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2004/01/15 16:13:212004/01/15
Love him or loathe him, you cannot deny that the Goatse Man and his
dilated anus have had a huge impact on popular culture in the past
five years, at least as far as the internet is concerned. I'm sure
that most people at one time or another have either been pranked or
pranked others with the front page of his site, used his image in your
photoshop works or simply gawped at the limits to which the human body
can be taken.

The web simply would not be the same without him.

It seems however that Goatse's days are numbered, thanks to the
Christmas Island Internet Administration

Quoted directly from the main page of

>The CX Registry has shut off the domain suddenly and without warning.
>They have cowardly cited a section of their AUP with allows them to remove sites at their discretion.
>Please e-mail with your opinion of this matter.

It has been theorised that this may be due more to politics than any
breach of terms - that Goatse has become an embarrassment and a
liability to the Christmas Island authorities by nature of being by
far the most famous *.cx site on the web and generating a bad
reputation for the island.

I've posted to the groups I regularly read in the hope that some of
you, whether from a Goatse fanboy or freedom of expression viewpoint
(does a stretched anus count as 'free speech'? You decide), might make
your feelings known to the powers that be (at the address above) in an
attempt to save an internet legend from oblivion.

An online petition has also been created to the same effect (not by
me, I might add).

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will now get back to my
usual business of drooling over Ayanami-chan.
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 339380091

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...

/ HENTAI \========@
/ ___________________ \
\/ _===============_ \/


2004/01/15 17:33:422004/01/15

Good Lord, how often do you go there, that you saw this?


Adam Haun

2004/01/15 17:48:272004/01/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:33:42 -0500, Drinian <>

>Good Lord, how often do you go there, that you saw this?

It's been popping up here and there on net news sites. I saw it on
Kuro5hin this morning.

Although the page states that the domain was shut off "suddenly and
without warning", it still appears to be up and running. Yes, I am
irrepressably curious, why do you ask? :)

Since is now under the PetitionOnline Curse, I don't think
the site has much of a future.

Adam Haun
"If you're wondering what the hell I'm doing subtracting
particles from each other, well, that's quantum mechanics."
--The Usenet Physics FAQ


2004/01/15 17:49:472004/01/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:33:42 -0500, Drinian <>

>Good Lord, how often do you go there, that you saw this?

Well, I need to get my fix somehow and Tubgirl is just sooo


I guess that means that we won't be getting the long-awaited Goatse
merchandise in the foreseeable future either... :(


2004/01/15 17:55:412004/01/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 22:48:27 GMT, (Adam Haun)

>Although the page states that the domain was shut off "suddenly and
>without warning", it still appears to be up and running. Yes, I am
>irrepressably curious, why do you ask? :)

AFAIK, it's a case of the CIIA informing the Goatse Man that he will
not be allowed to renew ownership of the domain when it expires.

I wonder exactly what percentage of the current traffic to *.cx sites
can be attributed to Goase?

>Since is now under the PetitionOnline Curse, I don't think
>the site has much of a future.

PetitionOnline Curse?

The Eternal Lost Lurker

2004/01/15 18:00:162004/01/15

Psaiyan wrote:
> Love him or loathe him, you cannot deny that the Goatse Man and his
> dilated anus have had a huge impact on popular culture in the past
> five years, at least as far as the internet is concerned. I'm sure
> that most people at one time or another have either been pranked or
> pranked others with the front page of his site, used his image in your
> photoshop works or simply gawped at the limits to which the human body
> can be taken.
> The web simply would not be the same without him.
> It seems however that Goatse's days are numbered, thanks to the
> Christmas Island Internet Administration
> Quoted directly from the main page of


Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Pity we can't get rid of Psaiyan the same way.

I'm not impressed by giant breasts.
I think they're a mess.
But I digress.
The Eternal Lost Lurker

Adam Haun

2004/01/15 18:09:132004/01/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 22:55:41 +0000, Psaiyan
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>>Since is now under the PetitionOnline Curse, I don't think
>>the site has much of a future.
>PetitionOnline Curse?

Starting an internet petition is the least effective way of creating a
change. Thus, movements that are reduced to using PO to get their
point across are cursed to ineffectiveness.


