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{ASS} A Christmas Triple -- Three Stories by Kim (FM, rom)

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Ghost Ex Machina

Dec 25, 1997, 8:00:00 AM12/25/97


My apologies for anyone hoping for new stories as all of these have been
seen before, either on ASSD or Malinov's website. They are, however, being
seen here in ASS and ASSM for the first time.

They are three stories all tied to Christmas in some way. The first two are
my submissions to Malinov's Christmas Orgy website. I urge you to point your
browser at to have a
really great and festive time. There are many stories by much better authors
than myself there, and it's all held together brilliantly by my favorite Lord,
and good friend Malinov, a writer of exceeding talent. I have, in fact,
written a third and longer piece set in Mal's castle, but only one other
has read it and only they will decide if it should ever see the light of
day. A little Christmas mystery for you to conjure with <smile>.

The third story here can also be blamed on Malinov. He and I entered into a
friendly contest to see who could improvise a Christmas story in under thirty
minutes. His were better than mine, of course, but I was kinda pleased with
this, as it's unlike anything I've ever written before, it being third person
and completely lacking in any lesbians <smile>.

Enjoy your Christmas, and have a great time.

Love and Kisses


All works here are copyright.

A Quiet Rooftop Orgy
by Kim

I pushed open the heavy door and walked out onto the turret's roof. Rob
was standing alone on the other side, one foot nonchalantly resting on a dip
in the battlements. He turned to look at me, as the light spilled out from the
stairwell and illuminated the roof.

Unusually for him he was wearing an elegant tuxedo. He looked so
handsome and debonair, I hardly recognized him. I closed the door behind
me and the roof was once more plunged into darkness. I stood looking out
to sea, waiting for my eyes to adjust. The bitterly cold December wind blew
my hair in a whipping frenzy. My tight full length evening gown now clung
to me like a second skin. I could feel my nipples respond to the sudden chill
and erect painfully against the thin material of my dress.

Rob tried to speak, but the wind pulled the words from his mouth and flung
them away before I had chance to hear. He continued to speak, I could see
his warm breath on the wind. I shook my head at him and smiled. He smiled
back and put his arms out for me to come to him.

Despite the bitter cold I slowly raised my right hand and pushed my very
thin shoulder straps off my body. I reached round and pulled the zip down
its full length. With a slow wave of my shoulders my second skin slid
sensuously to the floor. I closed my eyes and shivered, but not from the
biting wind. Being naked before nature and my beloved was a fantasy come

Rob stood open mouthed, staring at me. I stepped out of the silken puddle
at my feet and, clad only in hold-up stockings and heels, did my best cat-
walk slink across the castle roof to his waiting arms.

When I was less than a yard from him I stopped. With a wicked grin I
slowly revealed the sprig of mistletoe I had been hiding behind my back. He
grinned back at the surprise. He raised his eyes to indicate I should hold it
aloft. I shook my head and held it primly just above my bush. I eased my
feet apart and tilted my head to one side. Rob's smile broadened into a full
fledged grin. Without another word he dropped to his knees and gave me
my Christmas kiss.

Behind us the door opened and the sounds of the partying wafted up
sufficiently to overcome the wind. I stood illuminated as if lit by a spot light,
stroking the head of my lover as he licked me. We didn't stop. The door
closed and for a moment I thought we were alone again. I heard the
footsteps getting closer behind me, but I didn't turn round. Things were
getting too close to worry much about passing voyeurs.

Malinov leaned his head over my shoulder and looked down at Rob's head. I
opened my eyes and turned to look at him.

"Merry Christmas Rob," he called down to my beloved. There was a
grunted reply, which actually added to my pleasure.

Merry Christmas Kim," Malinov said to me. He held another sprig of
mistletoe over my head and puckered up his lips to me. I smiled and kissed
him. I had to break off the kiss as the first waves of orgasm began to
overtake me and I groaned out loud.

