> I think we should rename this alt.os.flame.wars. I just pray to God
> that we don't get any Amiga users in here. Then we'd be in some
> serious trouble!
Hey! I resemble that! ;)
Either way, even WE think 'ol Billy boy Gates should be assasinated, too.
> ---
> Alex Suter
> asu...@leland.stanford.edu
> "We've upped our standards, so up yours!"
MikeB, Owner of a 486 running As*/too and an Amiga 3000
Sex, Amiga, and Rock'n Roll!!!
> A pretty obvious question.. does Bill read this group? Can he be reached by email?
Since his little elves have been posting here, bet on him reading, too.
And probably laughing his head off at all of the stupid statements people
make that are a mile off target. I suspect he's got a thick enough skin
that this is entertainment for him.
Or perhaps he'll "buy" the Net and kill this group. :-)
---------- -----------
Andy Patrizio "I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important
Stamford, CT, USA operating system, and possibly program, of all time."
a...@world.std.com something Bill Gates probably wishes he'd never said.
>ve...@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Jason Verch) writes:
>> A pretty obvious question.. does Bill read this group? Can he be reached
>> by email?
>Since his little elves have been posting here, bet on him reading, too.
No way. He (like any multibillionaire) is surrounded by filters who
decide what's best for him to see/hear. Bill Gates on the Net--what a
concept. That's almost as funny as having President Bill on the Net.
>And probably laughing his head off at all of the stupid statements people
>make that are a mile off target. I suspect he's got a thick enough skin
>that this is entertainment for him.
I think the truth is 180 degrees away. I think that's the reason for his
recent authorized autobiography, after Cringley's treatment of him in
"I put one in each eye and two up each nostril." -- Agent Cooper
The next most obvious question, where can I ftp pictures of bill? Is there an
archive site?
>In article <C5sH5...@world.std.com> a...@world.std.com (Andy R Patrizio)
>>ve...@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Jason Verch) writes:
>>> A pretty obvious question.. does Bill read this group? Can he be reached
>>> by email?
>>Since his little elves have been posting here, bet on him reading, too.
>No way. He (like any multibillionaire) is surrounded by filters who
>decide what's best for him to see/hear. Bill Gates on the Net--what a
Yeah, I agree, that's about as likely as, say, Bill Gates using an ice cream
coupon at a 7-11!
Mike Bandy ba...@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu
Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory
>No way. He (like any multibillionaire) is surrounded by filters who
>decide what's best for him to see/hear. Bill Gates on the Net--what a
>concept. That's almost as funny as having President Bill on the Net.
funny, I don't see Gates that way. At most industry events, he's often in
the thick of things. I can't see him being shielded by a bunch of handlers.
>I think the truth is 180 degrees away. I think that's the reason for his
>recent authorized autobiography, after Cringley's treatment of him in
I've suspected Cringley was Stewart Alsop, but my boss disagrees. I
haven't read the book, so I can't comment. But if he was really sensitive
to what people said, don't you think he would have changed a few things
(behavior, appearance, etc) when the press ragged on him?
Aw, come on Bill. Raise your hand. Say hi to your fans. :-)
>funny, I don't see Gates that way. At most industry events, he's often in
>the thick of things. I can't see him being shielded by a bunch of handlers.
Check out Spencer Katt's column in this week's PCWeek.
>I've suspected Cringley was Stewart Alsop, but my boss disagrees.
I've had lunch with Cringely. Cringely is NOT Stewart Alsop.
Evan Torrie. Stanford University, Class of 199? tor...@cs.stanford.edu
Civilisation is the progress toward a society of privacy.
>I've suspected Cringley was Stewart Alsop, but my boss disagrees.
Either Byte of Dr. Dobb's Journal, probably DDJ, said who Robert X.
Cringely was when they reviewed the book. The said something like,
"It's no big secret within the industry the Robert X. Cringely is
Infoworld's XXX," and they went on to complain about someone writing
a book like that and hiding being a pseudonym.
Cringley will often relate andecdotes about how he shows his driver's
license to people, and they refuse to believe that there really is
a Robert X. Cringley. If your boss believes RXC is a real person,
he's probably fallen for one of those stories.
I'll try to find the reference in DDJ. I know it's probably not
the best thing to post that RXC's identitiy is no secret and then
not tell you who it is. Maybe someone else knows?
