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The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 6, 2002, 3:29:40 AM11/6/02
The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)

29 August 2001
Version 1.0
Issued 04 October 2002
(Draft Version 7.3)

Table Of Contents

-----< Introduction - Life Forms >-----

-----< Introduction - Our Planet >-----

-----< The Denial >-----

-----< Some Fine Particle Physics >-----

-----< The Nature Of The Physical Universe >-----

-----< Opposing The Nature Of The Creation >-----

-----< Life Energy Particles And Your Body >-----

-----< Life Energy Particles - Perception And Motion >-----

-----< Perception At A Distance >-----

-----< Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception >--

-----< Certainty Of Perception >-----

Introduction - Life Forms

During my time at school, my study of philosophy (in the old sense
which includes the study of music as part of philosophic education)
was limited to playing the violin and the piano, and studying old
Greek and Latin at college, and was further limited to a 'Time-Life
book' from the library that explained that "Life consists of
molecules in the sea that have been hit, by accident, by lightning,
to combine into simple proteins which, by chance, combined into
living cells which, by an endless succession of chance occurrences,
finally combined into human bodies."

The book had a painted picture of a sea, with lightning flashing
above it. And that picture 'proved the matter conclusively.' One
teacher at college knew it wasn't true, but he did not dare to say
anything when I mentioned that proof.

Simple 'accidental' proteins would 'accidentally' - without any
spiritual or Life Energetic cause or control - combine into
extremely complicated, pulsating, living, moving cells.

Again without any spiritual cause or Life Energy - 'by accident' -
these went through such an incredibly complex process as cell-
division. And they kept on 'accidentally' dividing and combining,
till, by the laws of chance, there 'accidentally' appeared the most
complex and organized thing you can imagine: An ape-like body.

Introduction - Our Planet

I also had a world atlas, with a section about how our planet came
into existence. It showed very impressive drawings of dust swirling
in circles in space, that - 'by accident' again - would form into
such incredibly complex things as a forever burning sun, and very
different planets encircling it forever, a planet with air and a
huge supply of water to keep its surface temperature more or less
constant and make organic life possible.

They combined the laws of gravity and motion and the laws of chance,
and applied these to some dust in space. And out comes - 'by
accident' - the incredible, organized complexity of a solar system.

The drawings in that very authoritative world atlas showed a disk
made of space dust, which changed into rings around a center, and
the rings then changed into balls or planets circling the center,
which 'accidentally' had become a sun.

The drawings 'proved' it.

(I think they did put the spiritual existence of life,**** if they
thought at all of the existence of souls and of Life Energy, AFTER
the forming of our sun and planets - although we certainly were
not the first sun and planets to develop, in all the thousands of
galaxies that we can see through our telescopes.)

The Denial

The message of these, supposedly educational books - the one about
the origin of life, and the other about the origin of planets - was
one of total confusion: "Although you see the action and existence
of Life Energy everywhere (controlling form and condensing into
matter), Life Energy does not exist."

It is a very significant confusion, because this contradiction and
denial is found all over the subject: "You exist, but we don't
recognize who you are," "We recognize who you are, but we deny who
you are." And so on... an endless succession of forcefully projected
denial and intended confusion.

The confusion is always a continuous sequence of 'a-truth-with-an-

The intended confusion, whether in sciences, religions or spiritual
or material philosophies, is made up of a string of 'truths-with-an-

(It' s a string: If you manage to separate one truth from its
opposing lie, then you run into the next higher truth with an
opposing lie in it, and so on. A way to sort it out, is to face
who did put or keeps the lies there, and what he wants with it.)

Their standard method is to make you accept a truth - but so, that
you will swallow the lies with it as 'also true.'**

Some Fine Particle Physics

These "non-existent" Life Energy Particles have a name in India -
there they call Life Energy 'Prana.'

In China, and in the various Chinese and Japanese fighting sports,
they call these "non-existent" Life Energy Particles 'Chi,' spelled
also 'Ki' or 'Qi.'

Someone brought up in the Western world uses very confusing terms
borrowed from small particle physics, such as "light," "magnetism,"
"vibrations," "frequencies," or he made up his own, like 'orgon,'
'od,' 'ektoplasm,' 'bio-energy,' 'bio-tronics' - often naming it
according to that particular quality of Life Energy that he or she
observed or worked with.

With Kirlian photography Life Energy Particles can be made visible to

Fluctuations (changes) in the amount of Life Energy Particles can be
measured between the hand palms with a regular resistance meter
because Life Energy strongly influences the electrical conductivity
of the body, and you have to only slightly amplify the sudden
electrical changes that occur, in order to open up an astounding new
world for investigation.