My legs began to tremble and I involuntarily grasped two handfuls of Rob's
hair. After the last few waves of pleasure had died away I opened my eyes
again and was surprised to see Malinov still close by.

"Nice castle," was all I could think to say. He laughed and smacked me on
my naked ass.

"Glad you're enjoying the party," he said, as he turned to go back
downstairs. We were, but it was now my turn to give Rob his Christmas
kiss. I retrieved the dropped mistletoe and tucked it into the waistband of
his pants. My lips were turning blue from the cold, but I knew of a very
good way to warm them again.

The End

******** Second Story ********

Dark Doings in the Dungeons
By Kim

After the rooftop orgasm I was feeling kind of mellow and at peace with
myself, my man, and the world in general. I was also in need of some
warmth. We decided to do the tourist bit and go on a tour of the castle.

Arm in arm we descended the stairs and randomly chose a corridor to stroll
down. Some of the doors were open and the sound of giggles, shrieks and
groans could be heard coming from most of them. I wondered just how
much the world population would swell in nine months time.

At the end of the long corridor we found three more going off in different
directions. I let Rob choose this time. We found ourselves at the top of yet
another set of stairs. I had to lift my head from his shoulder as we bounced
down the steps.

Yet more corridors. I chose left. We ambled along in no great hurry.

"We're lost, aren't we?" I said, smiling.

"Nah, we couldn't be," he said. Why is it men will never admit to being lost?

We pressed on. At the end of this one was a small door. We looked at each
other and shrugged. I opened it to see some small stone spiral stairs
disappearing down into the gloom below. I couldn't be bothered to go all
the way back the way we had come. I knew we should be heading in a
downward direction, if we were to be reunited with the main hall and the
food and drink.

I started down, Rob thought it not a good idea but he followed me anyway.
It was too tight to descend side by side. They went on for ages and I was
beginning to get a little dizzy. I could hear what I thought were voices and
laughter coming up from below.

After what seemed like hours the stairs eventually stopped at a small
landing. The place was lit by a faint eerie glow coming from under another
small door just like the one at the top of the stairs. I was glad I kept in
shape, but even in my state of fitness I wouldn't have liked to go back up
the stairs.

I sat on the bottom step waiting for Rob to catch up. It was cold on my
butt. Slinky dresses and no panties may look sexy, but they provide little
protection from cold stone. Rob eventually stumbled into view, panting
from exertion. I stood up and gave him a hug. If only I could pursued him to
come to the gym with me, even if only once a week.

I pulled open the door and stepped into the middle ages. A woman was on
the other side of the room, being held in a pillory. She was bent at the waist
with her head and hands held between two pieces of wood that had cut-outs
for them.

The room was lit by a brazier blazing away in the corner. I'd stopped still on
entering and so Rob barrelled into me propelling me further into the room.

"Ah, another willing victim for our charitable bash," said a happy looking
man, emerging form the shadows.

"Or have you come to donate?" the man said turning to Rob. There was
some buckets of water with small sponges floating in them on the floor. The
man shook another bucket at us. It contained money.

"It's a pound a throw, all money going to charity, though I will accept all
currencies" he beamed. Rob leaned over to me and whispered.

"You know darlin', I've always wanted to see you in a pillory," he said,
chuckling. I gave him a dirty look. But hell, it was supposed to be an orgy
wasn't it? You left your inhibitions at the door with your coat. And it was in
a good cause. And... and. I was suddenly wet at the prospect. Terrific I
thought, another chance to humiliate myself in public. As much as I huffed
and puffed, my pussy wouldn't let me off the hook. I agreed to do it.

The man smiled and offered me his hand. Like a proper English gentleman
he escorted me to the pillory that held the woman. Her face was drenched
and her dark hair stuck to her face. She twisted her head to try and look at
me, attempting to blow her hair from her face and failing miserably. I
smoothed it from her face and said hi. The man flipped the catch on the side
and lifted the top half clear of her neck and wrists.