/ Bob Rusbasan | Dance to the tension \
/ rusb...@mentor.cc.purdue.edu | of a world on edge \
SORRY folks. I've been off having severe bouts of cyber-sex...
First, let me say that Andy R Patrizio - my respect for him has
increased markedly, since he's bringing himself and his brain,
instead of merely behaving like a child with an attention-deficit
disorder. So keep it up - after a while, the fact that you bash
DOS (the thing people get irritated most with you for, that I can
tell) will just be known about you as part of your character,
maybe even tossed off with a giggle. Everyone's entitled to
their quirks and hobbyhorses.
Now, if I have said I would dedicate my life, and lose it, should it
come to that - to DESTROY UNIX - I DO NOT wish it to come to
this - but I cannot - I WILL NOT stand by and watch HUMANS BE
DESTROYED BY AN OPERATING SYSTEM which is NOT in conformity with my
Nostradamus predicted that SVR5 would be the last Unix. I hope to
live to see that day.
I'm not too sure what to think of this, folx...
If this is the real Bill Gates, send me private mail saying my connection
to the computer industry. He would know...
bi...@microsoft.com writes:
>disorder. So keep it up - after a while, the fact that you bash
>DOS (the thing people get irritated most with you for, that I can
>tell) will just be known about you as part of your character,
>maybe even tossed off with a giggle. Everyone's entitled to
>their quirks and hobbyhorses.
Have I bashed DOS? Aside from my .sig, I don't recall doing so. I'm not
keen on DOS, or OS/2, for that matter. I wish I could have kept my Amiga
3000. No computer on earth can multitask that easily in one meg of RAM and
no swap file. NT needs 16 meg of RAM and a 28 meg swap file.
Unfortunately, Commodore couldn't market heating blankets to eskimoes,
much less a proprietary computer system. Apple managed with the Mac, an
inferior computer if ever there was one, so it could be done. Apple has
John Sculley, Commodore has Irving "Impotent" Gould.
>Now, if I have said I would dedicate my life, and lose it, should it
>come to that - to DESTROY UNIX - I DO NOT wish it to come to
>this - but I cannot - I WILL NOT stand by and watch HUMANS BE
>DESTROYED BY AN OPERATING SYSTEM which is NOT in conformity with my
>Nostradamus predicted that SVR5 would be the last Unix. I hope to
>live to see that day.
Gee, that'll do wonders for your megalomania reputation. :-)
1) No one will destroy Unix, except Unix itself. Prior to COSE, I figured
its serious fragmentation would do it in.
2) NT will not steal Unix users, especially the devotees. They like open
systems, and NT is not open by any means. NT strikes me as Windows,
NetWare, and OS/2 rolled into one.
3) If Novell is gonna pay $350 million for Unix, they aren't gonna let it
die any time soon. :-) Then again, everyone expected them to do wonders
with DR DOS and we all see how well THAT went.
Instead of getting the guy who wrote VMS (*ack!*) Microsoft should have
acquired NeXT. I'm willing to bet that Jobs has more bills than me. :-) He
can be bought.
Isn't it funny how all Bill's postings go via Berlin?
\ / / Michael Williams Part II Computer Science Tripos
|\/|\/\ MJ...@phx.cam.ac.uk University of Cambridge
| |(__)Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Traddodiad Troi Teigrod Mwythus Ben I Waered
>a...@world.std.com (Andy R Patrizio) writes:
>; Aw, come on Bill. Raise your hand. Say hi to your fans. :-)
I add my "vote" (what was that about Usenet being an anarchy! :-) for the
"real billg" to push something out ... if for nothing else to see the
reaction of others. This is the longest I've stayed subscribed to an "alt"
group, but I don't know how much longer I can "hold" out.
BTW, we need a followup on a recent post - could you pls post the entire text
of the "official Microsoft Usenet Guide" ;-)
P.S. There actually has been some good technical points brought up about NT, but
I'm sure the Redmond guys have heard it before (ex: built-in NFS, X, and
"inbound" Telnet (i.e. multiuser) capability would really add to NT IMHO).
PPS. Now if you M/S guys/gals *really* had a sense of humour, we would see
a follow-up to billg's post *from* .de ... Being a Sysadmin in
"real-life" I (of course) can not condone such a thing!
