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Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About Themselves - By The Greatest Expert On The Subject

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Leonardo Been

2. 2. 2004. 11:26:232.2.04.
Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About Themselves
- By The Greatest Expert On The Subject

14 January 2004

DRAFT Version 2.0 beta
on 2 Feb 2004

The very severe Criminal Minds, like l. ron hubbard, are far too
Ugly and far too Evil

to face, to look at, to be aware of, to FEEL.

And so people, instead of facing and disagreeing with Criminal Minds,
join them.

In this way

- as some yogis advised you to do, and which other cowards
explain to you to be "necessary to develop your awareness" -

YOU DO NOT FEEL the unbearable Ugliness and YOU DO NOT FEEL the
unspeakable and deceptive Evil of the Criminal Mind.

So, instead of facing the Criminal Mind, people Admire him and
believe his lies and FORCE others ALSO to Admire him and ALSO to
accept and believe his lies.

So the dictator is not only born, but put into power.

But the point is, that 'scientologists' do not know this about

as much as the Hitler-youth was full of ideals and honor and

while their eyes were too happy to NOT see and their minds too
overjoyed to NOT feel the evil that they were, fully and with
their whole life and all their energy and enthusiasm,

and what they were ultimately also destroyed by, after
destroying their own country, their own honor and finally
their own life.

1. People want to face and remedy evil - that is their nature.

2. Criminal Minds want to commit and continue to commit evil - that
is THEIR nature.

So, Criminal Minds forcefully radiate the lie

- for normal people a completely idiotic lie -

that "it is evil to face and remedy evil." *(n)
[Double Lie]

They radiate that lie AT NORMAL PEOPLE, in all kind of ways and in
all kind of wordings and guises, using all kind of masks.

Criminal Minds radiate and by their crimes also "prove" to you that
you should follow their "advice"

- that you should be feeling these as if these are your "own
ideas" -

the following, most vicious untruths or lies, which are on top of,
and that camouflage and hide the actual intention and mental force
of the lie "it is evil to face and remedy evil:"

"It is no use to face evil."
"It makes you unhappy to face evil." (!)
"It makes others unhappy to face evil." (!)
"It leads to injustice to face evil." (!)
"It moves evil onto others, if you face and remedy it here."

All these are "truths" that you have no doubt heard of or felt
projected at you so many times, that you have agreed to some, at
one time or another.

"Do not face evil - you can not face evil - it makes you unhappy and

"Do not face Criminal Minds - they are too Ugly and too Evil and too
Treacherous and too cleverly and forcefully Lying."

"Do not face Criminal Minds - doing so makes them destructive to you
and to your awareness and aliveness and happiness."

"The 'solution' is

" 1. To not be aware of Criminal Minds.
" 2. To Admire Criminal Minds.
" 3. To not oppose Criminal Minds.
" 4. To join Criminal Minds and to be happy by believing and
spreading their lies.
" 5. To protect and follow Criminal Minds so that 'opponents' of
Criminal Minds will not stop you from Admiring and following
Criminal Minds."

Criminal Minds succeed to a large extent in making people

spiritually blind *[FPP] so people can not see evil, and
spiritually perverted so they find "reasons" such as that "it
would build character or develop consciousness" to NOT remedy
evil! *[Facing Evil]

AFTER people have been blinded and perverted spiritually, Criminal
Minds THEN appeal to the natural desire of people to face and
remedy evil, by "discovering" or "implementing" the "solutions" for
that, and so Criminal Minds are "leading people" in their natural
desire to eradicate evil.

This is standard practice on Earth, as you can read in the history


1. The Natural desire of normal people is to face and remedy evil,
as a matter of course - as you know.

2. Criminal Minds want to commit evil, and they radiate, in all kind
of guises (camouflaged by many beautiful words which are however
all lies FROM THEIR MOUTH), the most idiotic lie that "you are
an evil person if you face and remedy evil."
They radiate that with enormous mental force and with a barrage
of the most intelligent words and arguments, which are all lies.

3. People are spiritually blind on Earth, including the 'clairvoyants'
and the 'psychics' by the way, who are VERY blind to evil, and if
they have any courage at all, then they only face very small,
police awareness type crimes, and remedy only those crimes which
have no or little significance for mankind, and they do that
little only if they have any courage at all beyond bending spoons
and finding an occasional diamond or gold deposit.

