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All 'scientology' Words And Concepts Are In Themselves Deceptions

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Leonardo Been

Apr 14, 2004, 5:01:19 AM4/14/04
All 'scientology' Words And Concepts Are In Themselves Deceptions

14 April 2004

ALL 'scientology' words and concepts are used to deceive. This is
not hard to understand, because the whole purpose and nature of
l. ron hubbard, is - and has always been - to deceive.

The terms and concepts that are used as and make up 'scientology,'
can be found to be not just single lies, but 'Double Lies' *(a).

A 'Double Lie' is a lie that is so outrageous and impossible to
detect or to imagine, that the UNDERLYING lie will never be

So, to give an easy example, you have the most common
'scientology' lie, since 1966 or so, which is 'On Source.'

'On Source' meaning - in case you did not know this
yet - that "things are only true, when they HAVE
been written or spoken by l. ron hubbard."

(pause for laughter)

That lie is too outrageous - so unbelievably false, that
it literally knocks out your awareness

(much like the lie "Hitler is the savior and
best person of all the German people" was so
outrageous, that it knocked out the awareness
of the majority of the German people)

- especially when the lie is given as it is given,
with a straight and smiling face, or with a stern
face if necessary -

to make those studying 'scientology' unaware that it IS a

but it is covered or hidden by the lie on top, that

'not doing what l. ron hubbard says or writes,' is
'Off Source.'

You do not (they tend not to) recognize 'Off Source' as a
lie, and

so you do not get the idea to examine whether 'On
Source' is a lie - which it is, of course.

The examples given in the footnote, below, are all 'Double Lies' of
'scientology.'(Or triple or quadruple lies, if you like to look
deeper into 'scientology.')

Not knowing that, however, makes it difficult or almost impossible
for people to get out of the Energy (the lies and intentions and
blinding force) from l. ron hubbard, and to de-program from his
endless deceptions and hidden Hate and Ugliness, and so on.

Also the Criminal Minds who fight 'scientology' because they
secretly think that 'scientology' makes people see them, are not a
help in de-programming, of course, because they are not interested
in truth either, but ALSO only in deception. They only want a
different kind of deception.

Thus you can gradually fight your way back to some normal
thinking, unless you fall into the hell of some other Criminal

of whom there are plenty, both in science and religion
and esoterics, and all that lies in between.

The best way to go, of course, is to look by yourself, with the
'Trinity of Science.'

So it is indeed a lot of work, to get out of the hell created by
l. ron hubbard.

But, if you want to use his own words:

You can 'rise above his "Bank".' (You can get out of some of his
highly destructive Energies.)

Which he himself never did, and never will, because he
creates what he calls "Bank" (his Energies), all the time
and wholly intentionally and knowingly, in tremendous and
spiritually highly lethal amounts, especially in order not
to be seen spiritually, as he is.

And (for the insiders): No, these Energies are NOT created
or "mocked up" by yourself,

(see earlier issues about what is actually meant
with 'Clear')

but are solely and only created by Criminal Minds such as
l. ron hubbard, and as assisted by the Destructive Cowards
that cover him and other Criminal Minds up.

Again, it is indeed a lot of work, to get out of the hell (the
Energy, the deceptions) created by l. ron hubbard.

But it is possible to do so, gradually. You have been pushed into it
for eons, by methods you rather do not remember even the imagination

Also, most of the fierce 'critics,' those who Hate hubbard
and 'scientology,' are merely puppets of his Energies and
deceptions and impulses, as you can see by examining whom and
what else they attack and hate, and when.

As you know, with a lot of hard work and determination, I got
somewhat out of it, because I love people.

And maybe I am the first person who did, and maybe there are others
who got out, that I do not know about. It is not an easy task...

Leonardo etc. Been

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


*(a) Examples of 'Double Lies' in 'scientology.'

(You can approach it as if it is a crossword-puzzle, if you like.)

'Off Source'
'End Phenomena'
'Tone scale'
'Body Thetan'
'Goal Problem Mass'
'Tech Dictionary'
'Admin Dictionary'

and so on and so on.

These and almost all other words are used by
l. ron hubbard and thus by 'scientologists,'
as 'Double Lies.'

It is quite a lot of hard work, to define those
words properly again, or to define them correctly
in the first place, to undo l. ron hubbard's evil
on you (and on others, of course).


- 'Definition Of Sanity' (10 April 2004) {HRI 20040410}

- 'Drug Use Confuses Perception With Reality' (11 April 2004)

- 'Terrorist Minds Who Use The Law' (10 April 2004) {HRI 20040410}

- 'When God Has Left You...'
(24 November 2003 - Version 2.0 at 5 Apr 2004) {HRI 20031124-V2.0}

- 'Know More About 'scientology' Than 'scientologists' Themselves
- The Bliss Of Being Made Blind To Evil Forever'
(23 February 2004 - Version 1.31 beta on 24 Mar 2004)

- 'Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About Themselves
- By The Greatest Expert On The Subject'
(14 January 2004 - DRAFT Version 2.1 beta on 8 Feb 2004)

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it,)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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