Fed up with Left/Right labels?
Use this improved political compass to test your identity. Take the
World's Smallest Political Quiz.
Circle "Y" when you agree, "M" for Maybe or unsure, "N" for No.
Are you a self-governor on PERSONAL issues? 20 10 0
* Military service should be voluntary. (No draft).......... Y M N
* Govt. should NOT control radio, TV, or the press.......... Y M N
* Repeal regulations on sex by consenting adults............ Y M N
* Drug laws do more harm than good. Repeal them............ Y M N
* Let people immigrate and emigrate freely.................. Y M N
My PERSONAL self-governor score: 20 for Y, 10 for M, 0 for N _________
Are you a self-governor on ECONOMIC issues? 20 10 0
* Businesses & farms should operate without govt. subsidies. Y M N
* People are better off with free trade than with tariffs... Y M N
* Minimum wage laws cause unemployment. Repeal them......... Y M N
* End taxes. Pay for services with user fees............... Y M N
* Europe & Japan should provide their own defense........... Y M N
My ECONOMIC self-governor score: 20 for Y, 10 for M, 0 for N _________
How to use the Self-Government Compass
Mark your PERSONAL score on the left and your ECONOMIC score on the
right. Then, follow the grid lines (rows of dots) until they meet at
your political identity! An example for someone who scored 20 on
Personal and 30 on Economic is indicated with an asterisk (*).
The compass measures self-government. Liberals (LEF) value freedom of
expression. Conservatives (CON) value free enterprise. Libertarians
(LIB) value both. Authoritarians (AUT) are against both.
. LIB = Libertarian
./ \. CON = Conservative (Right)
./ . \. CEN = Centrist
./ . . \. LEF = Liberal (Left)
./ . . . \. AUT = Authoritarian
./ . .LIB. . \.
./ \. . . . ./ \.
./ . \.___.___.___./ . \.
./ . . ! . . . ! . . \.
./ . . ! . . ! . . \.
./ . . . ! . . . ! . . . \.
100 \. .LEF. ! .CEN. ! .CON. ./ 100
90 \. . . ! . . . ! . . ./ 90
80 \. . !___.___.___! . ./ 80
70 \. ./ . . . \. ./ 70
60 \./ . . * . \./ 60
Personal 50 \. . . . ./ 50 Economic
Self-Governor 40 \. .AUT. ./ 40 Self-Governor
Score 30 \. . ./ 30 Score
20 \. ./ 20
10 \./ 10
0 0
M. Thatcher (right)
F.D. Roosevelt (left)
Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Jefferson (top)
Stalin and Hitler (bottom)
Would you like an information kit about libertarian ideas, including a
best-selling hardbound book, five quiz cards, and more? Send an $8.00
contribution to help with the costs to: Advocates for Self-Government,
3955 Pleasantdale Road #106 A, Atlanta, GA 30340
Tel: 404-417-1304 800-932-1776
The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational organi-
zation. Our purpose is to present libertarianism -- the freedom
philosophy -- honestly and persuasively. Contributions are tax
deductible under section 501(c)(3).
Copyright, 1992, Advocates for Self-Government, Inc.
(The original Worlds Smallest Political Quiz is available in several
forms [poster, postcard, business card, paper] from the Advocates for
Self-Government. This electronic/text version was created by Toby
Nixon and updated by Paul Schmidt in 1992. Permission is granted to
distribute this freely in any form so long as the Advocates for Self-
Government credit is retained.)
If you want more information about libertarian ideas, send your U.S.
Mail address to me at:
Paul Schmidt, Internet Representative for
Advocates for Self-Government
4712-D Dansey Drive
Raleigh, NC 27604
I must protest this inaccurate labelling. The quiz *I* developed is
the World's Smallest Political Quiz.
Fed up with Left/Right labels? This quiz has been especially skewed
to prove that you're an "authoritarian"! You might not have thought
you were authoritarian, but, then, you didn't think you were a libertarian
before you took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz," did you? You
might think it comes down to the types of questions asked, but it's
really a function of the *size* of the quiz. Well, this quiz is
even *smaller* than the libertarian quiz, so it must be more accurate!
Use this improved political compass to test your identity. Take the
World's Smallest Tiniest Political Quiz.
Circle "Y" when you agree, "M" for Maybe or unsure, "N" for No.
Are you a self-governor on PERSONAL issues? 0 12 25
* People should be able to buy child pornography............ Y M N
* There should not be laws against sex in public............ Y M N
* People should be able to broadcast their own ATC signals
and endanger airline traffic.............................. Y M N
* People should be able to drive unsafe cars on the highway
without buying insurance.................................. Y M N
My PERSONAL self-governor score: 25 for N, 12 for M, 0 for Y _________
Are you a self-governor on ECONOMIC issues? 0 12 25
* Companies should be allowed to use unsafe chemical
pesticides in food without telling consumers.............. Y M N
* There isn't enough racial discrimination and bigotry in
business and education.................................... Y M N
* Every road you drive on should be replaced with a toll
road, even though most of the cost of tolls goes to pay for
toll collection........................................... Y M N
* The US should have remained neutral in World War II....... Y M N
My ECONOMIC self-governor score: 25 for N, 12 for M, 0 for Y _________
Add up your totals. If you score zero, you're a true-blue libertarian.
If you score anything else, you're a normal person, fit to live in a
ted frank Supreme Court Dis Watch:
the law skool Already Dissed By: O'Connor
the u of c Will Be Dissed By: Blackmun, Brennan, Burger, Thomas, White,
kibo#=0.5 Scalia, Rehnquist, Stevens, Ginsburg, Powell, Kennedy, Souter
>[Flawed quizes, deleted]
No, I'm afraid that _my_ quiz is the world's smallest. Note that it
contains a single multiple-choice question, with five possible
responses. While it's theoretically possible to create a smaller
test, I think we'll all agree that such a test would be unable to
capture the whole political spectrum.
1 - Of the following political parties, which do you think is most
capable of solving the various problems that the country faces
A - The Democrats
B - The Republicans
C - The Libertarians
D - The Nazis
E - None of the Above
Score 1 point for each "A"; 3 points for each "B"; 2 points for
each "C"; 4 points for each "D"; and 5 points for each "E".
If you scored:
1 - You are a liberal
2 - You are a libertarian
3 - You are a conservative
4 - You are an authoritarian
5 or more - For the purposes of this quiz, you do not exist.
Charles Don Hall, Licensed Philosopher (
> A - The Democrats
> B - The Republicans
I can't tell the difference, can you tell the difference?
> If you scored:
> 1 - You are a liberal
> 3 - You are a conservative