4. People's sense of remedying evil is continuously being perverted
and diverted, on Earth,

to such an extent that the ideal was to be with Baden
Powel and his boy scouts or girl scouts; and instead of
facing and studying and remedying actual evil, I found
myself as a little boy doing the "good deeds" of warning
car drivers if they had forgotten to switch their lights
off or when it seemed to me that one of their car tires
was low on air pressure; and I was (and I still am)
answering the questions of pedestrians who do not carry a
street map of the town and feel lost or see it as an
elegant way of realizing their desire to talk with me when
they see me.
Facing and remedying evil is not what they want to assist
me in, but they feel somehow that I am assisting them in
facing and remedying evil.

And that is not done by 'being able to make a wood
campfire and being allowed only three matches to light it.'

5. Criminal Minds GIVE people "something to fight for, some evil to
be remedied" and thus they

- as always, and a practice of them which they have made into a
fine art, which you find back in the subject of hypnosis,
they -

appeal to people's own good and natural intentions and they direct
HIDING Criminal Minds.

And in this you can understand Criminal Minds to be like a virus.

But there has been no Pasteur around, no Antony van Leeuwenhoek,
not even a "Great Teacher" or a benevolent Extra-Terrestrial, to
see and to describe that virus correctly, much less to study
its behavior to such an extent that it can be contained! *(n)*(n)
[Rights of Criminal Minds]
[Detecting Criminal Minds]

The general lie enforced on you and everyone else, radiated at you
with great force of Hate hidden in Euphoria, by Criminal Minds, is,

their lie, that "it is evil to face and remedy evil."

Of course, you know, that that is not true at all, but that
does not in any way keep them from radiating that lie
...with as much force as they deem necessary on you or on
others to make you somehow comply anyway.

I will say that again, because they do not want you to be aware of
this, even though you know very well that Criminal Minds

- solely because they do not want to be stopped -

enforce on you and on others, the total lie, that "it is evil to
face and remedy evil."

Most people are so far down, that they are not even aware of
that lie, but instead they comply in some way or other, if only
by agreeing to not feel it

- they are not aware of most evil except when it is shown
to them on TV or when someone tells them to now finally
remove Saddam Hussein.

But even then, they still FEEL the force of the lie that
"it is evil to face and remedy evil," and like the little
hypnotized rabbits some regrettably are (not you and I, of
course, but) they parrot "explanations" like "war is evil,"
and so on.

Because "it makes people unhappy, to face evil" and "it makes
them even more unhappy," to then have to also remedy that evil
that has been faced, like they now have to go to war to remove
Hitler, or to remove Saddam Hussein.

You see, Britain and France and America (that is, their "leaders"
called Chamberlain, Daladier and Roosevelt) did not want to remove
Hitler when they still could have done so and be SUPPORTED BY THE
GERMAN ARMY in removing Hitler.

Even when they were approached repeatedly by the German Army to
ask their help in removing Hitler, they did not do so.

The Criminals Minds were radiating to them that "it is evil to face
evil" and so they prevented Hitler from being faced and removed in

The "leaders" of France and of Britain and America knew very
well that Hitler was evil! But they obeyed the projections of
Criminal Minds, that "it causes evil

(it will destroy peace, order, jobs, services, material,
it will kill babies, etc., etc. it will stir and uncover

if you face evil."

As much as Russian Putin and German Schroeder and French Chirac
knew very well that Iraqi Saddam Hussein was evil and must not be
in command of any people at all, ever, they obeyed nevertheless the
projections of the Criminal Minds, that it is bad to face and
disagree with evil, and instead

"they must ensure that getting much money and cheap oil from
Saddam Hussein, from the dictator and mass murderer of Iraq,
must not stop."

They did not care at all about the Iraqi people, and so they
don't really care very much about people, really, I would think
at first glance.

Only this time, in the year 2003, there was no Roosevelt "leading"
America, but George W. Bush did lead, and acted - nor was there a
Chamberlain "leading" Britain, but Blair did lead, and acted - as
any sane and caring leader would act, of course.

You see the "it is evil to face evil" enforcement
in Buddhism, in Hinduism, in Conversations with God,
in Courses in Miracles, in Psychiatry, in New Age
'Love and Light,' and so on.