2004/01/15 18:33:432004/01/15
Psaiyan wrote:

> It has been theorised that this may be due more to politics than any
> breach of terms - that Goatse has become an embarrassment and a
> liability to the Christmas Island authorities by nature of being by
> far the most famous *.cx site on the web and generating a bad
> reputation for the island.
> I've posted to the groups I regularly read in the hope that some of
> you, whether from a Goatse fanboy or freedom of expression viewpoint
> (does a stretched anus count as 'free speech'? You decide), might make
> your feelings known to the powers that be (at the address above) in an
> attempt to save an internet legend from oblivion.
> An online petition has also been created to the same effect (not by
> me, I might add).
> Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will now get back to my
> usual business of drooling over Ayanami-chan.

Let him find another host to annoy us on. His old one shouldn't be forced
to carry it. I won't support freedom of speach when it tramples over
property rights.

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye.

Rachel Oliver

2004/01/15 18:49:232004/01/15
Psaiyan wrote:

> An online petition has also been created to the same effect (not by
> me, I might add).
> Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will now get back to my
> usual business of drooling over Ayanami-chan.

Yeah, I heard about this last night.

[01/14/04 21:35:46] <TripleRach> Someone should start a save goatse petition

I didn't think anyone would actually make one, though. But I signed, for no
particular reason.

Vegeta SSJ4

2004/01/15 18:55:532004/01/15
anything that rachel writes is BAD

Rachel Oliver

2004/01/15 19:14:032004/01/15
Vegeta SSJ4 wrote:

> anything that rachel writes is BAD

Such nice things you say.

Pahsons - Somnolent

2004/01/15 19:16:472004/01/15
Falling asleep through The Eternal Lost Lurker's post...

> *snip*
> Good riddance to bad rubbish.
> Pity we can't get rid of Psaiyan the same way.

PPV is a corner stone of AFD. Too bad you'll never be accepted...

Owner of the following: Henry Cotter - A.G.F.F., Eric Dreher AND mark
digital© - A.A.T., wiru the tired - A.F.D., and that Gino guy who keeps
chaning his nick on A.A.Acura.

Pahsons - Somnolent

2004/01/15 19:18:012004/01/15
Falling asleep through Psaiyan's post...


What good does it for anyone to "sing" the petition?

> I sing my name here because I think that even I know that the webpage is
> very offensive

Fucking doomed from the start


2004/01/15 19:27:572004/01/15
Is this where we all collectively yawn?

"Psaiyan" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message


2004/01/15 19:42:432004/01/15
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 00:18:01 GMT, "Pahsons - Somnolent"
<> wrote:

>Falling asleep through Psaiyan's post...
>What good does it for anyone to "sing" the petition?
>> I sing my name here because I think that even I know that the webpage is
>> very offensive
>Fucking doomed from the start

For fuck's sake!

<bangs head on desk>

I knew that I should have taken the initiative and written the fucking
petition myself as soon as I heard the news...


2004/01/15 20:10:092004/01/15
If I don't respond to this Pahsons - Somnolent post, the terrorists win.

> Falling asleep through The Eternal Lost Lurker's post...
>> *snip*
>> Good riddance to bad rubbish.
>> Pity we can't get rid of Psaiyan the same way.
> PPV is a corner stone of AFD. Too bad you'll never be accepted...

Which would mean SOOOO much more if he hadn't crossposted to RAAM.

The fact that he's an AFD oldhat doesn't make him any less annoying at

(And frankly, I'm stunned lasted this long. Tubgirl next!)

My name is:
____ _
/ ___| | |
| |__ _ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ __ | | mysterysciencefreezer
| __|| '__/ _ \/ _ \/_ // _ \| '__|| | (My MSTings)
| | | | __/ __/ / /| __/| | |_|
|_| |_| \___|\___||___|\___||_| (_) (Rasslin' type subjects)

And my anti-drug is porn.


2004/01/15 21:28:272004/01/15
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, sanjian wrote:

> Let him find another host to annoy us on. His old one shouldn't be forced
> to carry it. I won't support freedom of speach when it tramples over
> property rights.

Yeah, I think how the law goes is that freedom of speech stops
once you sign a private contract effectively waiving it,
like ISP terms of agreement (you sign to follow their rules).
Or online games, maybe.

