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Booting NetBSD Faster

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Luke Mewburn

не прочитано,
28 сент. 2003 г., 23:36:2028.09.2003
On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 02:21:05AM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
| >From /.:
| ``IBM's DeveloperWorks explains how to decrease boot times for your
| Linux box. The concept is to load system services in parallel when
| possible.''
| I wonder how we could do the same in NetBSD.
| Maybe let rcorder start the services (on demand?), instead of just
| printing some order? Adding an option to make it print services that can
| be printed in parallel on one line ("s1\n s21 s22 s23\n s3") which won't
| harm when used in ``s, and another switch to actually start things
| (possibly in parallel)?

This seems like a reasonable idea, and wouldn't take much effort
within /etc/rc to implement.

The hardest bit would be hacking rcorder to support such a flag. :-)

Perry E. Metzger

не прочитано,
29 сент. 2003 г., 10:02:4729.09.2003

Luke Mewburn <> writes:
> This seems like a reasonable idea, and wouldn't take much effort
> within /etc/rc to implement.
> The hardest bit would be hacking rcorder to support such a flag. :-)

There is more to it than that. You also want the output from the
various services starting serialized, and it would also likely be
necessary to fiddle with things like handling of keyboard interrupts
from the console which are now directed to the script currently executing...

Perry E. Metzger

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