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This J-Dogg/J-Pac character's rhymes

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Jason R. High

Aug 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/7/95

i figure you must want some kind of feed back for posting rhymes
up here. if you only want the positive kind, don't read the rest of
this post. if i must be honest, i have never seen a bigger collection
of crap posted to any one newsgroup at one time.

please, don't fly off the handle and get ready to start flamin'. I
just wanna give suggestions. "Why do 14-year-olds think they're
OG's"--might the glorification of it (like all in and out of your
rhymes)have a little bit of an effect on that? I realize things
are different where we live. i'm in albany, ga, and all anybody
wants to hear is g-funk and miami junk. still, i can't appreciate
meaningless rhymes. you typed all those words to say what?--nothing.
What's your purpose in rhyming. i mean this constructively--not
as a dis.

second, your actual lyrical style. i once heard a stand up comedian
say if the whole point of rap was to make words rhyme, then Dr.
Seuss would be the king of rap. Try to develop more to your style

play with it, homes. develop some original styles.
i know you all mad now, but read it again. i'm being real nice
(sorry I can't communicate a tone of voice on the keyboard).

jason high

"Take thy rightful place at right hand with ill verses and a mic stand"

Keisha Mitchell

Aug 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/8/95

>second, your actual lyrical style. i once heard a stand up comedian
>say if the whole point of rap was to make words rhyme, then Dr.
>Seuss would be the king of rap. Try to develop more to your style
>play with it, homes. develop some original styles.
>i know you all mad now, but read it again. i'm being real nice
>(sorry I can't communicate a tone of voice on the keyboard).
To be competely honest I ain't mad at all I'm sittin here kicked back
grining. I mean you act like I'm trying to be some kind of rap star.
I was just fuckin around yo, I wrote those off my mind while I was
typing one da
y when I was bored about a year ago. I haven't checked out his group
for a couple of months, and I just posted them to add something to this
boring ass group that use to be live, with lots of people showing there
And to get some e-mail when I get on the net <g> I got e-mail from a
few people saying they liked it. Your talking to me like you fuckin
produced N.W.A But it's all good nig cuz I just wanted to know what
people thoug
h about that little keystyle (freestyle!)

Peace out g

Disciple Of The Englober

Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/12/95
When I read those rhymes of yours I got the idea you were some 13 year old white kid playing
smart. That "Every Black Man Should Read This Rhyme" read like a child's poetic attempt and
deepness, and was further hindered by lines like "Why do these collad greens taste so good?".
It was clearly implied that the answer to each of your questions was "because you're black",
but how does African heritage and a good hearty dose of melanin make greens taste good? That
whole rhyme was saying essentially that all black people should just stop being black and
that'd solve all our problems. Our blackness does not make white people hate us, it is THEIR
racism that causes the hate. That collad green line alone leads me to believe you're one of
those white kids who thinks that if he eats enough collad greens, watermellon, and fried
chicken, and sags his pants low enough, he'll attain the right to call himself "nigga". If I
wanted to hear the repitition and glorification of racial stereotypes, I'd buy a Too $hort
record. Rhymes like yours are leading to the pollution and oversaturation of wack rhymes on
this newsgroup. Before you post these preteen level meaningless duck rhymes of yours, I suggest
you consider the fact that hundreds of people from across the world are going to have to suffer
through them as I did.

O () O J O H N D O E

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