Though there are exceptions about private property,
like private malls pretty much treated as public places.

Laters. =)

_______ ________ _______ ____ ___ ___ ______ ______
| __|__ __| _ | \ | | | | _____| _____|
|__ | | | | _ | |\ | |___| ____|| ____|
|_______| |__| |__| |__|___| \ ___|_______|______|______|
__| | ( )
/ _ | |/ Stanlee stanlee[at]cif[dot]rochester[dot]edu
| ( _| | Dometita
\ ______| _______ ____ ___
/ \ / \ | _ | \ | |
/ \/ \| _ | |\ |
/___/\/\___|__| |__|___| \ ___|

Griff McCarthy

2004/01/15 21:39:542004/01/15
"sanjian" <> wrote in message news:<vrFNb.2667$dd6.1145@lakeread02>...

> Let him find another host to annoy us on. His old one shouldn't be forced
> to carry it. I won't support freedom of speach when it tramples over
> property rights.
> Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye.

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for the Goatse Man,
and I didn't speak up,
because I thought that gaping anuses were gross.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
could be in the air.


2004/01/15 21:53:492004/01/15
If I don't respond to this Griff McCarthy post, the terrorists win.

> It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
> Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
> could be in the air.

Eggagerate massively, much?

(Is invoking the Holocaust also invoking Godwin's Law?)

The Eternal Lost Lurker

2004/01/15 21:53:272004/01/15

"Griff McCarthy" <> wrote in message

> It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
> Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
> could be in the air.

Dude, it's goatse.

Nobody in their right mind will miss it. c.c


2004/01/15 22:31:392004/01/15
"Pahsons - Somnolent" <> wrote in

> PPV is a corner stone of AFD.

When the fuck did that happen?

Seru isu Iviru! Laatsu ofu Puuru Fiishu Dai!

Rudolf Polzer

2004/01/16 1:00:182004/01/16
Scripsit istud »The Eternal Lost Lurker« <os...@raspberry.hv>:

> "Griff McCarthy" <> wrote in message
> > It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
> > Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
> > could be in the air.
> Dude, it's goatse.
> Nobody in their right mind will miss it. c.c


Write once, crash everywhere.

Würde man Java-Anwendungen einfach verbieten, dann wäre das Leben der
Admins um vieles leichter. [Holger Marzen in de.comp.os.unix.discussion]

Ethan Hammond

2004/01/16 6:25:562004/01/16
> Good riddance to bad rubbish.

It was disgusting, disgraceful, and despicable.

All Purpose Cultural Randomness

Steven Scott

2004/01/16 13:00:442004/01/16

"Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote in message

> Scripsit istud »The Eternal Lost Lurker« <os...@raspberry.hv>:
> > Dude, it's goatse.
> >
> > Nobody in their right mind will miss it. c.c
> Right.

Do you really think anyone is going to click a mystery link like that during a
discussion about *goatse?* :-P

Visit the Groening Fanworks Central -


2004/01/16 13:37:202004/01/16
S.t.A.n.L.e.E wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, sanjian wrote:
>> Let him find another host to annoy us on. His old one shouldn't be
>> forced to carry it. I won't support freedom of speach when it
>> tramples over property rights.
> Yeah, I think how the law goes is that freedom of speech stops
> once you sign a private contract effectively waiving it,
> like ISP terms of agreement (you sign to follow their rules).
> Or online games, maybe.
> Though there are exceptions about private property,
> like private malls pretty much treated as public places.

True, but that doesn't mean I like it. I think the right to property should
be one of the highest rights, just below life.


2004/01/16 13:49:232004/01/16

And if we force his old ISP to take him back, you'll have Stalin and
Chairman Mao's death toll (both of who eclipse Hitler's). Wake up, this
isn't censorship, it's about the ISP's rights to decide what -their- servers
will display to the world. If Goatse wants to put his shit up for the world
to see, let him find another place to host it.

And, on top of that, let's not elevate Goatse man above his station. His
site is neither art, nor political speach. While I agree that it should be
protected from -government- (bold, italic, double underlined and surrounded
by stars... then highlighted in yellow, just for good measure) censorship,
it's hardly a meritorious human achievement.

