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Tarot and it interpretations

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Aug 15, 2002, 7:25:14 PM8/15/02

I am a novitiate to interpreting the cards in a reading and I am currently
studying and researching the various meanings of the twenty two Major Arcana
and fifty-six Minor Arcana in preparation of creating my own deck and
companion book. I currently own three decks, Rider-Waite (a gift), Crowley's
Thoth both with companion books and the Swiss Tarot (in French). I also have
a small collection of various books on Tarot.

I would like to learn more about the interpretation of reversed cards. I
have read several books, which contain information on the reversed meanings.
Although this information while helpful has not given me the "enlightenment"
to understanding the complex relationship to the whole of a given spread.
The Rider-Waite companion booklet gives reversed interpretations that are
confusing to say the least because they do not agree with their upright
meaning or repeat the uprights negative interpretation. In general I
disagree with some if not all of these interpretations.

I would like to also understand the connection of "hostilities" between the
Minor Arcana and how to interpret their relationship to each other (I.e. do
wands and cups fight as do swords and disk?). Also how does one tell when
there is a conflict among a group of cards (I.e. swords vs.. disk, wands vs.
cups, and/or the number of reversed cards and whether they are from the
Major or Minor Arcana). I am further curious about what do about a reading
in which all the cards are reversed.

Further enlightenment concerning the Significator and the Knights would be
appreciated. How do I select a "significator" for a given spread or assist
the Querent in choosing one?. Does the Reader interpret the Knight as a
message(s)/person according to the direction they face and/or their
relationship to the significator and/or the surrounding cards (i.e. Knight
of Wands, to the left or right of the significator and/or a group of

Further examples are:

Three card spread: [2] [1] [3] or [1p] [2prsnt] [3f]* as follows;

Page of Wands {2, Knight of Wands {1, and XVI The Tower {3

Celtic Cross:




[4]« [1]{S [2] [6]«




0 The Fool {S, 9 of Cups {1r, 2 of Wands {2 (crossing {1),

Queen of Disk {3r, Knight of Swords («) {4, or, {6, or {9, or {10

XIII The Devil {5, Page of Cups {6?, VII The Chariot* {7 (my card),

2 of swords {8, Knight of Disk («) {9r or {4r, or {6r, or {10r

Ace of Disk {10?

I would like to do practice readings with anyone who wishes to help me to
learn and/or teach. Below is a brief bio of myself for those who wish to
read for me.

On a personal note: I am a 37, gay male with health concerns. I was born in
Miami, FL on Jan 12, 1965 at 2:32 EST and now reside in Seattle WA. I grew
up with many people and have had many varied experiences (i.e. jobs,
education, relationships etc.). My soul and personality card is VII The
Chariot and my current growth card is VIII Strength** (Rider-Waite) or XI
Justice** (depending on the deck). Please if reading for me send an e-mail
with the type of spread, the position of the cards and the deck used. Please
post your response to the public forum for discussion. All e-mails and
responses will be welcomed and will be answered in kind. I may be contacted
at the following e-mail address:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Warmest Regards,


The Seeker

** Thoth Deck, Crowley VIII Adjustment and XI Lust.

* Past, present, and future


Aug 15, 2002, 10:17:09 PM8/15/02
On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, "toucan02" wrote:
>I was born in
>Miami, FL on Jan 12, 1965 at 2:32 EST


Moon (Moon) in Aries (Devil) souljourn conjunct ruling Jupiter
(Emperor) twelfth house of horoscope; Saturn (Judgment) ruling
tenth house Aquarius (Temperance); part of Spirit ruling ninth
house Capricorn (World); tail of the Dragon rules eighth house,
Sun (Sun) & Mercury (Magician) therein, Venus (Empress) fallen,
all in Sagittarius (Wheel of Fortune); Neptune (Hermit) fallen
sixth house Libra (Justice), Mars (Tower) with part of Fortune
fifth house Virgo (Priestess), Uranus (Star) is conjunct Pluto
(Fool) retrograde Leo(Strength)--for additional interpretation
references, see tarot-to-astrology correspondence charts below
(e.g., Ace of Cups with VI of Cups in court of Knight of Cups):

