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Interlinear Translation of 62 quatrins . .

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Jan 5, 2002, 4:21:55 PM1/5/02


62 of my favorite quatrins, using the autograph
edition Les Propheties de M. Michel Nostradamvs
not as gentiles say, but this in one sole sense.
I've added brief explanations where conspicuous:


Estant assis de nuict secret estude,
Stance seated by night secret study,

Seul repose sur la *selle d'aerain:
Solo repose on the saddle of bronze:

Flambe exigue sortant de solitude,
Flame exiguous going out from solitude,

Fait prosperer qui n'est a croire vain.
Makes prosper what not is to credit vain.

*tripod chair upon which the oracle sits.


*La verge en main mise au milieu de BRANCHES,
The rod in hand mise in middle of BRANCHES,

De l'onde il moulle & le limbe & le pied:
Of the wave he mould & the limb & the foot:

Un peur & voix fremissant par les manches:
One fear & voice trembling by the grips:

Splendeur divine. Le divin pres s'assied.
Splendor divine. The divine near is seated.

*measure the temple of God, the body of Christ
made without hands; this is the wave-offering
third hour Palm sabbath day, Sat 21 Apr 31 AD.


Faulx . l'estang joint vers le Sagitaire,
Scythe at the lake joined towards the Sagittarian,

En son hault *AUGE de l'exaltation,
In his high TROUGH of the exaltation,

Peste, famine, mort de main militaire,
Pestilence, famine, death by hand military,

La siecle approche renouvation.
The century approaches renovation.

*Sagittarian takes to turn 4-Apr-2003 3:03:49 UT:
Asellus Bo: 12Can45'17" + 3:11'28" gaCnc\
Jupiter : 13Can14'01" + 0:52'17" e +0.0000000
Asellus Au: 13Can56'18" + 0:04'38" deCnc/


Par quarante ans l'Iris n'apparoistra,
By forty years the Iris not will appear,

Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu:
By forty years all the days will be seen:

La terre aride en siccit, croistra,
The earth arid in dryness, will increase,

Et grans deluges quand sera aperceu.
And great deluges when will be apperceived.


*Perdu trouve, cache de si long siecle,
Lost found, hidden of so long century,

Sera Pasteur demi Dieu honore:
Will be Pastor demi God honored:

Ains que la lune acheve son grand siecle,
Before that the Moon acheives her grand century,

Par autres vents sera deshonore.
By other winds will be dishonored.

*Dead sea scrolls discovered in 1947, cf. C8Q66;
the sidereal-synodic multiple of eclipsed-Moons
occulting Regulus repeat 800 years (567 + 233);
the last series ended in 1943; the next "grand
century" of the Moon begins in 2743, with 2510
marking the point 567-years into this "century".


Le lion ieune le vieux surmontera,
The lion young the old will surmount,

En champ bellique par singulier duelle:
In field bellicose by singular dual:

Dans caige d'or les yeux lui crevera,
Inside cage of gold the eyes to him will pierce,

Deux *classes une, puis mourir, mort cruelle.
Two fractures one, then dying, death cruel.

*Gk. klasis "to break or fracture"; Henry II
was mortally wounded in jousting tournament
July 10, 1559; Montgomery's lance fractured
on impact fracturing Henry's skull blinding
him; he died in agony ten excruciating days.


Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur,
Sector of sects great pain to the delator,

Beste en theatre, dresse le jeu scenique,
Beast in theatre, setting up the play scenic,

De faict antique ennobly l'inventeur,
From made antique ennobling the inventor,

Par sectes monde confus & schismatique.
By sects mundane confused & schismatic.


Vingt ans du regne de la lune passez,
Twenty years of reign of the Moon passed,

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie:
Seven thousand years another will hold her monarchy:

Quand le soleil prendra ses jours lassez,
When the Sun will take its days wearied,

Lors accomplit & mine ma prophetie.
Then accomplish & mine my prophecy.


