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DRABBLE: A Drivel A Day...

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JA Chapman

Dec 21, 2000, 6:53:59 AM12/21/00
For Laura Goodwin, who always makes me laugh and is a wonderful conversation

A Drivel A Day

By JA Chapman

TOS Multiple Pairings

Until he joined Starfleet, all the doctor had to look forward to was the
occasional gynecological exam. Since then though, the only rest his dick got
was when he took a vacation. Yep, there was that time consuming scientific
crap and pesky aliens constantly beaming in, but Bones McCoy figured that
the nightly orgies far and away made up for all the little annoyances.

He spotted Scotty's wide ass bobbing up and down as Uhura's Lee Press On's
carved a tartan on his hairy back.

Oh yeah, he thought lewdly, time to go where no man has gone before, baby.

THE END (literally)

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