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LEDS, camera, ...

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Mar 18, 1991, 9:36:01 PM3/18/91

My pc532 is almost working! After many months of obtaining parts,
tools, a diploma and gainful employment, I find myself with my pc532
fully soldered. At power-on time, all 4 LEDS light, but nothing on the
terminal. Any suggetions? Time to go over the board, and look for
cold joints (again?). What is the order of the things that the monitor
does? i.e. If the LEDS come on, how much has sucessfully executed?

On the software front, now that MACH 3.0 for the 386 has been
freed and released, does anyone out there with relevant experience have
any idea how much effort porting it to our baby would be? I assume that
this is what project GNU will use for their kernel?

-Greg Thain
Working (and Speaking) _at_, not _for_ AT&T Bell Labs.

Johannes Helander

Mar 19, 1991, 10:08:55 PM3/19/91

In article <> (gregory.g.thain) writes:

> My pc532 is almost working!

Almost congratulations!

> On the software front, now that MACH 3.0 for the 386 has been
> freed and released, does anyone out there with relevant experience have
> any idea how much effort porting it to our baby would be? I assume that
> this is what project GNU will use for their kernel?

I assume porting a complete Mach-based ux-compatible system would take
about 1600 manhours (well, that's what it has taken our group of 5
students to do it). With a complete ux-compatible system I mean the
Mach 3.0 microkernel + ux-server + emulator + libraries + user
programs (emacs, games, ifconfig, etc.) + cross development tools to
compile the stuff.

We now have a fairly working system, although it is still somewhat
unreliable and contains bugs. We are now in the process of upgrading
to the most recent version from CMU. (Still some work to do).

The microkernel will be made freely available. The ux-stuff, however,
still requires a Mach 2.5 source license -- nothing we can do about
(but your employer might :-). The microkernel without the server(s)
isn't very useful, so those of us who do not have a u*x-source license
need to wait for the GNU-multiserver OS (I don't know if the CMU
multiserver system will be free).

Here is a short :-) typescript that demonstrates a session with the
pc532 used by our Mach-532 group. UFO.HUT.FI is not yet connected to
the internet because of the lack of an ethernet card ( is
working on one). SLIP works somehow but not well enough for real use.


Here are two sample session logs from the pc532.


Script started on Wed Mar 20 02:58:45 1991 1: reboot532 2: kermit -l /dev/tty00 -b 9600
Warning, read access to lock directory denied
C-Kermit, 4F(094) 19 Aug 89, 4.2 BSD
Type ? for help

C-Kermit>set flow none
Connecting thru /dev/tty00, speed 9600.
The escape character is CTRL-\ (28).
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.

Command (? for help): read 1 2000 400 10
SCSI device returned BUSY status, driver delaying
Command (? for help): run 2020
ns532_init: delaycount=3122
PC532 boot: total memory 8 megabytes
Kernel from 0x18000000: code 217088, data 39028, bss 10516, symbols 47452 bytes
Available physical space from 0x59000 to 0x7ff000
[ preserving 0xb95c bytes of mach symbol table ]
Breakpoint at _Debugger+0x3: bpt
db> c
Mach 3.0 VERSION(XMK30): Fri Mar 8 19:44:08 EET 1991; kernel/STD+PC532 (
root on sd4a
sd: initializing DP8490 controller
PC532 COM Driver V0.0 Copyright (c) 1991 Tatu Ylonen <>
PC532 SCSI Driver V0.1 Copyright (c) 1991 Tatu Ylonen <>
sd: DP8490 target 0: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: DP8490 target 1: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: DP8490 target 2: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: DP8490 target 3: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: DP8490 target 4: test unit ready: I/O error
sd: DP8490 target 4: Direct access device: MICROP 1375 19V0
sd: DP8490 target 4: 139MB (512 byte sectors)
sd: partitions: (1904 22032) (0 0) (1632 276896) (23936 100096) (124032 154496) (0 1) (1 1631) (0 0)
sd: DP8490 target 5: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: DP8490 target 6: test unit ready: drive not responding
sd: initialization complete. 1 targets found.
Paging file /dev/sd4a/mach_servers/paging_file found
boot_load_program: loading /dev/sd4a/mach_servers/startup
boot_load_program: argv[0]='/mach_servers/startup'
boot_load_program: argv[1]='-as'
boot_load_program: argv[2]='sd4a'
[ preserving 0xa5e4 bytes of unix symbol table ]
[ preserving 0x1e00 bytes of emulator symbol table ]
bootstrap: calling thread_resume 0x900
Breakpoint at _Debugger+0x3: bpt
db> c
Breakpoint at _main+0x4f: bpt
db> c
Mach 3.0 VERSION(XUX18): Wed Mar 6 04:21:40 EET 1991; server/STDVICE+ANY+sl (

