Nope. I got into big trouble with a gravitar boardset probing for them (a
little twitch that shorted -22V to RESET, frying ~13 chips on the
boardset, and I'm still looking for number 14 :-( ) Trust me, they don't
exist. Tempest is the only color vector game that had them on the
Anyway, I play all my color vector games sideways. Gravitar, Space Duel,
and Black Widow are fine, but Major Havoc and Star Wars are a pain. At
some point, I'll scope out my friends Major Havoc cabinet, which used to
be a Tempest cabinet. After measuring the locations of the new mounting
holes, I'll probably hack my cabinet to allow rotation of the monitor (my
Tempest cabinet is still a horizontal virgin) Alternatively, I may get
lucky on huntng expeditions this fall and find a star wars cabinet ;-)
Anyway, if you are keen, I suggest the following:
To invert the Y-Axis swap the connections to pins 1 and 16 of
the device at E10. For X do the same for the device at B10.
My Major Havoc actually has the equivalent pins cut from the board and
jumpered to unused pins on the connector. If that board is put in a
cocktail cabinet, the orientation will no longer automatically flip for
player 2, but now you can use the external connector (or your adapter
harness) to do the proper inversions by using the +5V and Gnd pins as
As always, check the schemtatics before commiting your board to the above
mods, and consider how crappy the display will look when you cram a
rotated horizontal display on a vertical monitor. For me, I prefer to
play them rotated rather than scrunched up
Ray Ghanbari
Mayo Foundation