| | Sat 8Aqu08 | |\Sun 28Sag07 |
| | | Esp 18Cap58 | MLi 16Sag10 |
| | | | Ven 6Sag18 |
| | | OLi 4Cap11r | Mer 5Sag19 |
| Jup 21Ari49 | Astrolog 5.41G chart | |
|*Moo 22Ari31 | Charles -24.2999948 | |
| | Tue Jan 12 1965 2:32:00pm | |
| | Miami, FL | Des 13Sco23 |
<1>02Tau52[1]--|ST -05:00, 80W12:00 25N46:00|--[7]02Sco52<7>
|/Asc 13Tau23 |UT: 19:32:00, Sid.T: 21:39:32| |
|\Ain 13Tau41 | Terrestrial Houses | |
| Ald 15Tau00 | Caelestial / Geocentric | Nep 25Lib18 |
| Nod 28Tau23 | Julian Day = 2438773.3139 | Ver 6Lib52 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | Plu 21Leo52r | For 7Vir48 |
| | | Ura 20Leo18r | Mar 2Vir14 |

Sun : [-]
Moon : [-]
Mercury : [-]
Venus : [F]
Mars : [-]
Jupiter : [R]
Saturn : [R]
Uranus : [-]
Neptune : [F]
Pluto : [-]
Node : [-]
Lilith : [R]
Fortune : [-]
Spirit : [R]

-adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min 16 August 2002

Major Planet
# Arcana & Sign
X Fool - Pluton
IX Hermit - Neptune
VIII Star - Uranus
VII Judgment - Saturn
VI Emperor - Jupiter
V Tower - Mars
IV Sun - Sun
III Empress - Venus
II Magician - Mercury
I Moon - Moon
12 Hanged Man - Pisces
11 Temperance - Aquarius
10 World - Capricorn
9 Fortune - Sagittarius
8 Death - Scorpio
7 Justice - Libra
6 Priestess - Virgo
5 Strength - Leo
4 Chariot - Cancer
3 Lovers - Gemini
2 Hierophant - Taurus
1 Devil - Aries

Minor Planet
Arcana Heaven
X - Pluton
IX - Neptune
VIII - Uranus
VII - Saturn
VI - Jupiter
V - Mars
IV - Sun
III - Venus
II - Mercury
Ace - Moon

Hs Court Hs_sign
12 - Knight of Cups - pisces
11 - Queen of Swords - aquarius
10 - King of Pentacles - capricorn
9 - Knight of Wands - sagittarius
8 - Queen of Cups - scorpio
7 - King of Swords - libra
6 - Knight of Pentacles - virgo
5 - Queen of Wands - leo
4 - King of Cups - cancer
3 - Knight of Swords - gemini
2 - Queen of Pentacles - taurus
1 - King of Wands - aries

*Min's Tarot & Astro-Charts Homepage:



Aug 16, 2002, 3:18:54 AM8/16/02
dear charles,

i suggest you to make it easier to yourself by not trying to understand
everything in tarot at once and rationally. the same applies to the
reversed cards. we had a discussion here lately about the reversed
meanings of the cards and, in my opinion, it didn't result in anything
except probably that it is impossible to conceive all the information in
tarot (including the reversals) in one graspable system. this, again,
doesn't mean you can't ever understand what's tarot about. i just want
to suggest you look for alternative, maybe unconventional ways for
finding what you're looking for. try, for example, to get in touch with
you innermost feelings and intuition. i bet you'll be amazed.

warmest regards,



Aug 16, 2002, 5:33:05 AM8/16/02
"toucan02" <> wrote in message

> I am a novitiate to interpreting the cards in a reading and I am
> studying and researching the various meanings of the twenty two
Major Arcana
> and fifty-six Minor Arcana in preparation of creating my own deck
> companion book.