Available memory = 7.25 megabytes
Using up to 206 buffers
Base is Wed Mar 20 02:52:06 1991
Current time is Wed Mar 20 02:53:40 1991
Time is set to Wed Mar 20 02:53:40 1991
Executing /.profile
# sync
# fsck /dev/rsd4d
** /dev/rsd4d
** Last Mounted on /ah4d
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
1157 files, 27684 used, 66307 free (291 frags, 8252 blocks, 0.3% fragmentation)
# fsck /dev/sd4a
** /dev/sd4a
** Last Mounted on /
** Root file system
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
439 files, 16383 used, 4224 free (24 frags, 525 blocks, 0.1% fragmentation)
# sync
# ^D
Wed Mar 20 02:56:01 EST 1991
ufs_mount: file system not cleaned -- please fsck
add host gateway
add net default: gateway
/vmunix: File exists
trap: user mode unrecoverable page fault pc=0x15b5a addr=0xfe5

3.0 MACH ( (console)

login: ylo
Please use the setpath command instead of "set path = ...".
ylo console Mar 20 03:01 %1: df
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/sd4a 10303 8192 1081 88% /
/dev/sd4d 46995 13842 28453 33% /usr %2: mount
sd4a on /
sd4d on /usr (read-only) %3: emacs koe.c
Warning: executable/documentation dir (/pc532/root/usr/gnu/emacs/etc/) does not exist.