Instead of facing evil, they have all kind of
solutions, which are summarized with "Enlightenment,
" "Evolution," "Higher States," "Other Dimensions,"

or else with the prescription of psychiatric drugs
in order not to feel or experience evil, or

to make it all into "only what you agree exist," or
into "truth does not exist," "only the material
things exists, and not the spiritual or Life
Energies" "only the spiritual exists and the
material is an illusion," etc., etc., and so on:

A vast pool of endless desire to be and to remain insane forever
by not seeing but agreeing to and enforcing on others that
"It is evil to face evil." *(n)*(n)
[Facing evil]
[Definition of Insane]


(that means, the most evil and most devious imposter by the name
of l. ron hubbard, the writer of 'scientology' and the
'would-be billion year' dictator for 'scientologists' and for
Earth and even "for the Universe"

as he states it and has it signed by every member of his
"S.O.", his personal Schutz Staffel, [not a joke!]) goes
a big step lower, he, with 'scientology,' l. ron hubbard)

pushes people a big step deeper into Hell, not only by recognizing
and appealing to the innate and very strong desire of normal people
to face and remedy evil, but also

BY OFFERING methods to PRETEND to face and remedy evil

- including "Axioms" and a whole body of completely false and
inverted (hiding and destroying) data "about life" - and by

a PRETENSE of "finding out truth," by letting people find out
some, and THEN making them swallow all his reverse data and his
lies about life and about people and about himself, forcing it
down their throat as "must also be true."

That is THE standard method of controlling people: Let them find out
or feel something that is somehow true, and doing it so, that people
will accept the complete falsity that is attached to it.
And that, you do see in most spiritual "sciences" and "theologies"
on Earth, but also in all other fields where knowledge is 'from the
blind, by the blind, and for the blind.'

So I have the - according to your "definition" very unpleasant -
task, of letting you look at what you are being prevented from
looking at, of what you are being prevented from acting upon by the
above-mentioned method of being fed small bits of truth IN ORDER TO
FEED YOU LIES about people and about life.

And to enforce all their lies by means of small pieces of truth, the
'scientologists' have all their practices and their "axioms" and
their internal vocabulary (which they use amongst each other, when
they do not have to pretend to be a 'church').

And the 'scientologists' have their "ethics" and their rules and
the enforcement of these rules, or more precisely, the enforcement
of "rules" that are hidden from the ordinary 'scientologists.'

All of their rules are enforced strictly - and were designed only
for that purpose - to prevent people from actually facing REAL evil,

WHILE they are given the ideas and actions to PRETEND and FEEL
that "they are facing and eradicating evil," and more so,

while they are given the feeling or conviction, that ONLY BY
following and enforcing those rules and practices, are they

"facing and eradicating evil," and to top it all,

they are given the idea and the feeling that

"ONLY THEY are facing and eradicating evil," and to tell
you the superlative of unimaginable lies and ugliness
beyond any comprehension,

they tell you, that l. ron hubbard

- the biggest Criminal Mind and the most devious imposter
and most violent traitor and the most ugly person of all
Mankind since much longer than you can remember -

would be "the only one who is really getting people to face and
eradicate evil..."

Well, what's new about such treachery, and such ugliness, you would
say, indeed...

But the point is, that 'scientologists' do not know this about

as much as the Hitler-youth was full of ideals and honor and

while their eyes were only too happy to NOT see and their minds
too overjoyed to NOT feel the Evil and extreme but hidden
Ugliness, that they were, fully and with their whole life and
all their energy and enthusiasm, supporting...

and were ultimately also destroyed by, after destroying
their own country, their own honor and finally their own

The general intention of people that the 'scientologist' and l. ron
hubbard appeal to, is the often very strong desire of people, that

they want to be MADE to feel, that

"a Criminal Mind is not a Criminal Mind" but
"must be Admired" and
"can be fully trusted and followed if he says so,"

IN ORDER NOT to feel, that

l. ron hubbard IS a much-too-devious-for-comfort and a
much-too-ugly-for-comfort Criminal Mind, and they WANT to
be told lies and spread and have everyone accept his too
unbelievable lies about himself,

in order not to feel his Extreme Ugliness and violent Hate

existing. *(n)
[Wanting Delusions]

In this way, millions of people have WANTED to feel, that the
greatest and most destructive and most forcefully lying Criminal

"must be FULLY trusted in everything," and
"must be WHOLLY Admired for all they do," and
"must be given ALL Authority to act on anyone." *(n)
[Bush effect]

And millions of people did so follow their feelings and desires,
to NOT feel Extreme Ugliness and Hate and Lies, but to feel that

"Extreme Ugliness, Hate and vicious Lies ARE NOT EXISTING."