Beaucoup avant telles menees,
Very much ahead of such as carried out,

Ceux d'orient par la vertu lunaire:
Those of orient by the virtue lunar:

L'an mil sept cens feront grands emmenees,
The year thousand seven hundred will make great many away taken,

Subjugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.
Subjugating almost the quince Aquilonaire.


De l'aquatique triplicite naistra.
Of the aquatic triplicity will be born,

D'un qui fera le *jeudi pour sa feste:
Of one who will make the thursday for his feast:

Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance croistra,
His roar, praise, reign, his puissance will increase,

Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste.
By earth & sea at the Rising tempest.

*Thanksgiving, USA


Chef d'Aries, Jupiter & Saturne,
Head of Aries, Jupiter & Saturn,

Dieu eternel quelles mutations?
God eternal what changes?

Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne
Then by long century his bad times return

Gaule, & Italie quelles emotions?
Gaule, & Italy what unsettling motion?


Deux revolts faicte de *maling falcigere,
Two revolts made of malign sickle-bearer,

De regne & siecles faict permutation:
Of reign & centuries makes permutation:

Le mobil signe . son endroit si ingere,
The mobile sign in his place so to intrude,

Aux deux egaux & d'inclination.
To the two equal & of inclination.

*Such astronomical events are predicted via
planet sidereal-synodic-tropical multiples
to the ten compoundings from Moon to Earth;
e.g., Saturn revolts i.e. turns retrograde,
fallen in Cancer Tue 22-Nov-2005 9:00:45 UT
(Saturn also falls in Leo; cf. C4Q67 below):

Mars :15Ari31'00" + 0:21'29" R -0.2376331
Saturn :16Can26'06" + 0:31'36" F -0.0000000<=

leaves retrograde Wed 5-Apr-2006 12:54:14 UT:
Mars : 0Gem15'03" + 1:41'18" - +0.5700552
Saturn : 9Can30'09" + 0:44'33" F +0.0000000<=

then revolts again Wed 6-Dec-2006 4:06:28 UT:
Mars : 5Sco04'56" - 0:01'53" R +0.7050418
Saturn : 0Leo10'43" + 1:06'59" F -0.0000000<=


La *grand montaigne ronde de sept stades,
The great mountain round of seven stadia,

Apres paix, guerre, faim, innondation:
After peace, war, famine, inundation:

Roulera loin abismant grands contrades,
Will roll far sinking great countries,

Mesmes antiques, & grand fondation.
Even antiquities, & great foundation.

*Rev 8:8, megas oros, great or massive mountain;
in this context a potato-shaped object is also
said to be "round"; not a geometric sphere but
adjectival for a roundish object, not meaning
circumference or "circuit around the mountain"
as in the casual sense, but is to extremities;
ergo ~4250'(1300m) "round" using 607' 7 times.


D'humain troupeau neuf seront mis a part,
Of human flock nine will be set apart,

De jugement & conseil separez:
Of judgement & counsel separated:

Leur sort sera divise en depart,
Their fate will be divided in departure,

*Kappa, Thita, Lamda, mors bannis esgarez.
Kappa, Theta, Lamda, bit banished misled.

*These are the nine heavens/spheres above Earth
from Moon to Neptune regathering out of Pluton-
white oblivion for requisite planetary sojourn;
division are soul cut-off, roots left in place;
bite of the serpent--wages of sin (be content!).
NOTE: 'ltk' pronounced ko'-thel, meaning "wall"
from an unused root meaning to compact; this is
pronounced keth-al' in the old Chaldee-dialect.
Note the 'h'(He) is consonantal in the Ara/Heb,
whereas the Greeks made the semitic consonants
aleph, he, yod, ayin and waw into their written
vowels, alpha, epsilon, iota, omicron & ypsilon:

atsrbn lbql Nbtkw sna-dy yd Nebua wqpn htes-hb"
hdy op hzx aklmw aklm yd alkyh *ltk-yd aryg-le
Daniel 5:5 BHS (MS.B19A)--"hbtk yd


Lune obscurie aux profondes tenebres
Moon obscured at profound darkness

Son frere passe de couleur *ferrugine:
Her brother passes of color ferruginous:

Le grand cache long temps soubs le tenebres,
The great hid long time under the darkness,

Tiedera fer dans la plaie sanguine.
Will tepidly warm iron in the wound bleeding.

