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The Nature of War and Friendship

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/24/98
This is the whole fight between good and evil, understood in one
short letter. (*)

There are two basically opposed purposes in life,
which are vital to know to resolve war and to choose your
friendships and to understand various activities and social riddles
and commercial preferences in life.

--- One purpose is:

"To be oneself as one really is, and to try to be so, as much as possible."

This seems natural and normal and understandable enough, and it is a highly
enjoyable purpose, for oneself, and for others as well.
And it is a basic purpose of anybody - but it is not executed necessarily by

When someone considers his nature is too ugly, too evil, etc. to even try to be
himself, he strives to create a mask, a facade which he substitutes
for life, something that he sells to himself and to others as "being himself",
as "his own purposes for life".

--- His or her highest, active purpose becomes or has become:

"How cleverly and convincingly to create
a mask, how forcefully, efficiently, fool-proof or even how beautifully and
'pleasantly' for oneself and others, to create a mask; and with it comes the
purpose to learn from others how to, or to buy things for and to sell things
for and to teach others or to successfully force others to create or accept a

This purpose is largely accepted in our society, and is looked through only by
the very decent, or - on the other hand - by those of like mind, who want to
learn how to better create their own mask, and how to create it more
undetectable, stronger, more convincingly, more beautifully, more pleasantly.
They admire each other for, and are very proud of, how well they create their
mask, and of how well they manage to have their true nature and activities
hidden. They feel great satisfaction in lying about and in hiding their true
nature and true activities and true thoughts and intentions. They take pride
in misrepresenting the activities and intentions of decent people, because
that is part of maintaining their mask. They, without any shame, let innocent
people be sentenced or attacked for the very crimes they themselves
committed. It is all part of a successful mask, for them.

So, this, opposite-to-life, purpose is to NOT be as one really is, but to hide
what one really is, to be what one is not, and to be as good as possible in
being as one really is NOT.

This is the basis of all war and all conflict.

When people are being themselves, they do not create war.

When people are living the purpose to NOT be themselves, they are in
a constant war not to have their mask looked through.
They try to enforce on others how it is of the utmost survival necessity, the
ultimate purpose in life, to have their masks created and not punctured.

This gives you two kinds of people:

1. Those who rather want to be themselves or strive to be themselves
and like and appreciate the help you give them in achieving that, for
themselves and also for others.
(That is why you are sending me donations.)

2. Those who do EVERYTHING possible to destroy their being
themselves, to destroy others' attempts and endeavors to be more themselves,
and to destroy your own attempts and your own striving to be more yourself,
AND who secretly destroy all your efforts to help THEM (category 2.), to
become more themselves.
(That is why you do NOT send me donations.)

Category two creates war and conflict, as their main purpose.

Whether on a personal or family relation, or in an office or in a country,
they create war and conflict and fights.
Their whole activity IS creating lies (their mask) and IS
creating conflict (to win others over into not looking at people but
to accept masks and lies instead.)

All "reasons" that you have been told, in school or otherwise, as causes of
war and conflict , are that many fairytales to make you not see the actual
truth underlying war and conflict, which is given above.

(The "motive" and "reason" for war being material wealth and advantage,
is entirely non-sensical. There are the subjects of trade and law, isn't it.)

I hope that I have written this down in some understandable way for you.
If not, let me know.


(Due to the most far-reaching consequences of this data, and as it might
reach some people who actually will use it, please repost it, unaltered and
with the full source, but maybe with your comments, to any appropriate
newsgroups or mailing-lists.)

(*) - resulting from twenty five years of very intense research
of mine on understanding the subject.

Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind
Copyright 1998 by Koos Nolst Trenite

Library of Ambassador for Mankind:
Personal Web-page:

Postal address:
Koos Nolst Trenite
Ambassador for Mankind Foundation
Trenite House
D-91090 Gaiganz


(Note for posting to the Scientology newsgroups only -
you leave out this note when you are reposting the message
to other newsgroups or mailinglists:

Scientology is a very clever and very "effective" way of creating
a mask that is not one being oneself but that makes one feel
pleasant and admirable and seemingly executing one's goals. The
truth is that Scientology very cleverly perverts and thereby kills
the very decent goals you have and wanted to execute in the first
place with Scientology and by joining Scientology and by trusting
L. Ron Hubbard.