(Hence the proper term 'Life Energy Fluctuation Meter' - rather
than 'lie-detector,' because the Fluctuations are caused not by
lies but by any thoughts that create or move Life Energy
Particles, including Delusions and Illusions and even past life
memories, and more importantly, Emotions and also Delusions and
Illusions that someone has been subjected to in his or her past

They are called ENERGY Particles because they are capable of doing

They are called LIFE Energy Particles because they are created by
life or used by life.

They are called Life Energy PARTICLES because they are distinct and
locatable, tiny pieces.

It is highly irrational to deny their existence. Only a charlatan
or quack would insist that they do not exist.

The Nature Of The Physical Universe

There is going on, and there has been going on through the ages, the
projection of extremely forceful unawareness, and very intelligent
deception - driven by an enormous hate and disrespect for life - in
order to prevent knowledge of this subject. Such hate ranges from
ridicule, to burning people alive at the stake for being loving and
truthful and perceptive of lies - to much more atrocious and lasting
things which I won't mention here.

These actions are traced to some individuals who want to deny the
existence of The Creation, in order to get established that "The
Creation" is an entirely different thing than it is.

The Creation consists of all people - plus - Life Energy Particles -
plus - life forms - plus - super condensed Life Energy Particles
formed into matter.

The part of The Creation that is matter, is called the physical or
material universe.

The physical universe consists of a large collection of galaxies.

Light - like sunlight - travels, unless it is stopped, from one end
to the other end of the physical universe, in more or less straight
lines, at a speed slow enough to take years to reach from one star
to the next.

This light follows the physical laws of matter. It is entirely
different from "Light" that some people describe when they mean Life

(Beauty Life Energy Particles look like Silver or Diamond sparks,
and so this kind of Life Energy Particle seems to them like
"light." Particles can form into or be projected as clouds.
Other Particles can be transparent, or black, or opaque white, or
seem to emit colors that you probably have heard talked about as
in Auras and so - mostly with highly erroneous 'explanations.'
It is entirely different from physical universe light such as
lamp light.)

Opposing The Nature Of The Creation

The Creation is based on Life Energy that contains Love and Truth,
and Beauty and Expansion for all. And that, of course, exposes
personalities who have no love and no truth - and that puts them, in
relation to others who do have love and truth, in their right place.

This is why these no-love-, no-truth-individuals created and enforce
as "The Creation", a false Creation, a system of Altered Life
Energies where criminal personalities are not detected but can
overwhelm decent people into unawareness, or, more precisely, into
conditioned and controlled awareness and conditioned feelings.

Pure Life Energy (usually called 'Prana' in India, or 'Chi' or 'Ki'
or 'Qi' in China and Japan) brings about awareness and strength and
love and beauty and understanding, and increases memory.

Altered Life Energy brings about hate, bodily pain and sickness,
ringing in the ears, blurring vision, unawareness, ugliness,
slowness, euphoria, strange feelings and irrational emotions, or
even sudden death.

Criminal personalities throw combinations of Life Energy Particles
and Altered Life Energy Particles, such as 'The Beauty of Hate,'
(Destructive) or 'The Euphoria of Feeling very Aware while being
actually Unaware of Others,' (Drugged) or 'The Strength Derived from
being made Unaware of Ugliness and Hate' (Irresponsible).

They throw this at others, and also at themselves.

Due to the enormous hidden or camouflaged Hate and the extremely
forceful Unawareness and the very intelligent Deception for which
Altered Life Energy is used, the simple, natural and vital knowledge
of Life Energy is being denied, and is being prevented from being
taught at schools and from being used in sciences.***

Life Energy Particles And Your Body

You, as a soul or spiritual being,**** can produce and can direct -
and can be influenced by - Life Energy Particles and Altered Life
Energy Particles.

(That the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle could not see them,
is no reason to assume that they don't exist. I myself have seen
them, visually, and others I worked with could see them.)

As many of you know, or as one can see from Kirlian photography, the
body is surrounded by a delicate, living, pulsating construction of
Life Energy Particles.

These keep your body alive, functioning and breathing, these keep
the body defending itself via its immune system, and repairing
itself. Without this system of Life Energy Particles, the proteins
and cells and glands and nerves in your body would do absolutely

And when this delicate pattern of Life Energy is damaged somewhere,
after it has been shot with Altered Life Energy, the body develops
pains or becomes sick.