*total lunar eclipse, see Rev 1:7, the lance.


Ennosigee feu du centre de terre.
Earthquaking fire from the centre of earth.

Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue:
Will make to tremble around of city new:

*Deux grands rochiers long temps feront la guerre,
Two great rocks long time will make the war,

Puis Arethuse rougira nouveau fleuve
Then Arethusa will redden a new river

*These rocks are the world and the rock of ages,
the war of ten sidereal years is as 1000 years
"fought in the air"; Psa 90:4, 2Pet 3:8, Rev 20
"dead rise up", judgment; see also Mat 27:50ff


Aupres des *portes & dedans deux citez
Near of the gates & inside two cities

Seront *deux fleaux, & onc n'apperceut vn tel,
Will be two flails, & ever not apperceives one such,

Faim, dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez,
Famine, inside pestilence, of iron out gens flushed,

Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.
Cry succor to the great God immortal.

*gates of Damascus, Roman flagellum, the scourge,
Wed 25-Apr-31 AD, stigmata, vulnerable; cf. C5Q53.


Vn qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux,
One who the gods of Hannibal infernal,

Fera renaistre, effrayeur des humains.
Will make reborn, terror of the humans.

Oncq' plus d'horreur ne plus pire iournaux,
At no time more of horror nor more worse journals,

Qu'auint viendra par Babel aux Romains.
When avine will come by Babel to the Romans.


Dans deux *logis de nuict la feu prendra,
In second house of night the fire will take,

Plusieurs dedans estoffez & rostis.
Numerous inside carved & roasted.

Pres de deux fleuues pour seul il aduiendra:
Near of two rivers for alone he will advent:

Sol, l'Arq, & Caper tous seront amortis.
Sun, the Archer, & He-goat all will be extinguished.

*second of liturgy, scorpion, of aquatic triplicity.


La grand estoille par sept iours bruslera,
The great star by seven days will burn,

Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Cloud will make two suns appear:

Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
The big mastiff all night will howl,

Quand *grand pontife changera de terroir.
When great pontiff will change of soil.

*surely the death of JPII, portends great warning,
miracle and chastisement (see Fatima, Garabandal)
as JPII was quoted back in November 1980 while in
Fulda, Germany: "when you *read* that oceans will
inundate entire continents, and millions of men
will suddenly have life snatched from them in a
second -- if you know this, there is no need to
publish the secret."


Apres grand troche humain plus grand s'appreste
After great course human greater is preparing

Le *grand moteur les siecles renouvelle:
The grand motor the centuries renovating:

Pluye, sang, laict, famine, fer & peste,
Rain, blood, milk, famine, iron & pestilence,

Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.
In the sky seen fire, running long sparks.

*course caelestial, mirror ardent, war of ten
sidereal years in the iris; asteroid or icbm,
some say comet. The greater is new jerusalem.


Le pare enclin grande calamite,
The pare incline great calamity,

Par l'Hesperie & Insubre fera:
By the Hesperie & Insubre will make:

Le feu en nef peste & captiuite,
The fire in nave pestilence & captivity,

Mercure en l'Arc Saturne *fenera.
Mercury in the Arc Saturn turned and Sun-dried.

*Kronus' rings edge-on, the Titan swallows his children
synodic-tropical interval 14.75 years i.e. 15.75/13.65.


Le dard du ciel fera son estandue,
The bolt of heaven will make its extension,

Morts en parlant grande execution:
Deaths while speaking a great execution:

La pierre en l'arbre la fiere gent rendue,
The stone in the tree the fierce people returned,

Bruit humain monstre purge expiation.
Noise human monster purge expiation.


Vn iour seront demis les deux grands maistres,
One day will be dismissed the two great masters,

Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmente:
Their great ability will see itself augmented:

La terre neuue sera en ses hauts estres,
The earth nouveau will be in its high places,

Au sanguinaire le nombre racompte.
To the sanguinary the number recounted.


