So...How do we know that Asuka is born in 2001?
That is, how do we know that her birthday is the 4th of
December 2001. Which would make her 13 when the series
starts. Everyone seems to assume she was born in 2001, I
do too, but I haven't been able to find anything to back it up.
We know she was born on December 4th (same as Miyamura
Yuuko's birthday) but I have never been able to find any official
information on the year of her birth. If anyone could help I would
really appreciate it.
Michael Wignall
Well, Olivier gave us dates several times. Perhaps he states his source in
his original posting?
Kind regards
Disaster's Fan Fiction -
Pen^3's JAE FAQ -
The "date" (4th of December) is not in contention, see above. The
year however is.
Michael Wignall
"Tomorrow's just an excuse away..."
She is in the same year as Shinji and Rei at school?
Everyone in that year are the same age/candidates.. ?
Well perhaps the original source may have further information?
She also finished colledge, does that make her 28?
> Everyone in that year are the same age/candidates.. ?
Candidates are not the same age.
Actually, I'm not sure Gainax thought about that when they decided
their birthdates... ^^;
(and like Disaster said, Asuka wasn't in a Japanese school before that
anyway, so...)
No, but in Japan, you're supposed to be 13 on April the 1st, when you
begin your 2nd year of junior highschool, if I remember well...
Probably we don't.
From line 193:
EVA04.txt- him to be burdened with the destiny of humanity.
EVA04.txt-Ritsuko: We have no choice but to put the controls of Evas into the hands
EVA04.txt: of those 14-year-old children.
EVA04.txt-Misato: I know.
IMHO Ritsuko does know about Asuka when saying that (note the plural in
"those 14-year-old children" - if Shinji was meant, at least the
"those" would be a "that"). Why do I think that? Simple.
Ritsuko knows many things, I'd guess she also knows who the 2nd Children
is. She knows the 1st and the 3rd, she knows the numbering, and I guess
she knows also the 2nd. Who would not ask who the 2nd is if he/she knows
about a 1st and a 3rd?
Now I found something to conclude from that Ritsuko knows well about the
From line 398:
EVA04.txt-* Gendo, Ritsuko and Rei on a moving sidewalk.
EVA04.txt:Ritsuko: The Third Children is leaving Tokyo-3 tomorrow.
EVA04.txt-Gendo: Then we'll reconfigure the data of Unit One for Rei. Regardless of
EVA04.txt- the results of restarting Unit Zero, we'll start with that Unit.
EVA04.txt:Gendo: According to the Malduck Organization's report, the Fourth Children
EVA04.txt- has yet to be found.
EVA04.txt-Ritsuko: You mean that we cannot get more recruits for pilots.
So I conclude Ritsuko knows Asuka is 14 years old at the time episode 4
But IMHO it's still not enough information.
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$0;close X;}print''.reverse"\nsuriv lreP trohs rehtona tsuJ>RH<\n"});
####################### #######################
I think she is referring to Shinji's class generally, rather than any
specific group of pilots. Rei is only 10 after all, Kaoru comes in at
the end and is 15. Asuka is either 14 when the series starts and 15
when it ends, or 13 when it starts and 14 when it ends, likewise
Touji and Hikari would probably be in the same boat.
> So I conclude Ritsuko knows Asuka is 14 years old at the time
> episode 4 happens.
Again she doesn't name Asuka directly, but in a number of offical Eva
documents it has Asuka's "Age" as 14. But when does this "age"
come into play, she could be initially 13 and then turn 14 by the end
of the series, likewise she could be initially 14 and turn 15 by the
end of the series. For her to be 14 she would have to be born
less than 2 months after the 2nd Impact.
Right, that's also possible. But I still think it's impossible to say
anything about Rei's "age": when do you start counting the years of Rei?
Can't I also say that Rei III was younger than one year at the end?
> > So I conclude Ritsuko knows Asuka is 14 years old at the time
> > episode 4 happens.