[ ... lots of control characters deleted ... ] %4: cat koe.c
printf("Hello there!\n");
} %5: gcc -o koe koe.c
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = 9c i_size = 9c offset = 0 size = 1000 %6: (inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = a5 i_size = a5 offset = 0 size = 1000
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = 33 i_size = 33 offset = 0 size = 1000 %6: gcc -v -o koe koe.c
gcc version 1.37.94
/pc532/root/usr/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dns32000 -Dunix -D__ns32000__ -D__unix__ koe.c /tmp/cc000068.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.37.94
/pc532/root/usr/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cc000068.cpp -quiet -dumpbase koe.c -version -o /tmp/cc000068.s
GNU C version 1.37.94 (32000, GAS syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.37.94.
default target switches: -m32081 -msb0
as -o koe.o /tmp/cc000068.s
ld -o koe /lib/crt0.o koe.o /pc532/root/usr/lib/gcc-gnulib -lc /pc532/root/usr/lib/gcc-gnulib
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = 9c i_size = 9c offset = 0 size = 1000 %7: (inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = a5 i_size = a5 offset = 0 size = 1000
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = 33 i_size = 33 offset = 0 size = 1000 %7: ./koe
Hello there! %8: ls -al
total 114
drwxrwxr-x 2 ylo 512 Mar 20 03:03 .
drwxrwxr-x 14 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 1212 Mar 8 14:43 .cshrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 869 Mar 2 20:21 .emacs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 87 Mar 8 14:41 .login
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 69 Mar 2 20:21 .login~
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 6 Mar 2 20:21 .logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 808 Mar 2 20:21 .msgconf
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 324 Mar 2 20:21 .pals
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 689 Mar 2 20:21 .plan
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 119 Mar 2 20:21 .rhosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 10 Mar 2 20:21 .screenrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 5644 Mar 2 20:21 .twmrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 ylo 3288 Mar 2 20:21 .uwmrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ylo 215 Mar 2 20:21 .xinitrc
-rw-r----- 1 jvh 81920 Mar 20 02:51 core
-rwxrwx--x 1 ylo 10645 Mar 20 03:03 koe
-rw-rw---- 1 ylo 39 Mar 20 03:02 koe.c %9: nm koe
00010020 t /lib/crt0.o
00012390 B __StrongBox_init_routine
00010968 T ___cerror
000121a0 D ___curbrk
000121a4 D ___minbrk
000102d4 T __cleanup
00012394 B __cthread_exit_routine
0001238c B __cthread_init_routine
000121e4 D __ctype_
00010988 T __doprnt
00010890 T __exit
0001019c T __f_morefiles
000100f4 T __findiop
000102ec T __flsbuf
00010258 T __fwalk
00012008 D __iob
00012198 D __smallbuf
00010020 T __start
0001002c T __start2
00012384 B __start_sp
00010898 T _bcopy
00011bb4 T _bzero
00010928 T _calloc
00010954 T _cfree
00010978 T _close
000122e8 D _edata
00012398 B _end
00012000 D _environ
00012004 D _errno
00012000 T _etext
000100dc T _exit
00010210 T _f_prealloc
000104e8 T _fclose
0001047c T _fflush
000106dc T _free
00010550 T _fstat
00010560 T _getdtablesize
00011ac8 T _getpagesize
00011ad8 T _ioctl
00010570 T _isatty
00012388 B _mach_init_routine
000100c4 T _main
00010598 T _malloc
000100af T _mcount
00011ae8 T _memchr
00011b18 T _modf
000100a8 T _moncontrol
00010678 T _morecore
00010828 T _printf
0001070c T _realloc
0001219c D _realloc_srchlen
0001085c T _sbrk
00011b94 T _strlen
00010880 T _write
000100b4 t gcc_compiled.
000100b4 t koe.o
00011ad8 t library
00010890 t library
00010898 t library
00011ae8 t library
00011b94 t library
00011ac8 t library
00010928 t library
00010880 t library
00011b18 t library
0001085c t library
00010560 t library
00010550 t library
00011bb4 t library
00011bd0 t library
000102ec t library
00010988 t library
000100f4 t library
00010968 t library
000100dc t library
00010828 t library
00010598 t library
00010570 t library
00010978 t library
00010890 T ns532_library %10: size koe
text data bss dec hex
8160 744 176 9080 2378 %11: cd /lib %12: ls -l
total 232
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 618 Mar 5 11:12 crt0.o
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 29613 Feb 15 14:59 ex3.7preserve
-rwxrwx--- 1 407 28847 Mar 5 11:13 ex3.7recover
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 2847 Feb 14 19:35 gcrt0.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 164942 Mar 5 11:12 libc.a
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 1920 Mar 5 11:12 mcrt0.o %13: cd /usr/lib %14: ls -l
total 2169
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 947 Mar 5 11:13
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 98 Mar 5 11:13 Mail.rc
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 694 Mar 5 11:13 Mail.tildehelp
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:18 SAVE-gcc-include
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 34635 Mar 5 11:15 atrun
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 40729 Mar 5 11:13 bugfiler
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 1120 Mar 5 11:13 bugformat
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 16353 Mar 5 11:15 calendar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 111 Mar 5 11:14 crontab
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 20457 Mar 5 11:15 diff3
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 15721 Mar 5 11:12 diffh
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:17 find
-rw------- 1 407 399923 Mar 5 11:17 fortunes.dat
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 598256 Mar 2 16:02 gcc-cc1
-rwxrwxr-x 1 407 59852 Mar 2 16:02 gcc-cpp
-rw-rw---- 1 407 14774 Mar 2 16:02 gcc-gnulib
drwxrwxrwx 4 407 512 Mar 7 20:17 gcc-include
-rwxrwx--- 1 407 2811 Mar 5 11:12 gcrt0.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 197234 Mar 5 11:12 libc_p.a
-rw-rw---- 1 407 85308 Mar 2 21:27 libcs.a
-rw-rw---- 1 407 98954 Mar 2 21:27 libcs_p.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 38084 Feb 19 00:01 libcurses.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 40686 Feb 19 00:01 libcurses_p.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 22150 Mar 5 11:12 libm.a
-rw-rw---- 1 407 27592 Mar 5 11:12 libm_p.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 50830 Feb 19 00:13 libmach.a
-rw-rw---- 1 407 50496 Feb 15 17:57 libmach.a.paskaa
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 51464 Feb 19 00:01 libmach_sa.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 79908 Feb 23 04:17 libreadline.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 5562 Feb 19 00:01 libtermcap.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 5548 Feb 19 00:01 libtermcap_p.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 5562 Feb 19 00:01 libtermlib.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 5548 Feb 19 00:01 libtermlib_p.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 17002 Feb 19 00:01 libthreads.a
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 1130 Mar 5 11:13
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 22204 Mar 5 11:13 old.bin.grep
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 21667 Mar 5 11:13 old.egrep
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 15760 Mar 5 11:13 old.fgrep
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 17720 Mar 5 11:13 old.ucb.grep
-rw-rw---- 1 407 35368 Mar 5 11:12 tags
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 8020 Feb 19 00:01 termcap_p.a
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 28456 Mar 5 11:14 vfontedpr
-rwxrwxrwx 1 407 5645 Mar 5 11:14 vgrindefs
-r--r--r-- 1 407 3456 Mar 5 11:16 yaccpar %15: ps aux
root 0 5.3 23.96.60M1.91M . S < 0:52 /mach_server
root 79 1.8 1.72.21M 136K co R 0:00 ps aux
ylo 56 1.0 2.82.29M 232K co S 0:02 -csh (csh)
root 17 0.0 0.82.14M 64K . S 0:00 /etc/update
root 27 0.0 1.22.16M 100K 01 S 0:00 - std.9600 tty01 (getty)
root 1 0.0 1.22.17M 96K . S 0:00 /mach_servers/mach_init -sa
root 28 0.0 1.22.16M 100K 02 S 0:00 - std.9600 tty02 (getty) %16: ifconfig ls0
ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): no such interface %17: ifconfig sl0
sl0: flags=11<UP,POINTOPOINT>
inet --> netmask ffffff00 %18: cd .. %19: ls -l
total 23
drwxrwxrwx 3 407 512 Feb 27 02:24 adm
drwxrwxrwx 2 407 1024 Mar 7 20:18 bin
drwxrwxr-x 4 407 512 Mar 7 20:22 dict
---------- 0 root 0 Dec 31 1969 etc
drwxrwxr-x 4 407 1024 Mar 7 20:21 games
drwxrwxr-x 3 407 512 Mar 7 20:19 gnu
drwxrwxrwx 19 407 1536 Mar 7 20:17 include
drwxrwxrwx 5 407 1024 Mar 7 20:18 lib
drwxrwxrwx 5 407 512 Mar 7 20:19 local
drwxr-xr-x 7 root 4096 Mar 7 20:09 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx 3 407 512 Mar 7 20:18 man
drwxrwxrwx 2 407 512 Feb 14 18:08 msgs
drwxrwxrwx 2 407 512 Feb 14 18:08 new
drwxrwxrwx 2 407 512 Feb 14 18:08 old
drwxrwxrwx 2 407 512 Feb 15 12:45 preserve
crwxrwxrwx 1 407 0, 6 Jan 20 00:47 spool
-rw-rw-r-- 1 407 9436 Feb 19 23:49 tmp
---------- 0 root 0 Dec 31 1969 ucb

