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Henry Kissinger

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2001年2月5日 13:02:502001/2/5

HKissinger was born in Furth, Mittelfranken, Deutschland:
Mars Gemini conjunct Betelgeuse & Polaris meridian first
decan rules in the Eighth House of the horoscope, Saturn,
Virgo--retrograde on the second decan--rules in the 11th
house, Jupiter Libra retrograde second rules in the 12th,
Sun Taurus conjunct Prima Hyadum second decan debilitate
in the 7th, Venus Aries conjunct Hamal second debilitate
6th w/ tail of the dragon Aries first debilitate therein,
Fortune Capricorn second decan is debilitate Third house,
Vertex conjunct CRUCIATARIAN Meridian and Jupiter Spirit
exalts in the 12th house, Neptune Cancer third exalts in
9th house, Pluto Gemini second Rules with Mars in Eighth:

Sunday May 27, 1923 5:13 AM LMT GMT +0:43 10:59E 49:28N
Body Longitude Ret. Latitude r Hs Rul. Velocity
Descendant: 29Sco17'26" __________ 02 | __________
Grumium : 29Sco59'34" +80:17'20" 02 | xiDra
Fortune : 11Cap38'08" __________ - 03 [d] __________
Midheaven : 26Cap04'05" __________ 04 | __________
Uranus : 23Aqu33'06" - 0:45'53" R 04 [-] +0.0214243
Lilith : 02Ari38'18" - 3:17'43" - 06 [d] +0.1112694
Hamal : 12Ari52'24" + 9:57'44" 06 | alAri
Venus : 12Ari59'18" - 1:41'23" F 06 [d] +1.2037515
East Point: 00Tau50'48" __________ - 07 [F] __________
Algol : 01Tau22'51" +22:25'10" 07 | bePer
Prima Hyad: 11Tau00'54" - 5:44'27" 07 | gaTau
Sun : 11Tau09'40" + 0:00'00" - 07 [d] +0.9594557
Ain : 13Tau40'29" - 2:34'32" 07 | epTau
Mercury : 14Tau05'25" R - 1:25'17" - 07 [-] -0.5436309
Aldebaran : 15Tau00'00" - 5:28'22" 07 | alTau
Alnilam : 28Tau40'30" -24:31'02" 07 | epOri
8th Cusp : 29Tau07'14" __________ 08 | __________
Ascendant : 29Tau17'26" __________ 08 | __________
Alnitak : 29Tau53'34" -25:18'14" 08 | zeOri
Polaris : 03Gem46'13" +66:05'40" 08 | alUMi
*Mars : 03Gem50'56" + 0:56'52" - 08 [R] +0.6602445
Betelgeuse: 03Gem57'59" -16:02'16" 08 | alOri
Pluto : 16Gem07'04" - 2:36'43" - 08 [R] +0.0211847
Neptune : 21Can55'06" + 0:11'58" - 09 [e] +0.0160865
True Node : 23Leo37'22" R + 0:00'00" F 10 [-] -0.0784869
Antemidhea: 26Can04'05" __________ 10 | __________
Saturn : 19Vir59'53" R + 2:39'52" - 11 [R] -0.0336109
Moon : 28Vir48'58" + 2:54'34" - 11 [-] +14.794461
Spica : 29Vir03'50" - 2:02'56" 11 | alVir
Spirit : 16Lib56'44" __________ - 12 [-] __________
Acrux : 17Lib06'20" -52:52'22" 12 | al-1Cru
Vertex : 17Lib29'06" __________ R 12 [e] __________
Alphecca : 17Lib30'34" +44:20'00" 12 | alCrB
Jupiter : 17Lib44'59" R + 1:16'56" - 12 [R] -0.1080981
Cat's Eye : 18Lib08'09" +89:50'33" 12 | NGC6543
-calculated by Daniel J Min this 5th day of February 2001

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