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Dalai Lama ;

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Jan 10, 2002, 10:59:05 PM1/10/02

Lhamo Dhondrub was born in the tiny village of
Takster, Amdo, Tsing-hai Tibet on July 6, 1935
"before sunrise" according to his own mother...

On account of head of the dragon transit to rule in
the eleventh house of the horoscope, Sun rules fifth
house debilitates Mercury souljourn ascending, Pluto
exalts sixth house, Venus rules seventh with tail of
the dragon conjunct Moon with Neptune Fortune therein,
Mars rules eighth house, Jupiter rules ninth, Saturn
debilitate in the first, Uranus is with Spirit third:

| Ura 11Ari05 | | | |
| Esp 20Ari29 | | | |
| | | | |
| | | Sat 16Aqu10r | |
| Ald 15Tau00 | Astrolog 5.41F chart | |
| | Dalai Lama | |
| | Sat Jul 6 1935 4:43am | Nod 28Sag07 |
| | Tengster -23.8874299 | Des 17Sag21 |
<1>00Gem31[5]--| ST +06:44, 101:12E 36:32N |-[11]00Sag31<7>
| Eas 0Gem31 | UT: 21:01, Sid.T: 23:35 | |
| Mer 1Gem38 | Terrestrial Houses | |
| Asc 17Gem21 | Caelestial / Geocentric | |
| Sun 19Gem03 | Julian Day = 2427989.4160 | Ver 3Sco34 |
| Plu 1Can23 | Ven 4Leo22 | | |
| | Lil 15Leo11 | | |
| | Moo 15Leo55 | For 14Leo13 | |
| | Nep 18Leo24 | Mar 24Vir23 | Jup 19Lib35r |

Eart: 0.0000000~
Plut: 40.9931464-
Nept: 30.7007880-
Uran: 20.1971684+
Satu: 9.1580425+
Jupi: 4.8083822-
Mars: 1.0428050-
Sun : 1.0167573+
Venu: 0.6587364+
Merc: 0.6889658-
Moon: 0.0027069+
Node: 0.0024511+
Lili: 0.0027106~

-adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min 2 May 2001



Jan 10, 2002, 11:21:14 PM1/10/02
In article <PR9C1U3P3726...@anonymous.poster>
Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header (min_olympianzevs) wrote:

The Collected Buffoonery of Daniel J. Min - Usenet's most failed prophet.


Who is Danny Min?
What does he post?
Examples of failed prophecies
What you should do


Who is Daniel J. Min?
Daniel J. Min is a denizen of Usenet newsgroups. He posts using various variations on his name, including using asterisks or underlines in place of letters. Often he will post as "Nomen Nescio" or Anonymous, and he used to post as GOD>.
The reason for this is to get around peoples "kill files" or "bozo filters"

However, he consistently posts through anonymous "remailers" in order to disguise his true identity

He posts to various newsgroups, including alt.astrology, alt.astronomy, and alt.prophecies.nostradamus. He posts in any inappropriate newsgroup he deems neccessary.

Additionally Danny has been known to directly email people, once again, using his anonymous remailer service.

What does he post?
Danny posts various garbage claims about astrological influences, and birthdata, which he generally makes up as he goes along. Outstanding amongst his posts include claims to know exactly the birthdata of Jesus Christ, Johannes Kepler, Ptolemy, and various other historical characters.
He posts silly prophecies and claims, and even at times posts his own "kill file list" which has become so large that it's unlikely he even *sees* anyone else s posts anymore.

Some Classic examples of Danny's failed prophecies
(Danny's "prophetic" words are italicized)
Danny predicts the "Great Khan of Terror":
On 15 Nov 1999 22:34:03 -0600, GOD wrote in these newsgroups:
The king of terror will come some time around the month of May in 2000.

At this time, the inner planets will all be lined up on one side of the sun with the exception of the Earth which will be directly at the opposite side.

The increased gravitational effects of the sun combined with the added pull from the other planets will have a devastating effect on the earth.

At this time, all major fault lines will rupture. California will experience the big one at this time.

Volcanic activity will increase and it is very likely that the Long Valley Caulderra will explode cataclysmicly. These types of events will be occurring at roughly the same time throughout the entire planet.

To top it off, the suns corona will be nudged away from the earth...towards the grouped inner planets, effectively creating a massive coronal hole (I.E." the "three days of darkness").

When the pull of the alignment comes to pass, the corona will snap back to the earth facing side thereby releasing a CME of massive proportions....aimed directly at planet Earth.

