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Neptvne(Hermit), Ouranos(Star)

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2002年8月4日 23:49:302002/8/4
On 5 Aug 2002, "Jim Willis" wrote:
>Well anyway, my birth data (yes, from my official
>birth certificate) is June 15, 1978 8:59 Eastern
>daylight time in Albany, NY, USA. thanks, Jim


Neptune(Hermit) is retrograde souljourn Scorpio(Death) eleventh
house of the horoscope (in this particular case is commensurate
with zodiac) i.e. IX of Swords in the court of Queen of Swords;
Ascendant is Sagittarius(Wheel of Fortune) twelfth house, which
is the court of Knight of Cups; Uranus(Star) in angle midheaven
Libra(Justice) tenth house, i.e. VIII of Pentacles in the court
of King of Pentacles; Moon (Moon) is with head of the dragon in
Virgo(High Priestess), Pluto(The Fool) retrograde therein ninth
house--ergo Ace of Wands(Moon) & X of Wands(Pluto) in the court
of Knight of Wands; Mars (Tower) in Leo (Strength) rules eighth
house, Saturn(Judgment) & pars fortunae therein--V of Cups(Mars)
the court of Queen of Cups, VII of Cups (Saturn) therein; Venus
(Empress) in Cancer(Chariot) rules seventh house--III of Swords
in the court of King of Swords vertex therein; Mercury(Magician)
in Gemini(Lovers) rules in the sixth house, Jupiter(Emperor) is
fallen therein at a distance with tail of the dragon debilitate
i.e. near maximum benign & facile--thus II of Pentacles(Mercury)
reigns in court of Knight of Pentacles, VI of Pentacles(Jupiter)
is verily fallen therein, on account of the Sun(Sun) transit to
fifth house Gemini(Lovers) caelestial, & terrestrial cusp to be,
ergo IV of Wands(Sun) transits to court of Queen of Wands; part
of Spirit in Aries(Devil) verily falls in third house--court of
Knight of Swords; Empress is nearest planet 1.2474 AU & closing:

|*Nep 22Sco15r | Ura 18Lib21r | | |
| | | Moo 25Vir05 | For 11Leo48 |
| | | Plu 19Vir26r | Mar 6Leo35 |
| | | Nod 7Vir39r | Sat 1Leo24 |
| Asc 6Sag49 | Astrolog 5.41G chart | |
| | Jim Willis -24.4825150 | |
| | Thu Jun 15 1978 8:59:00pm | Ver 17Can36 |
| | Albany, NY | Ven 5Can15 |
<1>28Sag38[1]--|DT -05:00, 73W45:00 42N39:00|--[7]28Gem38<7>
| |UT: 0:59:00, Sid.T: 13:39:48| OLi 26Gem54r |
| | Terrestrial Houses | Jup 17Gem53 |
| | Caelestial / Geocentric | Des 6Gem49 |
| | Julian Day = 2443675.5410 | Mer 1Gem59 |
| | | | MLi 22Gem15 |
| | | | |
| | | | Sun 0Gem04 |
| | Esp 1Ari50\ | | Ald 15Tau00 |

Sun : [R]
Moon : [-]
Mercury : [R]
Venus : [R]
Mars : [R]
Jupiter : [F]
Saturn : [-]
Uranus : [-]
Neptune : [-]
Pluto : [-]
Node : [-]
Lilith : [d]
Fortune : [-]
Spirit : [F]

Eart: 0.0000000~
Plut: 30.0202169-
Nept: 29.2790203-
Uran: 17.8629463-
Satu: 9.7005176-
Jupi: 6.1555940-
Mars: 1.7586005-
Sun : 1.0158183-
Venu: 1.2473811+
Merc: 1.3220000+
Moon: 0.0025416+
Node: 0.0025963-
Lili: 0.0027282-

1: Sun (Gem) Con (Gem) Mercury - s1:55'
2: Mercury (Gem) Con (Gem) 6th Cusp - a1:06'
3: Sun (Gem) Con (Gem) 6th Cusp - s0:49'
4: Mercury (Gem) Con (Gem) Descendant - s4:49'
5: Sun (Gem) Tri (Vir) Moon - a4:58'
6: Jupiter (Gem) Tri [Lib] Uranus - a0:27'
7: Moon (Vir) Con [Vir] Pluto - s5:38'
8: Mercury (Gem) Sex (Leo) Saturn - s0:35'
9: Jupiter (Gem) Squ [Vir] Pluto - a1:32'
10: Sun (Gem) Sex (Leo) Saturn - a1:19'
11: Moon (Vir) Sex [Sco] Neptune - s2:50'
12: Moon (Vir) Squ [Gem] Lilith - a1:48'
13: Sun (Gem) Con (Gem) Descendant - s6:45'
14: Neptune [Sco] Sex [Vir] Pluto - a2:48'
15: Mars (Leo) Con (Leo) Saturn - s5:11'
16: Mercury (Gem) Sex (Leo) Mars - a4:35'
17: Moon (Vir) Con (Lib) Midheaven - s7:19'
18: Venus (Can) Sex [Vir] Node - a2:23'
19: Sun (Gem) Sex (Leo) Mars - a6:30'
20: Moon (Vir) Sex (Leo) Saturn - a6:18'
21: Moon (Vir) Tri (Gem) Mercury - a6:54'

-adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min 5 August 2002

*Min's Scientific Tarot & Astro-Charts Homepage:


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