month can be active at any given time.

But don't worry about what these "tropicalists"
imagine, rather be glad you know what tropical
astrology is: the division of each year in the
iris, ergo twelve months of each tropical year.
This is the zodiacal calendar of the year. See?
Think of it as you would the gregorian calendar
but with more uniformly divided months per year.

Daniel Joseph Min


Pete Phoenix

μη αναγνωσμένη,
2 Φεβ 2002, 2:23:52 μ.μ.2/2/02

Daniel Ioseph Min <pose...@olympvs.mons> wrote in message

> Q1. Is tropical astrology in fact based on the seasons?

Min, is your view of reality based on anything other than fruitcake?
"I, on the other hand, am a fully-rounded human being, with a degree
from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks,
and three gold stars from the kindergarten of Getting The Shit Kicked
Out of Me"
~ Edmond Slackbladder.

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