Oh boy. Would you apply for the NFL not knowing what a quarterback's
role is?

You should read these, rather than just LWBs (the little white
booklets that come with the deck) as part of your "study and
research". They will answer all your questions.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot:

The Book of Thoth:

Book T (from the Golden Dawn):

Elemental dignity lessons:



Aug 16, 2002, 8:09:55 AM8/16/02
First of all, you should your learn to trust your most most powerful and
valuable tool you'll ever have and that is your intuition. I have been
reading cards since I was 16 and i had never read any books or taken classes
with anyone, or memorised the meanings of each card. It is irrelevant. I
refered to books for spreads, but I feel that there are too many
possibilities of meanings in each card and what a card means for one person
in one spread will mean something quite different for another person in
their spread. Also, you haev to consider surrounding cards too which do have
an influence. The easiest way to learn Tarot is to make it 'your own story'.
Look to the card and what it means and then try to relate that meaning to an
experience you have had in your own life which is a similar circumstance.
Also, meditation is very useful. Meditate upon each card and it is amazing
what you will tap into. We do have our own answers within, but we must learn
how to access that information and, most importantly TRUST it!
Good luck!


Aug 16, 2002, 9:56:58 AM8/16/02
>From: "Ashleigh"


Hi, Ashleigh.

>First of all, you should your learn to trust your most most powerful and
>valuable tool you'll ever have and that is your intuition.


That's good.

I had a feeling that was at least one of the first things to learn, but I
wasn't quite sure.

This may sound stupid, but I even went so far as to look up a bunch of
information about just what intuition is, so that I might better understand and
define it for myself and how it might manifest in my experience, so that
whenever I saw it I'd know exactly what it was.

Like now, for example ... what you said.

I mean, what I said you said, but didn't repeat. The part that was here, but
isn't now.

You and I both know what you said, right,
but do you have any idea what I'm talking about now?

Is that a recollection?

Are you recalling what you said, or what I said you said?

Why are you thinking about what was said now?


Or are you?

When I suggested you said something, I really wasn't talking about what you
said then so much as what I'm talking about now, so whatever you're thinking
about now should really have very little connection with what was said then.

Still, there's an undeniable connection.

Call it a thread.

Granted it ain't much, but I trust it.

I've seen what threads can do, even when they're just silly strings.


Then again, I'm an idiot.


Al Smith

Aug 16, 2002, 7:00:26 PM8/16/02

I agree that intuition is important, but when studying the Tarot
you shouldn't stop at intuition. Books can be helpful in
presenting ideas that might never have come to mind just by
looking at the cards.

I also agree that the Tarot cards are too complex to be accurately
or completely described at any one time. Every time I look at the
cards I see new meanings. A very useful practice for beginners is
to write down what the cards mean to them as these insights occur.

It's better to read and re-read a few important books than to read
a whole shelf of shallow, trite introductory texts that all say
the same thing. Follow the Western esoteric current from Court de
Gebelin through Eliphas Levi, Papus, and Oswald Wirth, then jump
the Channel to MacGregor Mathers, A. E. Waite and Aleister
Crowley, then cross the Pond to Frater Achad and Paul Foster Case.
You won't go wrong.


Aug 16, 2002, 8:39:14 PM8/16/02
>From: Al Smith

>I also agree that the Tarot cards are too complex to be accurately
>or completely described at any one time.

I bet you're wrong.

Heck, I know for a fact you're wrong.

As a matter of fact, I bet I can accurately and completely
describe Tarot cards in all their complexity,
with both timely and acutely specific personal references
at and about any one particular time, all for you.

And I bet I can make it all rhyme too.

I'll bet you a buck.

Pick a card, any card.


By the way, just as a legal matter,
I gotta tell you, it's a sucker bet.

I mean, it should be worth at least a dollar to see the effect,
but don't think you can win because you wont.

There's a trick to it.


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