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Long Shutter Delay

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2003/06/13 11:54:392003/06/13
Using Olympus 3040 with a 256 memory card (not Olympus) and loving it.
One problem, however, is driving me crazy.
Shutter delay, from the time button is pressed until the picture is
actually taken is excessive ... about 1-2 seconds. When trying to
capture a moment, this is a big problem because the action is usually
past by the time the picture is actually taken. I am aware of
pre-focusing by holding the shutter release half-way, but this does not
work in the situations I need.

Is there any way to shorten this delay time? Are there any cameras out
there ( 3 megapixels would be sufficient) which have a very short
shutter delay?

Anthony Giorgianni

2003/06/13 15:44:152003/06/13
Mort -- this same post appeared from you on June 9 and has responses. You
may want to check there.

Anthony Giorgianni

(I prefer that you reply by posting back to the newsgroup. If you must
email: remove "killspam" from reply address. This email address will be
valid for a short time only.)

"Mort" <> wrote in message


2003/06/13 16:11:252003/06/13

"Mort" <> wrote in message
> Using Olympus 3040 with a 256 memory card (not Olympus) and loving it.
> One problem, however, is driving me crazy.
> Shutter delay, from the time button is pressed until the picture is
> actually taken is excessive ... about 1-2 seconds. When trying to
> capture a moment, this is a big problem because the action is usually
> past by the time the picture is actually taken. I am aware of
> pre-focusing by holding the shutter release half-way, but this does not
> work in the situations I need.
> Is there any way to shorten this delay time?

Develop your precognitive instincts. ;)

> Are there any cameras out
> there ( 3 megapixels would be sufficient) which have a very short
> shutter delay?

The Minolta F-x00 series was the quickest that /I've/ used so far.

I played alot with the F-200 and F-300 (maybe there's no "-" in the
name??) The F200 is 4.1MP if I remember right and the F300 is 5.3MP.

Both are the same speed of shutter lag and while I have no first
hand expirience I think F100 is the same as well. I used 200 & 300 in
a wide veriety of lighting conditions and the first thing I picked
up on was the very noticable lack of lag these little cameras have.

They have some other specifications that are edge over the competition
too but I'll let you read that for yourself:

BTW, I've see the F200s selling around town here (in japan) for about
$170 ~ $200 (USD) so for that price it makes a perfect pocket snap
camera too.

Also just to qualify this reply a little for you I have expirience
with 14 other camera models. 6 Nikons, 3 Olympuses, 1 Pentax,
2 FujiFilms, and now 2 Cannons. You'll never get me to touch
any camera made by Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, or Samsung so I
don't know about them.


2003/06/13 16:20:462003/06/13

"Anthony Giorgianni" <> wrote in message news:jQpGa.4355$

> Mort -- this same post appeared from you on June 9 and has responses. You
> may want to check there.

Oh, it IS the same guy... I kinda thought so... :-/


2003/06/13 21:38:092003/06/13
Anthony Giorgianni wrote:

>Mort -- this same post appeared from you on June 9 and has responses. You
>may want to check there.

I've been having newsgoup problems with my ISP. I cannot access the
earlier posts, that's why it is repeated here.

Anthony Giorgianni

2003/06/15 21:17:062003/06/15
Oh, I see. Well here is what I said. Probably wasn't useful then and
probably won't be now, but here it is anyways -

Here is some info on the timing of that camera.

The shutter release lag is tiny. Perhaps it is the focusing mechanism that's
creating the problem, as the review indicates? Does it have continuous focus
mode? That may reduce the focusing time, though it will increase battery
use. I don't see any mention of it in the review. Otherwise, I can't see why
it is taking so long from button press to shutter movement. It should be
pretty quick.

Anthony Giorgianni

"Mort" <> wrote in message

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