She lifted herself up and thanked me for brushing the hair from her face. She
gave me a smile and told me to enjoy myself. I put my hands and head into
the cut-outs. I was glad to see they were lined with soft padded leather. The
top half shut with a snap, locking me in place. I experimentally tried to
pulled my hands free but the padded leather held them firmly. I really
couldn't get out without someone unlocking me. I was about to ask the
other woman her name when a sopping wet sponge hit my left hand with a
thump. Water splashed across my face and I instinctively shut my eyes.

I held them tight shut expecting another sponge to hit me in the face at any
moment. It didn't come. I opened my eyes. Rob was busy talking to the
woman. She was giggling and touching him on the arm. One of her feet was
lifted off the floor and she had the joint of her left index finger in her mouth.
She was looking straight into Rob's eyes. He was entranced. Fucking typical
I thought morosely. Chain your girlfriend up and start flirting with another
woman. Bastard!

I was about to call out that if he wasn't going to pelt me, he could at least
let me out of this. He turned and left the room with the woman, still deep in
conversation. I was mortified. Boy was he in trouble now. But then so was
I, as I very quickly found out.

"Well, Kim, it looks like we might be in a bit of a bind, doesn't it?" a voice
said from behind me. I didn't recognize it and I couldn't see who it was. I
felt a hand on my ass and I shrieked in surprise.

"Oh, I don't think we need any Knights coming to your rescue now do we?"
he said.

"Now look buster, this has gone on far enou... " I didn't get any further as
something large and firm was pushed into my mouth. I tried to spit it out
and shake it free, but hands held me firmly while it was buckled behind my

My head was held down until both my assailants disappeared out of my line
of sight again. I felt a hand stroke my calf muscle. I tried to move it out of
the way, but there was only so far I could move it under the circumstances.
The hand slid up the inside of my leg till it was nearly at my stocking tops.
My dress had ridden up with the hand as it got closer to me unprotected

I tried to speak, to shout, but all that came out was muffled grunts. The
hand let go of my thigh but I could feel my dress pulled up and thrown
across my back. Well that was it, my hidden charms weren't so hidden

"You think we want to fuck you don't you?" the sinister voice whispered in
my ear. The thought had crossed my mind. Not being able to respond I just
grunted again.

"Think far too much of yourself, don't you?" he mocked. Damn him and his
dumb way of talking, ending everything he said with a question. I could only

The lights came on in the room and I found the pillory was on wheels. The
whole thing was spun round and I found my ass pointing down the shooting
range. I looked up and there was a big sign on the wall above my head.

"Repentant Reviewer Needs Punishing. One penny a whack. All money to

I groaned and sagged down onto the pillories soft padding. I could hear
them all entering the room behind me.

Rob came round the front and squatted down in front of me. He kissed me
gently on my cheek. He was grinning wickedly. He held up a leather strap
for me to look at.

"You did say you should be pilloried in public for the things you're written.
So I set this up with Malinov. Happy Christmas my love," he said. He
walked back round behind me. I could hear the swish of the leather strap as
he swung it through the air a few times.

"And this is for spending too much time in front of the damn computer," he
shouted, mostly for the sake of the assembled audience. The light leather
strap connected with a loud crack and I bucked in surprise. It was more
sonic than malicious. I felt the first trickle of juice run down my thigh. The
warmth of the blow accelerated me towards sexual overload.

He struck me four more times, each time more percussion than punch. I
writhed in pleasure, not pain. The thought that I was doing this in front of
everybody was messing with my head so much. I was distraught with
shame, but so turned on I could have taken them all on one after the other,
men and women, fingers, tongues, pricks, dildos, I didn't care I wanted
them to do me. Now.

I heard Rob hand the strap to somebody else.

"Hmmm, about your review you gave me. Three zeros as I recall." he
said. I closed my eyes and wished the floor would swallow me up.

