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BAD TRADER: John(Jack) Templeton

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Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Here's another bad trader for all to beware.

John Templeton
<<street address witheld>>
Ballwin MO 63011

Web Site :


This guy will lull you with a good stream of e-mail correspondance,
claim to be shipping your discs, and as soon as you ship to him,
he'll disappear. Supposedly, he sent a 9 disc trade out on Oct 9.
I sent his discs 3 days later (I let him know I was behind, but they
were coming). Didn't answer his e-mails until week before last
when he claimed it had been "hectic", and he was a "looser" (yah,
i know, but that's what he claimed.....looser), and would get my
discs out within 48 hours. No more e-mail response since then.

So......don't be a chump like me.....avoid this looser!



Dec 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/2/99
Thanks for the Information .


Dec 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/14/99
I have worked for the band for over 20+ years and have one of the largest and
widest variety of collections in the world and never did anyone wrong your
reputation is something actually the only thing you can take to your grave and
be proud of hang the sonofabitch taking hard working peoples money that they
think are going to get a certain item cause they enjoy the stones and there
music and it makes them happy and some little shithead comes along and rips
people off! I swear I see when he is home Keith 1-2 times a week sometimes and
he does not care about bootlegs but I swear give me this guys address and he
will meet Keith in the worst way and his dreams will be crushed when his mentor
calls him a fucking slug and say's YOU ARE A A HOLE that will stay with him
forever and then see if it was worth whatever amount of $$ he stole from people
right!! Mike DeCaro

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