And, that they followed that desire, in order "to feel safe and
protected and happy," you can read in the history books:

About Saddam Hussein in Iraq,

about Pol Pot in Cambodia,

about Mao in China,

about Stalin in Russia,

about Hitler in Germany,

about Napoleon Bonaparte in France,

and so on and so on - back down to Alexander "the Great"
in Greece and Genghis Kahn in Mongolia -

just to give you a few examples.

Those Criminal Minds are without any shame and without any
remorse and without any insight, because they ARE Criminal

far too Ugly and far too severely lying, and Hating
you far too much - for you or anyone to in truth
feel comfortable or happy about, or to in truth
feel protected against.

So the solution of millions of people is to have their intense
desire made felt to them "as if it is true," that is, they want to
feel as if

"Criminal Minds do not really exist."

And you see this in families, even royal ones,
where some children drastically claim that their
Criminally Minded father or mother is "not at all a
Criminal Mind" but is "the best parent they can
have" or the other way around, where parents have a
child who is a Criminal Mind, or where a spouse
claims this about a partner who IS a Criminal Mind.

They desperately want to feel that "Criminal Minds do not
exist" - feeling THAT delusion, and persisting to keep it,
"makes their life happy and secure."

Without that delusion, they "would not be able to feel
happy or safe."

And it is the same right now with Dionne Warwick or
Uri Geller - they can not stand to face that much
Evil and Ugliness, they can not imagine how much
they have been betrayed, and so they deny the
existence of it: "Can't be true."

When the 'snakes' and their 'hypnotized rabbits'

- the two varieties or species (metaphorically speaking, of
course) that are, respectively the 'scientology' staff and
their 'scientology' public, that together form the group
calling themselves 'scientologists' - (when these)

are repeatedly mentioning the pretenses of 'scientology' public
relations and of their legal and covert intelligence *(1) "wins,"

by their not mentioning, but - in their standard devious ways
of hiding the unpleasant facts and in their wholly mis-
representing themselves and others, and in their ferocious,
most violent lying about l. ron hubbard

without that he ever lets them find out why they are so
forcefully compelled to fully lie about him - by

their hiding the actual truth of what they do and are
convicted of world wide,

by their pretending their temporary "victories" to be factual
and not acquired by lies that they made to be accepted as
"truth" about them, and made to be erroneously acted upon

- they destroy truth,

- they destroy the most decent persons,

- they destroy the most caring persons,

that is, in their own 'jargon' "they destroy them
utterly and by any and all spiritual and physical
means that they consider they can use without wholly
destroying themselves too in the course of that
same process,"

resulting in what not only a 'scientologist,' but
what a Satanist would and does indeed consider

- destructive lies that REVERSE the perception of good
and evil; and having these reversals of truth
'officially' accepted and acted upon, and put in the
world, by

the 'scientologists'

'Satanologists' indeed is a better description for their Satanic
Axioms *(2), their "creating truth" by the most atrocious and
by much, much uglier methods and lies than you can imagine

- their lies are instilled by the standard method of
letting someone find out some truth AND THEN,

AND THEREBY, making him accept the most atrocious lies
as "must also be true," and making him follow the most
destructive compulsions as "vital to do" and "one's own
basic goal," *(3) - the 'scientologists'

only prove how intensely and unrelentingly (persistently) evil

- how destructive of truth and how opposing to people's
good intentions they are, as 'scientologists,' and

how violently destructive they are towards people who
look at and who see their pretenses and who do NOT want
to succumb to the Black Magic

the 'Intention Without Reservation' (that's what
'scientologists' are allowed to call it internally,
never of course, 'Black Magic' - that would be "out-
PR" [not socially acceptable to say] but it is with
the same intention and has the same results) -

to manipulate or destroy

not only people's awareness and perception of truth,

destroying the perception or awareness of what has
actually happened and who actually caused it,

but ALSO destroying another's values and free will,

which is Black Magic, and which is exerted by
'scientologists' upon people and upon each other as
well, and they are very proud of doing it and when
they are succeeding in so being "up-stat," [having
rising statistics] and so the 'scientologists' show,

they are ('scientologists' controlled indeed by satan himself, by
l. ron hubbard *(5), and that they are)

without any respect for life and for people and for truth and
for decency, whatsoever, AND are having no actual understanding
of life, are having no actual but only mechanical understanding
of people, nor of more than only mechanical truth, let alone
having any understanding of decency,

WHILE pretending to know and be and do precisely the

they are ('scientologists' controlled indeed by satan himself, by
l. ron hubbard, and)

only bent on having their lies accepted and acted upon,

only bent on lying and thus trying to fully control people,
including of course controlling each other too, else it does
not work.