> Again she doesn't name Asuka directly, but in a number of offical Eva
> documents it has Asuka's "Age" as 14. But when does this "age"
> come into play, she could be initially 13 and then turn 14 by the end
> of the series, likewise she could be initially 14 and turn 15 by the
> end of the series. For her to be 14 she would have to be born
> less than 2 months after the 2nd Impact.
There's only one thing we know about that: there was never a scene about
Asuka's birthday. But that does not mean it did not happen in the
Well she's from Germany and went through colledge early. I don't think it
counts this time.
You put to much meaning in her statement. It's a causal statement. I can
refer to an entire school of children by saying "those 16 year olds" and
mean everyone in every grade. It's a very casual reference of course.
Ritsuko is referring to the children via the assumed, general average of
their ages.
> Ritsuko knows many things, I'd guess she also knows who the 2nd Children
> is. She knows the 1st and the 3rd, she knows the numbering, and I guess
> she knows also the 2nd. Who would not ask who the 2nd is if he/she knows
> about a 1st and a 3rd?
> Now I found something to conclude from that Ritsuko knows well about the
> numbering:
> From line 398:
> EVA04.txt-
> EVA04.txt-* Gendo, Ritsuko and Rei on a moving sidewalk.
> EVA04.txt-
> EVA04.txt:Ritsuko: The Third Children is leaving Tokyo-3 tomorrow.
> EVA04.txt-
> EVA04.txt-Gendo: Then we'll reconfigure the data of Unit One for Rei.
Regardless of
> EVA04.txt- the results of restarting Unit Zero, we'll start with
that Unit.
> EVA04.txt-
> EVA04.txt:Gendo: According to the Malduck Organization's report, the
Fourth Children
> EVA04.txt- has yet to be found.
> EVA04.txt-
> EVA04.txt-Ritsuko: You mean that we cannot get more recruits for pilots.
> So I conclude Ritsuko knows Asuka is 14 years old at the time episode 4
> happens.
Just what exactly in that quote tells us that Ritsuko knows anything other
then they can't find another pilot and that Shinji is leaving?
Rei was "created" out of the salvaged remains of Yui from Eva-01.
Yui was only absorbed in 2004. In 2010 Rei-001 was said to be
5 when she was killed by Naoko Akagi. (which cues into when
the salvage operation on Eva-01 was supposed to take place, in
2005. That make the "entity" known as "Rei" around 10 in 2015.
In that there has been a Rei since 2005-ish.
That's assuming that all the Reis are the exact same age. We really
don't know anything about the cloning process to determine if all the
Reis are the same age, or whether during the "memory transfer"
operation or whatnot, they're brought up to speed chronologically.
I think Rei is too much of an X-Factor to reliably use her as a
Well, as all the clones were born at the same time and they all grew at
the same rate even if most of them did not have a soul. They are all the
same age.
Don't be ridiculous! We know more then enough about cloning and chronology
is not dependant on mental maturity.
I am talking "age since coming into existence". We are told that
Rei is 5 in 2010, so that would make her 10 in 2015. Besides
I think all the Rei's were "created" at the same time. From the
EOE theatrical program:
"Her body was created from the salvaged remains of Yui Ikari
after Yui was taken into the Eva, and numerous Rei clones
were then prepared in Terminal Dogma so that when one Rei
dies she can be replaced by another."
Rei was created then numerous Rei clones were created in
Terminal Dogma. All the Rei clones we see in episode 23
look to be the same age.
Which just happens to be what a chronological reference means.
> We are told that
> Rei is 5 in 2010, so that would make her 10 in 2015. Besides
> I think all the Rei's were "created" at the same time. From the
> EOE theatrical program:
> "Her body was created from the salvaged remains of Yui Ikari
> after Yui was taken into the Eva, and numerous Rei clones
> were then prepared in Terminal Dogma so that when one Rei
> dies she can be replaced by another."
