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Would anyone like to see Rei Ayanami with her own TV series/OVA?

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I Hate Spam

2003/11/17 22:36:152003/11/17
"Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> I'm actually surprised that GAINAX has not already done this,
> considering the immense popularity of Ayanami-chan in Japan.


Evangelion Z - Rei goes Super EVA Level 3 to defeat the 19th Angel

EVA: Try - Sorceress Rei and Unit 00 fight for truth and justice against
Shabraningdo, Darkstar, et al.

Magical Girl Ayanami - SEELE's Hate Hate Monsters meet their match in the
cheerful and kawai Pretty Rei. Throw in Ryo Ohki and Chu Chu and you have a
winner of a series!

Revolutionary Girl Ayanami - Duels for the honor of the Rose Groom Shinji
after seeing Asuka slapping him in the watermelon patch.

Ayanami, the Housekeeping Albino - "Master Gendo is sooo goood to me!"

EVAMon - Ash: "Charizard, I choose you!" Rei: "Ramiel, I choose you.
Particle beam." ZZZAP! "Uh oh, no more Jhoto League..."

Frank White

2003/11/18 8:44:332003/11/18
In article <>, says...

>"Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> I'm actually surprised that GAINAX has not already done this,
>> considering the immense popularity of Ayanami-chan in Japan.
>Evangelion Z - Rei goes Super EVA Level 3 to defeat the 19th Angel

This is an absolutely evil concept and I'm suprised no one has
done it.

(Imagines NGE being done in the style of Dragonball and
bursts into tears at the idea of fights against Angels
lasting over multiple episodes, and 62 seconds becoming
an eternity...)

>EVA: Try - Sorceress Rei and Unit 00 fight for truth and justice against
>Shabraningdo, Darkstar, et al.

I rather like this one...

>Magical Girl Ayanami - SEELE's Hate Hate Monsters meet their match in
>cheerful and kawai Pretty Rei. Throw in Ryo Ohki and Chu Chu and you
have a
>winner of a series!

I'd prefer Magical Girl Langley: "In the name of the Moon,

She gets into it more...

>Revolutionary Girl Ayanami - Duels for the honor of the Rose Groom
>after seeing Asuka slapping him in the watermelon patch.

After seeing Asuka, Misato, Ritsuko, Gendo, and a cast of thousands
slapping him around in the watermelon patch...

>Ayanami, the Housekeeping Albino - "Master Gendo is sooo goood to me!"

And this is different from NGE... how? :(

>EVAMon - Ash: "Charizard, I choose you!" Rei: "Ramiel, I choose you.
>Particle beam." ZZZAP! "Uh oh, no more Jhoto League..."

Boy, I bet the bill for THAT would put a dent in NERV's budget...



2003/11/18 11:42:412003/11/18
i have no comment ^^'''

"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote in message

I Hate Spam

2003/11/18 23:26:192003/11/18
"Fata Morgana" <> wrote in message

> "Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> > I'm actually surprised that GAINAX has not already done this,
> > considering the immense popularity of Ayanami-chan in Japan.
> >
> > A short series, or perhaps a one-off OVA further exploring Rei's
> > character would be a guaranteed money-spinner.
> Yes, GAINAX ought to make a Rei series, preferably making it as cliche as
> possible. It could be like a "robot maid" series, except that the main
> character would be less life-like.

I see it in my minds eye... Big E!

Norman: Master Shinji, we're getting a report of a giant robot!

Shinji: OK Norman. Rei, what do you make of it? And why do you insist on
playing that violin?! You're never going to
sound like a *human* does!

Rei: I was made to be the mother of humanity, therefore I must play the

Shinji: Never mind, what should I expect from a Wainwright anyway? Oh well,
at least she makes decent scrambled eggs.