In particular, once people are caught in their web of
lies, they then are bullied always "for their own
protection," they are even kidnapped and kept prisoner,

in cases such as they do to "permanent staff" that
wants to escape - who are then kidnapped,
transported and kept prisoner

in order to "protect the group, to protect
the name of l. ron hubbard, to protect the
good name and trust of 'scientologists',"

in order to "protect other 'scientologists'
from finding out"

even a fraction of what is really going
on inside 'Hemet' or other Gulags, even
a fraction of their bad-public-relations
secrets and their covert intelligence
and insurgence and front group



where the 'scientologists' in their US-
NAVY uniforms, are preparing and

a host of other things they want not known
about themselves and about l. ron hubbard,

things that they do not even know
amongst themselves mostly

- they keep also the most dirty
and covert intelligence
operations and plans secret
from each other -

while the persons who have access to ALL
the files and all their computers, have
the power over all the others.

That "protection" of the vile secrets of
'scientology' operations and activities and actual
intentions is - if 'necessary,' and it often is
'necessary' by the wishes of l. ron hubbard - done,
performed, delivered, by the totally loyal and
as part of the scientology virus cover, actually
dressed in US-Navy uniform,

(l. ron hubbard was discharged from the
US Navy, for incompetence and
insufficiency in leadership by any US
Navy standards, so in order to
compensate for that, l. ron hubbard
chose Navy-type uniforms for the)

'scientology' equivalent of the 'Sturm Abteilung,'

or what they themselves call, not "S.A." and
not "S.S." but "S.O." - l. ron hubbard's
"S.O." -

and being staff in the "S.O." and
selling your soul to him for not a
thousand year Reich but for a billion
year of total domination, slavery and
having to bow to and to admire what is
probably the most evil and the most
ugly and the most treacherous and
criminal being on earth, is then a sign
of "the greatest dedication to Mankind."

From any local group of 'scientologists,' l. ron
hubbard's private "S.O." troopers are demanding
instant compliance with any l. ron hubbard's orders;

and so they behave entirely patterned after
their wholly dictatorial and cunning master,
l. ron hubbard, they can and do take any
money from any local 'scientologists' group,
"for management advice to them" and "for using
the writing of l. ron hubbard," *(n)
[Andreas Ostertag interview]

and they can - wholly in agreement with
l. ron hubbard's doctrine - virtually commit
any other crime on any 'scientologist' who is
opposing them, and as a matter of course
commit it

on anybody who is like you and me, who
is "not even a 'scientologist', but 'raw
meat,' a 'wog'," or otherwise contemptu-
ously and derogatorily described by the
biggest Criminal Mind on Earth, in his
'scientology' writings;

on anyone who is therefore, by his
definition (either by not being a
'scientologist,' or by not being an
obedient-enough ' scientologist') an
"enemy to mankind" or "Declared
Suppressive Person by l. ron hubbard;"(!)

they are committing crimes you do not imagine,

too atrocious to contemplate for any kind and
trusting soul

who has become a 'scientologist' and

who has been dominated into giving all
his money to 'scientology' "for bulk
discount on future services,"

who has been bullied by them into
taking out maximum bank loans "to
secure his future and to safeguard the
future of 'scientology',"

who has been lured into participating
in any local fraud to obtain more money
"to safeguard his own future," or "to
advance and protect 'scientology' world

...INSTEAD of what a highly sane and truly
caring and foresighted person might do:

Giving much of his money to safeguard
Mankind world wide all right, but, of
course, to save it FROM l. ron hubbard
and FROM his 'scientology.'