Damaged patterns of this living, pulsating construction of Life
Energy Particles in and around the body, are for instance addressed
in acupuncture or acupressure, and in a host of other ancient and
modern disciplines of healing.

Without this Life Energy, the body decomposes (rots) very quickly.

(If you keep it inside a properly aligned pyramid, which collects
Life Energy Particles, it does not rot.)

Life Energy Particles - Perception And Motion

You use Life Energy Particles to be aware of and be connected to
your body.

You use Life Energy Particles to give your body commands to move.
Most people do that by sending Life Energy Particles with impulses
to the brain, and thereby they move their limbs. In Eastern fighting
sports, such as Ai-ki-do, they try to more directly move their body
and limbs with 'Ki,' the Chinese word for Life Energy.

Most people use Life Energy Particles to be connected to the organs
of sense such as the eyes and ears and nose, and so perceive what
those organs pick up.

There are times when a person does not use his body to perceive
sight or sound or smell with, but uses his Life Energy Particles to
directly pick up perception of his physical environment. So also at
the well-recorded and well-researched 'near-death' experiences,
where a person sees his own body and what is going on, from a
distance above it.

Many people use Life Energy Particles to have a sense of what is
going on around them, they have 'eyes in their back.'

Perception At A Distance

Life Energy Particles can remain at rest, can be projected slowly,
or can have the speed of thought.

For light, it takes eight and a half minutes to get here from the
sun, and that is a very slow crawl compared to the instantaneous
speed of Life Energy Particles across any, also interplanetary or
interstellar, distance.

Life Energy Particles can penetrate matter like walls etc., if one
intends them to go through the wall. One uses Life Energy Particles
to perceive, feel or sense something at a distance, no matter how
far. Some people can use Life Energy Particles to lift objects with.
Some people can even influence the Life Energy Particles of an
object - objects, as we saw above, are made up of super-condensed
Life Energy Particles.

Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception

Further you may like to know that Life Energy Particles can contain
feelings, information, thoughts, three-dimensional pictures, and, as
we saw earlier, impressions of all the senses, for instance a
correct representation of the physical universe or a memory of its

But these Life Energy Particles, projected by others or as
manufactured by yourself, can also contain illusions, deceptions,
lies, wrong locations, false time, wrong persons, fear, pain,
unawareness and euphoria.

These things you probably know from dreams you have had, or from
people who pretend with the greatest certainty that they did things
they did not do at all, or who assert that others did things that
those others certainly did not do.

And then there are those who impersonate others - by using Life
Energy Particles taken from and belonging to others - a common
'sport' on Earth, by which they hide their own true Identity, and get
the recognition and benefits that not they but others worked for.

Individuals of bad intention alter and throw Life Energy Particles
that cause the perception of pain, terror, or ugliness, in order to
cause bad feelings in others, or that cause carelessness and
unawareness and deception, by which to manipulate and control others.

Certainty Of Perception

Certainty of Perception occurs by using your own, self-created Life
Energy Particles to observe with.

But still then, the possibility is great that you are being deceived
about things that you don't think of perceiving or are blocked from
perceiving, in the world that we live in, and with the people that
we live with.

A good photographer or a good portrait painter creates his own
perception of his subject and then tries to get that on paper or on

He has looked using his own Life Energy Particles, to observe at
least the outside of his subject, and he KNOWS that he has used his
own Life Energy for that, and so has certainty of perception.*****

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

* 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' (18 Oct 2002)

'Crime Versus Truth - What's Happening In Our Society'
(30 Sept 2002)

** 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

*** 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'
(29 July 2002)

**** 'Defining Civilized Society (Definition Part One)' (19 Sept 2002)

*****'Mozart Remedying Spiritual Violence - Fine Particle Physics
- Beauty and Awareness' (20 August 2002)


- 'Mechanics Of Awareness, Perception, Memory And Forgetfulness'
(13 September 2002)

- '

Copyright 2001, 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Ronald Stepp

Nov 6, 2002, 3:52:41 AM11/6/02
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)

Or as seen from the bedroom window of Koos, may he learn actual science

> not the first sun and planets to develop, in all the thousands of
> galaxies that we can see through our telescopes.)

How about *billions* of galaxies...