[ looks like the file system is somewhat corrupted from earlier testing ... ] %20: cd /u/staff %21: ls -l
total 6
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 cessu
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 hsu
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 jem
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 jhe
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 jkp
drwxrwxr-x 3 407 512 Mar 14 08:57 jtp
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 jtv
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 20 00:00 jvh
drwxrwxr-x 3 407 512 Mar 8 15:29 kivinen
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 ojala
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 pipe
drwxrwxr-x 2 ylo 512 Mar 20 03:03 ylo %22: du
234 ./jvh
./kivinen/.screen: Permission denied
36 ./kivinen
10 ./pipe
./jtp/.screen: Permission denied
10 ./jtp
113 ./ylo
10 ./jtv
1 ./cessu
81 ./hsu
3 ./jem
35 ./jkp
16 ./ojala
2 ./jhe
550 . %23: cd jkp %24: ls %25: cd ../hsu %26: ls %27: cd ../kivinen %28: ls %29: cd ../jvh %30: ls
core %31: ls -al
total 235
drwxrwxr-x 2 407 512 Mar 20 00:00 .
drwxrwxr-x 14 407 512 Mar 7 20:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 1125 Mar 2 20:21 .Xdefaults
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 1521 Mar 2 20:21 .cshrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 11357 Mar 2 20:21 .emacs
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 2088 Mar 2 20:21 .emacs.~1~
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 14 Mar 2 20:21 .forward
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 12118 Mar 2 20:21 .history
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 431 Mar 2 20:21 .login
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 897 Mar 2 20:21 .mailrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 2 Mar 2 20:21 .msgsrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 3760 Mar 2 20:21 .newsrc-otax
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 6158 Mar 2 20:21 .newsrc-otax.el
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 33223 Mar 2 20:21 .newsrc-santra
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 49706 Mar 2 20:21 .newsrc-santra.el
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 313 Mar 2 20:21 .plan
-rwxr-xr-x 1 407 183 Mar 2 20:21 .profile
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 1 Mar 2 20:21 .project
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 338 Mar 2 20:21 .rdist
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 621 Mar 2 20:21 .rhosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 572 Mar 2 20:21 .screenrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 290 Mar 2 20:21 .sigu
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 11565 Mar 2 20:21 .twmrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 407 665 Mar 2 20:21 .xhosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 407 1669 Mar 2 20:21 .xinitrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 jvh 81920 Mar 20 02:51 core %32: top
last pid: 90; load averages: 1.00, 0.97, 0.94 03:10:31
6 processes, 1 running, 5 sleeping
Memory: 5.30M (2.54M) real, 13.2M (13.2M) virtual, 2.16M free