This is of course 'required reading' for any ""fan"" of the 6 billion dollar man.
I found it to be extrememly entertaining (and accurate)...
Sean Curry
>>I'll try to find the reference in DDJ. I know it's probably not
>>the best thing to post that RXC's identitiy is no secret and then
>>not tell you who it is. Maybe someone else knows?
>He is one of the regular columnists (not Alsop) but I cannot recall
>which one.
>One time in an exchange of email with Cringely I asked him if
>Pammy (his literary foil . . . his alleged 20 year old fabulous
>blonde girlfriend) was real. He replied that Pammy is real,
>but he is not certain that HE is real.
I found the old email from Cringely. Here it is:
From Robert Cringely Jun 24 '91 at 10:08 pm
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 22:08 GMT
To: "Tad.Cook" <ssc!Tad....@uunet.uu.net>
Subject: RE: failed mail (fwd)
This week she's sunbathing, so the guys shouldn't be
disappointed. And yes, Pammy's for real. It's me who is
unreal. (It is I?)
| t...@ssc.com (if it bounces, use 328...@mcimail.com) |
| Tad Cook | Packet Amateur Radio: | Home Phone: |
| Seattle, WA | KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA | 206-527-4089 |
One time in an exchange of email with Cringely I asked him if
Pammy (his literary foil . . . his alleged 20 year old fabulous
blonde girlfriend) was real. He replied that Pammy is real,
but he is not certain that HE is real.
) If this is the real Bill Gates, send me private mail saying my connection
) to the computer industry. He would know...
Not only is this purported article from Bill Gates a fake,
it didn't even reach the machine it's supposedly posted
from (hexnut). I've only seen followups to it here, not the
/George V. Reilly <Geor...@Microsoft.Com>
Bill Gates is probably going to kill me for saying this on this
particular netgroup.....
My friend sent a Email to Bi...@microsoft.com and got a response back.
Something about NT being available this summer (I think).
Jared Evans Computer Science/Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology
INTERNET:jne...@ritvax.isc.rit.edu-------------------------------->Core dumped
To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so.
The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is 9.8 m/s^2
IBM seems to believe that when they urinate in something,it improves the flavor
Send all a.holes and flames to /dev/null INTERNET:THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY
To the first question: Why would he? He's a busy guy and probably only has
time to worry about platforms that either help or threaten him.
To the second question: Of course he can... but I'd suspect that trash mail
to him that comes from outside Microsoft gets pretty heavily filtered.
That's the way pathing works. He put hexnut in the path so the path
would look somewhat realistic. Because of this, "the net" think
hexnut has already seen it, so it doesn't get passed through hexnut
again. The same thing is useful to make sure certain people don't
see articles that you post.
I'm feeling homicidal - say _anything_
With 7 billion I would :)
adam frampton
PS: Just try bill....@microsoft.com or ga...@microsoft.com
Who knows?
>Yeah, I agree, that's about as likely as, say, Bill Gates using an ice cream
>coupon at a 7-11!
Bill at a 7-11 is an interesting concept in itself...
Mon Apr 26 02:06:29 est 1993
= Jared Quinn =
"I Give... You Take... This Life that I forsake... Been Cheated of my Youth"
Actually, 3.0 _does_ add some speed to machines that were running 1.3
or 2.0. A few things in the layers library were re-done and it's definitely
noticable. Moving windows around is quicker, and scrolling on screens
greater than 4 colors is really quicker. It's quite noticeable.
a...@qedbbs.com (Peter Dilley) or qed!aga
The QED BBS -- (310)420-9327
> My friend sent a Email to Bi...@microsoft.com and got a response back.
That's a real address, but it isn't Bill Gates. So leave it alone.
Sean Case
Sean Case g...@coombs.anu.edu.au
"Zut! A woman farmair liveeng weez a mernkee who eats brie!
Ah will make Chief Statistician weez zees!" -- Colquhoun
>That's a real address, but it isn't Bill Gates. So leave it alone.
Well, I sent mail there too. I got a response, and right now I'm trying to
verify it's authentifcy. I seems as if it could be real-- He said:
No i did not. I've never heard of the newsgroup.
my orginal message, including 4 line header was here
The software used to create the message was Microsoft Mail... so...
