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(Book review) Doctrine of the Criminal Mind Hubbard Scientology 'Fundamentals Of Thought'

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Leonardo Been

3 ต.ค. 2546 09:22:533/10/46
Doctrine of the Criminal Mind Hubbard Scientology 'Fundamentals
Of Thought'

3 October 2003

From the viewpoint of his criminal mind, L. Ron Hubbard "describes
life." He "describes life" as life indeed looks, in his own
criminal mind, in his book 'Fundamentals of Thought.'

And it is not unlike how other Criminal Minds*(1) consider life to

Hubbard considers "Who is the most cleverly and most undetectedly
evil to others, 'wins'."

Or, in the 'Scientology Doctrines' expressed literally:

"Life is a game of overwhelming others." *(2)

The Criminal Mind Hubbard writes, in his book "Fundamentals Of
Thought," that "if you want something to persist, you must lie
about it, else it will vanish."

I quote that quite literally. He calls it 'Alter-is-ing,' which
sounds much more civilized and more friendly and more scientific
and more impressive, than the truth, which is 'he is lying.'*(0)

Again: Hubbard writes, in his "Fundamentals Of Thought," that, "if
you want something to persist, you must lie about it, else it will

In the most fundamental Scientology doctrine of his "PDC
Lectures," Hubbard devotes a whole one-hour lecture - a
lecture titled "The Reverse Vector" - (he devotes it) to
explaining, with total conviction and indeed totally convincing
his audience of Scientologists, that

"you can only be 'successful' if you fully and completely
lie, with a very straight and very convincing face, to

And Hubbard proceeds to give an example when he convinced
somebody to do just that, and that this person, who could
not pay his bills, then phoned all the creditors and told
them with total conviction - but falsely - that "he had
paid all bills."

And the audience - not wanting to offend Hubbard's joy of
himself, nor his intellect, and already having spent the
money to attend his lectures - swallowed this "wisdom" of
Hubbard as the greatest 'applied philosophy' ever offered
to them.

I already told you, that you can easily recognize
these people - their state of mind or the condition
of their soul:

They substitute observation with euphoria.
They substitute Love with Admiration.
They substitute compassion with hate.

What Hubbard writes, only applies to crimes - and indeed he is
solely and only a Criminal Mind, or 'The Father of All Criminals'
you might say more appropriately - what Hubbard merely means, is:

When you lie about crimes, they will persist.

He is talking about crimes, about his crimes, his eternal intentions
to destroy life and humanity forever, about his being the Anti-
Christ, about him being Satan.

He is talking about what for him IS "life:"

That is easy to understand, because HIS crimes, HIS activities,
desires and intentions and mechanisms for manipulating and for
lying to people, ARE "life" for him - that IS his "joy of life."

To him, his behavior and his thinking is "normal."

His criminality IS "life."

'Being an imposter and thief and dictator and mind manipulator
and destroyer' IS Hubbard's idea of what "the Universe" is, is
his "cosmology."

His criminality IS his "cosmology."

In his criminal mind, Hubbard, the Father Of All Criminals,
"described life."

It is then also not surprising, that Scientology writer Hubbard
writes as its most basic doctrine, that

"The highest purpose [of any person] in the universe, is the
creation of an effect" - which is entirely and only the purpose
of a Criminal Mind.

Exposed once again, by

Leonard etc. Been

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30

*(0) More in detail:

Hubbard's idea is, that life consists of those mental
activities, for which he invents the words 'As-is-ing' and
'Alter-is-ing' and 'Not-is-ing.' 'As-is-ing' is 'looking at
something as it really is' and "that will make life vanish."

That is not true, of course, and 'Scientologists' have a
terrible time to continue "knowing" that "all Hubbard
says is true when he writes that all he writes is true,"

because neither objects, nor experiences, nor
memories do vanish, also not when you look at them

but the force of the lies that kept your
attention subconsciously glued to it or that
kept you dominated, those lies might drop
away, of course, because you start to
recognize them as lies, and the lies act as
glue for the force, the Life Energy.

The 'As-is-ing' - 'Looking at a crime as it really is' - must
then be done only in an environment fully controlled by Hubbard,
"else it will destroy life" - meaning,

'else it will destroy the lies and the life of Hubbard
and of Scientology, and it (your looking at things as
they really are) will expose and destroy all Hubbard's
past life crimes as well.'

See further: '(Use of Life Energy Fluctuation Meter to detect
the crimes of) The Anti-Christ L. Ron Hubbard'

And: 'Example of an Energy attack on the body's heart,
and remedying it instantly by means of a Life
Energy Fluctuation meter (lie-detector, GSR-meter,


*(1) For references on what is a Criminal Mind, see section {I-02-A}
or Comment #3 in 'The First International Law (Version 2.0)'

*(2) 'A Course In Human Rights Philosophy'

Copyright 2003 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Phil Scott

3 ต.ค. 2546 13:37:293/10/46

"Leonardo Been" <> wrote in message

> Doctrine of the Criminal Mind Hubbard Scientology 'Fundamentals
> Of Thought'
> 3 October 2003
> From the viewpoint of his criminal mind, L. Ron Hubbard "describes
> life." He "describes life" as life indeed looks, in his own
> criminal mind, in his book 'Fundamentals of Thought.'
> And it is not unlike how other Criminal Minds*(1) consider life to
> be:
> Hubbard considers "Who is the most cleverly and most undetectedly
> evil to others, 'wins'."
> Or, in the 'Scientology Doctrines' expressed literally:
> "Life is a game of overwhelming others." *(2)

Dear Mr Been.... Hubbard fucks one chicken and right away you turn


4 ต.ค. 2546 13:46:444/10/46
Great Peace of Wirk!

only tiny comments - so I spare em ;-)

sth else:
Since youre familiar with this life-energy stuff..
...have you ever taken a look at the en-/+theta-creations,
which still hang around SCN-locations (AOs)?

I say "en-/+theta", 'cause theire BOTH - functions like traps.
The beings, who ever went into an org, whether ex- or in it,
feed their own life-energy into the system - even those who
dislike scn now - - and keep the mill running with their

someone who's never been to scn told me this.

next action was to withdraw all my own
(past) (broken) dreams of whatever out of it.
quite amazing what happens to one's energy-level..!



ps: re: spam-robots - I guess these scan through the addresses one *sends by
NOT by which addresses show up in the message-body.
and still here your readable(!!) address shows up - in a

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