Their Public Relations piece, the Life
Energy vampire 'Tom Cruise,' is paying
l. ron hubbard's "S.O." to commit these
kind of crimes against people, and no
doubt also to protect himself from any
blackmail on himself by l. ron hubbard's

the "S.O." members who, after all,
do know all Tom Cruise's most
intimate and possibly dirtiest
secrets and then some more of his
secrets, from life time after life
time, which facts about himself he,

not being of the very
courageous kind, if he needs
to vampire on the Life
Energy of Nicole Kidman and
others, secrets he

would rather not have known by
others, because then they would
stop admiring him and stop
listening to him or looking at him,
and indeed, giving him their Life
Energy. *(n)
[Confessionals and Blackmail]

But these "S.O." staff live on para-military
bases - they even built a special apartment
for Tom Cruise to stay with his "friend" David
Miscavige, who supposedly has too small
genitals for his taste, well who cares, I do
not, however care about the size of his
genitals - these "S.O." staff are
indoctrinated, as I already mentioned, to
"be certain of" and then to hate and to
destroy others ("destroy them utterly,"
"eradicate them," "'AUSRADIEREN',") and to
act according to their fixed idea, that

"everybody who is not a 'scientologist'
is 'an enemy of mankind,' and 'an enemy
of them too'." *(n)
[Course in HR]

Which actually is their entirely
fixed idea that l. ron hubbard is
the opposite of what he, l. ron
hubbard is. and always has been
throughout ALL time, and at ALL
times: *(n)
[Origin of Evil]

The greatest and the most ugly
and most treacherous and most
deviously lying, and the most
forcefully destructive enemy to
mankind, l. ron hubbard.

That does not hinder them from shouting
for "religious freedom" and for
"tolerance," and calling themselves
"human rights directors," or "anti-drug

which is just and only camouflage
for their actual practices,

basically all they do, is DESTROYING ALL

and all their other front groups
are just camouflage for the
actual activities that are clearly
written in l. ron hubbard's
"ethics" publications, and anyone
can see the atrocity and vileness
of their pretense.

And then, all scientologists NOT opposing but
admiring the "S.O." staff, and NOT opposing
but admiring the satanic and dictatorial
l. ron hubbard, of course

- no matter how intensely evil and
treacherous to them and betraying
them totally and forever any of these
are -

these are nevertheless "their only friends,"
as good 'party members' know each other to be
their "comrades."

Sounds familiar, all that, doesn't it.

And it sounds familiar to you not without reason -
Criminal Minds are all so standard in their behavior:

Not unlike the mass murdering Joseph
Stalin, so also the dictator l. ron
hubbard has hypnotized his adepts,
the 'scientologists,' to "know with
total certainty," *(n) that
[Satanic Axioms]

"l. ron hubbard"

- who is by far the most evil, and
the most ugly, if only already
you care to look at his face,
and the most treacherous person
known to Mankind -

"has never done anything bad," and

all the evil and treachery he committed
on others, is completely hidden from
any view or intuition even, hidden and
denied fiercely and violently,

spending enormous efforts and
spending vast amounts of money on

"not disappointing the hypnotized
little rabbits," 'scientologists'
that is, and

"shaping pleasant biographies" for
them about "the great [imposter]
l. ron hubbard."

(You may have seen some of those booklets,
with the most atrocious lies about l. ron
hubbard, but the photos are real, so you can
study his masks and see or feel his intense
ugliness, and his most vitriolic contempt of

- people, 'scientologists,' whom HE
knows are entirely deceived by him -

qualities that he hardly manages to hide from
any benevolent and caring and informed

Any actual facts about l. ron hubbard
and about his true and easily observed
nature, are hidden also by labeling
the knowledge and certainty about these
facts to be

"harmful to the mental health of anyone,
and in particular of course, harmful to
the mental health of 'scientologists'."

And indeed these facts

most vital for anyone to know and
that would prevent a person from
being defrauded and from being
wholly dominated without own
free will or sense of right and
wrong and protection of his civil
rights, and bereft of all
conscience and actual Love and
compassion, those most vital
tools for keeping one's sanity
and judgement in life, are

filtered out with software installed on
any computer of a 'scientologist.' *(n)
[net nanny]

And otherwise, when asked in public, or
private, about any facts concerning
l. ron hubbard, such facts are most
idiotically "explained" away "not done by him," "you are
too stupid to discuss" and thus
"these can not be discussed" and
"must not be looked at;" and they
change the subject, or

the facts "must be destroyed" and
"must be replaced with 'good

as some have heard of their
Covert Intelligence project
- they called 'Snow White' -
their activity of "changing
not only the truth, but also
the documents" in government
buildings - at which they
were caught once, and for
which all the top management
was convicted and did serve
prison sentences, in the USA.