My endless search of the TRUE author continues...
"Authorized?" No such bird. _Gates_ by Maines and Andrews comes
the closest--they did manage to get 20 hours worth of interviews
with Gates himself, which is no mean feat--but it's far from having
been authorized.
Dail Magee, Jr. dai...@microsoft.com
Microsoft Press ...{uunet|uw-beaver}!microsoft!dailma
One Microsoft Way Disclaimer: These are my opinions; if you
Redmond, WA 98052 don't like 'em, I disclaim 'em.
How can an autobiography be _un_ authorized??
: > _Accidental_Empires_.
: "Authorized?" No such bird. _Gates_ by Maines and Andrews comes
: the closest--they did manage to get 20 hours worth of interviews
: with Gates himself, which is no mean feat--but it's far from having
: been authorized.
: --
: Dail Magee, Jr. dai...@microsoft.com
: Microsoft Press ...{uunet|uw-beaver}!microsoft!dailma
: One Microsoft Way Disclaimer: These are my opinions; if you
: Redmond, WA 98052 don't like 'em, I disclaim 'em.
Kamal Shaker, | cs...@luxury.latrobe.edu.au or sha...@latcs1.lat.oz.au
Student Vax Cluster, | %SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, alcohol quota exceeded,
La Trobe Uni, | stomach dumped.
There's enough water on earth to drown the human population 87.6 million times
In article <1993Apr27....@microsoft.com>
dai...@microsoft.com (Dail Magee Jr.) writes:
>In article <C5u2I...@sugar.neosoft.com> br...@NeoSoft.com
> (Brad Morrison) writes:
>> I think the truth is 180 degrees away. I think that's the reason for his
>> recent authorized autobiography, after Cringley's treatment of him in
>> _Accidental_Empires_.
>"Authorized?" No such bird. _Gates_ by Maines and Andrews comes
>the closest--they did manage to get 20 hours worth of interviews
>with Gates himself, which is no mean feat--but it's far from having
>been authorized.
That's how it was advertised in the Houston Chronicle a month ago. "The
only authorized biography of Silicon Valley's richest alumnus!"
"I put one in each eye and two up each nostril." -- Agent Cooper
> No i did not. I've never heard of the newsgroup.
> -billg
I got the same a week ago...
But I doubt BiLL actually wrote that...
Probably his slaves...
\ Eivind Hagen (Zynx/ArcEmpire) \/ Real Programmers do it recursively! /
/ eivind.hagen at kih.no /\ -And I *REALLY* hate WE!!! \
His 'slaves' who have $100000US in their savings plan? My my.
>\ Eivind Hagen (Zynx/ArcEmpire) \/ Real Programmers do it recursively! /
>/ eivind.hagen at kih.no /\ -And I *REALLY* hate WE!!! \
Dan Stephenson das...@usl.edu | "To conquer death, you only have to die" -JC
Silicon Valley??!? Sounds like they may have at least two facts
The story I heard was that "bi...@microsoft.com" is a staffer (a programmer or
something), and the "Thanks to billg" in the Windows 3.1 gang screen is a
decoy. Maybe this billg is simply having a joke with all the people who think
that he is Emperor BiLL.
Anybody want to guess what BiLL's real user-id is?
-- Andrew "g...@microsoft.com perhaps?" Bulhak
: --
: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
: \ Eivind Hagen (Zynx/ArcEmpire) \/ Real Programmers do it recursively! /
: / eivind.hagen at kih.no /\ -And I *REALLY* hate WE!!! \
: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
| Andrew Bulhak | |
| a...@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au | Eris is a Linux beta-tester. |
| Monash Uni, Clayton, | |
| Victoria, Australia | |
In point of fact it goes through math.fu-berlin.de which, if I'm not
mistaken, is a site well known for its open NNTP port, meaning that you can
forge articles to your heart's content. Note that uunet occurs twice in the
It may well have been written by someone from the USA who doesn't know any
other sites with open NNTP ports.
People with a conspiratorial and suspicious mind should of course note that
the fact that said article was forged does not necessarily mean that it
didn't come from Bill. After all - what better way to hide on the net than
by forging articles from yourself :-)
Just my two rubber ningis worth.
Name: Michael Chisnall (chis...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz)
I'm not a .signature virus and nor do I play one on tv.