Romain Pontife garde de t'approcher,
Roman Pontiff guard of to approach,

De la cite qui deux fleuues arrouse,
Of the city that two rivers flow through,

Ton sang viendra aupres de la cracher
Your blood will come near of the spittle

Toy & les tiens quand fleurira *la rose.
You & yours when will flourish the rose.

*the immaculate conception, the apokalupsis.


Quand seront proches le *defaut des lunaires,
When will be near the default of the lunars,

De l'vn . l'autre ne distant grandement,
Of the one to the other not distant greatly,

Froid, siccit , danger vers les frontieres,
Cold, drought , danger towards the frontiers,

Mesme o- l'oracle a prins commencement.
Even where the oracle has taken commencement.

*metonic 19-year interval; the Yarden descends


Par foudre en l'arche or & argent fondu,
By lightning in the arch gold & silver melted,

De deux captifs l'vn l'autre mangera
Of two captives the one the other will eat,

De la cit, le plus grand estendu,
Of the city, the more great extended,

Quand submergee la classe nagera.
When submerged the class will swim.


Quand le *deffaut du Soleil lors sera
When the default of the Sun at the time will be

Sur le plein iour le monstre sera veu:
On the full day the monster will be seen:

Tout autrement on l'interpretera,
All otherwise they it will interpret,

Chert, n'a garde nul n'y aura pourueu.
High price, unguarded not any will have foreseen.

*total solar eclipse 11-Aug-1999; visually confirmed molad
Jesus' 2000/2001, 13 Imix/Cane Day of Destiny 13-Aug-1999;
high price is mans ransom paid in full by the lamb of God.


Le ciel (de Plencus la cite) nous presage,
The sky (of Plancus the city) our forecast,

*Par clers insignes & par estoilles fixes,
By clear ensigns & by stars fixed,

Que de son change subit s'approche l'aage,
That of its change sudden is approaching the age,

Ne pour son bien, ne pour ses malefices.
Neither for its good, nor for its evils.

*the planets on the caelestial sphere by synodic
phases superior-inferior, the course caelestial
from their positions to Earth. Cf. C1Q54 Saturn


Le Sol cach, eclipse par Mercure,
The Sun hid, eclipsed by Mercury,

Ne sera mis que pour le ciel second:
Not will be placed only for the sky second:

De Vulcan Hermes sera faicte pasture,
Of Vulcan Hermes will be made meat,

Sol sera veu peur, rutiland & blond.
Sun will be seen pure, glowing reddish & golden.


La Lune au plain de nuict sur le haut mont,
The Moon in the plain of night over the high mount,

Le nouueau sophe d'vn seul cerueau la veu:
The new sophist of one sole brain the vow:

Par ses disciples estre immortel semond,
By his disciples to be immortal summoned,

Yeux au mydi, en seins mains corps au feu.
Eyes to the decay, in breasts hands bodies to the fire.


Iupiter ioinct plus Venus qu'. la Lune,
Jupiter joined more Venus than to the Moon,

Apparoissant de plenitude blanche:
Appearing of plenitude white:

Venus cachee sous la blancheur Neptune
Venus hidden under the whiteness Neptune

De Mars frappee & par la grauee blanche.
Of Mars struck & by the engraved white.

*cf. Full Moon of Wed 31-Mar-1999 10:48:53 PM UT
Jupiter conjunct Sun in Pisces, Venus fallen in
Aries, Mars mutually fallen in Libra ergo Venus
is "struck", & Mars is "engraved", respectively:
Moon :15Vir59'59" + 3:53'46" - +12.251028
Sun :15Pis59'59" + 0:00'00" - +0.9869816
Jupiter :16Pis13'40" - 1:05'09" R +0.2419505
Venus :21Ari29'33" + 0:46'59" F +1.1924735
Mars :16Lib18'20" + 2:00'00" F -0.1689091


*Lors que Saturne & Mars esgaux combust,
At the time that Saturn & Mars aspect burn,

L'air fort seich longue traiection:
The air strong dry long trajection:

Par feux secrets, d'ardeur grand lieu adust,
By fires secret, of heat great place scorched,

Peu pluye, vent chaut, guerres, incursions.
Little rain, wind hot, wars, incursions.