And their standard lie is, that "now
they have stopped doing that," and more
utterly atrocious lies by their "human
rights"(!) director, Leisa Goodman or
such, the head Public Relations liar,
currently, for 'the scientologists'

who are so totally dominated that
they are not allowed to talk to
newspapers themselves or else
face expulsion and being publicly
and in writing declared to be
"an Enemy to Mankind" - for
talking to the press, or even for
going to a civil court!

I am sure this sounds familiar to you. These
individuals get re-born, so it seems, and
they make history "repeat itself," up to now,
that is. *(n)*(n)
[Rights of Criminal Minds]
[International Law]

"S.O." stands for 'sea org' - a sort of personal
'Schutz Staffel' of l. ron hubbard,

the 'personal and robotic army' of l. ron hubbard,
whom the members of that 'Schutz Staffel' believe
not to be dead, but who is commanding them by means
of 'command intention'

- which is l. ron hubbard's euphemism for the
Black Magic he performs on them and on
anyone, on you and on me, on my and your
children, on my and your spouse or friend,
onto (or into) my and your body and on my
and your thoughts, *(n)
[Ron de Wolfe RI's]

Black Magic by l. ron hubbard himself
and by his right hand Richard Reiss and
by a few other 'scientologists,' that
even the other members do not know
anything at all about - Black Magic

to make others have certain feelings
...and thus,

entirely by means of the most
forceful and sometimes deadly or
debilitating Black Magic
projections and manipulations,

to make them "know for certain" *(2),

"l. ron hubbard knows all there is
to know" and "never lies or lied
to them or to anyone" and
"is the kindest, friendliest,
and most reliable person you can
imagine," and in fact is

"...their only and their greatest
and best 'friend',"

while he is doing and intending and has set it up
so that he is practicing total slavery, domination
and loss of all awareness of what life actually is
and how people actually are, he is shouting very
loudly the most atrocious and the most unbelievable
and the most ugly lie, that

"he is the only one who is freeing people and making
people aware,"

- just like the lies of Adolf Hitler and Joseph
Goebbels were simply too unbelievable:

"Nobody would possibly lie like that!

AND do so publicly and persistently and
legally and not be stopped!

AND get people not only to believe
those lies but ALSO get them to fight
and destroy others for it!

AND get people to give their
possessions, their talents and even
their lives for it!" -

then l. ron hubbard or his minions do so in order

to fully dominate people "for their best interest;"

and if they do not feel it like that,

then to dominate them "for the best interest of the
group" and thus

- while promising (and never delivering)
"eternal freedom" -

he is making them consent to, he is making them not
oppose, but rather he controls them into executing
any and all evil,

and making them let themselves be fully enslaved by

making them give up all their rights to him;

and thus they are made that criminally insane, that
they execute for l. ron hubbard the most hidden and
the most atrocious and ugly evil

against also and ESPECIALLY AGAINST the most
decent people and against the most caring
people and against the most valuable people
and the most responsible and wisest persons
of the society, including, in particular,
of course,

against someone's best and most loving, ACTUAL
friends and someone's ACTUALLY kind and decent
family members, against those

who would break, and who would have been most
likely to break, the Black Magic,

which can be broken if a person is
willing to admit the poison imposed on
him, his Hate of people, his Euphoria
about people and his Blindness to see
people, caused by what l. ron hubbard
poisoned him with, that blocks his
perception and his feeling of decency,
blocks which are, however,

glued together with the most
unimaginable and utterly atrocious and
most vicious lies from l. ron hubbard -
completely unimaginable lies about
l. ron hubbard himself, completely
unimaginable lies from l. ron hubbard
about life and about people, literally
debilitating lies,

that prevent a person from feeling and from
receiving what is in fact the most valuable
quality of life itself, a quality described
in a well-known four-letter word, which is

- you guessed it already -

the one word that is strictly forbidden
in 'scientology,' a word never used by
them, neither spoken nor written, *(5)


Due to my profession this life time, which traces and exposes the
actual causes of evil, *(4), *(5)

- and this you can easily verify, by doing an
advanced search in with my
name as the author -

I happen to know more about 'scientology' than ANY of its
members, ANY of its staff members, any of its 'sea org' members
and any of its top staff, I know

much more than they themselves know about 'scientology,'
about their

"science of knowing how to avoid knowing answers,"
their means of

being paid for keeping members stupid and wholly

- WHILE these members are "made certain" of

"knowing much more than others,"

"being superior to anyone else,"

of their 'religion' as they are demanded
to call it "to protect 'scientology'"

