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Parker Short Story: Change

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Jan 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM1/16/99


A Short Story

by Parker

Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long
could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an
hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own
fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female
attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked
over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the


No answer. I tried again, louder.


Still nothing.

I looked around the store again: still empty. Did I dare? Another glance at my
watch told me I did. After one more quick look around to make certain no one
was watching, I pushed aside the curtain and slipped into the changing area. It
was a small hallway with three mirrored doors on each side. Five of them were
open. I walked up to the closed one and almost knocked before I realized where
I was. What if it wasn't Janice? It wouldn't do to get caught in the woman's
changing room. I thought for a second and then decided to sneak a quick look.
If it was Janice, I'd knock; if it wasn't, I could always slip out with no one
the wiser. Feeling a bit silly, I tip-toed forward and put my eye to the crack
along the doorframe.

It was Janice, but she wasn't alone. She was standing in the middle of the
small change room, topless. Another woman, a tall blonde, stood directly behind
her. The blonde woman had her arms around my wife, one fondling a naked breast
and the other down the front of her pants. Janice was breathing hard; her eyes
were closed and she had a dreamy look on her face. I watched for a few seconds
and then forced myself to pull away. In shock, I wandered out of the changing
area and over to the store entrance where I stood, dazed, waiting for Janice to
reappear. I don't know how long it was - five, ten minutes? - before she
eventually came out. "Sorry about the wait," she said casually. "Just wanted to
try on one more blouse." I think I stammered out some sort of reply, but I
can't remember what. The rest of the evening passed in a blur.

I replayed the scene in my mind a hundred times over the next few days. My
feelings ran the entire gamut from furious, to hurt, to frightened and,
finally, to curiosity and arousal. To make matters worse, I'd started imagining
all sorts of strange behaviour on the part of Janice: how she was sometimes a
little late from work; how the trip to the corner store for milk somehow took
longer than normal. Then I would convince myself that I was just imagining
things. Then I would be certain that something was happening. Then...

By the end of the week I was exhausted.

On Saturday, she asked me to drive her to the mall so she could pick out a new
summer dress. Needless to say, I jumped at the suggestion, hoping to learn
something about what was going on. Once we arrived at the store, Janice picked
out a couple of dresses and disappeared into the changing area. I waited for a
bit, looking about the store to see if anyone was watching. Just like the
previous week, the store seemed to be completely empty. Before my luck could
change, I walked up to the changing area and slipped inside. Again, just like
the previous week, five of the six doors were shut. Trembling with excitement,
I crept up to the door and put my eye to the crack.

It wasn't Janice. The woman, half undressed, caught sight of me through the
door and let out a scream loud enough to pull the store down around my head. I
stumbled away from the door, frightened half to death. Where was Janice? I
started to run out the entrance to the change area, but held back as I noticed
that the store was filled with people, all of them staring at the entrance. The
woman's screaming had attracted a crowd. By now, I was starting to panic. What
would it look like if I were caught here in the woman's change area like some
kind of peeping tom? The best I could look forward to was the death of my
political career, never mind my marriage. I had to...

"You're Ted Randall!"

I turned to see a woman coming out of a doorway I hadn't noticed before, at the
other end of the change area. She wore a name tag; obviously she worked at the
store. "You have to help me," I stammered. "There's been a terrible mistake."
The woman in the change room screamed again, something about rape. "Please." I
was almost in tears. "I was just looking for my wife."

The woman looked at me for a second and then nodded. "Come in here," she said,
gesturing towards the door. I did as she said; it was a makeup and change room.
"Wait." She shut the door. I listened in fear as she helped the screaming woman
out of the changeroom. There was some more yelling and talking and then they
fell silent.

A few seconds later, the door opened up and the woman came back in. She looked
grim. "The woman's upset," she told me. "She's calling the police."

I looked around. "Can you get me out of here?"

She shook her head. "There's no exit. The only way out is through the store." I
sunk back into the makeup chair and stared at my tired reflection in the
mirror. There was no way out.

"Unless..." I looked up at her. "Unless I can put you in a disguise." She
started looking about the small room, gaining energy as she thought about it.
"I can make it so no one will know it's you when I take you out."


She silenced me with a look. "It's the only way," she told me. "Unless you'd
rather wait for the cops?" I shook my head. I just couldn't let that happen.
I'd do whatever it took to get out of there...

My ankles wobbled a bit despite the fact that the heels were only three inches.
The only shoes that would fit me, she'd said. I'd gotten upset when she'd
started in on my face with the heavy makeup, but she'd given me a drink to calm
me down and reminded me about the police. Since then, everything had been kind
of dreamy. Just as well, though. If it hadn't been for the drink, there was no
way I would ever have let her lead me out of the changeroom dresses as I now
was. The tight corset; the cold gel that burned my legs, crotch, chest and
underarms while she made up my face; the electric razor that cut my hair short
enough so that she could fix the long, blonde wig on my head; the large, fake
breasts she'd affixed to my chest with some kind of glue and covered with a
bra; the stockings pulled over my suddenly hairless legs... Even then, I might
have gone out sober if it hadn't been for the tight tube dress she'd squeezed
me into. I had thought that the idea was to avoid attracting attention, but I
was in too much of a daze to protest. By the time I'd formulated a protest,
she'd dragged me out of the room and into the store.

Once I was out in the open, there was nothing for it but to act as confident as
possible and try to pull it off; my career was at stake. The woman kept one
hand on my arm as she led me through the crowd - were people staring? - and out
of the store. I breathed a sigh of relief as we left the store behind, but the
woman kept a firm grip on my arm. I went along with it, not wanting to make a
scene in the mall, dressed as I was. She led me outside into the parking lot
and directed me to her car. As we got there, she stepped behind me and grabbed
my wrists. I felt something cold and realized that my arms were fastened behind
my back. She opened the car door and started to push me in. I braced myself and
resisted. Even with my wrists cuffed, I was larger and stronger than her.

"Want to go for help?" Her lips were at my ear, whispering... licking...
"Should do wonders for your political career." I resisted for another moment
and then gave up. She was right. I let her push me into the car.

I sat in silence, staring down at my feet, as she drove. After about half an
hour, she pulled into a driveway on a quiet residential street. "Let me look at
you," she said, grabbing my face with her hand and turning it towards her. She
made a clucking sound and proceeded to touch up my makeup. I just sat there; by
now, I was past resisting. After she finished with my face, she reached down
under the dress and gave my cock a quick squeeze. It was hard. "You're going to
like this," she smirked.

She pulled me out of the car and led me to the front door. I stumbled as she
opened it and pushed me inside. Janice was there. She was dressed exactly as I
was and wore the same heavy makeup and blonde wig. She was kneeling in between
the legs of the tall blonde woman I had first seen her with a week ago. I was
forced down onto my knees beside her. I felt a hand on the back of my head and
then Janice and I leaned forward to begin licking at the woman's pussy. I
resisted for a moment, but then gave in as I felt a hand slide under my dress
and grasp my balls.

That was a month ago. The house actually belonged to the screaming woman. I've
been there ever since. I still see Janice, although it's only once in a while,
whenever the tall blonde woman brings her over.

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