*e.g. centered on Sun 31-Jul-2005 13:58:22 UT
(powerful aspects measured within 2 degrees):
Mars : 7Ari04'51" - 2:46'45" R +0.5705075
Saturn : 7Can04'51" + 0:17'37" F +0.1287789

then again, by Friday 18-Nov-2005 20:28:16 UT:
Mars :16Ari25'25" + 0:10'49" R -0.2762176
Saturn :16Can25'25" + 0:31'03" F +0.0066456

etc. etc. Mars' fire scorches Saturn's earth.


*La soeur aisnee de l'Isle Britannique
The sister first born of the Isle Britannic,

Quinze ans deuant le frere aura naissance,
Fifteen years in front of the brother to make public day of rising up,

Par son promis moyennant verrifique,
By her promise by means of verification,

Succedera au regne de balance.
Will succeed at the reign of balance.

*United States 1774/6; 15 years before France 1789/91;


Soubs ombre feincte d'oster de seruitude,
Under shadow feint of removing from servitude

Peuple & cit l'vsurpera luy-mesmes,
People & city will usurp them-selves,

Pire fera par fraux de ieune pute,
Worse will make by fraud of young whore,

Liur au champ lisant le *faux poe`sme.
Delivered at field reading the false poem.

*Gettysburg Address


Par terre Attique chef de la sapience,
By land Attikos head of the sapience,

Qui de present est la rose du monde:
Which of present is the rose of the world:

Pour ruine, & sa grande preeminence
For ruin, & its greatest preeminence

Sera subdite & naufrage des ondes.
Will be laid under & ruined of the waves.


Ou tout bon est, tout bien Soleil & Lune
Where all good is, all benefic Sun & Moon

Est abondant, sa ruine s'approche.
Is abundant, her ruin is approaching.

*Du ciel s'auance vaner ta fortune,
From heaven is advancing to winnow your fortune,

En mesme estat que la septiesme roche.
In the same state as the seven times rock.

*the fan in His hand, Mat 3:12, Luke 3:17.


La *loy du Sol & Venus contendus
The law of the Sun & Venus contends,

Appropriant l'esprit de prophetie:
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:

Ne l'vn ne l'autre ne seront entendus,
Not the one nor the other neither will be heard,

Par Sol tiendra la loy du grand Messie.
By Sun will hold the law of the great Messiah.

*Venus dies at superior conjunction, in duel with
Apollon; then born in sin inferior; these are as
reigns of planets. Ra-Moses, born of the Sun, &
Venus, born of Grace--who reigns in the balance.


A quarante huict degr, climaterique,
At forty eight degree, climateric,

A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:
At end of Cancer so great dryness

Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique,
Fish in sea, river: lake cooked hectic,

Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en detresse.
Bearn, Bigorre by fire sky in distress.


Pres de Rion, & proche blanche laine,
Close to Bear, & near white wool,

*Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, la Vierge,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, the Virgin,

Mars, Iupiter, le Sol ardera grand plaine,
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun will burn great plain,

Bois & citez lettres cachez au cierge.
Woods & cities letters hidden with candle.

*the signs of morning, Gemini is absent;
Mars & Jupiter burned by the Sun C6Q97.


Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera
Five & forty degrees the sky will burn

Feu approcher de la grand cite neuue
Fire to approach of the great city new

Instant grand flamme esparse sautera
Instant great flame spread out will jump

Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue.
When they will want of the Normans to give proof.



Ruyn, aux Volsques de peur si fort terribles
Ruyn, to the Volscians of fear so strong terrible

Leur grand cite taincte, faict pestilent:
Their great city, tainted, made pestilent:

Piller Sol, Lune & violer leurs temples:
Pillage Sun, Moon & violate their temples:

Et les deux fleuues rougir de sang coulant.
And the two rivers redden of blood flowing.