2003/11/21 20:39:582003/11/21
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 22:36:15 -0500, "I Hate Spam"
<> wrote:

>Evangelion Z - Rei goes Super EVA Level 3 to defeat the 19th Angel
>EVA: Try - Sorceress Rei and Unit 00 fight for truth and justice against
>Shabraningdo, Darkstar, et al.
>Magical Girl Ayanami - SEELE's Hate Hate Monsters meet their match in the
>cheerful and kawai Pretty Rei. Throw in Ryo Ohki and Chu Chu and you have a
>winner of a series!
>Revolutionary Girl Ayanami - Duels for the honor of the Rose Groom Shinji
>after seeing Asuka slapping him in the watermelon patch.
>Ayanami, the Housekeeping Albino - "Master Gendo is sooo goood to me!"
>EVAMon - Ash: "Charizard, I choose you!" Rei: "Ramiel, I choose you.
>Particle beam." ZZZAP! "Uh oh, no more Jhoto League..."

La Blue Ayanami?

Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 339380091

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...

/ HENTAI \========@
/ ___________________ \
\/ _===============_ \/


2003/11/23 12:54:402003/11/23
Touched By An Evangelion:

Rei wanders the city searching for depressed, uncommunicative women with
poetical inner dialogs. Sadly, these women never leave their apartments so
Rei is unable to find anyone more depressed than she is. Cancelled after one

Changing Ayanamis:

Families return to their homes to discover that Rei Ayanami has been there
and has redecorated with steel panels and a cot . Although "Better Homes and
Rubble" praises her use of the "Tokyo 3 minimalist style", few people seem
to appreciate her accessorizing their homes with clean panties and bloody

Cancelled in the first season due to excessive lawsuits

Everybody Loves Rei, Mon:

Actually, no one does, mon.

Law & Ayanami:

Each week a Rei clone is arrested by a pair of Rei clones investigating a
crime. Assistant DA Rei clone presents the case in front of judge Rei clone
and the outcome is decided by a jury of her peer Rei clones. Most cases end
in acquittal because of mistaken identity. Series is in its 15th season.

Suvivor: Ayanami Island:

10 Rei clones are stranded on a deserted island and forced to participate in
meaningless activities to eliminate the contestants one by one. Last
season's climax came when the food ran out and the clones ate each other.

MTV's Rei Rules:

Imagine, an RV filled with Ayanami clones traveling cross country performing
elimination stunts. Since the clones have no personalities or any
intelligence, this is a big winner with the MTV demographic. Watch out for
the Rei clone, she is a bitch.

Queer Eye for the Ayanamai Guy:

A team of Rei clones finds well adjusted, well dressed people and makes-them
over into withdrawn depressives.

CSA:Crime Scene Ayanami:
Each week Rei uses subtle forensic techniques to find the killer of the Rei
clones in the tank. Series seems rather pointless since Dr.Akagai already

MTV's Rei World: Tokyo 3:

A group of Rei clones sit around a decrepit but trendy apartment. Sometimes
it almost looks like someone is going to say something. From the produces of
Rei Rules.


"Cheese means cheese"

"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote in message

I Hate Spam

2003/11/23 22:03:412003/11/23
"ten/mark" <> wrote in message
> Touched By An Evangelion:
[other great concepts snipped]

Angel Hunter! Down Under Rei and her sidekick Shinji take us on an
expedition to capture a wild Angel.

The Ikari/Ayanami News Hour - Rei is the ultimate talking head.

The EVA! True Hollywood Story - Rei Ayanami, neglected and used, but got her
revenge on Gendo!

Talk LCL Soup - The Third Impact is the "Clip of the Century"

Monty Python and the Third Impact - The EVA's square off against Spiny

Party of Three - The EVA pilots in a twisted soap opera

The Travel Channel's "Dullest Hotels of Tokyo-3" - Rei is the perfect
hostess (the anti-Samantha Brown)

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

2003/11/24 8:04:392003/11/24


In Germany we have a TV series for children called 'Sandmaennchen'.
When it is time that good children go to bed the small sandman (das
Sandmaennchen) comes with it's sand and makes them tired.

Rei would be ideal for an anime version of that :->

Good night,

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

James M

2003/11/24 17:00:472003/11/24
you forgot
Eva Junkyard Wars
Contestants race to build common devices from leftover Eva
prototypes. Canceled 1st season due to long uncomfotable pauses and
contestants inability to syncronize with their creations

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