Oh, and check your facts. The Nazi's managed to murder 15 million, 6
million is just the Jewish count.


2004/01/16 14:16:172004/01/16
Psaiyan <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...
> Love him or loathe him, you cannot deny that the Goatse Man and his
> dilated anus have had a huge impact on popular culture in the past
> five years, at least as far as the internet is concerned.

Sorry David, I've never heard of "Goatse Man" prior to this post.


2004/01/16 14:21:292004/01/16
"The Eternal Lost Lurker" <os...@raspberry.hv> wrote in message news:<HmINb.408$>...

> "Griff McCarthy" <> wrote in message
> >
> > It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
> > Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
> > could be in the air.
> Dude, it's goatse.
> Nobody in their right mind will miss it. c.c

Nobody in their right mind would visit it. And since I made the
mistake of letting my curiousity get the better of me for a few
moments (too long, too long), I'm looking for the spoons to gouge out
my eyes and remove the segment of my brain that recorded the brief
image I saw there.


2004/01/16 14:28:422004/01/16
"sanjian" <> wrote in

>> It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
>> Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
>> could be in the air.
> And if we force his old ISP to take him back, you'll have Stalin and
> Chairman Mao's death toll (both of who eclipse Hitler's). Wake up,
> this isn't censorship, it's about the ISP's rights to decide what
> -their- servers will display to the world. If Goatse wants to put his
> shit up for the world to see, let him find another place to host it.

It's not his ISP. It's the .cx *registrar*. The company that controls the
.cx zone is the one that decided they did not want a domain.

[root@inuyasha root]# whois -h

Registrant Information:

Domain Name:
Creation Date: 2001-07-10 09:35:12
Expiration Date: 2005-01-06 00:00:00
Last Modified: 2004-01-14 17:43:08



Registrar: CITC (
Whois Server:

If it was his provider, there would be no problem, he most likely would
have been back up in a few days. There is no shortage of webhosting
companies out there.


2004/01/16 17:01:092004/01/16
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 19:28:42 +0000 (UTC), FT <>

>It's not his ISP. It's the .cx *registrar*. The company that controls the
>.cx zone is the one that decided they did not want a domain.

>If it was his provider, there would be no problem, he most likely would

>have been back up in a few days. There is no shortage of webhosting
>companies out there.

Yes indeed. He's come back from losing webhosts before (which is to be
expected with such a controversial site) - but now for the first time,
the very existence of itself is threatened.

Michael Lo

2004/01/16 17:49:062004/01/16
To: (AstroNerdBoy) wrote in message news:<>...

And considering it's a recommendation by PPV, I wouldn't want
to either

Rudolf Polzer

2004/01/16 18:48:372004/01/16
Scripsit ille »Steven Scott« <>:

> "Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote in message
> > Scripsit istud »The Eternal Lost Lurker« <os...@raspberry.hv>:
> > > Dude, it's goatse.
> > >
> > > Nobody in their right mind will miss it. c.c
> >
> > Right.
> >
> >
> Do you really think anyone is going to click a mystery link like that during a
> discussion about *goatse?* :-P

Actually, now.

It isn't goatse but a goatse parody, probably even suitable for small

Ubjrire, gurl cebonoyl jba'g haqrefgnaq jul gur yrggref "YHAVK" naq
"FPB" ner jevggra ba gung zna'f G-Fuveg.

Du fingst mit Einem heimlich an,
Bald kommen ihrer mehre dran,
Und wenn dich erst ein Dutzend hat,
So hat dich auch die ganze Stadt.


2004/01/16 19:25:412004/01/16

That's what you get for not hearing about it before. ;p

Laters. =)

_______ ________ _______ ____ ___ ___ ______ ______
| __|__ __| _ | \ | | | | _____| _____|
|__ | | | | _ | |\ | |___| ____|| ____|
|_______| |__| |__| |__|___| \ ___|_______|______|______|
__| | ( )
/ _ | |/ Stanlee stanlee[at]cif[dot]rochester[dot]edu
| ( _| | Dometita
\ ______| _______ ____ ___
/ \ / \ | _ | \ | |
/ \/ \| _ | |\ |

/___/\/\___|__| |__|___| \ ___|


2004/01/16 21:35:312004/01/16
In article <_mWNb.4679$dd6.4427@lakeread02>,
"sanjian" <> wrote:

> And if we force his old ISP to take him back, you'll have Stalin and
> Chairman Mao's death toll (both of who eclipse Hitler's). Wake up, this
> isn't censorship, it's about the ISP's rights to decide what -their- servers
> will display to the world. If Goatse wants to put his shit up for the world
> to see, let him find another place to host it.