90 ylo 0 0 2.25M 184K R 0:00 11.5% top
56 ylo 0 0 2.29M 228K S 0:03 0.6% csh
1 root 0 0 2.17M 92K S 0:00 0.0% mach_init
27 root 0 0 2.16M 96K S 0:00 0.0% getty
17 root 0 0 2.14M 64K S 0:00 0.0% update
28 root 0 0 2.16M 96K S 0:00 0.0% getty %3


NS32000 ROM Debugger
Version: Sat Jul 14 19:25:31 PDT 1990
RAM free above 0x1554

Command (? for help): read 1 2000 400 10
Command (? for help): run 2020
ns532_init: delaycount=3123
PC532 boot: total memory 8 megabytes
Kernel from 0x18000000: code 217088, data 39028, bss 10516, symbols 47452 bytes
Available physical space from 0x59000 to 0x7ff000
[ preserving 0xb95c bytes of mach symbol table ]
Breakpoint at _Debugger+0x3: bpt
db> c
Mach 3.0 VERSION(XMK30): Fri Mar 8 19:44:08 EET 1991; kernel/STD+PC532 (

Mach 3.0 VERSION(XUX18): Wed Mar 6 04:21:40 EET 1991; server/STDVICE+ANY+sl (

Available memory = 7.25 megabytes
Using up to 206 buffers
Base is Tue Mar 19 23:57:17 1991
Current time is Tue Mar 19 23:58:56 1991
Time is set to Tue Mar 19 23:58:56 1991
Executing /.profile
# cd /bin
# ls -lag
total 2313
drwxrwxrwx 2 root mach 1024 Mar 8 14:12 .
drwxrwxrwx 14 407 mach 512 Mar 13 14:05 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 2 root mach 10745 Mar 5 11:13 [
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 37453 Feb 28 19:46 ar
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 78244 Feb 28 19:46 as
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 72161 Mar 5 11:12 awk
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 17587 Mar 5 11:13 cat
-rwsrwxr-x 3 root mach 30509 Mar 5 11:12 chfn
-rwxrwxr-x 2 root mach 23689 Mar 5 11:14 chgrp
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 13306 Mar 5 11:13 chmod
-rwsrwxr-x 3 root mach 30509 Mar 5 11:12 chsh


-rwxrwsrwx 1 root kmem 66716 Mar 5 11:12 top
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 22568 Mar 5 11:12 tp
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 7 Mar 5 11:13 true
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 29262 Mar 1 00:44 ucp
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root daemon 11 Mar 8 14:12 vi -> /usr/ucb/ex
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 23505 Mar 5 11:13 wall
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 21969 Mar 5 11:13 who
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mach 24034 Mar 5 11:13 write
# exit
# ^D
Tue Mar 19 23:59:37 EST 1991
ufs_mount: file system not cleaned -- please fsck

3.0 MACH ( (console)

login: root
# who
root console Mar 19 23:59
# trap: user mode unrecoverable page fault pc=0x11d93 addr=0x7d203b29
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = d4 i_size = d4 offset = 0 size = 1000