- suddenly, around 1975, they were
demanded by l. ron hubbard to call it
a religion and make a room into a
"chapel" and rename all things
possible with Christian Church
terminology - as indeed only a true
Satan would do, because he not only
denies Love, but he ALSO denies Christ
and he denies Angels too ...would you
expect anything else of a true
'Satanologist?' No, it is just

a trick to boost their income by having
their psychotherapy sessions freed
from taxes; and much more it was and
remains foremost

a trick to meet the increasing exposure
of all the very false claims and the
very, very false, intentionally false
and intentionally misleading data from
l. ron hubbard

(nobody in his right mind would go to
the biggest and most treacherous
Criminal Mind on Earth, and BELIEVE the
things he says - and that he says with
more 'total conviction' than did Hitler
when Hitler hypnotized the majority of
the Germans and the British Mr.
Chamberlain too, that he has the best
and greatest intentions and true vision
and ability to be the 'Fuehrer' for the
good of all, or the "Commodore of his
'S.O.'" as l. ron hubbard wants to be
and lets himself be called by his "S.O."

- WHILE ALL the members AND ALL the staff are
made wholly unaware

of his most atrocious lies,

that would be most insulting also to
true and caring Science Fiction writers,

- WHILE ALL the members AND ALL the staff are
made wholly unaware

of his utterly false claims and of their

intention and accomplishment to commit the fraud

that is breaking criminal laws,

that is breaking civil laws,

that is breaking constitutional laws,

that is breaking social laws,

that is breaking laws of governance,

a fraud perpetrated under the cloak of "religion"
with which they are insinuating their lies that are
too atrocious to imagine anyone could be that "bold"
to betray and devastate people,

precisely as a virus does infect a healthy

while they act under the 'Sauronic' *(n) spell and
cohortation of l. ron hubbard,

the great poisoner of humanity, the very soul
who is and who always has been destroying any
decency and truth and beauty in people, while
he is publicly pretending to be "the only one
providing it," being in fact the Great Hater
of Mankind, and

his intention is to debilitate and devastate those
members who were decent BEFORE they got into his
web of lies and domination and - entirely unknown
to them - also fully under the spell of l. ron
hubbard's well- documented Black Magic, *(n) and

his intention is to make those members that were
already evil by nature to begin with, that are
Criminal Minds and Life Energy vampires just like
l. ron hubbard himself, to make them more powerful,
or "famous" and rich,

all as it is intended and described openly in
his written doctrines, and executed covertly
in the activities of his "S.O." private army,

that is all innate in (that is the very nature
of) l. ron hubbard, and thus the nature of
the fiction that he wrote with the subject
title 'scientology,' which is - you might
agree - correctly labeled 'Satanology.'

I know more about their activities and about their doctrines
than they themselves do

- and I have studied them very thoroughly -

and I know more about what THEY themselves are actively
prevented by their "Fuehrer," their "Commodore of the S.O.",
l. ron hubbard,

about what they are actively prevented by l. ron hubbard
from knowing about the nature and history and actual
conditions of life itself, and I know much more than they
and anyone else, about

how l. ron hubbard does prevent that, and I know more
than they about

how they are controlled and dominated by l. ron hubbard
into doing the utmost evil to others AND to themselves too,
and thus

I know much more than they are ever allowed to know themselves.

And I came to know that much more, because I applied and I do
apply the 'Trinity of Science' *(6) - me being in more than
ample possession of the ingredients required for true
scientific work and research.

I know more than anybody else about these individuals, and what they
do and how they do it, and I know or came to know, because I am a
very understanding and very caring person, a very highly
intelligent and extremely loving person, indeed

the most beautiful and the most truthful and the most caring
person on Earth, as the vast majority of you are well aware of,
or know. *(7)

Leonardo etc. Been
'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


*(1) 'A Course In Human Rights Philosophy' (19 Jan 2003)

*(2) 'Satanic Axiom One - as always from l. ron hubbard, the writer
of the fiction he called 'scientology' and 'dianetics''
(29 Dec 2003 - V1.1 on 31 Dec 2003)

*(3) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001)

*(4) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

*(5) 'Understanding The Origin Of Evil (Version 1.1)
{HRI-20031025-V1.1}(25 October 2003 - V1.1 on 3 Nov 2003)

*(6) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty (Version 2.1)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}' (7 March 2003 - V2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

*(7) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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