Um, no.

This has nothing to do with ISPs. In fact, it's still there at http:// if you dare to look.

It lost its DOMAIN NAME instead. So now the only way to get there is
either to go to the link above, or stick the appropriate IP address and
host name in your hosts file.

It just won't be the same sending people to for trolling.


2004/01/16 22:25:102004/01/16
FT wrote:
> "sanjian" <> wrote in
> news:_mWNb.4679$dd6.4427@lakeread02:
>>> It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
>>> Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning
>>> corpses could be in the air.
>> And if we force his old ISP to take him back, you'll have Stalin and
>> Chairman Mao's death toll (both of who eclipse Hitler's). Wake up,
>> this isn't censorship, it's about the ISP's rights to decide what
>> -their- servers will display to the world. If Goatse wants to put
>> his shit up for the world to see, let him find another place to host
>> it.
> It's not his ISP. It's the .cx *registrar*. The company that controls
> the .cx zone is the one that decided they did not want a
> domain.

Interesting... I wonder what the setup is on the Christmas Island.
According to the CIA's website, the total population is 433 people, so I
guess that means this stuff likely falls under Aussie responsiblity (and
registration would be done by whoever the Austrailians register their domain
names with). Can anyone from down under shed some light on this?

Eric Schwartz

2004/01/16 22:43:212004/01/16
"sanjian" <> writes:
> Interesting... I wonder what the setup is on the Christmas Island.
> According to the CIA's website, the total population is 433 people, so I
> guess that means this stuff likely falls under Aussie responsiblity (and
> registration would be done by whoever the Austrailians register their domain
> names with). Can anyone from down under shed some light on this?

You don't need to be an aussie to figure it out. About 30 seconds
after googling for "Christmas Island Registrar", I found myself at
<URL:>, which says in part,

Christmas Island Internet Administration Limited* (CIIA) is a
community owned non-profit Christmas Island company... [which]
owns and operates the only ISP in the Territory on a
not-for-profit basis.

Their policies are linked to via an obnoxious Javascript menu at
<URL:>. A quick perusal of the
site's AUP (pointlessly in PDF) shows that content

..including, but not limited to pornographic material and images
or materials that are obscene or indecent, or any data that is or
has been intentionally constructed to be manipulated into obscene
or indecent images or material..

is prohibited.

Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million
typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare.
-- Blair Houghton.

Rudolf Polzer

2004/01/17 4:58:202004/01/17
Scripsit ille »Justin« <>:

> Rudolf Polzer wrote on [16 Jan 2004 23:48:37 GMT]:
> > Ubjrire, gurl cebonoyl jba'g haqrefgnaq jul gur yrggref "YHAVK" naq
> > "FPB" ner jevggra ba gung zna'f G-Fuveg.
> SCO can go to hell

I'm sure they will.

Probably they are now showing BSD-licensed code (before or after the
settlement, doesn't matter) to the court which is also contained in
Linux, hoping that nobody will notice. And the worst: such things might
actually work in the US.

i hope that anal monkeys will burrow up your anal cavity through your
intestines, your colon, and steal your kidneys and come out of your
ears, which will be a piece of cake for them because there'd only be
an amoeba sized brain blocking the exit. [MBVA in japan.anime.evangelion]


2004/01/17 10:57:472004/01/17
Eric Schwartz wrote:
> "sanjian" <> writes:
>> Interesting... I wonder what the setup is on the Christmas Island.
>> According to the CIA's website, the total population is 433 people,
>> so I guess that means this stuff likely falls under Aussie
>> responsiblity (and registration would be done by whoever the
>> Austrailians register their domain names with). Can anyone from
>> down under shed some light on this?
> You don't need to be an aussie to figure it out. About 30 seconds

No, but you do need to not be looking longingly towards your bed (alas, it
was empty ;_; ).