# who
root console Mar 19 23:59
jvh tty01 Mar 19 23:59
# ps axgu
root 0 23.2 20.37.04M1.62M . S < 0:25 /mach_server
jvh 39 8.0 5.72.62M 464K 01 S 0:00 emacs hello.c
root 40 6.0 1.62.20M 128K co R 0:00 ps axgu
root 26 0.7 2.82.28M 228K co S 0:01 -csh (csh)
root 28 0.0 1.22.16M 100K 02 S 0:00 - std.9600 tty02 (getty)
root 15 0.0 0.82.14M 64K . S 0:00 /etc/update
root 1 0.0 1.22.17M 100K . S 0:00 /mach_servers/mach_init -sa
jvh 27 0.0 6.72.61M 548K 01 S 0:06 -tcsh (tcsh)
Message from on tty01 at 0:02 ...

# write jvh
# top
last pid: 51; load averages: 0.36, 0.08, 0.07 00:03:40
8 processes, 1 running, 5 sleeping, 2 stopped
Memory: 4.89M (3.29M) real, 18.5M (18.5M) virtual, 2.57M free

51 root 0 0 2.25M 184K R 0:00 9.3% top
26 root 0 0 2.28M 224K S 0:01 0.4% csh
27 jvh 0 0 2.61M 564K S 0:07 0.0% tcsh
39 jvh 0 0 2.62M 464K T 0:00 0.0% emacs
15 root 0 0 2.14M 64K S 0:00 0.0% update
28 root 0 0 2.16M 96K S 0:00 0.0% getty
43 root 0 0 2.28M 232K T 0:00 0.0% csh
1 root 0 0 2.17M 96K S 0:00 0.0% mach_init
# com0: received break
kernel: keyboard interrupt
Stopped at _machine_idle+0x4: exit []
db> sh a th
task 0x18839ab8: 8 threads:
thread 0x18839da0 W N _vm_page_free_wanted
thread 0x18839f80 R pri = 31, 0u 267s 666631c
thread 0x1883a160 W N _reaper_queue
thread 0x1883a3c0 W N _swapin_queue
thread 0x1883a5a0 W N _thread_swap_tick
thread 0x1883a780 W N 0
thread 0x1883a9a0 W N _io_done_list
thread 0x1883ac80 W N _net_rcv_msg_queue
task 0x1883ae60: thread 0x1883afdc W 0
task 0x1883b8d8: 12 threads:
thread 0x1883ba54 W 0
thread 0x188428b0 W 0
thread 0x18842aa4 W 0
thread 0x18842c98 W 0
thread 0x188433dc W 0
thread 0x1884964c W 0
thread 0x1884a87c W 0
thread 0x1884d000 W 0
thread 0x1884e000 W 0
thread 0x1884e6c4 W 0
thread 0x1884dcd8 W 0
thread 0x18851eec W 0
task 0x18848c58: thread 0x188491a8 W 0
task 0x188518bc: thread 0x18851bc4 W 0
task 0x188530c4: thread 0x188533cc W 0
task 0x1884aa5c: thread 0x1884ac44 W 0
task 0x1884d9d0: thread 0x1884eae8 W 0
task 0x18855994: thread 0x18855c8c WS 0
task 0x18857450: thread 0x1885767c WS 0
db> sh reg
r0 0
r1 0x80
r2 0x188428fe _end+0x801776
r3 0
r4 0x1803f57c _processor_array
r5 0x1803f690 _processor_array+0x114
r6 0
r7 0
sp 0xefd28 _end+0x7b7d4
ksp 0x19950f84 _end+0x190fdfc
fp 0x19950fb0 _end+0x190fe28
sb 0
pc 0x18033aa8 _machine_idle+0x4
psr 0x4cc80840 <i z>
f0 0
f1 0
f2 0
f3 0
f4 0
f5 0
f6 0
f7 0
fsr 0x10000 <rmb roundm=Nearest trapt=None>
intbase 0x180027f6 _intvectors
ptb 0x7df000 _end+0x76aaac
ivar 0
tear 0x5aaa65 _end+0x536511
mcr 0x3 <ts tu>
msr 0xab <sst=Data transfer tex=1st PTE inv>
dcr 0 <>
dsr 0 <>
car 0
bpc 0
cfg 0xbf6 <ic dc de m f>
_machine_idle+0x4: exit []
db> trace /u
_machine_idle(0,0,0,0,0,1803f680,1803f1f0) at _machine_idle+0x4
_idle_thread() at _idle_thread+0x6e
db> c

Message from on tty01 at 0:04 ...
what's going on?

