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[Q] templates & nested class

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Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97

hello all,

I got a problem compiling the following code:


template<class T1>
class C {
typedef T1::num num;
C() {}

template<class T2>
class Outer {
Outer() {}

class Inner {
typedef T2::anum num;
B() {}
num n() const { return num(0);}

void n() const { C<Inner> c; }

class Type2 {
typedef int anum;

int main() {
Outer<Type2> a;
return 0;

compiling with Sun CC V 4.1 gives the following error:
"test-nested-template2.C", line 16: Error: Redefining C::num after use in an outer scope.
"test-nested-template2.C", line 31: Where: While specializing "Outer<Type2>".
"test-nested-template2.C", line 31: Where: Specialized in non-template code.
1 Error(s) detected.

compiling with g++ 2.7.2 works fine.

If I change anum to num, it works.
is this a bug in Sun's CC ?


Dipl.-Math. Guntram Berti | voice: ++49 +355 69 37 17
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LS Wissenschaftliches Rechnen | email:
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Dipl.-Math. Guntram Berti | voice: ++49 +355 69 37 17
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LS Wissenschaftliches Rechnen | email:
und Numerische Mathematik | WWW:
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Deepak Goel

Jan 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/15/97

It works fine with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x. So definitely it seems like a
bug in CC.

Deepak Goel

Renato Ghica

Jan 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/24/97

Deepak Goel wrote:
> It works fine with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x. So definitely it seems like a
> bug in CC.
> Deepak Goel

MSVisual C++ is in error, as usual. Get another compiler. The sparc
compiler is correct, see below. Also, CC makes reference to this fact by


1.3.6 Redefining AAAA after use in BBBB

C++ contains rules that prohibit any redefinition of an outer
scope name that has been used in the class. For example:

typedef int TI;
class C {
TI iv;
float TI;

ps: do all version of borland c++ catch this, or just the ones after

9.3 Scope rules for classes [class.scope0]

1 The following rules describe the scope of names declared in classes.

1)The scope of a name declared in a class consists not only of the
declarative region (_basic.scope.class_) following the name's
declarator, but also of all function bodies, default arguments,
and constructor initializers in that class (including such things
in nested classes).

2)A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration
when re-evaluated in its context and in the completed scope of S.

3)If reordering member declarations in a class yields an alternate
valid program under (1) and (2), the program's behavior is unde-

4)A declaration in a nested declarative region hides a declaration
whose declarative region contains the nested declarative region.

5)A declaration within a member function hides a declaration whose
scope extends to or past the end of the member function's class.

6)The scope of a declaration that extends to or past the end of a
class definition also extends to the regions defined by its member
definitions, even if defined lexically outside the class (this
includes static data member initializations, nested class defini-
tions and member function definitions (that is, the parameter-
declaration-clause including default arguments
(_dcl.fct.default_), the member function body and, for constructor
functions (_class.ctor_), the ctor-initializer


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