> after googling for "Christmas Island Registrar", I found myself at
> <URL:>, which says in part,
> Christmas Island Internet Administration Limited* (CIIA) is a
> community owned non-profit Christmas Island company... [which]
> owns and operates the only ISP in the Territory on a
> not-for-profit basis.

I'm not sure whether this would constitute a monopoly or not. Sure, it's
the only web host on the island, but it's not the only host in the available

> Their policies are linked to via an obnoxious Javascript menu at
> <URL:>. A quick perusal of the
> site's AUP (pointlessly in PDF) shows that content
> ..including, but not limited to pornographic material and images
> or materials that are obscene or indecent, or any data that is or
> has been intentionally constructed to be manipulated into obscene
> or indecent images or material..
> is prohibited.

Sounds like he violated his ISP's terms of use, unless I'm misreading.


2004/01/17 13:01:442004/01/17
In article <>, (AstroNerdBoy) wrote:

> Nobody in their right mind would visit it. And since I made the
> mistake of letting my curiousity get the better of me for a few
> moments (too long, too long), I'm looking for the spoons to gouge out
> my eyes and remove the segment of my brain that recorded the brief
> image I saw there.

If you really want to dislodge it from your brain, tubgirl should be
able to give you that cerebral enema you need. :-)


2004/01/17 13:41:052004/01/17

You know, this thread is great for weightloss. It's making me pull my best
impression of bulemia.

Pahsons - Somnolent

2004/01/17 19:34:342004/01/17
Falling asleep through Griff McCarthy's post...

> Then they came

I call Godwin, since noone else did

Owner of the following: Henry Cotter - A.G.F.F., Eric Dreher AND mark
digital© - A.A.T., wiru the tired - A.F.D., and that Gino guy who keeps
chaning his nick on A.A.Acura.


2004/01/17 19:53:162004/01/17
Pahsons - Somnolent wrote:
> Falling asleep through Griff McCarthy's post...
>> Then they came
> I call Godwin, since noone else did

Most of us fell into the huge holes in Griff's logic and couldn't make our
way out to notice.

Pahsons - Somnolent

2004/01/17 21:56:472004/01/17
Falling asleep through sanjian's post...

There was no logic. But there were huge holes, yes

Chris Mattern

2004/01/17 22:33:332004/01/17
Pahsons - Somnolent wrote:
> Falling asleep through sanjian's post...
>>Pahsons - Somnolent wrote:
>>>Falling asleep through Griff McCarthy's post...
>>>>Then they came
>>>I call Godwin, since noone else did
>>Most of us fell into the huge holes in Griff's logic and couldn't make
>>our way out to notice.
> There was no logic. But there were huge holes, yes

Certainly *one* huge hole, in any case...

Chris Mattern


2004/01/18 8:53:072004/01/18
In article <>,

Justin <> wrote:
> Rudolf Polzer wrote on [16 Jan 2004 23:48:37 GMT]:
> > Ubjrire, gurl cebonoyl jba'g haqrefgnaq jul gur yrggref "YHAVK" naq
> > "FPB" ner jevggra ba gung zna'f G-Fuveg.

> SCO can go to hell

That's where they have their HQ, right next to Micro$oft.


2004/01/18 9:32:262004/01/18
Pahsons - Somnolent wrote:
> Falling asleep through sanjian's post...
>> Pahsons - Somnolent wrote:
>>> Falling asleep through Griff McCarthy's post...
>>>> Then they came
>>> I call Godwin, since noone else did
>> Most of us fell into the huge holes in Griff's logic and couldn't
>> make our way out to notice.
> There was no logic. But there were huge holes, yes

Did I mention the holes were rather large? ^o^


2004/01/18 9:50:012004/01/18
In article <6OwOb.5804$dd6.2971@lakeread02>,

sanjian <> wrote:
> >>>> Then they came
> >>>
> >>> I call Godwin, since noone else did
> >>
> >> Most of us fell into the huge holes in Griff's logic and couldn't
> >> make our way out to notice.
> >
> > There was no logic. But there were huge holes, yes

> Did I mention the holes were rather large? ^o^

But did you actually say how large these rather large holes were?


2004/01/18 14:11:032004/01/18

No, I couldn't see across the whole hole to get an estimate.

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