Quos legent hosce versus mature censunto,
Whom reading these verse mature evaluate,

Profanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato:
Profaner masses & unaware not touching:

Omnesq; Astrologi, Blennis, Barbari procul sunto,
Wholly; Astrologer, Blockhead, Barbarian afar off they shall be,

Qui aliter facit, is rite sacer esto.
Who otherwise does, this rite sacred you shall be.


L'arc du thresor par Achilles deceu,
The arc of the treasure by Achilles deceived,

Aux procrees sceu la quadrangulaire:
To the procreated known the quadrangular

Au faict Royal le comment sera sceu,
To make Royal the contrivance will be known,

Cors veu pendu au veu du populaire.
Horns seen to hang in view of the populace.


Au lieu que HIERON feit sa nef fabriquer,
At the place that HIERON to do his ship fabricating.

Si grand deluge sera & si subite,
If great deluge will be & so sudden,

Qu'on n'aura lieu ne terres s'atacquer
That will not have place any lands it to attack,

L'onde monter *Fesulan Olympique.
The wave to mount Faesulan Olympic.

*Fiesole, Italy is 970 ft a.s.l., Mt. Olympus
almost ten times that, at 9570 ft. elevation;
runup from incoming tidal waves/tsunamis can
reach inland up to ten times the wave-height.


Quand l'escritue *D.M. trouvee,
When the scripture D.M. found,

En cave antique . lampe descouverte,
In cave antique by lamp discovered,

Loi, Roi, & Prince Ulpian esprouvee
Law, King, & Prince Ulpian put to the test,

Pavillon rogne & Duc sous la couvert.
Pavilion distemper & Duke under the covert.

*Diis Manibus, Manis, Pluton-Hades, great god
of the underworld, and brother of Jupiter &
Neptune. Dead sea scrolls 1947; see C1Q25;


Il entrera vilain, mechant, infame
He will enter villain, malignant, infamous

Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie,
Tyrannizing the Mesopotamia,

Tous amis fait d'adulterine d'ame,
All friends makes of adulterine of heart,

Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie.
Earth horrible, dark of physiognomy.


Croistra le nombre si grand des astronomes
Will increase the number so great of the astronomers,

Chassez, bannis & livres consurez,
Chased, banished & liberated risen.

L'an mil six cents & sept par sacre *glomes
The year thousand six hundred & seventh by sacred windings.

Que nul aux sacres ne seront asseurez.
That nothing to the sacred not will be assured.

*fixed diatonic sidereal orbits of the ten planets
forming chromatic iris caelestial, to terrestrial.


La synagogue sterile sans nul fruit,
The synagogue sterile without any fruit,

Sera receu entre les infideles,
Will be received between the infidels,

De Babylon la fille du porsuit,
Of Babylon the daughter of pursuit,

Misere & triste lui trenchera les aisles.
Misery & sad to her will cut the wings.


L'an ensuyuant d,couuerts par deluge,
The year ensuing discovert by deluge,

Deux chefs esleuz, le premier ne tiendra
Two heads elevated, the premier not will hold

De fuyr ombre . l'vn d'eux le refuge,
Of flight shaded for the one of them the refuge,

Saccagee case qui premier maintiendra.
Sacked casa which premier will maintain.


La grand cite d'Occean maritime,
The great city of Ocean maritime,

Environnee de marets en cristal:
Surrounded of marshes in crystal:

Dans le solstice hyemal & la prime,
In the solstice winter & the premium,

Sera tentee de vent espouuantal.
Will be tried of wind frightful.


Au grand de Chera mon agora,
At the grand of Cher my place of assembly,

Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez,
Will be crossed by rank all attached,

Le pertinax Oppi, & Mandragora,
The pertinant Oppia, & Mandrake,

Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.
Raugon of October the third will be loosened.