# write jvh
Just demo.
# ps agxu
root 0 8.0 21.17.14M1.69M . S < 0:33 /mach_server
root 26 0.7 2.72.28M 220K co S 0:01 -csh (csh)
root 43 0.0 2.82.28M 232K 01 T 0:00 -u (csh)
root 28 0.0 1.22.16M 96K 02 S 0:00 - std.9600 tty02 (getty)
jvh 39 0.0 5.72.62M 464K 01 T 0:00 emacs hello.c
jvh 27 0.0 6.92.61M 564K 01 S 0:07 -tcsh (tcsh)
root 15 0.0 0.82.14M 64K . S 0:00 /etc/update
root 1 0.0 1.22.17M 96K . S 0:00 /mach_servers/mach_init -sa
root 54 0.0 1.62.20M 128K co R 0:00 ps agxu
# kill 27
# kill -9 27
# cat > /etc/nologin
No logins allowed. Demo in progress.
# who
root console Mar 19 23:59
root tty01 Mar 20 00:04
Message from on tty01 at 0:04 ...
core wars?
# write root tty01
Oh no! Back again.

3.0 MACH ( (console)


3.0 MACH ( (console)

login: kivinen
No logins allowed. Demo in progress.

3.0 MACH ( (console)

login: root
# /etc/shutdown +1 "Demo is over..."
Shutdown at 00:10 (in 1 minute) [pid 96]

^G^G *** System shutdown message from ***

System going down in 60 seconds
... Demo is over...

# ps agx
0 . S < 1:01 /mach_server
1 . S 0:00 /mach_servers/mach_init -sa
15 . S 0:00 /etc/update
55 01 S 0:00 -csh (csh)
28 02 S 0:00 - std.9600 tty02 (getty)
93 co S 0:00 -csh (csh)
96 co S 0:00 /etc/shutdown +1 Demo is over...
97 co R 0:00 ps agx

*** FINAL System shutdown message from ***

System going down in 30 seconds

# sync
# sync
# sync
# date
Wed Mar 20 00:10:47 EST 1991

*** FINAL System shutdown message from ***

System going down IMMEDIATELY

System shutdown time has arrived
(inode_pager)data_write: not mapped
inode_size = 3a i_size = 3a offset = 0 size = 1000
Executing /.profile
# /etc/halt
syncing disks... 2 2 done
System halted.
Press RESET or power off and on to restart.
Trying to return to monitor...

Command (? for help):
[hanging up...]
1.850u 13.330s 14:07.89 1% 20+13k 6+2io 0pf+0w
spiff (0:18) /u/users/kivinen>exit


Johannes Helander, Research Associate | Internet:
Laboratory of Computer Science | UUCP: mcsun!hutcs!jvh
Helsinki University of Technology | Fax: +358-0-451-3293
Room U405B, Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland | Voice: +358-0-451-3233

Alvin Jee

Mar 19, 1991, 4:24:28 PM3/19/91
In article <> (gregory.g.thain) writes:
> My pc532 is almost working! After many months of obtaining parts,
>tools, a diploma and gainful employment, I find myself with my pc532
>fully soldered. At power-on time, all 4 LEDS light, but nothing on the
>terminal. Any suggetions? Time to go over the board, and look for
>cold joints (again?). What is the order of the things that the monitor
>does? i.e. If the LEDS come on, how much has sucessfully executed?

Me too! I get LED's, pulses on the ICU..., but no DUART activity. I
checked around and the DUART pin on the IODEC never gets blipped. It
looks like the CPU gets lost after it sets the LED's--the DRAM seems
to get selected, but it shouldn't be (right?). Basically, HELP! I
don't have an o'scope yet, so probing around with my trusty Radio
Shack logic probe is pretty much all I can do for now--until I
drag the box up to the campus electronics labs.

Anyways, I went a got a couple of hex displays and hooked them up to
the LED outputs. Turns out that they fit perfectly in the "speed indicator"
holes that are in most tower and mini tower cases. Now I can watch the
LED lines on the outside of the computer (ooohhh aaahh!).

Oh, I've got 4 1meg simms in the thing without the PARITY pal in place.
I've followed the two major debugging postings I found in this group,
but I think that my board gets along farther than the postings go.

Alvin Jee

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