<rest of innacurate crap snipped>

Franz Heymann

Nov 6, 2002, 6:05:31 AM11/6/02

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message
> The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)
> 29 August 2001
> Version 1.0
> Issued 04 October 2002
> (Draft Version 7.3)

Please promise us that you will never post any later versions of this

Franz Heymann

Byron Canfield

Nov 6, 2002, 10:06:04 AM11/6/02
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message
> The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)

I think a more appropriate title would be "The Nature Of The Cosmos As Imagined
By An Intentional Design Creationist"

But really, everything in the Cosmos is made up of tinkertoys -- really tiny
ones. And the universe is a cardboard cylinder with metal caps on both ends.
This is a fact because it's in this post, and this post is the truth. There you
have it -- a self-verifying post -- see, it says right there that it is the
truth, so it must be.


Byron "Barn" Canfield
Lead Flash Developer
Headsprout Beginning Reading

Uncle Al

Nov 6, 2002, 11:34:07 AM11/6/02
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)

Overall empirically Euclidean.
Millikelvin fluctuations in cosmic background radiation consistent
with Big Bang begginning.
Mass is accumulated to large scale foam.
All directions from every point aim at the beginning.
Nobody can explain the formation or persistence of spiral galaxies.

[snip 455 lines of bullshit.]

> During my time at school, my study of philosophy (in the old sense
> which includes the study of music as part of philosophic education)

Told ya.
Do something naughty to physics
The short form.

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" The Net!

Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 7, 2002, 8:41:43 AM11/7/02
The obvious respondents to this post, have actually been given due
attention and comprehension - already in the article posted
('The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth').

And as expected, and predicted in that post and in the references it
gives, the "responding" posters do indeed show - not merely their
lack of correct education - but much more so the repulsive condition
of their minds.

I have described such individuals in 'Detecting Criminal Minds By
Their Intentional Omission Of Truth' - which is referred to in the
original post.

- 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'

In the meantime, and totally different from those, I do like to
acknowledge the very many sane and caring minds, who have (and who
will have), in various ways, expressed to me their appreciation and
gratitude for this monumental piece of research, reported to you in
'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth'.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity" - human rights philosopher and poet (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote
in message news:<>...

> The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth (Version 1.0)
> 29 August 2001
> Version 1.0
> Issued 04 October 2002
> (Draft Version 7.3)
> Table Of Contents
> -----< Introduction - Life Forms >-----
> -----< Introduction - Our Planet >-----
> -----< The Denial >-----
> -----< Some Fine Particle Physics >-----
> -----< The Nature Of The Physical Universe >-----
> -----< Opposing The Nature Of The Creation >-----
> -----< Life Energy Particles And Your Body >-----

-----< Life Energy Particles - Perception And Motion >-----
> -----< Perception At A Distance >-----
> -----< Content Of Life Energy Particles - Mechanics of Deception >

> -----< Certainty Of Perception >-----


> Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
> human rights philosopher and poet
> * 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' (18 Oct 2002)
> 'Crime Versus Truth - What's Happening In Our Society'
> (30 Sept 2002)
> ** 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of
> Truth' (19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)
> *** 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'
> (29 July 2002)
> **** 'Defining Civilized Society (Definition Part One)'
> (19 Sept 2002)
> *****'Mozart Remedying Spiritual Violence - Fine Particle Physics
> - Beauty and Awareness' (20 August 2002)
> Reference:
> - 'Mechanics Of Awareness, Perception, Memory And Forgetfulness'
> (13 September 2002)

Byron Canfield

Nov 7, 2002, 10:20:54 AM11/7/02
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message
> The obvious respondents to this post, have actually been given due
> attention and comprehension - already in the article posted
> ('The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth').

"Obvious respondents"? The "obvious respondents" are merely likening your
ramblings to one who has been off on a booze and drug bender for 20 years, and
now, with considerably fewer that the original quantity of brain cells, can only
see the world according to the dictates of an institutional vision.

> And as expected, and predicted in that post and in the references it
> gives, the "responding" posters do indeed show - not merely their
> lack of correct education - but much more so the repulsive condition
> of their minds.

And that is because you say it is so? How convenient. Oh, sorry, it's your
self-verifying book that says it is so.

> I have described such individuals in 'Detecting Criminal Minds By
> Their Intentional Omission Of Truth' - which is referred to in the
> original post.

Another wonderful convenience -- the ability to label anyone who doesn't agree
with you a criminal. You should have gone into law enforcement.
> (Koos Nolst Trenite)

And no way are you MY ambassador. As far as I'm concerned, if it comes to
anissue with extra-terrestials, you are not only NOT my ambassador -- you're a
different species.

Daemon Weird

Nov 7, 2002, 8:02:49 PM11/7/02
well, except that we`ve been seen here few offended egos, tell me
something, gays,.....:-)
what the earth that stuff gotta simmilarity with... eeeer, i think
someday i used to call it rei`chi
:-) your life

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