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Need DOS emulator for mac.

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Jon Tickle

Dec 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/14/95


I know I'm setting myself up for flame-bait, but I've been
lurking in this group for ages, and still no sign of the FAQ. With many
apologies therefore, here goes:

I need a DOS emulator for my mac (it's got a '040 and 20 MB RAM). I've
done lots of searching, but I can't find one that will actually launch
programmes. (I don't need/want a windows emulator.)

Once again, sorry for asking an obvious FAQ question, but I'm going home
for Chrimbo on Saturday, and I need the emulator over the holidays.

Many thanks,

Jon Tickle

* No friend ever did a Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong * E-Mail: *
* without being repaid in full. -JRRT * *

Sam Foit

Dec 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/15/95
In article <Pine.SGI.3.91.951214112848.21264A-100000@hawk>,

Jon Tickle <> wrote:
> I know I'm setting myself up for flame-bait, but I've been
>lurking in this group for ages, and still no sign of the FAQ. With many

Wrong. The FAQ was posted less than a week ago.

Sam Foit
By day, a mild-mannered Windows 95 programmer in the Twin Cities. By night, a
hopeless sci-fi addict and Internet junkie. Is there any cure? Will his wife
strangle him? To be continued...
The preceeding views are mine alone and are not necessarily shared by my
employer, or for that matter anyone else on the planet.

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