An hour, and three orgasms, later I was released by Rob. Everyone else had
gone back up stairs to continue the party. My butt and the back of my thighs
were glowing like I'd been stood in front of the main hall's fires. My body
was soaked in sweat, my face a mess of tears and smudged makeup. I could
barely stand. My juices had dripped down to my knees. I smelt like a skunk
in heat. He undid the gag and pulled it out. I sobbed onto Rob's shoulder. I
was an emotional wreck. I had never been taken so far beyond my normal
sexual expectations.

"Thank you so much," I managed between sobs. He just held me.

"Please fuck me," I asked, quietly. So he did, right there on the floor of the

I couldn't think of any better Christmas present for him.

The End

******** Third Story ********

Silent Night
By Kim

There was an eerie silence hanging over the snow covered fields. It was
cloudless and God had seen fit to paint the sky a brilliant shade of electric
blue. The air was so sharp and clear it was possible to see clearly the other
trenches without the aid of binoculars.

Nothing moved and the silence continued. The men started to take quick
peeks above the rim, then ducked back down hastily. The peeks became
quick looks, that became long stares, that finally became continuos

After all the carnage and noise of the past months and years it seemed
impossible. A fantasy sent to haunt them. The British and the Germans
found themselves openly staring at each other and not lifting their rifles. It
was impossible but it was happening.

At first warily, and then casually, the men sauntered across no-mans land
and shook hands and wished each other a Merry Christmas. Some bottles of
whiskey and schnapps were produced and much back slapping and good
humor ensued. Soon a soccer match had been arranged and the pitch
marked out with trench coats and rifles for goal posts. Cheers and groans
matched the play on the field. Britain and Germany had always been a grudge
match after all.

Tony watched the game from a distance, smiling and sipping beer from a
hastily rinsed shaving mug.

A German soldier came and stood next to him. There was an awkward
silence between them. Eventually the German took one of his gloves off and
held it out to Tony in friendship. Tony hesitated a moment then shook the
man's hand.

He told him name was Gunther. Tony told him his. The conversation
continued in broken burst, as neither spoke the other's language very well.
They talked falteringly at first about soccer, then the pleasure in the brief
respite, and finally about their loved ones back home.

Tony pulled out a bent and faded photograph of his wife to show Gunther.
Gunther told him she was very lovely, and that he was a lucky man. When
Tony asked him if he had anyone back home Gunther coughed and became
quiet. After a few moments thought he shrugged and explained he didn't
care for the company of women in that sense.

Tony contemplated this piece of information for a moment. All his social
training screamed to rebuke the German. But deep down he knew the
strange feelings he had always felt when he'd lain with his wife. Not that he
didn't love her, he did more than anything he could imagine. And yet...
when he secretly stole looks at the other men in the changing rooms he
knew how he felt. What he secretly desired.

On seeing Tony's near encouragement, well at least he hadn't turned away
in disgust, he became more bold. He told Tony he thought he was a
handsome man. Both of them blushed and looked away from each other.
Tony considered returning the compliment, but he didn't get a chance.

The soccer match had finished and the commanders were ordering their
troops back to their respective trenches. Tony watched as the two sides
slowly peeled apart. He turned to look at Gunther one last time. He went to
shake his hand again but instead Gunther gave him a hug. Gunther
whispered "Good luck, Tommy". Tony whispered back "Good luck, Fritz".
They broke apart both with tears forming in their eyes.

Tony watched as Gunther made it back to his line. He turned and waved one
last time before dropping out of sight. Tony wiped the tears from his eyes
before anyone saw them. He never saw Gunther again, but he thought of
him often.

The End

Peace and love to you all.

December 97


I would like to extend a special Christmas thank you to my very dear friend
and "brother" The Bear, who is more than generous in giving me space on his

All my stories can be found at

None of them are available for commercial use, or can be put on a
personal website without my permission.

If you wish to write to me then the e-mail address is

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