> Rei was created then numerous Rei clones were created in
> Terminal Dogma. All the Rei clones we see in episode 23
> look to be the same age.
You said that you saw all the little feet come out of Lilith. If this is
the "birth" of the Rei clones then they would not just look the same age,
they would be.
That's correct if you mean the _body's_ age. But there are more
possibilities to start counting:
- as soon as the soul comes into the body
- as soon as the soul was 'created'
Normally these three ways to count the years result in the same age. But
when talking about Rei II or III, they're all different.
In that case, the time of the souls residencey is very short for II and
even shorter for III. However the souls creation is around the same age
as, oh say the big bang for all we know. However, the mind seems to keep
it's maturity from host clone to host clone. As Asuka has only appearances
to go by, Rei around the same age as her! However, the clones are all the
same age, 10, apparently.
I think one thing we're all missing here is that the children are a
generation after second impact . If from what I understand of
evangelion there arent that many people left on the earth (which makes
sense as an explosion in the antartic would melt it and cause masss
flooding on a global scale) . What I mean is the children would
probably be rushed through school or undergoe a more intensive
curriculam than waht we would associate with. Maybe thats why asuka
got to go to colleadge. And although they are young they tend to ahve
a more mature outlook on life than would generally be associated at
that age . And rei , how much of a clone is she in body and soul
Body wise , even Dr akagie mentions the resemblance to Yui , but
howmuch of that soul was transfered to rei , her body may be 10 years
old but her mentality probably is not.
>that age . And rei , how much of a clone is she in body and soul
>Body wise , even Dr akagie mentions the resemblance to Yui , but
>howmuch of that soul was transfered to rei , her body may be 10 years
>old but her mentality probably is not.
Yes, Rei is somewhere between 10 and 6 billion. :P~
"Who the h*** wants to hear actors talk?"
- H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927
Well the impression of maturity that we get is more likely to be the fault
of the VA's and the fact that we are watching Anime produced from a
matured mind. There's nothing to suggest that anyone is rushed through
school, in fact to me it looks like Shinji and his class mates are a
little behind! They are studying material that I learnt fairly early on as
I recall.
As for Rei, well her body is a clone, made from the DNA of what was left
of Yui's body after her accident. As to her soul, well let me first ask
you who you think the soul is.
Er well the earth is only around 4.5 billion, the latest estimate on the
age of the universe is around 15 to 20 billion though.
hmmm nice question that , rei's soul from what I perceived has been
derived from yui's conciousness . I think mentality would be a better
word than soul here though , because evan she says she is her own soul
, though the angel she confronts , before she was killed (again!)
tells her its not.
Pfft. Since when does NGE have to make logical sense? ^_~
Since always! :P
What happened to yer name?
Have you seen EoE? Or half of my posts on the matter? Do you mind being
told the truth?
While I await yer answers I'm going to contemplate why I'm being so nice!
> What happened to yer name?
Unit-01 ate it. ;_;
Okay, actually, my dad realized, "Oh my God, my daughter posts on newsgroups
with her real name! Mad rapists are going to track her down and kidnap her!"
Ahem. So I switched it to my most common internet alias.
So you just sign off with yer real name now?
Well I'm no kidnapping rapist but I can track you down and bombard you
with NGE stuff!
Which is evil enough.
But you can do much more evil things. You could even make her write
BTW: what were the dates when Evangelion was sent first? I did not find
it in Pen³'s FAQ list - only the year numbers. Maybe this could be
Which is evil enough.
But you can do much more evil things. You could even make her write
BTW: what were the dates when Evangelion was sent first? I did not find
it in Penł's FAQ list - only the year numbers. Maybe this could be
From what I've read here, the series SEEMS to take place from about 13 Sept
2015 to 16 August 2016. It seems like it's possible Asuka turned 14 shortly
before she arrived on the scene. But since there's no references to dates or
hollidays (Anno must not be a big "Christmas Special" otaku) who the hell
knows (besides Disaster).