But L. Ron Hubbard was the one who, throughout eons of time, did
put you into the dungeon, into the cave, into various hells and
now he tells you how you can get out of it a tiny little bit,
while - as soon as you stick your head out of the cave - he most
forcefully kicks you back into it.

So, L. Ron Hubbard is not the 'biggest and only savior of Mankind',
but he is the biggest criminal of all time on Earth, who, for a
short while, divulged one percent of his knowledge of how he
destroyed people and how this destruction can be undone a little
bit, while and thereby creating a mask about himself, which his
Public Relations department is still heavily promoting.

For instance his book "History of Man" and his "Whole Track Tapes"
and all his material on "Implants" are very carefully and very
intentionally designed to prevent people from finding out what the
being L. Ron Hubbard did to them and others.

He faintly confesses some very, very mild things in the sessions
on him published in the RI-Bulletins. And he faintly shows his
true nature with the autobiographical character Soltan Gris in his
ten volume "Mission Earth" books written by him in 1984.


Eric M

Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98

C. B. Willis wrote in message ...
>Evil ones oppose, suppress, or attempt to destroy
>the spirit, truth, goodness, beauty, and
>the truth, goodness and beauty of who we are *as spirit* and
>the spiritual substance we create.
>("Spiritual substance" is a term I adopt and carry forward from Hegel and
>his writings from the early 1800's. Scientologists might say "theta" is
>their equivalent? - I'm not entirely sure.)
>How to handle agreements and disagreements regarding what's true or false
>[error or pretense] in various circumstances? We have to take those on an
>individual basis - whether to speak up, whether to not speak up, to whom
>to speak up (private or public), how to speak about it, whether to let a
>proposition stand or fall on its own merits or demerits, etc. These can
>be sticky questions in actual practice.
>- CBW
>| | "Values are the infrastructure |
>| | upon which civilization |
>| | will be reinvented." - CBW |
If I might just offer my two cents worth, as a non and never was

Agreement is very nice but what does it achieve? Like and like wallowing in
their alikeness. Perhaps war is pretty unpleasant but it can be a great
evening out force. The winner finds in his heart of hearts that he has won
nothing other than proof of his stubbornness (if he cares to look). He has
progressed non and has to deal with that. The loser, having lost a great
deal, has the wonderful opportunity to begin anew. This is the stage we are
at as a race and there is no point in pretending otherwise. I do not know
anyone who is not at war within themselves. But I know many who pretend to
be otherwise having supposedly been enlightened in some way; which, as far
as I can see, tends to be a more insidious form of delusion.

"Truth" and "Goodness" and "Beauty" are generally lacking in adequate
definition. Beauty suggests a purity, but purity can suggest that nothing is
happening to bring advancement. We may have to become impure and ugly before
we can attain a beauty that has any worth, otherwise it simply indicates
naiveté. The concept of truth is open to endless discussion: is there an
absolute truth or can it only be subjective? And likewise goodness....
Goodness gets judged to be goodness in terms of a "normal" morality, which I
think could be somewhat suspect in terms of spiritual advancement!

Yes, all sticky questions.

The evil ones that oppose us are the very ones we need in order to
strengthen our real, true, spirit driven intent. We create them ourselves
for that very purpose.


Eric M

Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98

C. B. Willis wrote in message ...
>Eric M (Eric@! wrote:
>: Agreement is very nice but what does it achieve? Like and like wallowing
>:in their alikeness.
>With agreement on fundamentals, you at least have the _possibility_ to be
>able to create a future with someone for one or more constructive

My wife and myself agree on absolutely bugger all. But our relationship
has been constructive for both of us to the highest degree!!

>: The evil ones that oppose us are the very ones we need in order to

>: strengthen our real, true, spirit driven intent. We create them ourselves
>: for that very purpose.

>We can use an opposing position to strengthen our own, or to push off
>against to develop our own, but that's making "lemonade" (when life hands
>you lemons, make lemonade). Our first desire is agreement and co-creation
>based on that agreement. Anything less is 2nd or nth best.

I cannot agree. Lemonade is made by those who like making lemonade.
Opposition develops character. A being full of character is entitled to
make lemonade if he/she so wishes. It is very refreshing.

Eric M

Eric M

Sep 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/26/98

C. B. Willis wrote in message ...
>Eric M (Eric@! wrote:
>: My wife and myself agree on absolutely bugger all. But our relationship

>: has been constructive for both of us to the highest degree!!
>What you disagree on must not be essential to building a future together!

On that I agree whole heartedly.

There exists a tacit agreement.



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