Believe me, there will be terror at this time.


Danny moves "The Great Kahn of Terror" by yet another 7 months:
On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 19:59:25 -0500, No User wrote:
>On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, (BobO fficer) wrote:

>>On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:37:04 -0500, to alt.astrology et al I wrote

>>>Enjoy 1999 seventh month. It is Ethanim 2000.

>>you said it was last September or October,

Yes, the seventh month 1999 in the revised Roman calendar was from sunset September 10th to sunset October 10th but the first month 1999 was in the spring of 1762 BC, sunset Saturday March 24th to sunset April 22nd proleptic Julian. The seventh month Ethanim was therefore 2000, not of 1999 but FROM the first month in the YEAR 1999 of the passover. Hence, the YEAR 1999 seventh month AND seven months. See?
>>I let you take every day of the year 1999

>The LORD granted the centuries and you did not repent. He giveth and He taketh away. You Robert, speak blasphemy of the LORD.
>>and you were wrong.

>I am corrected by scripture--and Nostradamus was likewise.
>>there was no terror from the skies, no killer asteroid.

>And yet again must that universal ruler of infernal hades be raised up as it is written. Beware the star in fortune opposing, in the rule of night from heaven it advances to WINNOW, "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire" [Mat 3:12]


Daniel Expects half the world's population destroyed in October 2000
On Sun, 2 Jul 2000 23:00:02 +0200 (CEST), Nomen Nescio wrote:
>On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, "Douglas Deaton" wrote:

>>I am new here and somewhat ignorant.


That makes two of us, or 6 billion of us if I'm not entirely mistaken.
At October much will be made clear
by ways and means of the elements.
I expect half the population gone,
global equalisation of temperature
and pressure, the time, a new race,
His perpetual age the moment where,
or at the place when, smoke clears.

Enjoy the fireworks!
Daniel Joseph Min- >


Daniel predicts the US presidential election for 2000
On 12 Nov 2000 23:44:00 -0000, Daniel Joseph Min wrote:
The 42nd President of the United States is the very
last of all the American Presidents to hold office.

He will announce our *National Emergency* shortly,
thus will continue in the office of the President,
having already been inaugurated in due diligence
when he was elected President. Gore is still VP.

&There is no reason to repeal the 22nd amendment,
given that Mr. President William Jefferson Clinton
has been elected twice only, and no more, thus the
amendment does not apply. Neither does a term limit
apply in his case, given that this is indeed a true
state of emergency with bloody violence seen to be
escalating in the State of Florida and elsewhere,
spreading like wildfire as it is in the mid east.

Get to higher ground if you can (look at England!)
Daniel Joseph Min


So what should you do about him?

Well, first of all, you can be pretty sure based on his success rate that anything he has to say is wrong.
Someone once said, rather well, that "there is too much Min, and not enough Nostradamus" in what he posts.

Complaining won't do much, because he's they type of individual that doesn't feel the need to explain himself.
Asking him to stop only feeds him.
complaining to his anonymous remailer service results in nothing.
About the best thing to be said, is just be aware of what a buffoon he is.

Peter G Dellys

Jan 10, 2002, 11:31:48 PM1/10/02

> On account of head of the dragon transit to rule in
> the eleventh house of the horoscope, Sun rules fifth
> house debilitates Mercury souljourn ascending, Pluto
> exalts sixth house, Venus rules seventh with tail of
> the dragon conjunct Moon with Neptune Fortune therein,
> Mars rules eighth house, Jupiter rules ninth, Saturn
> debilitate in the first, Uranus is with Spirit third:

That's about as meaningless and incoherent as the english language gets. Any
astronomers out there seen these dragons and their tails? Is saturn looking
'debilitated'? I'm sure the Pioneer and Voyager initiators factored all
these dragons and sad gas giants when launching those expeditions.

If only they'd listened to astrologers........;>


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Jan 11, 2002, 12:17:52 AM1/11/02
Daniel Joseph Min felched:

> Lhamo Dhondrub was born in the tiny village of
> Takster, Amdo, Tsing-hai Tibet on July 6, 1935
> "before sunrise" according to his own mother...

"So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on
as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a
caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you
think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama.
The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee
with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one---big
hitter, the Lama---long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the
base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga...
gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff
me. And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know,
for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any
money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total
consiousness.' So I got that goin' for me, which is nice."
- Carl the Greenskeeper

May Annoy Kooks and Wackos:

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