Vaughn L.Porter
Anyone in need of an Electronics Tech?
Which do you seriously think is evil?
> But you can do much more evil things. You could even make her write
> fanfic.
Not likely. I have trouble getting Axel to write.
> BTW: what were the dates when Evangelion was sent first? I did not find
> it in Penł's FAQ list - only the year numbers. Maybe this could be
> added.
Have you tried the official JAE FAQ?
No, I meant when the series was first sent on TV.
Now I see my question has two meanings... not that what you understood
was not interesting.
Neon Genesis Evangelion began airing on the TV Tokyo
Network in Japan on October 3, 1995 and ended on March
27, 1996. At least that is what I wrote in a text file a while
ago, I can't remember where I got that information from
> Which do you seriously think is evil?
That statement was not serious. But it might be enough to make the
father think it's evil. Many people think "all anime is pr0n", and
that's enough to consider it evil.
> > SCNR
> >
> > BTW: what were the dates when Evangelion was sent first? I did not find
> > it in Pen³'s FAQ list - only the year numbers. Maybe this could be
> > added.
> Have you tried the official JAE FAQ?
I did.
| "* The 26 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion were first aired in Japan in
| 1995-1996. A few changes had to be made at that time, like removing actual
| brand names or "sexual content" (feminine underwear, Ritsuko naked before
| Seele,...) Gainax also wanted to have 30-second reviews, but had to
| shorten them to 15-second ones.
No date, just year numbers. Or did I oversee something?
So what yer saying is that we have no evidence of your conversation with
your text file!? ;P~
That statement was not serious. But it might be enough to make the
father think it's evil. Many people think "all anime is pr0n", and
that's enough to consider it evil.
Well, I just said NGE, if we keep that on the package he might not pick up
on it.
> > SCNR
> >
> > BTW: what were the dates when Evangelion was sent first? I did not
> > it in Penł's FAQ list - only the year numbers. Maybe this could be
> > added.
> Have you tried the official JAE FAQ?
I did.
| "* The 26 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion were first aired in
Japan in
| 1995-1996. A few changes had to be made at that time, like removing
| brand names or "sexual content" (feminine underwear, Ritsuko naked
| Seele,...) Gainax also wanted to have 30-second reviews, but had to
| shorten them to 15-second ones.
No date, just year numbers. Or did I oversee something?
Not that I know of. I have not actually read the thing, I don't know it
word for word I just helped babble it's contents into existence.
Actually no I havent managed to see EoE ( its kindoff the boondocks
out here for anime fans) and no I dont mind any truths etc .
Great, well then consider this a spoiler warning for everyone who actually
Rei is the host of the soul of Lilith.
Rei is a clone, from the remaining DNA of Yui during her "accident"
Rei is the body of Yui and the soul of Lilith. Rei is also her own person
as the soul is confused for most of the show and believes itself to be a
teenaged girl going through the life that we see her going through. Thus
her ATF holds onto the form we see.
Others may elaborate on this but basically this is the bottom line.
Heres another question since everyone is being friendly lately - in
the dubs of eve , quite often they refer to the evangelions as robots
,but from what I understand they're more of a lifeform incased in
armour. Is there any theories or faqs maybe from the creators on how
the eva's are supposed to work?
What you are hearing are the lies that have been spread around by NERV.
Everyone in the series (or most rather) is meant to think that they are
robots, not some giant copy of a human or Angel. Of course it becomes
somewhat apparent to everyone in the first battle that the Eva's are
organic. ;)
Indeed , but how organic , because that entry plug goes into the eva
somehow , not just pat of its armor , so there must be some mechanical
part to it.
Well, from the scene's and diagrams that have been pointed out and shown
to us here in the JAE I'd compare the EP to something like a pace maker.
Only interfaced with the brain rather then the heart.