Sol vingt de Taurus si fort de terre trembler,
Sun twenty of Taurus so strong of earth to tremble,

Le grand theatre remply ruinera:
The great theatre filled will be ruined:

L'air, ciel & terre obscurcir & troubler,
The air, sky & earth to darken & trouble,

Lors l'infidelle Dieu & saincts *voguera.
At the time the infidel God & saints will make sail for.

*voguer, velificare, velificari, velificor,
"to make sail for" i.e. to exert oneself
to effect, procure, or to gain a thing.


Tasche de meurdre, enormes adulteres,
Works of murder, enormous adulteries,

Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain:
Great enemy of whole the genre human:

Que sera pire qu'ayeuls, oncles ne peres,
That will be worse than all ancestors, uncles or fathers,

Enfer, feu, eaux, sanguin & inhumain.
Hell, fire, water, blood & inhuman.


*Iardin du monde aupres de cite neufue,
Garden of the world near of city new,

Dans le chemin des montaignes cauees:
In the path of the mountains caved (in):

Sera saisi & plonge dans la Cuve,
Will be seized & plunge in the Caldron,

Beuuant par force eaux soulphre enuenimees.
Drinking by force water sulphur envenomed.

*Heb *Ndry* Yarden {yar-dane'} the descending;
certainly indicative of New Jersey, near NYC.


O vaste Rome ta ruyne s'approche,
O vast Rome your ruin is approaching,

Non de tes murs, de ton sang & substance,
Not of your walls, of your blood & substance,

L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,
The harsh by letters will make so horrible notch,

Fer pointu mis a tous iusques au manche.
Iron pointed put to all until the grip.


*Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,
The chief of London by reign the America rich,

L'Isle d'Escosse tempiera par gelee:
The Isle of Scotland times it was by icy coldness:

Roy Reb auront vn si faux Antechrist,
King Reb will have one so false Antechrist,

Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee.
That them will put ones that supply capability for action in the melee.

*The Crown, UKR, barratry, abyssal.


Le tremblement si fort au mois de may,
The trembling so mighty in the month of may,

Saturne, Caper, Iupiter, Mercure au boeuf:
Saturn, Capella, Jupiter, Mercury to taurus:

Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay,
Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Nonnae,

Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn oeuf.
Will fall hail then more big than an egg.


La terre & lair geleront si grand eau,
The earth & the air will freeze so great sea,

Lors qu'on viendra pour Ieudy venerer:
At the time that one will come for Thursday to venerate:

Ce qui sera iamais ne fut si beau,
That which will be never ever was so beautiful,

Des quatre parts le viendront honorer.
From the four parts it they will come to honor.


L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
The year thousand nine hundred ninety nine seventh month,

Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
From heaven will come one grand King of terror:

Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
To resuscitate the great King of Angolmois,

Auant apres Mars regner par bon- heur.
Before after Mars rules by good-fortune.


Au reuolu du *grand nombre septiesme,
At revolution of the great number seventh

Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe:
Will appear at the time games of Slaughter:

Non esloign du grand aage milliesme,
Not removed of the grand age thousandth,

Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.
When the interred will go out of their tombe.



Au regne grand du grand regne regnant,
At reign grand of the grand reign reigning,

Par force d'armes les grands portes d'airain:
By force of arms the great doors of bronze:

Fera ouurir, le Roy & Duc ioignant,
Will make to open, the King & Duke joining,

Fort demoly, nef a fons, iour serain.
Mighty demolished, nave to font, day sering.

-interlinear translations by Daniel Joseph Min



Jan 5, 2002, 4:41:14 PM1/5/02

Plu....@des.I0VIS wrote:

> 62 of my

Snip large load of bullshit.


Jan 6, 2002, 6:04:43 AM1/6/02

<Plu....@des.I0VIS> wrote in message

min you get stupider with every post. Everyone knows
that astrology is bullshit useful only for milking fools
of money. Strange how you and the rest of the fraudsters
seem to forget that astrological signs have shifted since they
were dreamed up thousands of years ago so people born under
the dates of Taurus, for example, now are, in fact, really born under
Aries yet none of you useless twats even acknowledges that.
Like I said, astrology is used by fools to screw other fools.
Do have a good day you lying piece of shit.

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